How to populate values to Map of a POJO in MyBatis - mybatis

I have a Java class that looks like this.
class Student {
private String studeID;
private String UUID;
private Map<String,Object> attributes;
And I have SQL to get students as follows.
Need to populate F_NAME, L_NAME, PHONE to Map<String,Object> attributes of class Student.
How can I achieve this in iBatis/MyBatis XML.


Open JPA for an element of type Array

We have a requirement to store the weekdays against a particular site. Below is the table structure. I couldn't able to map the text[] to the entity property. We are using the open JPA for the repository. Can someone suggest the solution to have String[] in Entity class.
Table :
site(id int, name varchar(50), weekdays text[]);
Entity Class:
public class Site {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String[] weekdays;

How can I change a value of an id attribute to its equivalent description in DTO class using mapstruct

I have a 1 entity class PersonEntity and corresponding to that I have Dto class
class PersonEntity{
String name;
String id;
class PersonDto{
String name;
String id;
String desc; (This is a lookup from a map with id attribute)
In my mapper class, I am able to change my entity list to Dto list with below code.
public interface MyMapper{
List<PersonDto> entityListToDtoList(<List<PersonEntity>)
How can I use my lookup map to get the description and set in my DTO class. I am not able to figure out how to determine the value with below code.
List<PersonDto> entityListToDtoList(<List<PersonEntity>,#Context Map<String,String> lookupMap)
You have to define the PersonEntity to PersonDto method and add a #Mapping with an expression for that. See the following example:
#Mapping( target = "desc", expression = "java(lookupMap.get(person.getId()))" )
PersonDto entityToDto(PersonEntity person, #Context Map<String, String> lookupMap);
List<PersonDto> entityListToDtoList(List<PersonEntity> persons, #Context Map<String, String> lookupMap);

Crieria API query using criteriabuilder.construct with a non existing relationship

Given this very simple DTO:
public class Employee implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
private String name;
private Employee boss;
I'd like to make a query that gathers all employee names and their boss' id, put in a nice clean POJO:
public class EmployeeInfo {
private String name;
private Long bossId;
public EmployeeInfo(String name, Long bossId) { = name;
this.bossId = bossId;
This query should be of use:
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<EmployeeInfo> query = cb.createQuery(EmployeeInfo.class);
Root<Employee> root = query.from(Employee.class);
result = em.createQuery(query).getResultList();
When a bossId is present in the employee column this works just fine. But when no boss id is set the record will be completly ignored. So how do i treat this non existing boss relation as null or 0 for the construct/multiselect?
In pure SQL it is easy:
But for the love of god i cannot make the criteria api do this.
cb.coalesce(root.get("boss").get("id").as(Long.class), 0L)));
The problem is that root.get("boss") generate query with cross join like this from Employee employee, Employee boss where So records where is null are ignored.
To solve the problem you should use root.join("boss", JoinType.LEFT) instead of root.get("boss")

JPA Add extra fields by calling a function

How can I add an extra column in JPA query?
Suppose we have a table "users" created by following pseudocode:
create table users(name,birthdate);
User jpa entity is something like this :
public class User {
private String name;
private Date birthDate;
private int age;
//getters and setters are here
Note that the Age field is not exsists in the table
I want to write the following query in JQL using
and calculate age over the database
select u.*, sysdate-u.birthdate age from users
The problem is solved.
The query text is like :
String jql = "select NEW entity.User(,, u.birthDate, sysdate-u.birthDate as age) from User u";
and also a appropriate constructor is added to the entity
public User(int id, String name, Date birthDate, double age) { = id; = name;
this.birthDate = birthDate;
this.age = age;
and uses entitymanaget.createQuery(jql) instead of createNativeQuery
Usully i solve this problem using this way :
select new name.of.package.users(u.*, sysdate - u.birthdate as age) from users u;
It leads to ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected My Query
text is : String jql = "select new entity.User(u.*, sysdate-u.birthdate as age) from User u";
The query contain an error in :
select new entity.User(u.*, sysdate-u.birthdate as age) from User u
Possibly using a DB-View might help. Do you want the entity to be updateable? Would it be reasonable to have a "readonly"-entity derived from a kind of "maintenance"-entity which would contain the calculated columns by using a database-view as #Table?
create view usersview as name, birthdate, sysdate - birthdate as age from users;
public class UserExtended extends User {
If you don't want two different Entity-Classes (even when one is derived from the other), there would be some exploration necessary how JPA allows updating on views, if the dbms supports it (oracle does), I have no experience in that, sorry.

Filtering a list in Objectify using Ref

How do i filter a list of an entity in Objectify which has Ref to another entity. The list should be filtered out based on a String field in the Ref entity.
public class AccountEntity extends BaseEntity {
private String accountName;
private String accountNo;
private String description;
private Integer displayOrderNo;
private Boolean contra = false;
private AccountingAccountType accountType;
private Ref<AccountGroupEntity> accountGroup;
private List<AccountEntryEntity> accountLedgerEntries;
public AccountEntity() {
this is ref entity
filter code
A ref is a key, so you can filter the key by passing in either a Key, Key<>, Ref<> or #Entity pojo.
You cannot however filter on a property of the entity that the key points to. To do this you'll need to denormalise that property into a separate indexed list in this entity, or create a lookup entity, similar to a join table.