How do I copy a directory recursively and expand/resolve any symbolic links (symlinks) it contains in Swift? - swift

This SO answer shows how to copy a directory recursively and expand all the symlinks from the command line using bash. I cannot find the same functionality in Swift. Does such a function exist? How do I do this concisely in Swift? I could call this bash command from Swift, but would prefer a pure Swift solution.
FileManager.copyItem copies the symbolic links without resolving them.
This SO answer shows how to resolve a single symlink. However, I would prefer not to traverse the directory manually, checking if each item is symlink that needs to be resolved.

To the best of my knowledge you need to write file manager code that traverses the directory structure manually.


How to find files by words inside parentheses in filenames?

I have a bunch of files with filenames like Matroid (bifrons's conflicted copy 2019-11-19).scala due to problems of synchronization. I want to find this files to remove or manually correct the problems (merge the two versions of the file). I tried the command below:
$ find . -iname '*conflicted*'
But it returns nothing! Nada!
I am guessing this is because the word conflicted occurs inside parentheses, but this is just a conjecture. Anyway, why my command do not find the files? How can I find them?
Actually the problem had nothing to do with parentheses at all. It as a (silly) mistake of mine. The directory containing the files with the *conflicted* filename was actually a link and find does not follow links by default. After informing the option -L it worked perfectly.

matlab creating paths to stop copying code

I have created a few general function in MATLAB that I intend to use for a few separate projects. However I do not want to copy the function into each separate project function.
I have created a folder called Misc_Function when I have placed these general functions. I know I can reference this functions explicitly by using the path and function name when trying to call the functions.
I believe you can add a path (in my case 'H:\MyTeam\Matlab\Misc_Function') when MATLAB loads up is that correct and if so how do you do this?
Assuming the above can be done I'm interested to know how MATLAB finds the correct function. In my understanding (guess work) MATLAB has a list of paths that it check trying to find a function with the name specified - is that correct? If so what happens when there are functions with the same name?
MATLAB indeed has its own search path which is a collection of folders that MATLAB will search when you reference a function or class (and a few other things). To see the search path, type path at the MATLAB prompt. From the documentation:
The order of folders on the search path is important. When files with the same name appear in multiple folders on the search path, MATLAB uses the one found in the folder nearest to the top of the search path.
If you have a set of utility functions that you want to make available to your projects, add the folder to the top of the search path with the addpath function, like so
You have to do this everytime you start MATLAB. Alternatively, and more conveniently, save the current search path with the savepath command or add the above commands to your startup.m file.
You can check the actual paths where Matlab searches for functions using
You will notice, that the most top path (on start up) is a path in your home folder. For Linux this is e.g. /home/$USER/Documents/MATLAB. For Windows it is somewhere in the the c:\Users\%USER%\Documents\Matlab (I think). Placing a file startup.m in this folder allows to add additional paths using
on start up of Matlab. The latter (genpath) allows to also add all subdirectories. Simply write a file startup.m and add one of above lines there.
I believe 'addpath' will add the folder to MATLAB path only for the current MATLAB session. To save the updated path for other sessions, you need to execute 'savepath' command.
As mentioned in the previous comments, adding the folder in startup.m is a good idea since it will be added to the path on MATLAB startup.
To answer your question about how MATLAB finds the correct function, MATLAB maintains a list of directories in its path in a file called pathdef.m. Any changes to the path will be written to this file (when you execute 'savepath'). The path variable is initialized with the contents of this file.

Search for files with MATLAB

My question is how to use MATLAB to search for a certain type of files in a folder. I give an example to detail on my question:
Suppose we have the following folder as well as files in it:
In this example, I want to find all the .txt files in My_folder as well as its sub-folders. I was wondering what I could do with MATLAB. Thanks!
To my knowledge Matlab doesn't have an inbuilt function to do recursive directory searches, however there are a couple available for download on Matlab Central: here and here.
Alternatively you could write your own recursive function and use the dir function to search at each level for files matching your criterea or other directories to recurse into.
I agree with the Matlab Central options -- another method which I've used when MLC is not an option (no network, or customer computer, etc) is the quick and dirty dos commands:
dos(['dir /s/b ' mywildcard])
The /s will do a recursive directory search for whatever wildcards you specify, and /b will make it so you only get filenames (complete will full path, but no headers, file sizes, etc).
This is obviously platform dependant, so is mostly used when you are forced to work without your "standard" set of utilities you've accumulated.
Even though an answer has been accepted, I would like to point out Matlab's dir function.
This built-in function returns the contents of the folder in question. Furthermore, it indicates which content is a folder of its own. Therefore, with a little loop one could use this function to search sub-directories as well.

Emacs and cscope with multiple directories

How do I set up cscope in Emacs when my source code lives in multiple directories?
Say I have several paths for my C++ project:
/path/to/my/code (and subdirectories)
/path/to/other/code (and subdirectories)
/path/to/static/linking/include/files (and subdirectories)
/path/to/static/linking/lib/files' (and subdirectories)
I would like to use xcscope to navigate/look up symbols in my code and the library that I am linking to.
The instructions for xcscope.el say that I should first run C-c s (Cscope->Create list and index) at /path/to/my/code, but I am then confused about how I to have the other paths indexed by cscope.
The documentation says I should go to the other directories and run cscope -b, but what I am supposed to do after that?
I looked at the cscope.files file that C-c s built. I think I am supposed to add my other paths to this file, but this file includes a list of source code files (not directories).
Do I have to manually edit cscope.files to add every single file that I want to index that is outside of my project's root directory?
The documentation is confusing.
I got one sol'n from Still confusing.
cscope.files is aptly named. It is NOT directories. It is files, only files. Which is as daunting as it sounds. What if you have hundreds of files. Then you have to write hundreds of lines, one per file, into cscope.files. No joke.
Automate it with some scripting. E.g., on linux, use bash scripts and redirection (>,>>,|) operators to select and filter files from any and all directories into that cscope.files.
What about the directory where cscope.files resides? IF you don't include those files, it'll only find them when you open your project (in emacs, but probably applicable to any IDE) in that source directory. So, include them, too, for easy opening of your project from anywhere.
The option "recursive/-R" seems obvious to send to cscope-indexer. Nope, not with many root directories. Does nothing (probably could do something with scripts or elisp or who knows). Just feed those files, absolute path, into cscope.files. And you might have to make sure you have only one cscope.files per project. Don't split them up relative to each diretory. Or maybe you can, something to look into.
Remember, include the /path/to/each/file/ before the file if you want cscope.files to point to it from anywhere. cscope isn't "smart", it's dumb, it just takes directions for where to look and it won't know where to look for "filename", without knowing where it is. You're just asking it to call locate filename, which it can't do anyway, when you give it a lonely filename without a dir path outside of the directory that a particular cscope.files resides.
I hope there's a way to use xcscope inside emacs, just adding directories which it will catalog and index, as the xcscope docs and emacs menu suggest. But I didn't succeed in making it work that way.
Wouldn't a soft link (ln -s) work? Worked for me.

Executing a file or calling a function whose file is placed in another folder with MATLAB?

Tried Googling, but couldn't find anything.
I have a few files and folders in my current MATLAB folder.
One of those folders is called 'Map' and it has a 'map1.m' file which I want to call from my code in the current MATLAB folder.
In my code, I can't call it like this:
but I can do so like this:
cd Map;
cd ..;
Somehow the above method seems incorrect. Is there a more elegant way to do it?
You can run the file without adding the folder to your path manually, using the run command, which is specifically for such cases. From the documentation:
run is a convenience function that runs scripts that are not currently on the path.
You call your function/script as
run /Map/map1
If you want to run the function/script by merely entering its name and not with the full (or relative) path, then you should add the folder to your path.
As noted by #mutzmatron, you cannot use run to call functions with input/output arguments. So, unless if it's a script/function without input/output arguments, using run will not work and you'll have to add the folder to your path.
Just as a matter of good coding practice, and to work in cases where your function has inputs/outputs, adding/removing the folder from your path is the correct way to go. So for your case,
addpath /Map
rmpath /Map
The important thing is that your function call is sandwiched between the addpath and rmpath commands. If you have functions of the same name in both folders, then you should sandwich it tighter i.e., a line before and a line after, so as to avoid conflicts.
Just add all those directories to the Matlab path with addpath like gnovice suggests. Then you'll be able to call the functions normally, and they'll be visible to which(), help(), depfun(), and the other Matlab meta-programming commands. You can put the addpath() calls in your startup.m file to have them automatically appear each time you start Matlab.
Changing the path with addpath/map1()/rmpath each time has some drawbacks.
It's a performance hit because you're adding path manipulation to each call.
Functions in different directories won't be able to see each other.
It'll be harder to write and debug functions because the path context in which they execute will change dynamically, and won't be the same as what you see when you're in the editor and the base workspace.
You need additional error handling code to make sure the path is properly restored if the called function errors out.
This won't work with the Matlab Compiler, if you want to deploy this code at some point.
And using run() or cd() yourself is ugly, because relative paths are going to have problems.
If you really want to separate the functions in the subdirectories so they can't "see" each other, you can make those directories namespaces by putting a "+" in front of their names, and then qualify the function calls with the namespace, like Map.map1().
Just to contribute to the path-altering debate...
One way to make it a bit "safer" is to write
% start of my code: create function handles
% to the functions I need:
cd Map
map1_func = #map1;
catch mexception
cd ..
This tries to preserve the current directory, and you get a handle to the function in a different directory.
Only thing is, this method won't work if map1 relies upon other functions in the Map directory.