Essentially the same query as How to Change VS Code Code.exe Path for Update? , as shown by 'Similar questions'.
Is there any registry value (I am not familiar with such, so it may be a trivial doubt) that I can change so that 'Restart to Update' doesn't reference C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe, and instead to my custom location?
Could I set the install location manually, instead of the default User Setup, if I am forced to reinstall the application?
Basically VS Code can't update because it is located in the different location to the default one. It tries to update itself in the default location, but fails. How can I change this without uninstalling it?
Here is a picture of the error:
Here is what the log says:
Somebody from stackoverflow asked me to check if I have the latest js-beautify in my vscode. But I don't know how to check it. Can you please help?
I read from one of the threads in VS Code that it uses js-beautify as the formatter (it's the one doing the 'formatonsave' etc.). Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If it uses js-beautify, how do I know what version it is in? and does it auto-update to the latest version whenever there's a new one?
Thank you.
I already tried going through documentations and I also checked the preferences thoroughly, but I can't seem to find how to (manually) check for updates about plugins, especially the built-in ones like js-beautify.
The default setting for extensions.autoUpdate in VS Code enables auto-updating for all extensions. You can confirm this in your user settings or simply bring up the Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P) and type 'auto update' to enable or disable it.
In the Command Palette you can also update extension mannually.
The current version of every installed extension is listed right next to its name in the extension panel or under the Changelog panel.
In my project, I've used some build/linting tools so they can automate force change my code based on some convention code styles but when I was running those scripts, vs code showed an error message:
Failed to save "<file-name>": The content on disk is newer. Please compare your version with the one on disk.and continue to open the "Resolve to save conflict" tab.
It seems to be annoying and not convenient for me.
So can you tell me how to disable this feature of VScode for a temporarily time?
v1.42 is modifying this functionality including adding a setting so that the dirty file/save conflict notification can be disabled. See
Ignore save conflicts
VS Code has a built-in mechanism to show an error when you try to save
a dirty file that has been changed outside of VS Code or by another
program (for example Git):
The motivation is to inform you that saving will overwrite the
contents on disk even though the file was changed after the file
became dirty. Clicking the Compare button lets you review your change
along with the version on disk and either overwrite or revert the
In cases where you know that the changes on disk can be overwritten,
there is now an Overwrite button directly on the notification. You can
also configure files.saveConflictResolution globally or per workspace or
file type to disable the notification altogether. The options are askUser (default) or overwriteFileOnDisk.
In Atom, hitting Cmd+N brings up a window where you can type in basically any path to create any file or folder anywhere in the project. In VSCode, hitting Cmd+N brings up a dialog where you can create a file in the currently focused folder, and I believe you can type a path to create a file in a subfolder (whether it exists or not), but not as flexibly as in Atom.
Is there way to do it Atom-style in VSCode?
I don't know for sure whether this is what you're looking for, but still there exists this plugin which can emulate the file/directory creation feature of Atom.
Since i use vscode-vim it's fairly easy to create new folders and files using command mode. If you're familiar with using terminal, then you can use shell commands to create file/dir.
I have no idea whether one could do what you had mentioned the proper way with vanilla vscode.
Hope this helps you somehow.
As a user new to Eclipse, I am trying to use the Find Text in Working Set command to mimic Visual Studio's Find in Files command. It works fine, except that every time I have to tell it which working set to use. And I only have one working set!
How can I get this command to remember the working set from one invocation to the next?
If am not wrong, short-cut is "CTRL+SHIFT+R"
The File Search command does what I need: it can search all the files (or a subset), and it remembers my working set.