Reuse old buffer for the same command in VIM for competitive programming - neovim

Recently I've been into VIM and had many attempts to use it for competitive programming. So I tried google stuffs for information and up until now I've gathered codes from other's .vimrc while avoid using plugins (for some specific reasons). So finally I'm now using a pretty decent compile function that I borrowed from Mr.Michael Lan. Now part of my .vimrc look like this :
function! TermWrapper(command) abort
if !exists('g:split_term_style') | let g:split_term_style = 'vertical' | endif
if g:split_term_style ==# 'vertical'
let buffercmd = 'vnew'
elseif g:split_term_style ==# 'horizontal'
let buffercmd = 'new'
echoerr 'ERROR! g:split_term_style is not a valid value (must be ''horizontal'' or ''vertical'' but is currently set to ''' . g:split_term_style . ''')'
throw 'ERROR! g:split_term_style is not a valid value (must be ''horizontal'' or ''vertical'')'
exec buffercmd
if exists('g:split_term_resize_cmd')
exec g:split_term_resize_cmd
exec 'term ' . a:command
exec 'setlocal nornu nonu'
exec 'startinsert'
autocmd BufEnter <buffer> startinsert
let g:split_term_style = 'vertical'
let g:split_term_resize_cmd = 'vertical resize 80'
command! -nargs=0 CompileAndRun call TermWrapper(printf('g++ -std=c++11 %s && ./a.out', expand('%')))
autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <leader>fw :CompileAndRun<CR>
As you can see, if I try :CompileAndRun, it will open a new buffer to the right side of my screen, run the .cpp file, etc ... But there is one problem I'm having with this. If you try :CompileAndRun for the second time, it will open a new buffer to run instead of using the old one, which I find ... annoying (well it kinda bug you if your screen for the main cpp file keep getting smaller and smaller, especially in a running contest am I right ?). And I don't see deleting these buffers manually as an option, as it is not very convenient. So can any of you guys help me to cope with this tedious task. Remember that I still want to keep using the :CompileAndRun command, and just want to reuse the buffer opened by the previous command.


How can I get neovim to return the cursor to the original line after formatting the file?

In order to solve the file formatting problem of vim, I simply wrote a function:
function FileFormat()
let cursorLine = col(".")
let filetype = &filetype
if filetype == 'json'
%!jq .
execute cursorLine
elseif filetype == 'cpp'
%!astyle --style=attach --pad-oper --lineend=linux -N -C -L -xw -xW -w
execute cursorLine
echo "Formatting of " . filetype . " files is not currently supported."
And map a shortcut key for this function:
:nnoremap <C-f> :call FileFormat()<cr>
But I found that after formatting the file, the cursor is still at the beginning of the line. I know this is because the cursor disappears when neovim enters command mode, causing the col() function to not get a valid line number.
Is there any other way to solve this problem?
neovim version: 0.6.1
The reason is that I use the wrong function, I should not use the col function, I should get the cursor line number through line("."), this function will not be affected by the mode switch.

MIRC, Ignoring " | " when reading a text file?

in my MIRC script, it is set up to read a text file, in these text files there is the symbol " | " followed by a space on both ends, it seems to read everything before " | " just fine, but cuts it off right at the first space. Any help is appreciated.
I am using
msg $nick $read(test.txt, n, 1)
to read the text file.
EDIT:: I have tried all switches which result in the same thing.
EDIT:: It also tells me in the server window "Unknown Command"
EDIT:: After making a new pastebin uploading script, it still seems to get that issue? It will completely just cut off the rest of the text after a "&" or " | "
The symptoms is matching to a scenario which $read was evaluated to a command and the result will take the separators as set of commands to be executed.
This can be due to aliases or events.
Try the first /play command, which will play the file from the 3rd line to see if it behaving as the line we expect it to be or instead each line as a set of commands, separated by /
Then perform the 2nd /play command to view how it should been send to the server.
This is design to see where the problem lie.
/play -axl3 echo test.txt
/play -exl3 test.txt
The output should be the same and as we expect it with the line being displayed including |.
This will make sure the problem is to blame upon other corrupt aliases or events.
We will perform the following and after each step you will test you code to see if it was solved.
Test to see if it an alias named msg hurt you, by converting your script command to /!msg $nick$read(test.txt, n, 1).
Check for dangerous events such as the infamous INPUT or the rising bandit PARSELINE by disabling them.If the problem solved then return the events one by one the find the problematic event and fix it.
Due to the lack of a responses/answers, I was unable to solve it, I have made a makeshift fix for this issue by using
play -xl# $nick test.txt
rather than
msg $nick $read(test.txt, n, 1)
I had almost the same problem and was able to solve it, using the same solution, try this:
Your previous script was: msg $nick $read(test.txt, n, 1)
Now remove the 'msg $nick' and add that to the beginning of every line in the text.txt file with a space between 'msg $nick' and the rest of the line, i.e : msg $nick Hey I see you are back | msg $nick Missed You!
Then your script becomes: $read(test.txt, p)
^^ Hope that makes sense, but I found the original issues was Double Evaluation hence why sometimes you would see the error: Unknown Command or something along those lines.

String inclusion in Fish Shell

I've looked at all the similar questions on Stack Overflow, and tried a bunch of stuff in their documentation. My present attempt is below.
What I'm trying to accomplish is differential behavior based on the computer user. I have a work computer and a home computer, and I want the work computer to go to a different directory when I enter "code" into the command line than the one I want when I enter it at home. I tried this (my work username is afk, home is sfk):
function code
set result (dirh)
if [contains "sfk" $result]
cd ~/rails
else if [contains "afk" $result]
cd ~/code
echo $result
Currently, this is griping that "Unknown command contains Users/sfk/.config/fish/" (My PWD is Users/sfk/.config/fish/ when I'm entering this). I think maybe contains is just for lists, but the docs aren't particularly clear about this? Any idea how I might do this?
Just tried this, and while it no longer errors, it ends up in the else case, which it shouldn't, cause my user IS sfk, which IS included in the dirh string:
function code
set result (dirh)
if test (contains "sfk" $result)
cd ~/rails
else if test (contains "afk" $result)
cd ~/code
echo $result
As said above in the comments, that is the best solution for this specific use case. But to answer the question in case someone wants to do something else.
You are right about contains, that it does an exact match on list items. You could use the switch function instead. Which supports wild-card matching.
function code
set -l result (dirh)
switch $result
case '*sfk*'
cd ~/rails
case '*afk*'
cd ~/code
case '*'
echo $result

Call custom vim completetion menu with Information from Perl-Script

I wrote a script analyzing perl-files (totally without PPI, because it will be used on Servers where the admins don't want PPI to be installed and so on and so forth, but let's not talk about that).
Now, let's say I have this code:
my $object = MySQL->new();
my $ob2 = $object;
(Where MySQL is one of our modules).
My script correctly identifies that $ob2 is a MySQL-Object and sees where it came from, and then returns a list of found subs in that module.
My idea was, that, since I use vim for editing, this could be a really cool way for "CTRL-n"-Completetion.
So, when...
It shows the CTRL-n-Box which opens my Perl-Script and gives it a few parameters (I would need: The line that I am actually on, the cursor position and the whole file as it is in vim).
I already found things like vim-perl, which allows me to write something like
if has('perl')
function DefPerl()
perl << EOF
use MyModule;
return call_to_my_function(); # returns all the methods from the object for example
call DefPerl()
But somehow this does not get executed (I tried writing something to a file with a system call just for the sake of testing)...
So, in short:
Does anyone here know how to achieve that? Calling a perl-function from vim by pressing CTRL-n with the full file-code and the line vim is actually in and the position, and then opening a completetion-menu with the results it got from the perl-script?
I hope someone knows what I mean here. Any help would be appreciated.
The details and tips for invoking embedded Perl code from Vim can be found in this Vim Tips Wiki article. Your attempts are already pretty close, but to return stuff from Perl, you need to use Vim's Perl API:
VIM::DoCommand "let retVal=". aMeaningfullThingToReturn
For the completion menu, your Perl code needs to return a List of Vim objects that adhere to the format as described by :help complete-items. And :help complete-functions shows how to trigger the completion. Basically, you define an insert-mode mapping that sets 'completefunc' and then trigger your function via <C-x><C-u>. Here's a skeleton to get your started:
function! ExampleComplete( findstart, base )
if a:findstart
" Locate the start of the keyword.
let l:startCol = searchpos('\k*\%#', 'bn', line('.'))[1]
if l:startCol == 0
let l:startCol = col('.')
return l:startCol - 1 " Return byte index, not column.
" Find matches starting with a:base.
let l:matches = [{'word': 'example1'}, {'word': 'example2'}]
" TODO: Invoke your Perl function here, input: a:base, output: l:matches
return l:matches
function! ExampleCompleteExpr()
set completefunc=ExampleComplete
return "\<C-x>\<C-u>"
inoremap <script> <expr> <Plug>(ExampleComplete) ExampleCompleteExpr()
if ! hasmapto('<Plug>(ExampleComplete)', 'i')
imap <C-x><C-z> <Plug>(ExampleComplete)

Vim: change formatting of variables in a script

I am using vim to edit a shell script (did not use the right coding standard). I need to change all of my variables from camel-hum-notation startTime to caps-and-underscore-notation START_TIME.
I do not want to change the way method names are represented.
I was thinking one way to do this would be to write a function and map it to a key. The function could do something like generating this on the command line:
s/<word under cursor>/<leave cursor here to type what to replace with>
I think that this function could be applyable to other situations which would be handy. Two questions:
Question 1: How would I go about creating that function.
I have created functions in vim before the biggest thing I am clueless about is how to capture movement. Ie if you press dw in vim it will delete the rest of a word. How do you capture that?
Also can you leave an uncompleted command on the vim command line?
Question 2: Got a better solution for me? How would you approach this task?
Use a plugin
Check the COERCION section at the bottom of the page:
Get the :s command to the command line
:nnoremap \c :%s/<C-r><C-w>/
<C-r><C-w> gets the word under the cursor to command-line
Change the word under the cursor with :s
:nnoremap \c lb:s/\%#<C-r><C-w>/\=toupper(substitute(submatch(0), '\<\#!\u', '_&', 'g'))/<Cr>
lb move right, then to beginning of the word. We need to do this to get
the cursor before the word we wish to change because we want to change only
the word under the cursor and the regex is anchored to the current cursor
position. The moving around needs to be done because b at the
start of a word moves to the start of the previous word.
\%# match the current cursor position
\= When the substitute string starts with "\=" the remainder is interpreted as an expression. :h sub-replace-\=
submatch(0) Whole match for the :s command we are dealing with
\< word boundary
\#! do not match the previous atom (this is to not match at the start of a
word. Without this, FooBar would be changed to _FOO_BAR)
& in replace expressions, this means the whole match
Change the word under the cursor, all matches in the file
:nnoremap \a :%s/<C-r><C-w>/\=toupper(substitute(submatch(0), '\<\#!\u', '_&', 'g'))/g<Cr>
See 3. for explanation.
Change the word under the cursor with normal mode commands
/\u<Cr> find next uppercase character
i_ insert an underscore.
nn Search the last searched string twice (two times because after exiting insert mode, you move back one character).
. Repeat the last change, in this case inserting the underscore.
Repeat nn. until all camelcases have an underscore added before them, that is, FooBarBaz has become Foo_Bar_Baz
gUiw uppercase current inner word
I am not sure what you understand under 'capturing movements'. That
said, for a starter, I'd use something like this for the function:
fu! ChangeWord()
let l:the_word = expand('<cword>')
" Modify according to your rules
let l:new_var_name = toupper(l:the_word)
normal b
let l:col_b = col(".")
normal e
let l:col_e = col(".")
let l:line = getline(".")
let l:line = substitute(
\ l:line,
\ '^\(' . repeat('.', l:col_b-1) . '\)' . repeat('.', l:col_e - l:col_b+1),
\ '\1' . l:new_var_name,
\ '')
call setline(".", l:line)
As to leaving an uncompleted command on the vim command line, I think you're after
:map ,x :call ChangeWord(
which then can be invoked in normal mode by pressing ,x.
After thinking about it, this following function is a bit shorter:
fu! ChangeWordUnderCursor()
let l:the_word = expand('<cword>')
"" Modify according to your rules
let l:new_var_name = '!' . toupper(l:the_word) . '!'
normal b
let l:col_b = col(".")
normal e
let l:col_e = col(".")
let l:line = getline(".")
exe 's/\%' . l:col_b . 'c.*\%' . (l:col_e+1) .'c/' . l:new_var_name . '/'