I'm using NET6 RC. how can I install RC or preview package in Nuget window in visual studio 2022 preview ? because for now Nuget window in visual studio 2022 preview just show me stable version of the packages.
for example :
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="6.0.0-rc.2.21480.5" />
You can check "Include prerelease" box in the Manage NuGet Packages UI:
How to build a VSTS extension in Visual Studio 2017. The post build event configured in package.json doesn't work from Visual Studio.
Only the Command npm run build triggers the build and postbuild events. I want vsix file to be created on building the VisualStudio 2017 project.
We cannot build directly to generate the vsix file in VS. Just as you said we can only trigger the postbuild events to call the command tfx extension create --manifest-globs vss-extension.json to package it.
To create TFS/VSTS extensions, you can refer to this article for detials :Create your first extension with Visual Studio
To package as the vsix file, please see Packaging and publishing - Package
If you mean create Visual Studio VSIX Package, then you can reference below articles:
Creating Your First Visual Studio VSIX Package
Visual Studio Extensibility: Creating Visual Studio VSIX package
I would like to create a Visual Studio Nuget package for work. I also want to develop a Visual Studio extension to allow right-click deploy functionality for me and my co-workers. My question is: can I accomplish both of my requirements using the Nuget package alone, or do I have to develop a Nuget package and extension separately? If I have to do them separately, how can I roll the extension into the Nuget package so it can all be delivered together?
Just installed VS2017 Community edition -- I read some doc saying that NuGet is included -- but I don't see it and don't see how to add it. Should it appear basically as it did in VS2015?
You have to find it in the installer, second tab - "Packages", under the subheading "Code Tools"
You can launch the installer from the Tools menu in VS, it should be the first option.
I had the same issue. When I installed VS 2017, I only had Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Package. I can't remember how I figured it out, but I did. What you have to do is:
Open VS 2017.
Select Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings.
In Options, select NuGet Package Manager > Package Sources.
Select + next to Available package sources.
Enter these values:
Name: nuget.org
Source: https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
Select OK.
Now, when you run Install Package commands, you'll get what you need.
NOTE: In the Package Manager Console, as your Package source, make sure you select All or nuget.org.
It was included as an option, NOT installed by default.
To install NuGet:
1. Tools > Get Tools and Features...
2. Single Component > Code Tools
3. √ NuGet package manager
4. update.
To find NuGet:
- Project > Manage NuGet packages...
- Tools > NuGet Package Manager
Project or Tools
In Visual Studio 2017,
Click on Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Console :)
For anyone who stumbled across this question while trying to find out where nuget was installed to use it as a CLI, if you didn't install it individually you need to use it through MsBuild.exe's use of /t:restore to for example restore nuget packages. You'll have to install the individual component if you want the full tool and not just calls to a DLL via MSBuild.
There is a build server without Visual Studio, there are only build tools (MSBuild.exe, Nuget Manager,...). The Nuget Packet Manager need to upgraded to new version, but I cannot find any installer or way how to upgrade it without Visual Studio Gallery.
How shoudl I upgrade the Nuget Manager on build server?
The latest version of the nuget.exe command-line tool is always available from http://nuget.org/nuget.exe.
More details
NuGet 1.8 seems to have some interesting new features. Unfortunately when I attempt to update from within Visual Studio, I get the error:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: v1
I figured I would just install it from outside Visual Studio and see if that works better, but the download link I found
does not list any downloads for "NuGet Visual Studio extension".
How can I update NuGet?
This is on Windows 7 64-bit, Visual Studio Ultimate 2010SP 1, upgrading from recent NuGet version (how do I check version number?) to NuGet 1.8.
Based on the comments, I did the following:
Closed all instances of Visual Studio
Started a new instance of Visual Studio as Administrator
Tools / Extension Manager
Select NuGet Package Manager
Click Uninstall (if you're not Administrator, Uninstall is grayed out)
Restart Visual Studio (still as Administrator)
Tools / Extension Manager
Online Gallery
Install NuGet
Restarted Visual Studio (this time not as Administrator)
Resumed work