Linphonec on RaspberryPi: how to solve "bctbx-error-bctbx_file_open (Permission denied)" - raspberry-pi

In my setting I want the user www-data to be able to run linphonec, but there's one error in my way, that I don't know how to handle so far.
When starting linphonec as user www-data:
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/linphonec
I get the error:
bctbx-error-bctbx_file_open: Error open Permission denied
Where do I have to give permission to user www-data for this to work?
When running it as root there's no problem but I don't want to give www-data root rights.
My setting is:
RaspberryPi 3/4,
with newest Raspian OS,
newest version of "linphonec-cli" installed
raspbi is only accessible in local network and router blocks outgoing calls from it to prevent missuse.

After checking with strace I realized thet the issue must be somewhere else, since I couldn't find a single EACCES error in the strace log.
The root of the error was in my basic configurations file (linphonerc) that I copied over from another existing user. I changed the root_ca directory (after copying the files to the new location and changing rw-rights and ownership). After that linphonec runs without the error when starting with -c parameter and path to linphonerc file.
So the reason was most likely that wrong/unreachable root_ca= configuration.


Error: EACCES: permission denied, only in VSCode using Remote SSH

I can find plenty of references to this error, but they all point to permission issues, however my permissions appear to be fine as I can modify this folder using nano and SSH.
I'm trying to use RemoteSSH with a custom user account, user
The server is running Debian 11 and nginx
I have key based auth and I connect to the server. When I try to create or remove a file in the web folder (/var/www/html) I get this error message Error: EACCES: permission denied, <what I was trying to do, i.e. rename a file, or delete a file>
I can do all of these things using a standard SSH connection (openSSH built in to Windows 10)
The owner of /var/www/ is set to www-data (recursively)
user is a member of the group www-data
Do I need to do anything in VSCode to update permissions? Am I missing something else?
Here are the exact commands I used:
sudo adduser user www-data
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
sudo chmod -R 0775 /var/www
OK I did a bit more Googling right after posting this, and I was able to fix this by deleting the .vscode-server folder in the home directory.
I'm not sure if there is an easier way to fix this without doing so, or having to do that every time permissions are changed.

MailKit dotnet core on Ubuntu 16.04

Running a Kestrel server managed by systemd using www-data user. When trying to send an email using MailKit with TLS enabled I get the following error message:
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/var/www/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/crls' is denied. ---> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied
One solution possibly is to set a home directory for www-data, but that seems counter intuitive.
The call stack indicates that the code (MailKit or one of its dependencies) is trying to build and access a certificate cache.
You can manually create the directory and grant the necessary permissions.
Don't modify /var top directory as that's crazy.
First, you need to recursively create the directory:
mkdir -p /var/www/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/crls
and give rights to www-data group
(if this is the group that runs your service)
sudo chgrp www-data /var/www/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/crls

wsgi nginx error: permission denied while connecting to upstream

There seem to be many questions on StackOverflow about this but unfortunately nothing has worked for me.
I'm getting a 502 bad gateway on nginx, and the following on the logs: connect() to ...myproject.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream
I'm running wsgi and nginx on ubuntu, and I've been following this guide from Digital Ocean. I apparently configured wsgi correctly since uwsgi -s myproject.sock --http --module app --callable app worked, but I keep getting the nginx permission denied error and I have no idea why:
After coming across this question and this other one, I changed the .ini file and added the chown-socket, chmod-socket, uid and gid parameters (also tried just setting the first two, either or, and a couple of different permission settings --and even the most permissive didn't work).
This one seemed promising, but I don't believe selinux is installed on my Ubuntu (running sudo apt-get remove selinux gives "Package 'selinux' is not installed, so not removed" and find / -name "selinux" doesn't show anything). Just in case, though, I tried what this post recommended as well. Uninstalling apparmor (sudo apt-get install apparmor) didn't work either.
Every time I make a change, I run sudo service nginx restart, but I only see the 502 Gateway Error (and the permission denied error when I read the logs).
This is is my nginx configuration file:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/home/user/myproject/web_server/myproject.sock;
.conf file:
description "uWSGI server instance configured to serve myproject"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
setuid user
setgid www-data
env PATH=/root/.virtualenvs/my-env/bin
chdir /home/user/myproject/web_server
exec uwsgi --ini /home/user/myproject/web_server/myproject.ini
.ini file:
module = wsgi
master = true
processes = 5
socket = /home/user/myproject/web_server/myproject.sock
chmod-socket = 664
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
vacuum = true
die-on-term = true
(If it helps, these are the specs of my Digital Ocean machine: Linux 3.13.0-43-generic #72-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 8 19:35:06 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)
Please let me know if there's anything I can do, and thank you very much.
After following all the advice in this thread I was still getting permission errors. The finally missing piece was to correct the nginx user in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file:
# old: user nginx;
user www-data;
I also followed that tutorial and ran into the same issue. After quite a bit of trial and error, the following steps allowed me to run uWSGI and nginx successfully:
My nginx.config file:
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / { try_files #yourapplication; }
location #yourapplication; {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/PATH_TO_PROJECT/PROJECT.sock;
My .ini file wasn't working very well, so I decided to take advantage of uWSGI's extensive arguments that are available. Here's what I used:
uwsgi -s /PATH_TO_PROJECT/PROJECT.sock -w wsgi:app -H /PATH_TO_PROJECT/venv --http-processes=4 --chmod-socket=666 --master &
-s /PATH_TO_PROJECT/PROJECT.sock = the location of my .sock file
-w wsgi:app = the location of my file and app being the name of my Flask object
-H /PATH_TO_PROJECT/venv = the location of my virtual environment
--http-processes=4 = the number of http processes for uWSGI to create
--chmod-socket=666 = the permissions to set on the socket
--master = allow uWSGI to run with its master process manager
& = run uWSGI in the background
To summarize what others have said to solve permission denied error in nginx (which you can look into /var/log/nginx/error.log is usually due to the following:
you are writing .sock file at a place nginx does not have permission
SELinux is causing the problem
To solve 1: First, don't write .sock file at /tmp as suggested here server fault answer because different services see different /tmp in fedora. You can write at some place such as ~/myproject/mysocket.sock. The nginx user must have access to our application directory in order to access the socket file there. By default, CentOS locks down each user's home directory very restrictively, so we will add the nginx user to our user's group so that we can then open up the minimum permissions necessary to grant access.
You can add the nginx user to your user group with the following command. Substitute your own username for the user in the command:
sudo usermod -a -G $USER nginx
Now, we can give our user group execute permissions on our home directory. This will allow the Nginx process to enter and access content within:
chmod 710 /path/to/project/dir
If the permission denied error is still there:
then the hack sudo setenforce 0 will do the trick.
The path: unix:/PATH_TO_PROJECT/PROJECT.sock should be placed in /tmp this fixed my problem.
(13: Permission denied)
This indicates that Nginx was unable to connect to the uWSGI socket because of permissions problems. Usually, this happens when the socket is being created in a restricted environment or if the permissions were wrong. While the uWSGI process is able to create the socket file, Nginx is unable to access it.
This can happen if there are limited permissions at any point between the root directory (/) the socket file. We can see the permissions and ownership values of the socket file and each of its parent directories by passing the absolute path to our socket file to the namei command:
The output should be similar to this (Your case might have different folder name)
f: /run/uwsgi/firstsite.sock
drwxr-xr-x root root /
drwxr-xr-x root root run
drwxr-xr-x sammy www-data uwsgi
srw-rw---- sammy www-data firstsite.sock
The output displays the permissions of each of the directory components. By looking at the permissions (first column), owner (second column) and group owner (third column), we can figure out what type of access is allowed to the socket file.
In the above example, each of the directories leading up to the socket file have world read and execute permissions (the permissions column for the directories end with r-x instead of ---). The www-data group has group ownership over the socket itself. With these settings, Nginx process should be able to access the socket successfully.
If any of the directories leading up to the socket are not owned by the www-data group or do not have world read and execute permission, Nginx will not be able to access the socket. Usually, this means that the configuration files have a mistake.
So you fix this issue but giving all the upper folder the permission using this command:
chmod 755 directory_name
I know it is late, but to help others overcome the issue faster, I have posted this answer. Hope it helps, good luck.
This may happen if user www-data may not have the permission to create new
socket in the given path, so use root user.
Relpace user www-data to user root in nginx.conf;
ex: #nginx.conf
#user www-data;
user root;
worker_processes auto;
pid /var/run/;
If you have tested all the permissions and it is still not working then maybe SELinux is enabled, this will cause the same behaviour.
Run getenforce and if the result is Enforcing then that will not help.
Quick fix is to disable it, setenforce 0 but a restart is required.
2 things helped me
I had correct configuration in nginx I also was seeing /tmp/wsgi.sock with my two eyes in the folder but there was still permission denied or directory not exists:
In file /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service set PrivateTmp=false and restart nginx (do not forget systemctl daemon reload to refresh config)
Run command setenforce 0
Bonus material:
/usr/local/bin/uwsgi --chdir /home/biohazard/myproject -s /tmp/wsgi.sock -w api:app --chmod-socket=777 --master --thunder-lock --http-processes=2 where in api:app api stands for /home/biohazard/myproject/
location = /api { rewrite ^ /api/; }
location /api { try_files $uri #api; }
location #api {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:/tmp/wsgi.sock;
Where nginx is serving my endpoint only
Check user field on the first line in nginx.conf file. By default it is www-data. Change the name to user root in nginx.conf file if you logged in as root.
I Am Also Getting Same Issue While Deploying Flask Using Nginx And Gunicorn.
I Solved This Issue By putting .Sock file in /temp folder.
There are many things that can cause this particular error, in my case it was the ownership of my PROJECT.socket file that caused it.
Instead of:
srwxr-xr-x 1 yourusername yourusername 0 Nov 4 22:32 PROJECT.sock
it should be: srwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 0 Nov 4 22:32 PROJECT.sock
Just run sudo chown www-data:www-data PROJECT.sock and that's it.

Sinatra app being run by user 'nobody' in shared folder on VM

I have a folder on my host OS (Windows 8.1) which is set up as a shared folder with VirtualBox (running Ubuntu 14.04 Server). The shared folder is set up correctly, but is giving me problems regarding permissions when I try to run apps which are inside of it.
All the files in the shared folder are owned by root and the group vboxsf. I have added my current user and the Apache user to the vboxsf group using the following commands:
sudo adduser cornflakes24 vboxsf
sudo adduser www-data vboxsf
However, when I visit my web browser to test the app, I am greeted with the following error:
This web application process is being run as user 'nobody' and group
'nogroup' and must be able to access its application root directory
'/var/www/html/webdev/ruby'. However, the parent directory
'/var/www/html/webdev' has wrong permissions, thereby preventing this
process from accessing its application root directory. Please fix the
permissions of the directory '/var/www/html/webdev' first.
The webdev folder in reference above is actually a symlink:
lrwxrwxrwx cornflakes24 www-data webdev -> /media/sf_webdev.
How can I get around this?


So I'm trying to to get started with Accumulo. I installed Hadoop and it runs w/o problems but when I try to start Zookeeper I get:
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /opt/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
-n Starting zookeeper ...
/opt/zookeeper/bin/ line 103: /tmp/zookeeper/ No such file or directory
I've looked around can't seem to find an answer.
I have had the same problem. In my case was useful to start Zookeeper and directly specify a configuration file:
/bin/ start conf/zoo.conf
I have never heard of zookeeper, but it could be a permissions issue trying to write the file or perhaps the directory /tmp/zookeeper/ doesn't exist and the shell script isn't accounting for that possibility. Check the permissions and existence of those directories.
zookeeper distributed with default conf, uses /tmp/zookeeper as dataDir for just example sake. It is suggested changing this value in /path/to/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg to /var/lib/zookeeper.
Creating /var/lib/zookeeper needs root access, so sudo is required. This directory when created will have following permissions.
ls -al /var/lib/zookeeper/
drwxr-xrwx 4 root wheel 128 May 9 14:03 .
When zookeeper is started without root permission, it cannot write to this directory. hence fails with error
... /usr/local/zookeeper/bin/ line 169: /var/lib/zookeeper/ Permission denied
You need to give write permissions to allow user starting zookeeper to write to /var/lib/zookeeper. In my case, as I am using it in local, I used the following command and it worked
sudo chmod o+w /var/lib/zookeeper