Is there a way to change the RAFT leader in vaul? - hashicorp-vault

I'm running a vault raft instance over a cluster of 5 servers. 2 of these servers are less performant than the others; I'm OK that they become leaders if the current leader fails, but I'd like to move the leader to the other servers when they get back online.
Is there a way to do this?

on any member of the raft use the cli: vault operator step-down
this will cause the current leader to step down. There is the potential that one of the less desirable servers will get leader again.


Prevent data loss while upgrading Kafka with a single broker

I have a Kafka server which runs on a single node. There is only 1 node because it's a test server. But even for a test server, I need to be sure that no data loss will occur while upgrade is in process.
I upgrade Kafka as:
Stop Kafka, Zookeeper, Kafka Connect and Schema Registry.
Upgrade all the components.
Start upgraded services.
Data loss may occur in the first step, where kafka is not running. I guess you can do a rolling update (?) with multiple brokers to prevent data loss but in my case it is not possible. How can I do something similar with a single broker? Is it possible? If not, what is the best approach for upgrading?
I have to say, obviously, you are always vulnerable to data losses if you are using only one node.
If you can't have more nodes you have the only choice:
Stop producing;
Stop consuming;
Enable parameter controlled.shutdown.enable - this will ensure that your broker saved offset in case of a shutdown.
I guess the first 2 steps are quite tricky.
Unfortunately, there is not much to play with - Kafka was not designed to be fault-tolerant with only one node.
The process of a rolling upgrade is still the same for a single broker.
Existing data during the upgrade shouldn't be lost.
Obviously, if producers are still running, all their requests will be denied while the broker is down, thus why you not only need multiple brokers to prevent data-loss, but a balanced cluster (with unclean leader election disabled) where your restart cycles don't completely take a set of topics offline.

What are the impacts of kafka broker being incative for long duration and startup after many days?

We are tackling with production issue which might take few days to fix. Majority of Kafka nodes are active. One node is down. We will bring it up after the bugs are fixed. Our Kafka version is 2.1.X.
I was curious what are the impacts of starting an inactive broker after few days.
Are there any issues we might observe ? (Especially impacts on consumer after replicas are catching up on restarted broker.)
What are the contingencies to rollout safely ?
Whenever a broker is down, it's recommended to restore as quickly as you can. The consumer offsets expire and log-end offsets are also getting cleaned regularly in an active cluster.
We were able to restore node after 4 days but it wasn't easy operation. We restore the Kafka cluster by enabling unclean leader election. We were having controlled shutdowns due to bad leader assignments. After the inactive node was restored, we disabled the unclean leader election.
Things to take into account:
In prod usually the clients can't have any downtime. Monitor consumer
groups for any long rebalances or lagging commits beyond SLA's.
Running a preferred replica election if the offset on restored nodes
are live.
Reset offsets on consumer group. This does require a short
You can rollback topic partition using reassignment tool but there are no easy rollback.

Kafka cluster with single broker

I'm looking to start using Kafka for a system and I'm trying to cover all use cases.
Normally it would be run as a cluster of brokers running on virtual servers (replication factor 3-5). but some customers though don't care about resilience and a broker failure needing a manual reboot of the whole system is fine with them, they just care about hardware costs.
So my question is, are there any issues with using Kafka as a single broker system for small installations with low throughput?
It's absolutely OK to use a single Kafka broker. Note, however, that with a single broker you won't have a highly available service meaning that when the broker fails you will have a downtime.
Your replication-factor will be limited to 1 and therefore all of the partitions of a topic will be stored on the same node.
For a proof-of-concept or non-critical dev work, a single node cluster works just fine. However having a cluster has multiple benefits. It's okay to go with a single node cluster if the following are not important/relevant for you.
scalability [spreads load across multiple brokers to maintain certain throughput]
fail-over [guards against data loss in case one/more node(s) go down]
availability [system remains reachable and functioning even if one/more node(s) go down]

Running zookeeper on a cluster of 2 nodes

I am currently working on trying to use zookeeper in a two node cluster. I have my own cluster formation algorithm running on the nodes based on configuration. We only need Zookeeper's distributed DB functionality.
Is it possible to use Zookeeper in a two node cluster ? Do you know of any solutions where this has been done ?
Can we still retain the zookeepers DB functionality without forming a quorum ?
Note: Fault tolerance is not the main concern in this project. If one of the nodes go down we have enough code logic to run without the zookeeper service. We use the zookeeper to share data when both the nodes are alive.
Would greatly appreciate any help.
Zookeeper is a coordination system which is basically used to coordinate among nodes. When writes are occurred to such a distributed system, in ordered to coordinate and agree upon values which are being stored, all the writes are gone through master (aka leader). Reads can occur through any node. Zookeeper requires a master/leader to be elected per a quorum in order to serve write requests consistently. Zookeeper make use of the ZAB protocol as the consensus algorithm.
In order to elect a leader, a quorum should ideally have an odd number of nodes (Otherwise, a node will not be able to win majority and become the leader). In your case, with two nodes, zookeeper will not possibly be able to elect a leader for a long time since both nodes will be candidates and wait for the other node to vote for it. Even though they elect a leader, your ensemble will not work properly in network patitioning situations.
As I said, zookeeper is not a distributed storage. If you need to use it in a distributed manner (more than one node), it need to form a quorum.
As I see, what you need is a distributed database. Not a distributed coordination system.

Assign a server as leader in zookeeper ensemble

We have a quorum of 4 servers which has zookeeper 3.4.6 installed in all of them.The leader election is currently managed automatically. However we would like to assign a particular server as a leader as this box is more robust and has high capabilities.
I am looking for a setting to assign a server as leader always.Is it possible?. I even tried the zookeeper 3.5.1-alpha version but even that doesnt seem to have any particular setting. I understand there are algorithms for implementing the election but a setting will be more advantageous for us.
Any thoughts?
There is no such setting. Leader election is automatic unless you decide to implement an algorithm but seems to me thats not a solution you are looking for.