Extending setState to only run if mounted - flutter

I'm trying to write an extension method to avoid issues with calling setState when a Widget isn't mounted. The code looks something like this:
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
extension SetStateIfMounted on State {
void setStateIfMounted(VoidCallback onMounted, [ VoidCallback onNotMounted ]) {
if (mounted) {
} else {
LogService.logger.w('Widget not mounted. setState being ignored');
if (onNotMounted != null)
Is this a bad idea? Is there some reason I wouldn't always want to check if a widget is mounted before calling setState()?

Why not create an abstract class that extends State and overrides setState(...).
abstract class SafeState<T extends StatefulWidget> extends State<T> {
void setState(VoidCallback fn) {
if (!mounted) {
In your StatefulWidget's state, extend SafeState instead of State.


How to call bloc inside initState method?

I need to call the fetchProfile() method and get the profileState.user data in the initState method right after the page opens. Tell me, how can I write this correctly, how can I correctly call Cubit inside the initState method?
void initState() {
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
class ProfileCubit extends Cubit<ProfileState> {
final UserRepository _repository;
ProfileCubit(this._repository) : super(ProfileInitial());
Future fetchProfile() async {
try {
final User? user = await _repository.me();
if(user != null) {
} else {
} catch (_) {
abstract class ProfileState {}
class ProfileInitial extends ProfileState {}
class ProfileLoaded extends ProfileState {
final User? user;
class ProfileError extends ProfileState {}
If your intention is to run the method fetchProfile directly when the widget (page in this case) will be built, I'd run the method when providing the bloc using cascade notation as such:
home: BlocProvider(
create: (_) => ProfileCubit()..fetchProfile(),
child: YourPageOrWidget(),
The fetchProfile() method will be called as soon as the Bloc/Cubit is created.
Note that by default, the cubit is created lazily, so it will be created when needed by a BlocBuilder or similar. You can toggle that so it isn't created lazily.
You can check the Readme of flutter_bloc. There is a full tutorial and you can learn a lot.
void initState() {
Wrap BlocListener for your widget tree. You can listen to ProfileLoaded state here and get the user data immediately.
BlocListener<ProfileCubit, ProfileState >(
listener: (context, state) {
// Do whatever you want.
child: Container(),

How do I integrate flutter_bloc with method channels?

I've started using flutter_bloc package instead of redux to try it out, but I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to call flutter bloc events when receiving things from native (Android/iOS). It was easier with redux because in my parent MyApp widget of my main.dart file, I passed in the redux store to a custom class I created, and dispatched methods from the said class (called MethodChannelHandler).
void main() {
runApp(new MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
final Store<AppState> store = Store<AppState>(
// ... redux stuff ...
void initState() {
// sauce
class MethodChannelHandler {
Store<AppState> store;
MethodChannelHandler(this.store) {
// Handle method calls from native
Future _handleMethod(MethodCall call) async {
if (call.method == A_METHOD) {
store.dispatch("something from native")
NOTE: I'm inept when it comes to programming vocabulary so please, if possible, please give me a small snippet of example code like I have or link me to some GitHub repo I can refer to instead of giving me a block of text I'm probably not going to understand.
In very simple way it's look like this:
class App extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider<SomeBloc>(
create: (_) {
final bloc = SomeBloc(); //Create bloc
MethodChannelHandler(bloc); //Add method handler
return bloc;
lazy: false,
child: Text("Content"),
class SomeBloc extends Bloc {
SomeBloc() : super(SomeInitState());
Stream mapEventToState(event) async* {
if (event is SomeEvent) {
//Handle SomeEvent
class MethodChannelHandler {
final SomeBloc someBloc;
MethodChannelHandler(this.someBloc) {
// Handle method calls from native
Future _handleMethod(MethodCall call) async {
if (call.method == A_METHOD) {
someBloc.add(SomeEvent("something from native"));

How to use the BLoC library?

I'm trying to figure out the BLoC library, but it gives me headaches.
I'm trying to fetch hotel names from an API. I have a model and a service responsible for contacting the API and fetching the data. However, I don't know how to connect it to the BLoC library.
Once my app starts, I want BLoC to fetch the data from the API and then show it in the app.
Here's my code:
class Hotels {
final List<Hotel> hotels;
factory Hotels.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Hotels(
hotels: List<Hotel>.from(
(x) => Hotel.fromJson(x),
class Hotel {
final String hotelName;
factory Hotel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Hotel(
hotelName: json['name'],
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
abstract class DownloadService {
Future<http.Response> fetchHotels();
class HotelService extends DownloadService {
Future<http.Response> fetchHotels() {
final Uri uri = Uri.https('services.lastminute.com', 'mobile/stubs/hotels');
return http.get(uri);
And here's what I did wit the BLoC lib.
part of 'hotel_bloc.dart';
abstract class HotelEvent {}
class OnAppStartEvent extends HotelEvent {}
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:hotels/models/hotel/hotel_model.dart';
import 'package:hotels/services/hotel/hotel_service.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
part 'hotel_event.dart';
part 'hotel_state.dart';
class HotelBloc extends Bloc<HotelEvent, HotelState> {
HotelBloc() : super(HotelFinal());
final HotelService hotelService = HotelService();
Stream<HotelState> mapEventToState(
HotelEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is FetchEvent) {
final response = hotelService.fetchHotels();
part of 'hotel_bloc.dart';
abstract class HotelState {
class HotelFinal extends HotelState {
final Hotel hotel;
Hotel getHotel() {
return hotel;
First of all add await to this line in your bloc
final response = await hotelService.fetchHotels();
return List<Hotel> from your fetchHotels function
you must have stateful class for your screen and in the initState
you can create your bloc object and call .add method on it
in your build method wrap your widget with BlocBuilder and on builder callback check your bloc state, if the state is HotelFinal return your ui with list of hotels in your state object.
It'll be useful to add another state for your HotelState for when your bloc is fetching the data, and even for when there's an error. e.g;
part of 'hotel_bloc.dart';
abstract class HotelState {
class HotelFinal extends HotelState {
final Hotel hotel;
Hotel getHotel() {
return hotel;
class HotelLoading extends HotelState {
class HotelError extends HotelState {
final String error;
You would want to change your mapEventToState to something like this:
Stream<HotelState> mapEventToState(
HotelEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is FetchEvent) {
yield HotelLoading();
try {
final response = await hotelService.fetchHotels();
// It seems like your service doesn't return an hotel directly, so you'll have to deal with this as it is not part of the question.
final hotel = getYourHotelHereWithTheResponse;
yield HotelFinal(hotel);
} catch (e) {
yield HotelError('something went wrong getting the hotel info');
Lastly, add a widget to your widget tree that adds FetchEvent to your bloc and add a BlocBuilder to react to the change of states. Note that this is very flexible and can be done in many ways, but it is out of the scope of your very broad question, I'm just showing you how to use the library at a minimal:
class MyStatefulWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_MyStatefulWidgetState createState() => _MyStatefulWidgetState();
class _MyStatefulWidgetState extends State<MyStatefulWidget> {
HotelBloc hotelBloc;
void initState() {
hotelBloc = HotelBloc..add(FetchEvent());
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder(builder: (context, state) {
if(state is HotelLoading) {
// return a widget to deal with loading
if(state is HotelFinal) {
// return a widget to deal with success
if(state is HotelError) {
// return a widget to deal with error

flutter_bloc - hook into onClose, onCreate lifecycle events for specific cubit

I want to hook into the lifecycle events of my cubits.
I notice the blocObserver has onClose and onCreate, however that is for observing all cubit's lifecycle events. How do I hook into these events just for a specific cubit? For example the equivalent of overriding onClose inside a cubit.
My implementation of ChessMax's answer:
class VpCubit<T> extends Cubit<T> {
VpCubit(T initial) : super(initial);
void onClose() => print('');
Future<void> close() async {
if (onClose != null) {
return super.close();
class LoggedOutNickNameCubit extends VpCubit<int> {
: super(0);
void onClose() {
void onCreate() {
One possible solution is to filter out events in the observing hook. Every event of BlocObserver has a reference to a cubit/bloc instance that sends the event. So you can compare it with the reference with your specific cubit/bloc instance. And if references are equal you can handle it somehow. Something like this:
class MyObserver extends BlocObserver {
final Cubit<Object> _cubit;
MyObserver(this._cubit) : assert(_cubit != null);
void onClose(Cubit cubit) {
if (cubit == _cubit) {
// do whatever you need
Another way is to create your own cubit/bloc subclass. Override the methods you want to listen to. And use your own BlocObserver like class to notify this specific cubit/bloc listeners. Something like this:
class MyObserver {
final void Function() onClose;
class MyBloc extends Bloc<MyEvent, MyState> {
final MyObserver _observer;
MyBloc(this._observer) : super(MyInitial());
Future<void> close() async {
if (_observer != null && _observer.onClose != null) {
return super.close();
Also, I think, it's possible to write a generic cubit/bloc wrapper base class like above. And then use it as a base class for all your cubits/blocs classes instead.

setState() called after dispose()

When I click the raised button, the timepicker is showing up. Now, if I wait 5 seconds, for example, and then confirm the time, this error will occur:
setState() called after dispose()
I literally see in the console how flutter is updating the parent widgets, but why? I don't do anything - I just wait 5 seconds?!
The example below will work in a normal project, however in my project which is quite more complex it won't work because Flutter is updating the states while I am waiting... What am I doing wrong? Does anyone have a guess at what it could be that Flutter is updating randomly in my more complex project and not in a simple project?
I took a second look at it and found out it is updating from the level on where my TabBar and TabBarView are.
Could it have to do something with the "with TickerProviderStateMixin" which I need for the TabBarView? Could it be that it causes the app to refresh regularly and randomly?
class DateTimeButton extends State<DateTimeButtonWidget> {
DateTime selectedDate = new DateTime.now();
Future initTimePicker() async {
final TimeOfDay picked = await showTimePicker(
context: context,
initialTime: new TimeOfDay(hour: selectedDate.hour, minute: selectedDate.minute),
if (picked != null) {
setState(() {
selectedDate = new DateTime(selectedDate.year, selectedDate.month, selectedDate.day, picked.hour, picked.minute);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new RaisedButton(
child: new Text("${selectedDate.hour} ${selectedDate.minute}"),
onPressed: () {
Just check boolean property mounted of the state class of your widget before calling setState().
if (this.mounted) {
setState(() {
// Your state change code goes here
Or even more clean approach
Override setState method in your StatelfulWidget class.
class DateTimeButton extends StatefulWidget {
void setState(fn) {
if(mounted) {
If it is an expected behavior that the Future completes when the widget already got disposed you can use
if (mounted) {
setState(() {
selectedDate = new DateTime(selectedDate.year, selectedDate.month, selectedDate.day, picked.hour, picked.minute);
Just write one line before setState()
if (!mounted) return;
and then
setState(() {
//Your code
I had the same problem and i solved changing the super constructor call order on initState():
Wrong code:
void initState() {
foo_bar(); // call setState();
super.initState(); // then foo_bar()
Right code:
void initState() {
foo_bar(); // first call super constructor then foo_bar that contains setState() call
To prevent the error from occurring, one can make use of the mounted property of the State class to ensure that a widget is mounted before settings its state:
// First Update data
if (!mounted) {
setState(() { }
Try this
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new RaisedButton(
child: new Text("${selectedDate.hour} ${selectedDate.minute}"),
onPressed: () async {
await initTimePicker();
class MountedState<T extends StatefulWidget> extends State<T> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return null;
void setState(VoidCallback fn) {
if (mounted) {
To prevent the error,Instead of using State use MountedState
class ExampleStatefulWidget extends StatefulWidget {
const ExampleStatefulWidget({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_ExampleStatefulWidgetState createState() => _ExampleStatefulWidgetState();
class _ExampleStatefulWidgetState extends MountedState<ExampleStatefulWidget> {
I had this error when I mistakenly called super.initState before the variable. Check this:
void initState() {
bloc = MainBloc();
Should be fixed as
void initState() {
bloc = MainBloc();
The problem could occur when you have long asynchronous operation in stateful widget that could be closed/disposed before the operation finished.
Futures in Dart are not preemptive, so the only way is to check if a widget mounted before calling setState.
If you have a lot of widgets with asynchrony, adding ton of if (mounted) checks is tedious and an extension method might be useful
extension FlutterStateExt<T extends StatefulWidget> on State<T> {
void setStateIfMounted(VoidCallback fn) {
if (mounted) {
// ignore: invalid_use_of_protected_member