Line numbering in WPS presentation - wps

I am copying code with syntax highlighting from WPS Writter to WPS Presentation. However, when I apply line numbering in the latter, I only get the first line numbered.
Line numbering works correctly in Writter. But if I copy and paste it into presenter, I cannot update the line numbers. If I paste the code has plain text in Presenter the line numbering works correctly [but I obviously loose the highlighting] .
Is there anyway to correct this?


How can I make Visual Studio Code suggest tab-completions for any previous line in the file?

I want visual studio code to suggest an autocompletion for an entire line if I start typing the first few characters of any line already in the file, regardless of the content of the existing line. So if this is the content of my file:
this is a line with whitespace
And I type this on a new line, I would get a pop-up like any other autocomplete suggestion and I could fill in either of the lines above. How can I do this (and if I can't, is there another editor that has this ability)?
The extension Line Completion does what you want.
You have to configure for which files (language identifiers) it should perform these suggestions. (To prevent to much calculation on large files where you don't use it. See the README page.

How to convert embedded CRLF codes to their REAL newlines in Vscode?

I searched everywhere for this, the problem is that the search criteria is very similar to other questions.
The issue I have is that file (script actually) is embedded in another file. So when I open the parent file I can see the script as massive string with several \n and \r\n codes. I need a way to convert these codes to what they should be so that it formats the code correctly then I can read said code and work on it.
Quick snippet:
\n\n\n\n\nlocal scriptingFunctions\n\n\n\n\nlocal measuringCircles = {}\r\nlocal isCurrentlyCheckingCoherency
Should covert to:
local scriptingFunctions
local measuringCircles = {}
local isCurrentlyCheckingCoherency
perform a Regex Find-Replace
Find: (\\r)?\\n
Replace: \n
If you don't need to reconvert from newlines to \n after you're done working on the code, you can accomplish the trick by simply pressing ctrl-f and substituting every occurrence of \n with a new line (you can type enter in the replace box by pressing ctrl-enter or shift-enter).
See an example ctrl-f to do this:
If after you're done working on the code you need to reconvert to \n, you can add an invisible char to the replace string (typing it like ctrl-enter invisibleChar), and after you're done you can re-replace it with \n.
There's plenty of invisible chars, but I'd personally suggest [U+200b] (you can copy it from here); another good one is [U+2800] (⠀), as it renders as a normal whitespace, and thus is noticeable.
A thing to notice is that recent versions of vscode will show a highlight around invisible chars, but you can easily disable it by clicking on Adjust settings and then selecting Exclude from being highlighted.
If you need to reenable highlighting in the future, you'll have to look for "editor.unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters" in the settings.

Line wrapping TeX from Visual Studio Code

I'm seeking a command that when I highlight a paragraph of text in Visual Studio Code will let me remove all line breaks, and correspondingly a command that if I highlight a paragraph without line breaks will insert them at the end of the display width.
It wont be enough to just use Alt-Z because that just makes the display show the line wrapping but doesn't actually insert the line breaks.
For context: I'm using a VS Code latex plugin which is a compiled text editor format. Errors in this system trace back to line numbers so if you don't have line breaks you have to hunt down the error somewhere in a large paragraph. But of course this being a text document there you often have to edit paragraphs and end-of-lines become jagged and hard to read/update.
You can set this behavior searching for "Word Wrap" in the settings. Set to "on" to wrap the words.
Found a solution, maybe it will help someone in the future.: install "rewrap" extension. Select portion of text, and use Alt-q. Seems to work like Emacs' M-q command. (Thx Grant)

Changing the default display of line breaks in search window?

I recently switched from Textwrangler to BBEdit. I use these editors to perform large multi-file GREP-search mainly. But in BBEdit I noticed that line breaks automatically get converted to \n in the search window, and that makes in very hard for me to get an overview of the search I'm about to perform, when everything is on one line.
When I copy a text with line breaks, for example
and paste it in the search window, it looks like this:
In TextWrangler I was able to see the line breaks as line breaks, not \n. How can I change that in BBEdit?

Line breaks using dlmcell in Matlab - shows up in Notepad++ but not Notepad

I am using the function dlmcell in Matlab to output text. I want text on a new line each time I append using dlmcell.
When I open my written document in Notepad++, each snippet of text is on a new line as I want it. However, opening it in Notepad that comes with windows, everything is on the same line. Can somebody tell me why this is, and how to fix it?
I'm assuming you're using the string \n to declare a new line in your output. For Notepad++ this is sufficient, because it interprets a new line just with \n. For the Windows Editor you need to include the carriage return also:
\n with \r\n
This way not just a new line is created, it also tells the editor to actually continue on the next line.
To illustrate what I mean, open your output file with Notepad++ and activate View > Show Symbol > All characters and you will see something like:
I wrote this with Notepad++ and it automatically adds CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) at the end of every line. Matlab doesn't if you don't tell it. So your output file only contains LF without the above mentioned substitution.
I've had a look into dlmcell, which is a FEX-function. In the current version \r\n is implemented actually. Do you have the newest version of that function (Download)? If not, something else must be wrong, please post some code.