MongoDB - Update an Key - mongodb

I have been trying to update an Object for this collection. Below is the collection. Looking for Server 3.6 version.
Here The ask is Need to update the class name from "HISTORY" to " HISTORY_NEW". Need to do, for some students in the class. Need a query that will select all student records in student collection with "HISTORY" class in it and update them to "HISTORY_NEW ". I have around 30,000 records and not getting a bulk update method.
"_id" : ObjectId("611f90aa43f77a728879c395"),
"studentId" : "stu1",
"classes" : {
"History" : {
"TeacherName" : "T1",
"Marks" : [
"Internal": 15
"Geography" : {
"TeacherName" : "T2",
"Marks" : [
"Internal" : 20
"updateDate" : ISODate("2021-10-12T11:40:47.156Z")
This is the result I am expecting
"_id" : ObjectId("611f90aa43f77a728879c395"),
"studentId" : "stu1",
"classes" : {
"TeacherName" : "T1",
"Marks" : [
"Internal": 15
"Geography" : {
"TeacherName" : "T2",
"Marks" : [
"Internal" : 20
"updateDate" : ISODate("2021-10-12T11:40:47.156Z")
.Or is that even possible with the kind of collection above or going via code route?
So far this is what I have, without any success.
Get all students' Ids and then update the Class name. But that is also not working and don't think it is smart to update DB 30,000 times.
var studentIds =[];
.forEach(function(u) { studentIds.push(u.studentId) })
studentIds.forEach(function(studentId) {
var result;
try {
result =db.studentSubject.updateOne(
{ $set : {"classes.History": "HISTORY_NEW",}},
{ upsert: false});
} catch (e) {

From your scenario, you need $rename operator.
As discussed in the comment, you don't need to fetch each document to get studentId and then pass it to update each document. Just bulk update by checking the document has classes.History field.
"classes.History": {
$exists: true
$rename: {
"classes.History": "classes.HISTORY_NEW"
upsert: false,
multi: true
Sample Mongo Playground


MongoDB- Add new field from existing array

I am the beginner of the MongoDB
Here I mentioned my database schema
"_id" : ObjectId("5e72067973c1241068a13647"),
"client_id" : "1001",
"dependent" : [
"dependent_name" : "asdsa",
"dependent_id" : "DE100"
"dependent_name" : "fdggd",
"dependent_id" : "DE101"
I want to add new field based on client_id and dependent_id
Here I mentioned My query but cannot able to get my expected result
db.collection.update({"client_id" : "1001","dependent.dependent_id":"DE101"}, {"$push": {"reason":"expired"}})
I am Expected Result is
"_id" : ObjectId("5e72067973c1241068a13647"),
"client_id" : "1001",
"dependent" : [
"dependent_name" : "asdsa",
"dependent_id" : "DE100"
"dependent_name" : "fdggd",
"dependent_id" : "DE101",
so anyone help me to solve this
db.collection.update({"client_id" : "1001","dependent.dependent_id":"DE101"},
Try this it works for me using $
As i am also new to mongodb, as i tried, i can give you suggestion to update whole document or replace it.
both way i tried, and query is as below.
db.updateColl.update({ 'dependent.dependent_id': 'DE101' },
$set: {
"dependent": [
"dependent_name": "asdsa",
"dependent_id": "DE100"
"dependent_name": "fdggd",
"dependent_id": "DE101",
"reason": "expired"
db.updateColl.replaceOne({ 'dependent.dependent_id': 'DE101' }, {
"dependent": [
"dependent_name": "asdsa",
"dependent_id": "DE100"
"dependent_name": "fdggd",
"dependent_id": "DE101",
"reason": "expired"
may be it can help you. if any suggestion regarding it wellcome.

How to update Meteor array element inside a document

I have a Meteor Mongo document as shown below
"_id" : "zFndWBZTvZPgSKXHP",
"activityId" : "aRDABihAYFoAW7jbC",
"activityTitle" : "Test Mongo Document",
"users" : [
"id" : "",
"type" : "free"
"id" : "JqKvymryNaCjjKrAR",
"type" : "free"
I want to update a specific array element's email with custom generated id using Meteor query something like the below.
for instance, I want to update the document
if '' == "" then update it to = 'SomeIDXXX'
So updated document should looks like below.
"_id" : "zFndWBZTvZPgSKXHP",
"activityId" : "aRDABihAYFoAW7jbC",
"activityTitle" : "Test Mongo Document",
"users" : [
"id" : "SomeIDXXX",
"type" : "free"
"id" : "JqKvymryNaCjjKrAR",
"type" : "free"
I have tried the below but didnt work.
{ activityId: activityId, "": emailId },
{ $set: { "users": { id: _id } } }
Can someone help me with the relevant Meteor query ? Thanks !
Your query is actually almost right except for a small part where we want to identify the element to be updated by its index.
"activityId": "aRDABihAYFoAW7jbC",
"": ""
}, {
$set: {"users.$.id": ""}
You might need the arrayFilters option.
{ activityId: activityId },
{ $set: { "users.$[elem].id": "SomeIDXXX" } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "": "" } ], multi: true }
You need to use the $push operator instead of $set.
{ $push: { <field1>: <value1>, ... } }

MongoDB Conditional validation on arrays and embedded documents

I have a number of documents in my database where I am applying document validation. All of these documents may have embedded documents. I can apply simple validation along the lines of SQL non NULL checks (these are essentially enforcing the primary key constraints) but what I would like to do is apply some sort of conditional validation to the optional arrays and embedded documents. By example, lets say I have a document that looks like this:
"date": <<insertion date>>,
"name" : <<the portfolio name>>,
"assets" : << amount of money we have to trade with>>
Clearly I can put validation on this document to ensure that date name and assets all exist at insertion time. Lets say, however, that I'm managing a stock portfolio and the document can have future updates to show an array of stocks like this:
"date" : <<insertion date>>,
"name" : <<the portfolio name>>,
"assets" : << amount of money we have to trade with>>
"portfolio" : [
{ "stockName" : "IBM",
"pricePaid" : 155.39,
"sharesHeld" : 100
{ "stockName" : "Microsoft",
"pricePaid" : 57.22,
"sharesHeld" : 250
Is it possible to to apply a conditional validation to this array of sub documents? It's valid for the portfolio to not be there but if it is each document in the array must contain the three fields "stockName", "pricePaid" and "sharesHeld".
validator: {
$or: [
"portfolio": {
$exists: false
$and: [
"portfolio": {
$exists: true
"portfolio.stockName": {
$type: "string",
$exists: true
"portfolio.pricePaid": {
$type: "double",
$exists: true
"portfolio.sharesHeld": {
$type: "double",
$exists: true
With this above validation in place you can insert documents with or without portfolio.
After executing the validator in shell, then you can insert data of following
"_id" : ObjectId("58061aac8812662c9ae1b479"),
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-18T12:50:52.372Z"),
"name" : "B",
"assets" : 200
"_id" : ObjectId("58061ab48812662c9ae1b47a"),
"date" : ISODate("2016-10-18T12:51:00.747Z"),
"name" : "A",
"assets" : 100,
"portfolio" : [
"stockName" : "Microsoft",
"pricePaid" : 57.22,
"sharesHeld" : 250
If we try to insert a document like this
"date" : new Date(),
"name" : "A",
"assets" : 100,
"portfolio" : [
{ "stockName" : "IBM",
"sharesHeld" : 100
then we will get the below error message
"nInserted" : 0,
"writeError" : {
"code" : 121,
"errmsg" : "Document failed validation"
Using Mongoose
Yes it can be done, Based on your scenario you may need to initialize the parent and the child schema.
Shown below would be a sample of child(portfolio) schema in mongoose.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var portfolioSchema = new Schema({
"stockName" : { type : String, required : true },
"pricePaid" : { type : Number, required : true },
"sharesHeld" : { type : Number, required : true },
Can I require an attribute to be set in a mongodb collection? (not null)
Hope it Helps!

Mongo remove from nested object by value

I have a Mongo collection the consists of a document and a nested object describing what collections the document is in and when it was added. I would like to remove key-value pairs from a nested object based on a condition, e.g. is the value (a date) before 1-1-2016.
"_id" : ObjectId("581214940911ad3de98002db"),
"collections" : {
"c01" : ISODate("2016-10-27T15:52:04.512Z"),
"c02" : ISODate("2015-11-21T16:06:06.546Z")
needs to become
"_id" : ObjectId("581214940911ad3de98002db"),
"collections" : {
"c01" : ISODate("2016-10-27T15:52:04.512Z"),
One alternative would be to change the schema to something like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("581214940911ad3de98002db"),
"collections" : [
"id": "c01",
"date": ISODate("2016-10-27T15:52:04.512Z")
"id": "c02",
"date" : ISODate("2015-11-21T16:06:06.546Z")
in which case removing a document from a would be easy. I am a bit reluctant to do that because it would complicate some of the other queries I would like to support. Thanks!
I prefer the second structure for your schema
"_id" : ObjectId("581214940911ad3de98002db"),
"collections" : [
"id": "c01",
"date": ISODate("2016-10-27T15:52:04.512Z")
"id": "c02",
"date" : ISODate("2015-11-21T16:06:06.546Z")
then able to remove from collections like this
{ },// if you want can add query for specific Id {"_id" : requestId},
{ $pull: { collections: { date: {$lt: yourDate} } } }, // if need can convert iso date string like: new Date(yourDate).toISOString()
{ multi: true }

MongoDB update all subelements from subarray [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to Update Multiple Array Elements in mongodb
(16 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a collection with a following schema:
"_id" : ObjectId("52dfba46daf02aa4630cf529"),
"hotelVenue" : {
"rooms" : [
"clientId" : "ROOM_1",
"roomName" : "Executive"
"clientId" : "ROOM_2",
"roomName" : "Premium"
"_id" : ObjectId("52dfc2f9daf02aa2632bc8af"),
"hotelVenue" : {
"rooms" : [
"clientId" : "ROOM_1",
"roomName" : "Studio Room"
"clientId" : "ROOM_2",
"roomName" : "Soho Suite"
"clientId" : "ROOM_3",
"roomName" : "Luxury Suite"
I need to genearate unique id for all the records -> subarray.
i.e., in the example there is rooms so for each and every room type, I need give a unique id basically using ObjectId().
Output should look something like the below, where roomId being generated.
"_id" : ObjectId("52dfba46daf02aa4630cf529"),
"hotelVenue" : {
"rooms" : [
"clientId" : "ROOM_1",
"roomName" : "Executive",
"roomId" : "56f8cb3f0c658b4bc26172342"
"clientId" : "ROOM_2",
"roomName" : "Premium",
"roomId" : "56f8cb3f0c658b4bc26176d4"
I have written this script where it gives the following error: Error: Line 9: Unexpected token +
db.venues.update({_id:data._id,'data.hotelVenue.rooms.clientId' : roomItem.clientId},
'hotelVenue.rooms.'+roomItem.clientId+'.roomId' : ObjectId()
EDIT: This should do it in a more efficient manner by only saving each document once;
find({"hotelVenue.rooms": { $elemMatch: {roomId: {$exists: 0}}}}).
forEach(function(doc) {
doc.hotelVenue.rooms.forEach(function(room) {
if(!room.roomId) {
room.roomId = ObjectId();
The find filters out only documents that are in need of updating. After that, it's just a matter of updating the document as needed and calling save.
Of course, backups are in order before running potentially destructive queries from random people on the Internet against your production data set.