Is there any way to prevent FormBuilder elements to scroll to top of page? - flutter

I have a long form with lots of textfield, datepicker, etc. When I click FormBuilder's checkbox, touchspin and radiobutton.Page scrolls to top until my clicked element is the first element. It's so annoying beacuse when I click touchspin's plus button at the middle of the page, it suddenly moves to top and I have to go on clicking at somewhere else.
Textfields, datepicker and dropdowns don't have this problem.
Is there any way to prevent this behaviour?

I faced the same issue.
just update form builder package to latest version 7.1.1, it solved for me.
see the change log for version 7.1.1 for mor update


Any links or HTML form items like button inside the Bootstrap 4 modal is unusable

I have cart icon, which when clicked loads the cart of the user in a Modal. However, any link or HTML form items like input or buttons that are within this modal are unusable. It can never be brought to focus nor clicked. I tried playing with CSS property z-index with no success.
Check site here.
Add any product to cart and then click bag/cart icon on the top right to see the issue.
Changing the pointer-events value in CSS solved the issue. wrapping the content part in an element with class modal-content is also fixing the issue as suggested in comments.

Facebook like button pops up behind some elements

On my website the comment box that pops up when I press the Like button is placed behind some elements of the page and I really don't figure out how to fix it.
For 2 days I'm struggling with z-index property but no result and now I've found a solution by changing the overflow property of the parent div from hidden to visible/auto and it works! BUT I can't use this fix because that div has overflow set to hidden because I'm using the slimScroll plugin to customize the scrollbar...
This is the website, just click on any image and press the Like button to see what happens.
The right and left side of the popup are integrated in a table... I was thinking, if i remove the table and use just divs instead, the fix would be easier?

Issue when using position: fixed for toolbar in iOS 5 (iPad and iPhone)

There's an issue when accessing my website ( on iPad or iPhone with iOS 5 that I canĀ“t fix. When window is scrolled thru code every position:fixed elements click event stop working. Can you please help me ?
This site structure uses a top menu div and a header div with position: fixed css. When user clicks on a menu item window scrolls horizontally until it reaches its target.
Clicking in the menu item is done by jQuery click method on each img tag and scrolling is done by jQuery animate method ($("html:not(:animated),body").animate({ scrollLeft: varDestino }, 1500);)
When page is loaded the menu works just as I intended but, after it scrolls thru menu, and I try to click on another menu item nothing happens. The strangest thing is that everything works again when user manually scrolls the window (by finger).
It looks like that by changing window scroll position by code (jQuery calls window.scroll) fixed elements lost its clickable position references.
Is there any workaround for this ?
I've solved this with a trick. I've created invisible divs over the menu items that changes it's position when page scrolls (simulating afixed element over the real position: fixed menu items). When user clicks or hover over those invisble divs the real ones are called

how to design hidden field in android and it will appear when we click it

i am try use hidden field like Div tags in android for hiding some field and when we will click that button the related fields will appear.
try setting visibility to GONE this will remove the display. You can then set it to visibile. This will remove the view completely but everything else will still line up properly. If you want to just make it invisible there is an invisible setting too.

In Drupal, how do you get the submit button to appear last on a create content form?

In Drupal, how do you get the submit button to appear last on a create content form without making the entire form from scratch? I can set the weight of the submit button using code, but it never goes below any custom fields I've created. If I drag a lot of custom fields from the bottom of the form to the top, the submit button only stays below about 5 of the fields and then all the other fields get stacked below it. It feels like the submit button is simply stuck in one position on the screen. How do I fix that?
In a hook_form_alter():
$form['submitbuttonid']['#weight'] = 100;
But it seems like something is getting in the way. Typically in Drupal the Submit is always last unless something funny is going on.
Okay, I had just upgraded to the latest version of views and cck. I reverted back to the versions just before that and now the submit button has returned to the bottom of the form. (And a few other niggling errors I never used to have went away)