SEIR infection charts going up and down - anylogic

I have a problem constructing my SEIR model for system dynamics.
I want to create an infectious character chart that goes up, down and up again.
How do I go about creating it, the current one that I simulated goes up the down meaning that the virus comes to an end at some point.

If you want your infections to go up and down you need to have a transition where a person is either not immune or their immunity ends, see the stock and flow diagram below.
This is then technically a SIRS model as the person becomes Recovered and can become susceptible again.
I used a model from the AnyLogic Cloud as a base


Why does the agent not go to the right attractor?

i have a fork-lifter who takes the item from the truck and stock it in the rectangular node.
The problem is that i want that the fork-lifter stock the agent according to the attractors. Instead, the operator goes in the same point every time. Why?(i did the same with another flowchart and same blocks and there is no problem, maybe a network problem?).
YOu have to manually tell it to which attractor it should go. Attractors are not actual physical spaces (that become "full" if something is stored there). They are just spaces to separate things visually.
In your process blocks, you probably did not specify the attractors correctly or did not define to move to a random attractor. But even in the latter case, you could have things being stored in the same attractor.
Two options:
Either, turn your attractors into actual agents with rectangular nodes, that you setup to be "empty/full" with state charts (faster but harder to design)
Or use the material handling library with its storage system setup, doing this for your (but this is computationally slower)

How to simulate a pickup process happening in the parking lot in AnyLogic?

I am modeling a warehouse yard where trucks arrive, get loaded/offloaded and leave the site. The complexity arises when modeling the drop trailers. Those vehicles consist of two parts: tractor and trailer. Tractor and trailer enter the yard as one entity and move to the parking lot. There, the tractor drops the trailer (turquoise colored rectangles in the picture below) and then then leaves the yard. After some time another tractor (pink colored in the picture below) comes to pick up one of those trailers. When there is no free space in the parking lot, model throws an error, because I use carMoveTo block to send it to the parkingLot. Therefore it requires additional space to move the tractor. How can I avoid this issue? In fact, I do not want that pink tractor to seize a free parking lot, but to pick up one of those trailers. I tried suppressing the error by using "on the way not found" option in the carMoveTo block, but I need to get a close-to-reality animation of the yard.
I would not advise mixing the road traffic library blocks with the Process Modelling Library (PML) Blocks, unless you really need to.
You can get near-perfect animation by making use of a network-type model and just the PML blocks. You will start by replacing your Car Move To block with just a MoveTo block
You can check the WholeSale Warehouse example in AnyLogic.
There they make use of a network diagram and PML blocks to simulation all the relative parking movements of trucks and trailers.
You can do something similar by creating the correct network and node points that indicate how a truck must move when it is parking a trailer and when it is picking up a trailer.
If this solution is not scalable and you cant draw lines, you can always simply just specify the X,Y, Z coordinates.
You might then need multiple MoveTo blocks for the entire movement or you can create some sort of loop where you give a truck a list of locations to move to, the truck will go through the loop and simply execute moving to the next location in the list, until it is done and then continue with the flow chart

track agent movement in anylogic

I am running a pedestrian simulation in Anylogic and want greater granularity in the agent position information that I get at the end of my model. Currently, I have it set up to show a heat map of traffic density, but I would like to trace the actual position of each agent through its time in the model, like a line or trail.
model visualization at the end of a simulation
Add a cyclic event into your Pedestrian agent type (you cannot use the default pedestrians but must create your own agent type).
Then, every second (or whatever resolution you need), write the pedestrian coordinates (getX and getY) into a dbase table along with its index.
Then, you can do any post-processing that you need.
PS: typically, this is not really necessary, so make sure you really need this ;)

How can I control individual pedestrian type agents behavior using statechart in anylogic?

I am trying to do a pedestrian modeling where individual pedestrian agent behavior needs to be controlled. Can I do that using the pedestrian agent's statechart?
Update: Sorry that my initial question wasn't clear enough
jaywalker (agent)statechart
runtime screenshot
jaywalker agent from padsource
In the first picture (main) I have a simple pedestrian model where jaywalker (pedestrian agent) moves through 2 road crossing. Initially all the jaywalker agents are in "walking" state & colored yellow (pic: 2), but whenever some agents are near another agent (near means within the triangular shown in jaywalker agent representation), they send the message "HI" to them & socialize. If someone is socialized, then they move from "walker" state to "socializing" state (and turn red) & send messages to others who are within his triangular range("field of vision" triangle). The first 11 socializing is done directly by a message from main (on model startup) & 11 jaywalker agents are receiving it & moving to "socializing" state. The problem is in my graph it's showing the first 11 socializing but during model runtime the agent's color is not changing. Secondly, after those 11 socializing, agents aren't socializing or sending any message to others who are within his triangle.
So, I am confused about how I can make my agents move from one statechart to another while modeling the movement behavior using the pedestrian library. Am I missing any step to connect the pedestrian library & agent statechart?
It looks like you did not tell PedSource to create your custom ped agents of type "JayWalker". Try this:
Delete your population, not needed
Make sure your JayWalker agent type is defined as pedestrians in its properties:
In your PedSource, make sure it creates "JayWalker" agents as below. (You should select JayWalker where my screen selects "MyPed")
Optionally, you can make the PedSource add the created "MyPed" agents to a custom population, but likely not necessary for you.
PS: Please understand that PedSource is creating agents, do not use your population for that. Read some more about PedSource and populations and do some tutorials to understand these basic concepts better :-)

Create natural disaster model in unity3D

I am working on a application where, I would like to make a 3D terrain model of my country in unity3D in clusive of hills, mountains and rivers. So far I've been able to use mapbox to import the country map because unity wrld sdk doesn't yet support my country.
However the end goal is to create an application capable of representing natural disasters. Example, I have the country. I would like to know how would one go about causing rain to occurred that would essentially affect the "water levels" of the river and essentially show a flood. Basically, after I bring in the terrain how do I "act" on it to cause a landslide.
Any help or tutorial pointing to such would be welcomed.
You will need different models for each natural disaster. You will always only get a rough estimate of what may happen as your data will never represent the actual terrain. (For example earthquake, you may be able to reproduce damage to structures but never be able to predict if there will be a drift in the earth itself)
Rain/ Flood
A really simple simulation of rising ground water is slowly moving a "water" plane up. This crude approach will demonstrate which areas are going to be under water quite easily. For a detailed flood simulation you will need a fluid simulation of any kind (there are quite a few on the asset store)
Treat it as a fluid system with a strong resistance.
Almost the same as a flood, just with more viscosity.
You may be able to simulate the damage of an earthquake if all your objects have some kind of break point and the earthquake is added force to an area. A set force has an certain chance to destroy the object in the area. (Think of it in terms like any castle destroy game aka Flappy Bird, the bullet is your local earthquake and the castle your terrain + building/ trees)
You will need something like a burn value. Higher value = the longer it burns, harder to put out, faster spread. If a fire starts at any given point, it grows around. A river would have a value of 0, same as mountains. A forest would have a high value, a grass plain a low value. If you want to simulate a hot dry summer, your terrain could add a fixed value to everything, grass gets drying and thus has a higher chance to spread fire.