Eclipse Content Assist/Template Proposal: Unable to change the background of the highlighted line (selected by keyboard arrow, not mouse pointer) - eclipse

Hi I'm currently using STM's CubeMX to do some programming of my STM32 in C/C++.
I have also downloaded from marketplace the darkest dark theme (I selected darkest gray).
I immediately noticed that when I enter ctrl+space for the content assist/template proposal, I am hardly able to see which line of the proposal is highlighted. Do see the below image to understand what I mean.
I would like to change the BACKGROUND of the highlighted line/proposal (not the TEXT colour of the highlighted line) but to no avail.
I have gone through a few other posts in the past similar to this, but it does not refer to my specific situation.
I also noticed that if I were to mouse over (but it is much more inefficient), a slightly more distinguishable background colour could be seen.
Could someone advice how I can resolve this please?
Example: Eclipse dark theme content assist unreadable
How to change colors in the Eclipse Content Assist (Template Proposals) window

A light theme does not play as nice with syntax highlighting, as does a dark theme. Most programmers prefer a dark theme, which works best for the eyes, when you have to look so many hours to the screen every day. At least it does so for me.
To adjust "Completion proposal foreground" and "Completion proposal background"
in STM32CubeIDE, got to "Preferences" > "C/C++" > "Editor". Here you will find the settins under "Appearance color options".
I used:
Background 29, 29, 29
Foreground 156, 220, 254


DBeaver Content Assist colors

I am having difficulty getting the Content assist colors right. With auto-completion, the first suggestion is always light color on light color. Here is what it looked like originally (Dracula Theme):
Changing the values of Content Assist Background/Foreground colors did not have any affect on the top suggestion. Here is a screenshot from after swapping the Content Assist Foreground and Background colors (Darkest Dark theme):
I have tried swapping every other practical color setting in Window->Preferences->General->Appearance->Colors and Fonts with no luck. The color scheme in the first image above is the popular Dracula theme that I manually set up setting by setting. Thinking I screwed something up in there, I scrapped all that work and switched to the Eclipse DevStyle theme Darkest Dark. Here, I was met with the same issue. After this, I switched everything to default settings where the color scheme is black font on white background. Everything is readable. Switching back to the Darkest Dark, the issue remains.
I have found similar questions regarding this, but their solutions are mostly for Linux (GTK specifically). This machine I am using is on Windows 7. I also have a laptop that runs DBeaver on Arch Linux and does not suffer from this problem. It seems this issue may be system dependent. I found one answer that suggested changing the message box settings for Windows may fix this, but my message box settings are currently black text on white background. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Most of the SWT widgets relay on the OS level theme. For example, it's known that using the Windows Classic theme at the OS level can cause oddities like this one. So just switching to a different theme can fix this issue.
maybe you have found the solution, just in case anyone is still searching...
we can change the color of "content assist", you can find in "Colors and fonts".
click here to see the setting

Eclipse editor tips 'see also' colour is an unreadable vivid blue on a black background

I can read the completion tips apart from the links following "See also".
Can anyone tell me how to change this colour alone?
#azurefrog Your link to change the background color provided a workaround solution, which is to select the relevant text or change the background colour permanently, thus altering the colour contrast between the font and the background and thereby making the text readable. Its a shame that Eclipse proggies don't apparently monitor stackoverflow as I'm sure they could finger the solution immediately.

Changing the Content Aware color for Eclipse Dark Theme

So I downloaded the Eclipse Dark Theme and got the syntax highlighting worked out, but I am having issues when using content assist feature. The blue text on the dark background makes the text very hard to change, and I have tried digging around looking for settings to change this but I could not find any. Can someone give me some advice here?

The selected entry in Eclipse content assist is unreadable because of colours

In my Eclipse installation, the selected entry in the content assist menu is almost unreadable because the colour is white on white-greyish. See image below.
I can change the background and text colour of the non-selected entries in the list from eclipse preferences, but the selected entry is always the same colour and is always unreadable. I use the Eclipse Color Theme RecognEyes, but that should only affect the editor as far as I understand.
How do I make the text of the selected entry in the context assist menu readable?
After reading m1shk4's answer it does indeed seem that Eclipse takes it's colours from the current gnome theme. However it does this in a kind of weird way.
The background colour of the content assist "window" is the input boxes background colour, and the text colour is the input boxes text colour. This all seems logical.
However the background colour of the selected entry is the windows background colour, but the text of the selected entry is not the background text colour.
See image below for an illustration.
Does anybody know how to fix or workaround this issue?
Working workaround
It seems this issue is rather specific with the default gnome theme in Ubuntu. Switching to another gnome theme solves the issue for me.
Not sure if it's still in time but this might help all of you who are having the same problem, as I had:
Create a file ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and add this content to the file:
style "eclipse_fix"
base[ACTIVE] = shade(0.7, "#4283d3")
class "GtkTreeView" style "eclipse_fix"
Then just set Unity a new theme (in Configuration > appearance) and set again to the previous theme (Ambiance for instance). That will read the new file created above and the new color will take effect in eclipse.
I'm on Eclipse Neon and using Eclipse Color Themes.
I've solved this issue by:
Window-> Preferences-> General-> Appearance:
->Uncheck "Use mixed fonts and colors for labels."
Windows > Preference > General > Appearance > Color and Fonts
Basic > Content Assist background color, Content Assist foreground color:
and voilĂ !
Interface is in Russian, but I think it's clear that colors, you're looking for, correspond to Selected Items entry. On my screenshot its light-blue for background and black for foreground.
If you are on Ubuntu / Unity, go ahead and install and start gnome-color-chooser.
Global Colors -> Default Configuration, Entry Fields -> selected and change fg and bg colors according to your needs.
I have the same issue on Windows 7. I found that text color(unselected text) of the content assist box can be changed under:
Desktop->Personalize->Window Color->Advanced Appearance Settings->Item->MessageBox
The only problem is one cannot set the background color for the MessageBox. -> any help from someone else?
At least this way you can read something...
NOTE: Be warned that a lot of other applications may depend on the messageBox color!
I was able to fix this in Ubuntu 12.04 by editing a file in the theme (I use Radiance):
sudo vi /usr/share/themes/Radiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
At the top is a key "gtk-color-scheme" with a bunch of color variables that are used later in the file. I make these changes: tooltip_fg_color:#000000 selected_fg_color:#000000 tooltip_bg_color:#f5f5b5
After making the changes, change your theme to something else then back, and most everything looks better! I did have to restart eclipse to get the fonts in the borders of the window to update.
Note that unfortunately these changes get overwritten sometimes during updates. There may be a way to use ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to do the same thing, I just don't know anything about that file.

How do I change the background color of the column with the expanders in Eclipse?

Recently after scorching my retinas from the garish white background in Eclipse, I found some of the excellent posts about how to change the colors so it uses sane (i.e. dark background) colors in the editor. However, one problem present in all solutions is that background of the column with the expanders for code folding is always white. Is there a way to change the background of that column?
I'm not the only person that has this problem, as shown in the screenshots for the following questions:
Dark Color Scheme for Eclipse
Color Themes for Eclipse (application of color schemes results in this issue on a Mac, no idea about PC)
I know that the problem is not language specific as it happens in Java, Python, HTML, and everything else. Any hints on where in the pages of preferences this setting is?
This is related to Eclipse Bug 62712 which is fixed in build 20090329-2000 almost a year ago. In my Galileo of build 20090920-1017 it just works when I change the background color through General > Editors > Text Editors. Here's a screen (don't pay attention to the ugly color combo, my bg defaults to white and I just picked random yellow to demonstrate that the ruler background get changed as well):
In other words, just upgrade your Eclipse to include this bugfix. Did you check Help > Check for Updates?