Unity - Find a specific game object within a prefab (clone) - unity3d

TLDR: If possible using Bolt, how do I tell unity to find a child of a clone and not find the original. Essentially, find a child within THIS GameObject (clone), not the original prefab
Hello. I am pretty new to Unity but have been making progress using Bolt. What I have is a system that will assign a random material to a plane (Being the eye of the character) when the character is instantiated. The plane is a child of the head bone. There are two planes, a left eye and a right eye.
Left Eye Randomizer
This works well enough, but I have to create a system that copies the material from the left eye to the right eye. because if I reused the code then I would get two different random eyes. I used Find GameObject, but if I have more than one character, it will find any of that Gameobject rather than the one that is a child of clone.
Right Eye Copy Left Eye
I apologize if I did not explain this the best, but I would appreciate any help. Thank you.

Bolt just is a visual graph using the exact same types and API.
=> Same in code or in Bolt you would rather use Transform.Find which different to GameObject.Find does not search the entire scene but rather only direct children under the given Transform component.


Trying to have no boundaries in my runner game

Still new to Unity. I am trying to make a 3D runner game. So I have a ground that is spawning as my player moves up the map. It spawns forward. However, I would like to make my ground spawn to the right and left side of my character so that my character never falls off the map. Just an endless ground spawn. How do I go about this?
I tried doing transform but the ground would spawn in a y axis instead of building along with the original gound.
Judging from what you wrote, it seems that you are holding the wrong axis when grabbing the currently created position.
I don't know what type of runner game it is.
There is a difference in the methods you can try when the character is fixed in place and when it is freely moving on the screen.
The character only jumps in place, and the map is continuously created left and right, and you can make it by thinking that the map moves.
If the character passes through a specific point (eg the center of the map), you can create a map in the direction it crossed.
The second method suggested when it is fixed is a general example. If you want to design a map that can move up, down, left, and right, you need to think a little more. If you create a map on the top, bottom, left, and right in a repeating form, you can try a method similar to that created on the left and right.
You can find many examples by searching for keywords such as Endless Runner on YouTube or Google.

Unity 2D: physics-based pathfinding package/library

I'm working on a small project where the goal is to defend yourself from mass enemy hordes in a 2d environment. The goal is to have the game be physics based, with enemies pushing against eachother to create a feeling of chaos.
Now I have a setup with enemies, a player and multiple obstacles all with a Rigidbody2D and 2D-colliders (mixed types, including polygon2D collider). Now I want to have the enemies chase the player. The obstacles however are polygon shaped rigidbodies, and thus are able to move.
So I want the "navigation" mesh of some sort to update on the fly, and calculate a navigation path for many entities.
Note: I don't know how many entities yet, but let's say ~100.
The things I tried to far:
Using the built-in NavMesh package from Unity. This package does not properly support the 2D configuration of Unity
Using the NavMeshPlus package. This implements a NavMeshSurface2D component to work with the 2D environment. I got this to work, but the NavMeshAgent component to steer the enemy does not use the force attribute of the rigidbody component, but rather just sets the speed or position of the transform. If someone knows how to use the NavMeshAgent or the NavMesh API in a way to get the target direction/speed via script, that would also be a solution
I tried the A* package. Which also works, but creates a very jagged line as it only can move in 8 directions (up,down,left,right and diagonals). It also cuts the corners of the obstacles, and does not take into account the size of the object (enemy) itself, so it hangs at the corners.
If anyone knows a good package/extension or the location of documentation of the NavMesh part, that would be great!
Thank you in advance.
So I got it to work and will share the solution I took:
Using the NavMeshPlus package, I created a navmesh.
Instead of using a NavMeshAgent, I configured an agent type in the navigation window with the right physical dimensions.
Next I added a script on the enemy to function as a custom NavMeshAgent.
Add a NavMeshSurface2D reference to the script (Serialized)
Using UnityEngine.AI, call NavMesh.CalculatePath(), with the AI.NavMeshQueryFilter. This has 2 components, the agent and area setters. Both of those I get from the NavMeshSurface2D reference.
Now you have the path the agent has to follow!
By the way, I'm also aware this could be done by a custom Agent inheriting the NavMeshAgent class, I'm also looking into that. Time will tell which one will have better performance.

Player falls halfway throufh the floor till the outer edge of collider. instead of the inner edge

As you can see in the included video the player falls over the floortile till the outer edge of the floor. Instead it should stop at the inner edge of the tile so it looks like its standing ontop of the tile. Can anyone help? I cant find anything on the internet regarding my issue.
Im sorry if this is a easy fix. Im a beginner. This for a school project :)
Video: https://streamable.com/99jz2o
enter image description here
Photo of sprite standing on the wrong edge of the tile.
Edit: I went back to the tile palette and redrew the level. This time selecting the game object + bitmap again. Now it works. Probably the reason why it didn't work was that when I drew the level I had not added Tilemap Collider 2D and Composite Collider 2D. Now redrawing with those 2 components added it works as it should!
The problem is with your tile map collider. Instead of using this, set empty game objects as children of the objects that make up the . Then, add BoxCollider2Ds to each one, and add scale them to fit the map. If that doesn’t work, then it is either a problem with the rigidbody, or the box collider, make sure that all of the settings are set to default, then slowly change them back, and you will discover what is causing the problem. Then you can comment on this post what variable changed it.
Your issue is the Composite Collider. The docs specify that they
do not define an inherent shape. Instead, it merges the shapes of any
Box Collider 2D or Polygon Collider 2D that you set it up to use
When you attach a BoxCollider2D or PolygonCollider2D, there is a check box on them that specifies Used by Composite. When checking this box, other fields will disappear as they are now controlled by the CompositeCollider.
To use this collider, make a new object that will hold all your other colliders or make a few that hold sections of your map. Give this new parent object a CompositeCollider2D and give all the children BoxCollider2D or PolygonCollider2D. After this, make sure to check the box Used by Composite on the children Colliders.
Edit: Sorry just saw you were using a Tilemap. Just make the CompositeCollider a parent of your Tilemap while keeping the Used by Composite checked.
Edit 2: I am not too familiar with Tilemaps with Composite Colliders, but one other solution you can try before re-childing is changing the Geometry Type field on your CompositeCollider from Polygons to Outlines.

How do I force orbital movement around a point in space, while maintaining forward/backwards capability on a player?

Long-winded question out of the way, I'll provide a diagram of what I am going for:
The red square represents the character, the blue rectangle represents the camera, the green dot represents the center of the "stage", and the black circle is the stage itself.
What I desire is to essentially lock the player's movement around the "center" of the stage, so that anytime you move left or right you are more or less rotating around said center. However, I also want the player to be able to move forwards and backwards to/from the center as well. Keep in mind I want the camera to always stay directly behind the player. I have tried many different methods, and the latest is the following:
I took a default actor, attached a spring arm, attached a child actor to that (gets possessed to become the playable character), attached another spring arm, and finally the camera to that. I then added the blueprint code to the first spring arm so that it was the one being controlled by the left/right controls. However, upon hitting play, the only thing that moves is the camera, and it can only move forwards and backwards.
I'm admittedly pretty new to Unreal Blueprints, so any help would be appreciated.
Alright, I figured it out.
Here's the setup needed if anyone else wants something similar.
For the player themselves, you'll need something like this:
The important thing is to center the root mesh where you want to rotate around. The spring arm's target arm length will be affected for the player mesh movement, giving the illusion you are physically moving the character. The second spring arm isn't necessary unless you wish to have more control over the camera to player distance.
For the rotation Blueprint, you'll need this:
The target is whatever you named the root mesh. (Mine was called Center) Drag and drop it from the hierarchy.
For the forward/backward movement, you'll need this:
The target is what you named the spring arm. (I left mine as the default "SpringArm") Again, just drag and drop it from the hierarchy.
Adjustments in Project Settings:
Yes, my inputs are backwards from what you'd think. I felt it was quicker just to reverse the inputs instead of adjusting whatever was causing the movement to be backwards in the first place. (It's probably just the sphere orientation.) Also, you'll notice I have the w and s inputs set to 5 or -5 instead of 1 or -1. This is due to the fact the movement was slow otherwise. I'm sure there's a fix that doesn't involve changing the input axis scale, but honestly I won't really have a reason to alter the values at any point in my project. If it ever comes up where I do need to, I'm sure there's a bypass to change the values from within blueprints anyways.
End result:
End Result Video
If I remember correctly, child actor components are a bit different from other components in that they are transformation independent, that is they do not update their transformation when their parent component moves around.
I find it a bit strange that you would separate your player actor and the camera component. Normally, the player "pawn" contains the mesh and camera components for one player.
I would suggest you do the following:
Create a player actor (e.g. a "pawn" or "character" class)
Create the following component hierarchy:
Root Scene -> Spring arm -> Skeletal or static mesh -> spring arm -> camera
Your root scene is the green center in your drawing. You can then basically use the blueprint you already have to rotate and move your player.

Textures to Object in Unity / Vuforia

I'm trying to do some Augmented Reality in Unity using the Vuforia plugin. I've managed to get everything working (I'm using a 3d model of a car), only the position of the car relative to the marker is wrong when I come to preview it (click the 'Play button at the top and watch through the computer's camera - is 'preview' the right name for this?).
It should be sitting on the the marker in the center, but instead it's floating above the marker and off to the side by quite a bit. The positioning is definitely right in the program itself, so I'm not sure why this isn't reflected in the preview.
Also: at the moment the car is simply an untextured grey object. I realise the textures are included in a subfolder, however I can't drag the entire car's folder (including the Textures subfolder) into the ImageTarget, only the .3ds file itself. Does anyone know how to apply the original textures to the car?
Thanks so much for your help in advance!
Well, to start answering your question about the drifting away part, you've probably got a Rigidbody attached to your Car? Well, if that's the case, then Go to the Inspector where the Rigidbody is and you'll see constraints.
To avoid it floating off, you might want to check Freeze Positions for whichever direction it needs. Probably Y axis.
Now, I'm not entirely sure if you're using Vector.AddForce to move your objects, but if you are then just check if your car can move if you've put all constraints on.
If you can't then in your code trying using Object.Rigidbody.SetActive(true) when you need it to start moving, and Object.Rigidbody.SetActive(false) when its done.
On the other hand, if you aren't using Vector.AddForce() then remove Rigidbody component if you've used it.
As for the material. If you've got the material in your folder that you've downloaded then just drag and drop it into Assets. Now sometimes your car may be one solid mesh, but some times it may be multiple meshes. So which ever the case. Drag the material from your Assets onto the Hierarchy panel over your car mesh/meshes and it should turn into that color.
Hope it helps. :)