What is PostgreSQL equivalent for MSSQL EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job 'jobName'? Does anyone know is there such a procedure in Postgres?
I want to get the DDL sql in postgres like show create table test in mysql.
I found pg_dump can get the sql about create table.
But I want to get the sql executed by pg_dump.
How can I get this sql?
The SQL statements run by pg_dump, run pg_dump --verbose.
If you want to see all SQL statements run in PostgreSQL instance for all databases set log_statement=all in postgresql.conf and run pg_ctl reload.
I am looking the differential data load from db2 tables to PostgreSQL. Is there any free tool? or how I can write the trigger to connect two databases?
will db2_fdw in PostgreSQL will help me to do this?
You can't write to nicknames in triggers in Db2.
You may use SQL Replication to a federated data source (PostgreSQL in you case) depending on your Db2 version.
11.5 Federation for PG
11.1 Federation for PG
Postgres doesn't have the USE directive, unlike SQL Server or MySQL. There is the \c <database> command, but that only works in the psql REPL. Is there an alternative to USE that can be used with cfquery in Postgres? We would be using this with CF 11.
I am new to postgresql. I've been using the psql tool to get familiar with the sql commands. Why isn't my psql installation recognizing the CONNECT and DISCONNECT commands?
try this instead: \c is an alias of sorts for connect under psql.
\c mydb;
will give you some help as well.
there are no CONNECT or DISCONNECT...
psql and SQL and embedded SQL in C
Postgres SQL commands are different from Oracle SQL commands
How do I create dblink in postgres 9.2 ? I want to be able to use it using # link in oracle? I am using postgres 9.2 64bit. DBlink is from postgres 9.2 to Oracle 11g.
If you need to access postgresql FROM Oracle:
If you need to access Oracle FROM postgresql: