I've got an exercise to create a product of two functions from the code below:
def prod[A, B, C, D](f: A => C, g: B => D): (A, B) => (C, D) = {
My plan was to do something like this, but it doesn't work, because it can't resolve symbols A and B.
def prod[A, B, C, D](f: A => C, g: B => D): (A, B) => (C, D) = {
v1: (A,B) => f(A)*g(B)
The syntax to define a function type signature and a function definition is different. When you return a value, you need to return the function definition.
def prod[A, B, C, D](f: A => C, g: B => D): (A, B) => (C, D) =
(a: A, b: B) => (f(a), g(b))
I am having problems understanding this code from the Book FP in Scala. Here is the code:
trait Monoid[A] {
def op(a1: A, a2: A): A
def zero: A
def endoMonoid[A]: Monoid[A => A] = new Monoid[A => A] {
def op(f: A => A, g: A => A) = f compose g
val zero = (a: A) => a
def foldMap[A, B](as: List[A], m: Monoid[B])(f: A => B): B =
as.foldLeft(m.zero)((b, a) => m.op(b, f(a)))
// The function type `(A, B) => B`, when curried, is `A => (B => B)`.
// And of course, `B => B` is a monoid for any `B` (via function composition).
def foldRight[A, B](as: List[A])(z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B =
foldMap(as, endoMonoid[B])(f.curried)(z)
foldMap is expecting a function f: A => B.
In foldRight, when f is curried you have A => (B => B), so I suppose f.curried is working because it is the same as (A => B => B), so foldRight is passing in to foldMap what it expect (a function with type A => B), then, what happends next is that foldMap is called and its returning a function B => B, and that's when z comes into play in (f.curried)(z) you call the function B => B with the argument z to get the final B.
Am I right? it is a litle complicated to reason about this code for me.
NOTE: Here is a scalafiddle if you want to play with it.
Well, you seem to be mostly comprehensive to me. Nevertheless, I would clarify some points:
I'd rather say "so I suppose f.curried is working because A => (B => B) is the same as (A => B => B)" (it is ambiguous here and you're talking about f.curried result type basically, not with z)
I'd rather put a point instead of a comma here: "foldMap is expecting a function f: A => B . In foldRight, ... " and pretty much every where else. Shorter phrases, clearer explanation.
what could be an error, (and what is confusing to you?) is that (f.curried)(z) doesn't work on its own and is not called after foldMap(as, endoMonoid[B]). It's first foldMap(as, endoMonoid[B])(f.curried) which is called and then (z). The first returns B => B and called with the second returns B.
When I learn State Monad, I'm not sure how to compose two functions with different State return types.
State Monad definition:
case class State[S, A](runState: S => (S, A)) {
def flatMap[B](f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = {
State(s => {
val (s1, a) = runState(s)
val (s2, b) = f(a).runState(s1)
(s2, b)
def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = {
flatMap(a => {
State(s => (s, f(a)))
Two different State types:
type AppendBang[A] = State[Int, A]
type AddOne[A] = State[String, A]
Two methods with differnt State return types:
def addOne(n: Int): AddOne[Int] = State(s => (s + ".", n + 1))
def appendBang(str: String): AppendBang[String] = State(s => (s + 1, str + " !!!"))
Define a function to use the two functions above:
def myAction(n: Int) = for {
a <- addOne(n)
b <- appendBang(a.toString)
} yield (a, b)
And I hope to use it like this:
The problem is myAction is not compilable, it reports some error like this:
Error:(14, 7) type mismatch;
found : state_monad.State[Int,(Int, String)]
required: state_monad.State[String,?]
b <- appendBang(a.toString)
How can I fix it? Do I have to define some Monad transformers?
Update: The question may be not clear, let me give an example
Say I want to define another function, which uses addOne and appendBang internally. Since they all need existing states, I have to pass some to it:
def myAction(n: Int)(addOneState: String, appendBangState: Int): ((String, Int), String) = {
val (addOneState2, n2) = addOne(n).runState(addOneState)
val (appendBangState2, n3) = appendBang(n2.toString).runState(appendBangState)
((addOneState2, appendBangState2), n3)
I have to run addOne and appendBang one by one, passing and getting the states and result manually.
Although I found it can return another State, the code is not improved much:
def myAction(n: Int): State[(String, Int), String] = State {
case (addOneState: String, appendBangState: Int) =>
val (addOneState2, n2) = addOne(n).runState(addOneState)
val (appendBangState2, n3) = appendBang(n2.toString).runState( appendBangState)
((addOneState2, appendBangState2), n3)
Since I'm not quite familiar with them, just wondering is there any way to improve it. The best hope is that I can use for comprehension, but not sure if that's possible
Like I mentioned in my first comment, it will be impossible to use a for comprehension to do what you want, because it can not change the type of the state (S).
Remember that a for comprehension can be translated to a combination of flatMaps, withFilter and one map. If we look at your State.flatMap, it takes a function f to change a State[S,A] into State[S, B]. We can use flatMap and map (and thus a for comprehension) to chain together operations on the same state, but we can't change the type of the state in this chain.
We could generalize your last definition of myAction to combine, compose, ... two functions using state of a different type. We can try to implement this generalized compose method directly in our State class (although this is probably so specific, it probably doesn't belong in State). If we look at State.flatMap and myAction we can see some similarities:
We first call runState on our existing State instance.
We then call runState again
In myAction we first use the result n2 to create a State[Int, String] (AppendBang[String] or State[S2, B]) using the second function (appendBang or f) on which we then call runState. But our result n2 is of type String (A) and our function appendBang needs an Int (B) so we need a function to convert A into B.
case class State[S, A](runState: S => (S, A)) {
// flatMap and map
def compose[B, S2](f: B => State[S2, B], convert: A => B) : State[(S, S2), B] =
State( ((s: S, s2: S2) => {
val (sNext, a) = runState(s)
val (s2Next, b) = f(convert(a)).runState(s2)
((sNext, s2Next), b)
You then could define myAction as :
def myAction(i: Int) = addOne(i).compose(appendBang, _.toString)
val twoStates = myAction(1)
// State[(String, Int),String] = State(<function1>)
twoStates.runState(("", 1))
// ((String, Int), String) = ((.,2),2 !!!)
If you don't want this function in your State class you can create it as an external function :
def combineStateFunctions[S1, S2, A, B](
a: A => State[S1, A],
b: B => State[S2, B],
convert: A => B
)(input: A): State[(S1, S2), B] = State(
((s1: S1, s2: S2) => {
val (s1Next, temp) = a(input).runState(s1)
val (s2Next, result) = b(convert(temp)).runState(s2)
((s1Next, s2Next), result)
def myAction(i: Int) =
combineStateFunctions(addOne, appendBang, (_: Int).toString)(i)
Edit : Bergi's idea to create two functions to lift a State[A, X] or a State[B, X] into a State[(A, B), X].
object State {
def onFirst[A, B, X](s: State[A, X]): State[(A, B), X] = {
val runState = (a: A, b: B) => {
val (nextA, x) = s.runState(a)
((nextA, b), x)
def onSecond[A, B, X](s: State[B, X]): State[(A, B), X] = {
val runState = (a: A, b: B) => {
val (nextB, x) = s.runState(b)
((a, nextB), x)
This way you can use a for comprehension, since the type of the state stays the same ((A, B)).
def myAction(i: Int) = for {
x <- State.onFirst(addOne(i))
y <- State.onSecond(appendBang(x.toString))
} yield y
myAction(1).runState(("", 1))
// ((String, Int), String) = ((.,2),2 !!!)
I would like to convert an expression such as: a.meth(b) to a function of type (A, B) => C that performs that exact computation.
My best attempt so far was along these lines:
def polish[A, B, C](symb: String): (A, B) => C = { (a, b) =>
// reflectively check if "symb" is a method defined on a
// if so, reflectively call symb, passing b
And then use it like this:
def flip[A, B, C](f : (A, B) => C): (B, A) => C = {(b, a) => f(a,b)}
val op = flip(polish("::"))
def reverse[A](l: List[A]): List[A] = l reduceLeft op
As you can pretty much see, it is quite ugly and you have to do a lot of type checking "manually".
Is there an alternative ?
You can achieve it easily with plain old subtype polymorphism. Just declare interface
trait Iface[B, C] {
def meth(b: B): C
Then you could implement polish easily
def polish[B, C](f: (Iface[B, C], B) => C): (Iface[B, C], B) => C = { (a, b) =>
f(a, b)
Using it is completely typesafe
object IfaceImpl extends Iface[String, String] {
override def meth(b: String): String = b.reverse
polish((a: Iface[String, String], b: String) => a meth b)(IfaceImpl, "hello")
Actually, you could achieve it using closures only
def polish[A, B, C](f: (A, B) => C): (A, B) => C = f
class Foo {
def meth(b: String): String = b.reverse
polish((_: Foo) meth (_: String))(new Foo, "hello")
Or without helper function at all :)
val polish = identity _ // Magic at work
((_: Foo) meth (_: String))(new Foo, "hello")
While thinking about my previous question, I realized I ought to be able to write something like the following:
val empty: Try[B, forall types B] = Failure(new RuntimeException("empty"))
def firstSuccess[A, B](xs: Iterable[A], f: A => Try[B]): Try[B] = {
xs.foldLeft(empty)((e, a) => e.recoverWith { case _ => f(a) })
because a Failure is a valid Try[B] for any type B. Is there a way to achieve my "B, forall types B" in Scala?
You can use the Nothing type since everything in scala is Nothing:
val empty = Failure[Nothing](new RuntimeException("empty"))
def firstSuccess[A, B](xs: Iterable[A], f: A => Try[B]): Try[B] = {
xs.foldLeft[Try[B]](empty)((e, a) => e.recoverWith { case _ => f(a) })
You do have to sprinkle in a few types here and there though (added type parameter to foldLeft).