I have synapse analytics notebook. I am reading a csv file to a pyspark dataframe. Now when i write this dataframe to json file, then the the column order changes to Alphabetical order. Can some help me how i can retain the column order with out hardcoding the column names in the notebook.
For example when i do df.show() I am getting BCol, CCol,ACol
Now when i write to json file it is writing as {ACol ='';BCol='';CCol=''}. I am not able to retain the values.
I am using the following code to write to json file
I have a problem that I hope you can help me with.
The text file that looks like this:
Report Name :
this is row 1,this is row 2, this is row 3
I am leveraging Synapse Notebooks to try to read this file into a dataframe. If I try to read the csv file using spark.read.csv() it thinks that the column name is "Report Name : ", which is obviously incorrect.
I know that the Pandas csv reader has a 'skipRows[1]' function but unfortunately I cannot read the file directly with Pandas, as I am getting some strange networking errors. I can however convert a PySpark dataframe to a Pandas dataframe via: df.toPandas()
I'd like to be able to solve this with straight PySpark dataframes.
Surely someone else has encountered this issue! Help!
I have tried every variation of reading files, and drop, etc. but the schema has already been defined when the first dataframe was created, with 1 column (Report Name : ).
Not sure what to do now..
Copied answer from similar question: How to skip lines while reading a CSV file as a dataFrame using PySpark?
import csv
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
df = sc.textFile("test.csv")\
.mapPartitions(lambda line: csv.reader(line,delimiter=',', quotechar='"')).filter(lambda line: len(line)>=2 and line[0]!= 'column1')\
Microsoft got back to me with an answer that worked! When using pandas csv reader, and you use the path to the source file you want to read. It requires an endpoint to blob storage (not adls gen2). I only had an endpoint that read dfs in the URI and not blob. After I added the endpoint to blob storage, the pandas reader worked great! Thanks for looking at my thread.
So, if I have a list of file locations on s3, I can build a dataframe with a column containing the contents of each file in a separate row by doing the following (for example):
s3_path_list = list(df.select('path').toPandas()['path']))
df2 = spark.read.format("binaryFile").load(s3_path_list,'path')
which returns:
df2: pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame
What is the inverse of this operation?
Specifically... I have plotly generating html content stored as a string in an additional 'plot_string' column.
df3: pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame
How would I go about efficiently saving off each 'plot_string' entry as an html file at some s3 location specified in the 'save_path' column?
Clearly some form of df.write can be used to save off the dataframe (bucketed or partitioned) as parquet, csv, text table, etc... but I can't seem to find any straightforward method to perform a simple parallel write operation without a udf that initializes separate boto clients for each file... which, for large datasets, is a bottleneck (as well as being inelegant). Any help is appreciated.
I am reading a Hive table through Spark SQL and storing it in a Spark Dataframe. I am then exporting the data from the Data frame to CSV using coalesce command & it was successful. The only problem is I want to have the CSV Header in some understandable words but it is just the column names.
Is there a way to have my CSV header customized ?
You can use df.withColumnRenamed('old', 'new') to rename columns before saving as CSV
I am iterating through csv files in a folder using for loop and performing some operations on each csv (getting the count of rows for each unique id and storing all these outputs into a pyspark dataframe). Now my requirement is to add the name of the file as well to the dataframe for each iteration. Can anyone suggest some way to do this
you can get the file name as a column using the function pyspark.sql.functions.input_file_name, and if your files have the same schema, and you want to apply the same processing pipeline, then don't need to loop on these files, you can read them using a regex:
df = spark.read.csv("path/to/the/files/*.csv", header=True, sep=";") \
.withColumn("file_name", input_file_name())
I use this method to write csv file. But it will generate a file with multiple part files. That is not what I want; I need it in one file. And I also found another post using scala to force everything to be calculated on one partition, then get one file.
First question: how to achieve this in Python?
In the second post, it is also said a Hadoop function could merge multiple files into one.
Second question: is it possible merge two file in Spark?
You can use,
when you use coalesce function you will lose your parallelism.
You can do this by using the cat command line function as below. This will concatenate all of the part files into 1 csv. There is no need to repartition down to 1 partition.
import os
os.system("cat output/test/p* > output/test.csv")
Requirement is to save an RDD in a single CSV file by bringing the RDD to an executor. This means RDD partitions present across executors would be shuffled to one executor. We can use coalesce(1) or repartition(1) for this purpose. In addition to it, one can add a column header to the resulted csv file.
First we can keep a utility function for make data csv compatible.
def toCSVLine(data):
return ','.join(str(d) for d in data)
Let’s suppose MyRDD has five columns and it needs 'ID', 'DT_KEY', 'Grade', 'Score', 'TRF_Age' as column Headers. So I create a header RDD and union MyRDD as below which most of times keeps the header on top of the csv file.
unionHeaderRDD = sc.parallelize( [( 'ID','DT_KEY','Grade','Score','TRF_Age' )])\
.union( MyRDD )
unionHeaderRDD.coalesce( 1 ).map( toCSVLine ).saveAsTextFile("MyFileLocation" )
saveAsPickleFile spark context API method can be used to serialize data that is saved in order save space. Use pickFile to read the pickled file.
I needed my csv output in a single file with headers saved to an s3 bucket with the filename I provided. The current accepted answer, when I run it (spark 3.3.1 on a databricks cluster) gives me a folder with the desired filename and inside it there is one csv file (due to coalesce(1)) with a random name and no headers.
I found that sending it to pandas as an intermediate step provided just a single file with headers, exactly as expected.