multi-stage aggregation pipeline matching data based on fields retrieved through $lookup - mongodb

I'm trying to build a complex, nested aggregation pipeline in MongoDB (4.4.9 Community Edition, using the pymongo driver for Python 3.10).
There are relevant data points in different collections which I want to aggregate into one, NEW (ideally) view (or, if that doesn't work) collection.
The collections, and the relevant fields therein follow a hierarchy. There is members, which contains the top-level key on which other data is to be merged,
> members.find_one()
{'_id': ObjectId('61153299af6122XXXXXXXXXXXXX'), 'membershipNumber': 'N03XXXXXX'}
Then, there's a different collection, which contains membershipNumber, but also a different, linked field, an_user_id. an_user_id is used in other collections to denote records/fields in arrays that pertain to that particular user.
I 'join' members and an_users like so:
result = members.aggregate([
'$lookup': {
'from': 'an_users',
'localField': 'membershipNumber',
'foreignField': 'memref',
'as': 'an_users'
{ '$unwind' : '$an_users' },
'$project' : {
'_id' : 1,
'membershipNumber' : 1,
'an_user_id' : '$an_users.user_id'
So far so good, this returns the desired, aggregated record:
{'_id': ObjectId('61153253aBBBBBBBBBBBB'),
'membershipNumber': 'N0XXXXXXXX',
'an_user_id': '48XXXXXX'}
Now, I have a third collection, which contains the an_user_id as a string in arrays, denoting wherever that user clicked a given email, whereby a record is an email (and the an_user_ids in the clicks array are users that clicked a link in that email.
{'_id': ObjectId('blah'),
'email_id': '407XXX',
'actions_count': 17,
'administrative_title': 'test',
'bounce': ['3440XXXX'],
'click': ['38294CCC',
I want to count the number occurences of a given an_user_id (which I've attained from aggregating) in arrays (e.g. clicks, bounces, opens) in the emails collection, and include it in the .aggregate call, to retrieve something like this:
{'_id': ObjectId('61153253aBBBBBBBBBBBB'),
'membershipNumber': 'N0XXXXXXXX',
'an_user_id': '48XXXXXX',
'n_email_clicks' : 412,
'n_email_bounces' : 12
Further, I might want to also attach counts of an_user_id in other collections in my DB.
Consider, e.g., this collection called events:
"_id": "617ffa96ee11844e143a63dd",
"id": "12345",
"administrative_title": "my_event",
"created_at": {
"$date": "2020-01-15T16:28:50.000Z"
"event_creator_id": "123456",
"event_title": "my_event",
"group_id": "123456",
"permalink": "event_id",
"rsvp_count": 54,
"rsvps": [{
"rsvp_id": "56789",
"display_name": "John Doe",
"rsvp_user_id": "48XXXXXX",
"rsvp_created_at": {
"$date": "2020-01-28T15:38:50.000Z"
"rsvp_updated_at": {
"$date": "2020-01-28T15:38:50.000Z"
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
}, {
"rsvp_id": "543895",
"display_name": "James Appleslice",
"rsvp_user_id": "N03XXXXXX",
"rsvp_created_at": {
"$date": "2020-02-05T13:15:14.000Z"
"rsvp_updated_at": {
"$date": "2020-02-05T13:15:14.000Z"
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Appleslice"}
So, the end-product would look something like this:
{'_id': ObjectId('61153253aBBBBBBBBBBBB'),
'membershipNumber': 'N0XXXXXXXX',
'an_user_id': '48XXXXXX',
'n_email_clicks' : 412,
'n_email_bounces' : 12,
'n_rsvps' : 12
My idea was to use the $lookup parameter -- however, I only know how to use this for matching on fields that I have in the parent collection that I'm performing the aggregation on, but not on fields that have been generated in the process of the aggregation.
Any help would be hugely appreciated!

You could use $lookup pipeline. First you would $lookup the user id followed by another $lookup to verify if the user id exists in email. Lastly few more stages to collect the results and format per your need. Furthermore, you can add $out stage if you would like to write the results into another collection.
$lookup: {
from: "an_users",
let: {
membershipNumber: "$membershipNumber"
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: [
"$lookup": {
"from": "emails",
"localField": "user_id",
"foreignField": "click",
"as": "clicks"
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"membershipNumber": 1,
"an_user_id": "$user_id",
"n_email_clicks": {
$size: "$clicks"
as: "details"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
$mergeObjects: [
$arrayElemAt: [
$project: {
details: 0
Working example -


Add a new field from an object nested inside an array

I have two collections:
Assets collection:
"_id": { "$oid": "620bc49c937d954ed4acf813" },
"opID": { "$oid": "620bc497937d954ed4acf810" },
"issues": [{
"otherFields": {...}
"__v": 7
Operations collection:
"_id": { "$oid": "620bc49c937d954ed4acf813" },
"name": "Test",
"otherFields": [...],
"__v": 7
I want to add the operation name and _id to all the issue Objects inside the Assets issue field.
My actual pipeline to do it is:
from: "operations",
localField: "opID",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "operationsJoin",
{ path: "$issues" }
"issues.operationId": "$operationsJoin._id"
_id: "$_id",
issues: {
$push: {issues:"$issues"}
My first issue is at the $addFields stage. The operationsJoin field is an array and when the operationId field it's setted on the issue object it's created as an array as this:
issues: {
operationId: [
instead of:
issues: {
operationId: "5f3b8ff2906e402014832d33"
and i cannot do:
"issues.operationId": "$operationsJoin[0]._id"
And the second issue it's that a doesn't know to add other field to the $group stage apart the issues array that i'm creating.
Anyone has an idea ?? Thanks for the help in advance
I let an example of the pipeline here, for now i only want the operationName and operationId fields to be strings, not arrays:
Example Pipeline

mongodb aggregation - nested group

I'm trying to perform nested group, I have an array of documents that has two keys (invoiceIndex, proceduresIndex) I need the documents to be arranged like so
invoices (parent) -> procedures (children)
invoices: [ // Array of invoices
"procedures": [{}, ...] // Array of procedures
Here is a sample document
"charges": 226.09000000000003,
"currentBalance": 226.09000000000003,
"insPortion": "",
"currentInsPortion": "",
"claim": "notSent",
"status": "unpaid",
"procedures": {
"providerId": "9vfpjSraHzQFNTtN7",
"procedure": "21111",
"description": "One surface",
"category": "basicRestoration",
"surface": [
"providerName": "B Dentist",
"proceduresIndex": "0"
"patientId": "mE5vKveFArqFHhKmE",
"patientName": "Silvia Waterman",
"invoiceIndex": "0",
"proceduresIndex": "0"
Here is what I have tried
Can you try the following;
$group: {
_id: "$invoiceIndex",
procedures: {
$push: "$procedures"
invoice: {
$first: "$$ROOT"
$addFields: {
"invoice.procedures": "$procedures"
"$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": "$invoice"
I retain the invoice fields with invoice: { $first: "$$ROOT" }, also keep procedures's $push logic as a separate field. Then with $addFields I move that array of procedures into the new invoice object. Then replace root to that.
You shouldn't use the procedureIndex as a part of _id in $group, for you won't be able to get a set of procedures, per invoiceIndex then. With my $group logic it works pretty well as you see.
Link to mongoplayground

How to perform operations in pipeline in mongo $lookup [duplicate]

I have the following collections:
venue collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf86"),
"name" : "ASA College - Manhattan Campus",
"addedBy" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"reviews" : [
reviews collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf8b"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2018-04-07T12:31:49.503Z"),
"venue" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf86"),
"author" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"content" : "nice place",
"comments" : [
comment collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ad87113882d445c5cbc92c8"),
"author" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"comment" : "dcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsf",
"review" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf8b"),
"__v" : 0
author collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"firstName" : "Bruce",
"lastName" : "Wayne",
"email" : "",
"followers" : [ObjectId("5ac8b91482c2345af70d4650")]
Now the following populate query works fine
const venues = await Venue.findOne({ _id: })
path: 'reviews',
options: { sort: { createdAt: -1 } },
populate: [
{ path: 'author' },
{ path: 'comments', populate: [{ path: 'author' }] }
However, I want to achieve it with $lookup query, but it splits the venue when I am doing '$unwind' to the reviews... I want reviews in same array (like populate) and in same order...
I want to achieve following query with $lookup because author have followers field so I need to send field isFollow by doing $project which cannot be done using populate...
$project: {
isFollow: { $in: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId(, '$followers'] }
There are a couple of approaches of course depending on your available MongoDB version. These vary from different usages of $lookup through to enabling object manipulation on the .populate() result via .lean().
I do ask that you read the sections carefully, and be aware that all may not be as it seems when considering your implementation solution.
MongoDB 3.6, "nested" $lookup
With MongoDB 3.6 the $lookup operator gets the additional ability to include a pipeline expression as opposed to simply joining a "local" to "foreign" key value, what this means is you can essentially do each $lookup as "nested" within these pipeline expressions
{ "$match": { "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId( } },
{ "$lookup": {
"let": { "reviews": "$reviews" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$reviews" ] } } },
{ "$lookup": {
"let": { "comments": "$comments" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$comments" ] } } },
{ "$lookup": {
"let": { "author": "$author" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$_id", "$$author" ] } } },
{ "$addFields": {
"isFollower": {
"$in": [
"as": "author"
{ "$addFields": {
"author": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$author", 0 ] }
"as": "comments"
{ "$sort": { "createdAt": -1 } }
"as": "reviews"
This can be really quite powerful, as you see from the perspective of the original pipeline, it really only knows about adding content to the "reviews" array and then each subsequent "nested" pipeline expression also only ever sees it's "inner" elements from the join.
It is powerful and in some respects it may be a bit clearer as all field paths are relative to the nesting level, but it does start that indentation creep in the BSON structure, and you do need to be aware of whether you are matching to arrays or singular values in traversing the structure.
Note we can also do things here like "flattening the author property" as seen within the "comments" array entries. All $lookup target output may be an "array", but within a "sub-pipeline" we can re-shape that single element array into just a single value.
Standard MongoDB $lookup
Still keeping the "join on the server" you can actually do it with $lookup, but it just takes intermediate processing. This is the long standing approach with deconstructing an array with $unwind and the using $group stages to rebuild arrays:
{ "$match": { "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId( } },
{ "$lookup": {
"localField": "reviews",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "reviews"
{ "$unwind": "$reviews" },
{ "$lookup": {
"localField": "reviews.comments",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "reviews.comments",
{ "$unwind": "$reviews.comments" },
{ "$lookup": {
"localField": "",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": ""
{ "$unwind": "$" },
{ "$addFields": {
"": {
"$in": [
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"_id": "$_id",
"reviewId": "$review._id"
"name": { "$first": "$name" },
"addedBy": { "$first": "$addedBy" },
"review": {
"$first": {
"_id": "$review._id",
"createdAt": "$review.createdAt",
"venue": "$review.venue",
"author": "$",
"content": "$review.content"
"comments": { "$push": "$reviews.comments" }
{ "$sort": { "_id._id": 1, "review.createdAt": -1 } },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id._id",
"name": { "$first": "$name" },
"addedBy": { "$first": "$addedBy" },
"reviews": {
"$push": {
"_id": "$review._id",
"venue": "$review.venue",
"author": "$",
"content": "$review.content",
"comments": "$comments"
This really is not as daunting as you might think at first and follows a simple pattern of $lookup and $unwind as you progress through each array.
The "author" detail of course is singular, so once that is "unwound" you simply want to leave it that way, make the field addition and start the process of "rolling back" into the arrays.
There are only two levels to reconstruct back to the original Venue document, so the first detail level is by Review to rebuild the "comments" array. All you need to is to $push the path of "$reviews.comments" in order to collect these, and as long as the "$reviews._id" field is in the "grouping _id" the only other things you need to keep are all the other fields. You can put all of these into the _id as well, or you can use $first.
With that done there is only one more $group stage in order to get back to Venue itself. This time the grouping key is "$_id" of course, with all properties of the venue itself using $first and the remaining "$review" details going back into an array with $push. Of course the "$comments" output from the previous $group becomes the "review.comments" path.
Working on a single document and it's relations, this is not really so bad. The $unwind pipeline operator can generally be a performance issue, but in the context of this usage it should not really cause that much of an impact.
Since the data is still being "joined on the server" there is still far less traffic than the other remaining alternative.
JavaScript Manipulation
Of course the other case here is that instead of changing data on the server itself, you actually manipulate the result. In most cases I would be in favor of this approach since any "additions" to the data are probably best handled on the client.
The problem of course with using populate() is that whilst it may 'look like' a much more simplified process, it is in fact NOT A JOIN in any way. All populate() actually does is "hide" the underlying process of submitting multiple queries to the database, and then awaiting the results through async handling.
So the "appearance" of a join is actually the result of multiple requests to the server and then doing "client side manipulation" of the data to embed the details within arrays.
So aside from that clear warning that the performance characteristics are nowhere close to being on par with a server $lookup, the other caveat is of course that the "mongoose Documents" in the result are not actually plain JavaScript objects subject to further manipulation.
So in order to take this approach, you need to add the .lean() method to the query before execution, in order to instruct mongoose to return "plain JavaScript objects" instead of Document types which are cast with schema methods attached to the model. Noting of course that the resulting data no longer has access to any "instance methods" that would otherwise be associated with the related models themselves:
let venue = await Venue.findOne({ _id: })
path: 'reviews',
options: { sort: { createdAt: -1 } },
populate: [
{ path: 'comments', populate: [{ path: 'author' }] }
Now venue is a plain object, we can simply process and adjust as needed: = r =>
comments: c =>
author: {,
isAuthor: f => f.toString() ).indexOf( != -1
So it's really just a matter of cycling through each of the inner arrays down until the level where you can see the followers array within the author details. The comparison then can be made against the ObjectId values stored in that array after first using .map() to return the "string" values for comparison against the which is also a string (if it is not, then also add .toString() on that ), since it is easier in general to compare these values in this way via JavaScript code.
Again though I need to stress that it "looks simple" but it is in fact the sort of thing you really want to avoid for system performance, as those additional queries and the transfer between the server and the client cost a lot in time of processing and even due to the request overhead this adds up to real costs in transport between hosting providers.
Those are basically your approaches you can take, short of "rolling your own" where you actually perform the "multiple queries" to the database yourself instead of using the helper that .populate() is.
Using the populate output, you can then simply manipulate the data in result just like any other data structure, as long as you apply .lean() to the query to convert or otherwise extract the plain object data from the mongoose documents returned.
Whilst the aggregate approaches look far more involved, there are "a lot" more advantages to doing this work on the server. Larger result sets can be sorted, calculations can be done for further filtering, and of course you get a "single response" to a "single request" made to the server, all with no additional overhead.
It is totally arguable that the pipelines themselves could simply be constructed based on attributes already stored on the schema. So writing your own method to perform this "construction" based on the attached schema should not be too difficult.
In the longer term of course $lookup is the better solution, but you'll probably need to put a little more work into the initial coding, if of course you don't just simply copy from what is listed here ;)

MongoDB lookup 3 collections and nesting the collections [duplicate]

I have the following collections:
venue collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf86"),
"name" : "ASA College - Manhattan Campus",
"addedBy" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"reviews" : [
reviews collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf8b"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2018-04-07T12:31:49.503Z"),
"venue" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf86"),
"author" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"content" : "nice place",
"comments" : [
comment collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ad87113882d445c5cbc92c8"),
"author" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"comment" : "dcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsfdcfdsf",
"review" : ObjectId("5acdb8f65ea63a27c1facf8b"),
"__v" : 0
author collection
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ac8ba3582c2345af70d4658"),
"firstName" : "Bruce",
"lastName" : "Wayne",
"email" : "",
"followers" : [ObjectId("5ac8b91482c2345af70d4650")]
Now the following populate query works fine
const venues = await Venue.findOne({ _id: })
path: 'reviews',
options: { sort: { createdAt: -1 } },
populate: [
{ path: 'author' },
{ path: 'comments', populate: [{ path: 'author' }] }
However, I want to achieve it with $lookup query, but it splits the venue when I am doing '$unwind' to the reviews... I want reviews in same array (like populate) and in same order...
I want to achieve following query with $lookup because author have followers field so I need to send field isFollow by doing $project which cannot be done using populate...
$project: {
isFollow: { $in: [mongoose.Types.ObjectId(, '$followers'] }
There are a couple of approaches of course depending on your available MongoDB version. These vary from different usages of $lookup through to enabling object manipulation on the .populate() result via .lean().
I do ask that you read the sections carefully, and be aware that all may not be as it seems when considering your implementation solution.
MongoDB 3.6, "nested" $lookup
With MongoDB 3.6 the $lookup operator gets the additional ability to include a pipeline expression as opposed to simply joining a "local" to "foreign" key value, what this means is you can essentially do each $lookup as "nested" within these pipeline expressions
{ "$match": { "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId( } },
{ "$lookup": {
"let": { "reviews": "$reviews" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$reviews" ] } } },
{ "$lookup": {
"let": { "comments": "$comments" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$comments" ] } } },
{ "$lookup": {
"let": { "author": "$author" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$_id", "$$author" ] } } },
{ "$addFields": {
"isFollower": {
"$in": [
"as": "author"
{ "$addFields": {
"author": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$author", 0 ] }
"as": "comments"
{ "$sort": { "createdAt": -1 } }
"as": "reviews"
This can be really quite powerful, as you see from the perspective of the original pipeline, it really only knows about adding content to the "reviews" array and then each subsequent "nested" pipeline expression also only ever sees it's "inner" elements from the join.
It is powerful and in some respects it may be a bit clearer as all field paths are relative to the nesting level, but it does start that indentation creep in the BSON structure, and you do need to be aware of whether you are matching to arrays or singular values in traversing the structure.
Note we can also do things here like "flattening the author property" as seen within the "comments" array entries. All $lookup target output may be an "array", but within a "sub-pipeline" we can re-shape that single element array into just a single value.
Standard MongoDB $lookup
Still keeping the "join on the server" you can actually do it with $lookup, but it just takes intermediate processing. This is the long standing approach with deconstructing an array with $unwind and the using $group stages to rebuild arrays:
{ "$match": { "_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId( } },
{ "$lookup": {
"localField": "reviews",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "reviews"
{ "$unwind": "$reviews" },
{ "$lookup": {
"localField": "reviews.comments",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "reviews.comments",
{ "$unwind": "$reviews.comments" },
{ "$lookup": {
"localField": "",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": ""
{ "$unwind": "$" },
{ "$addFields": {
"": {
"$in": [
{ "$group": {
"_id": {
"_id": "$_id",
"reviewId": "$review._id"
"name": { "$first": "$name" },
"addedBy": { "$first": "$addedBy" },
"review": {
"$first": {
"_id": "$review._id",
"createdAt": "$review.createdAt",
"venue": "$review.venue",
"author": "$",
"content": "$review.content"
"comments": { "$push": "$reviews.comments" }
{ "$sort": { "_id._id": 1, "review.createdAt": -1 } },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id._id",
"name": { "$first": "$name" },
"addedBy": { "$first": "$addedBy" },
"reviews": {
"$push": {
"_id": "$review._id",
"venue": "$review.venue",
"author": "$",
"content": "$review.content",
"comments": "$comments"
This really is not as daunting as you might think at first and follows a simple pattern of $lookup and $unwind as you progress through each array.
The "author" detail of course is singular, so once that is "unwound" you simply want to leave it that way, make the field addition and start the process of "rolling back" into the arrays.
There are only two levels to reconstruct back to the original Venue document, so the first detail level is by Review to rebuild the "comments" array. All you need to is to $push the path of "$reviews.comments" in order to collect these, and as long as the "$reviews._id" field is in the "grouping _id" the only other things you need to keep are all the other fields. You can put all of these into the _id as well, or you can use $first.
With that done there is only one more $group stage in order to get back to Venue itself. This time the grouping key is "$_id" of course, with all properties of the venue itself using $first and the remaining "$review" details going back into an array with $push. Of course the "$comments" output from the previous $group becomes the "review.comments" path.
Working on a single document and it's relations, this is not really so bad. The $unwind pipeline operator can generally be a performance issue, but in the context of this usage it should not really cause that much of an impact.
Since the data is still being "joined on the server" there is still far less traffic than the other remaining alternative.
JavaScript Manipulation
Of course the other case here is that instead of changing data on the server itself, you actually manipulate the result. In most cases I would be in favor of this approach since any "additions" to the data are probably best handled on the client.
The problem of course with using populate() is that whilst it may 'look like' a much more simplified process, it is in fact NOT A JOIN in any way. All populate() actually does is "hide" the underlying process of submitting multiple queries to the database, and then awaiting the results through async handling.
So the "appearance" of a join is actually the result of multiple requests to the server and then doing "client side manipulation" of the data to embed the details within arrays.
So aside from that clear warning that the performance characteristics are nowhere close to being on par with a server $lookup, the other caveat is of course that the "mongoose Documents" in the result are not actually plain JavaScript objects subject to further manipulation.
So in order to take this approach, you need to add the .lean() method to the query before execution, in order to instruct mongoose to return "plain JavaScript objects" instead of Document types which are cast with schema methods attached to the model. Noting of course that the resulting data no longer has access to any "instance methods" that would otherwise be associated with the related models themselves:
let venue = await Venue.findOne({ _id: })
path: 'reviews',
options: { sort: { createdAt: -1 } },
populate: [
{ path: 'comments', populate: [{ path: 'author' }] }
Now venue is a plain object, we can simply process and adjust as needed: = r =>
comments: c =>
author: {,
isAuthor: f => f.toString() ).indexOf( != -1
So it's really just a matter of cycling through each of the inner arrays down until the level where you can see the followers array within the author details. The comparison then can be made against the ObjectId values stored in that array after first using .map() to return the "string" values for comparison against the which is also a string (if it is not, then also add .toString() on that ), since it is easier in general to compare these values in this way via JavaScript code.
Again though I need to stress that it "looks simple" but it is in fact the sort of thing you really want to avoid for system performance, as those additional queries and the transfer between the server and the client cost a lot in time of processing and even due to the request overhead this adds up to real costs in transport between hosting providers.
Those are basically your approaches you can take, short of "rolling your own" where you actually perform the "multiple queries" to the database yourself instead of using the helper that .populate() is.
Using the populate output, you can then simply manipulate the data in result just like any other data structure, as long as you apply .lean() to the query to convert or otherwise extract the plain object data from the mongoose documents returned.
Whilst the aggregate approaches look far more involved, there are "a lot" more advantages to doing this work on the server. Larger result sets can be sorted, calculations can be done for further filtering, and of course you get a "single response" to a "single request" made to the server, all with no additional overhead.
It is totally arguable that the pipelines themselves could simply be constructed based on attributes already stored on the schema. So writing your own method to perform this "construction" based on the attached schema should not be too difficult.
In the longer term of course $lookup is the better solution, but you'll probably need to put a little more work into the initial coding, if of course you don't just simply copy from what is listed here ;)

Combined lookup and embed in the same MongoDB collection depending on root document structure

I want to make a conditional lookup with Mongo in the following way: a root document contains either a link (customerId) to the customers collection or directly embeds a customer, like this:
"_id" : 1,
"item": "item1",
"customer": { _id: 1, "name": "Jane Doe" }
"_id": 2,
"item": "item2",
"customerId": 1
customers collection:
{ _id: 1, "name": "Jane Johnson" }
The customers collection stores the current versions of customers; to maintain consistency, members of the items collection will contain just ids of customer. But if I want to freeze an item so it holds the version of its customer at a certain time, I will embed that customer directly into the item in question.
When searching for items I want them to appear uniformly (i.e. regardless whether customer is looked up or embedded it will appear as embedded field):
"_id" : 1,
"item": "item1",
"customer": { _id: 1, "name": "Jane Doe" } // historical version of Jane (embedded)
"_id": 2,
"item": "item2",
"customer": { _id: 1, "name": "Jane Johnson" } // current version of Jane by lookup
Question 1: is this the right approach and if not what is the best practice for handling cases like this?
Question 2: if my approach is correct, how to best use aggregation framework to achieve this?
The answers:
Yes, you can achieve it with aggregation framework and it is one of the possible solutions (the other possible solution would be to implement it in your program).
Just use $lookup (for data merging from other collection) and $project (for final result generation) pipeline stages.
Query example:
$lookup: {
from: "customers",
localField: "customerId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "customerData"
$project: {
"item": 1,
"customer": {
$cond: {
if: {$gt: [{$size: "$customerData"}, 0]},
then: {$arrayElemAt: ["$customerData", 0]},
else: "$customer"