How to choose which Powershell version Jenkins should use? - powershell

I am using this Powershell plugin for my Jenkins build server. As you can see, one of the recent updates allows for selection of a Powershell version:
The version I have running on my server is 1.7. The problem arises when I try to actually change the version of Powershell, since the example given uses a scripted pipeline, whereas my project uses a declarative one, so the built-in option for version selection is missing. How can I force Jenkins to use Powershell 7.2 instead of the default 5.*?
The only solution I can think of is using Powershell 5 to start Powershell 7 and to then run my .ps1 script like that, but that seems stupid.

In both declarative and scripted pipeline you can use the pwsh step to run a script in PS 7.x.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
pwsh '''
Write-Host "foo"
node {
pwsh '''
Write-Host "foo"

You can make it conditional. This script re-launches itself with version 7.2 only if the version is greater than 5.0.
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -gt [Version]"5.0") {
powershell -Version 7.2 -File $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
'run some code'
Read-Host -Prompt "Scripts Completed : Press any key to exit"

This worked for me:
install the latest powershell-plugin for Jenkins
find the file ".\Jenkins\hudson.plugins.powershell.PowerShellInstallation.xml"
replace "powershell.exe" by "pwsh.exe" (see example below) -- providing a full path may also work
restart Jenkins


How to force a Powershell Script to run a specific Version

I have both Powershell 5.1 and Powershell 7.0 on my computer and I'm try to run a script that has to be run in Powershell 7.0. How do I make the script run in a specific version.
If it's a script being invoked in a PS shell, you could relaunch it if it's not the correct version.
# At beginning of .ps1
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ne [Version]"5.1") {
# Re-launch as version 5 if we're not already
powershell -Version 5.1 -File $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
# Your script code
If the scripts are launched via Task Scheduler, you could just use the full path to the .exe in the "Actions -> Start a program" section, as they have separate install locations.
another option is to use #Requires statement
#Requires -Version 7.0
here is the reference from Microsoft support

How to troubleshoot the error [The term 'pwsh.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program]?

While creating a new pipeline on Azure DevOps to set up a CI for a .NET project, I set up the following PowerShell script to automate the .NET Core setup.
Here is the script:
# $LocalDotnet is the path to the locally-installed SDK to ensure the
# correct version of the tools are executed.
# $InstallDir and $CliVersion variables can come from options to the
# script.
$InstallDir = "./cli-tools"
$CliVersion = "1.0.1"
# Test the path provided by $InstallDir to confirm it exists. If it
# does, it's removed. This is not strictly required, but it's a
# good way to reset the environment.
if (Test-Path $InstallDir)
rm -Recurse $InstallDir
New-Item -Type "directory" -Path $InstallDir
Write-Host "Downloading the CLI installer..."
# Use the Invoke-WebRequest PowerShell cmdlet to obtain the
# installation script and save it into the installation directory.
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri "" `
-OutFile "$InstallDir/dotnet-install.ps1"
Write-Host "Installing the CLI requested version ($CliVersion) ..."
# Install the SDK of the version specified in $CliVersion into the
# specified location ($InstallDir).
& $InstallDir/dotnet-install.ps1 -Version $CliVersion `
-InstallDir $InstallDir
Write-Host "Downloading and installation of the SDK is complete."
# $LocalDotnet holds the path to dotnet.exe for future use by the
# script.
$LocalDotnet = "$InstallDir/dotnet"
When I try to run the build, I have got the following error:
I've already searched on Google for people who have the same problem and how to fix it. But I haven't found much information yet. The Azure DevOps forum doesn't help either.
As mentioned in the comment from above, all you have to do is install the appropriate version of PowerShell on the machine that Agent is running on. For example, PowerShell 7. Then you have to make sure that the environment variable path is set. This variable should point to the directory with PowerShell Core.
Just install PowerShell Core with the Windows Installer (.msi file from PowerShell Git repository). In this case, the path environment variable is automatically set or expanded so that there will be the path to the directory with pwsh.exe under this variable.
Install PowerShell Core that is supported by your distribution. Make sure that there is a path variable in your ~/.bashrc file and that path contains the path to the directory with PowerShell Core.
Note: If Azure Agent is already running, you have to restart it so that it sees the changes in the path variable. Hence, on Windows, just restart the agent if run interactively and restart the service if run as a service. On Linux, you can follow this guide in order to update the environment variables that were passed to the Agent.
I know you have already configured your script as a PowerShell Core script, but for completeness I add this: If you use a PowerShell task in your Azure pipeline, the Core version of PowerShell is not set for it by default. In order to run the task as the PowerShell Core script, add this to the YAML code of the task: pwsh: true. Otherwise, if you are still using the old graphical interface, check the "Use PowerShell Core" checkbox under the "Advanced" heading for the task.

SCCM Powershell Script Package

I have created a package in SCCM 2012 that should deploy and run a powershell script. I have looked at a previous post on here Other Post but there wasn't any information.
In the Program Command Line, I have the following command:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -force -WindowStyle Hidden .\PowershellUpdateScript.ps1
I am targeting a test group and setting it to deploy immediately however when I check the deployment status, it shows as status "In Progress" and Description "Received". It has been that way for over 2 hours. I am not sure where the issue is.
I know that the Scripts feature is there and super convenient but the client powershell version needs to be a minimum version 3. The irony is that this package will update client powershell versions.
Any suggestions or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Since you are updating the powershell version, instead of using a powershell script you should download the MS update package for the version of powershell.
You can then use the wusa.exe command to deploy the update. Then use this ps command as a detection method
Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering -filter "HotFixID='KB#######'"

How to determine which version of PowerShell is installed on a PC

I am writing a script which check the version of PowerShell. If it's version 4 then proceed, otherwise stop the execution. What I am trying to achieve here is I have five scripts in a folder which are run in order. I would like to put a PowerShell script right at the top which checks the version.
Here is my code:
$psversion= $psversiontable
if($psversion -eq 4.0)
./01. Run All Script.ps1
"Run All Script" runs the rest of the scripts in order, so I would like to give PowerShell script as 02. check_psversion.ps1
requires -version 4
write-host "this is your version"
You don't need to write any if tests; use the requires directive in all of your scripts (never assume or depend upon execution order, be explicit in each script).
#requires -version 4
If you attempt to execute the script on version 3 or earlier, it will stop because of the requires directive.
Edit: To get the Powershell version number, use $psversiontable.psversion.major, unless you need finer resolution (exact build number).

Powershell: Script to run with x86 powershell/ise

The script i've created uses componets which are only available with the 32 bit version of powershell.
By default windows excutes the script with powershell x64 and it causes several errors.
Is the a way to set an value at the beginning of a script to force windows to use powershellx86 instead of x64?
using powershell(x86).exe
Thank you
Couldn't you just start the "powershell(x86).exe" file?
There is no straightforward way to do it, but there is a way to invoke another instance of Powershell host in x64 host, and that instance may as well be x86. $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE will tell you what version of Powershell host you are running.
Just a sketch, use chisel and sand paper to finish.
function Execute-Scriptx86
$powershellx86 = $env:SystemRoot + "\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
& $powershellx86 -File $ScriptFile
& $ScriptFile