Copy value from another table from a group footer - listlabel

I'm using LL 25, trying to store a value from one table into a variable and then display it in a column in another table.
The values I need to store are being output as group footers.
Is this possible with User Variables or similar?

You can use the GetVar and SetVar functions for this purpose, as long as the value is first stored and then retrieved (i.e. the table referencing the value is printed after the table containing the value).
A simple SetVar("MyVariable", [ValueToStore]) is all it takes to store the value. Then use GetVar("MyVariable") to retrieve it later.
If the order is reversed, i.e. the table containing the variable is printed after the reference, you need to use a multi pass approach. I blogged about this very topic here:
Finally – a Glance in the Crystal Ball
This feature (i.e. the double pass) is available since version 26.GetVar and SetVar are available in 25 as well.
For older versions, the value can be precalculated and passed as variable/field.


PowerShell script to update SharePoint Online list items does not save all column values

I'm processing a CSV file to create SharePoint Online list items and save metadata as fields in its custom content type. At first, I thought it would be an issue related to column type, but I'm failing to save some simple text field values. What's puzzling is that I am able to save some but not other fields - even though I'm using the same means to do this - somehow the list item is not preserving all the values I send in for the list item update.
I create a new item with the following code:
$newFile = $targetfolderObj.Files.Add($FileCreationInfo)
Then I get the list item and start setting the field values
$newFileListItem = $newFile.ListItemAllFields
$newFileListItem.Properties["ColumnNameA"] = $_.CustomValue1 # saves
$newFileListItem.Properties["ColumnNameB"] = $_.CustomValue2 # not saving !!!
$newFileListItem.Properties["ColumnNameC"] = $_.CustomValue3 # saves
After setting up the properties with values I call the update and execute functions.
$.CustomValue1 $.CustomValue2 and $_.CustomValue3 when printed all read as "Hello" for example, there are no special characters or symbols here - even hardcoding the field values to simple strings will fail to update field 2 but works on 1 and 3.
I am giving this example with my code to show it's not sequential - for example field 2 data is NOT saved but field 1 and 3 data is saved.
It always fails on the same columns, I verified the columns exist, I'm using the internal field names, string length is well within range, and there is no other validation applied on these columns. What could I possibly do to troubleshoot this?
After a lot of debugging, I'm seeing SharePoint funnery at play...
while the content type is there, and the content type internal field name is "ColumnNameA" something must have gone sideways in the library instance, causing the column name to now be "ColumnNameA0" yes, a zero added at the end of the column name. Every column that was not updating had somehow now a "zero" at the end of the internal column name.
Solution 1: add the zero
Solution 2: recreate the library and re-associate it with the site conten type
I went with Solution 1 to test that my updates worked, then rebuilt the library.

How to access a cell value when the column has been defined with ag-grid expression/value getters?

If the ag-grid column definition has been defined with a value getter or if an expression has been defined for a cell the value gets displayed fine on the grid. However I was not able to find a way to access a value in a given cell if the cell is using cell expression/value getters. Was trying to access the data through api.forEachLeafNode, but it seems even the in memory model does not have this data. The only way I found was to export the data as CSV and then parse it using getDataAsCsv(params).
Is exporting the data the only way to access value of a column in a grid with a value getter?
Why does the In Memory model not have this data to access?
valueGetter is used during the rendering stage, it only computes when needed to render the cell. if the cell is never rendered (eg row is below what is currently visible) then the valueGetter is never executed. the result is never stored in the model, it is only passed to the cellRenderer.
so what you need to do to get the result of valueGetter is use api.getValue(colKey,rowNode)
colKey is the id of your column. this can be the column itself (if you got the column from the grid column api) or the column id. the column id is what you will probably want to use. the column id is assigned to the column in the following order 1) the colDef.colId if exists 2) the colDef.field if exists 3) generated if both colId and field are missing. so if you are using a valueGetter, you are probably not providing a field, so just provide a colId.
rowNode is the row in question. this is what you get when you use api.forEachLeafNode.
the api.getValue() method is pretty recent, i know it's in version 7 - so if missing just make sure you are v7 or above.

Filemaker value validation against value list

Need to validate values within a field against Value List, retaining the value if on list but substituting a specific Value if not?
I am afraid you are mixing two separate things:
Validation checks if some conditions have been satisfied; if not, it throws an error. It will not correct the entry.
If you want user entry to be corrected, you need to either:
define the field to auto-enter a calculated value; or
attach a script trigger to it, and have the script modify the value entered by the user.
In this case, you could auto-enter a calculated value (replacing existing value) =
If ( IsEmpty ( FilterValues ( Self ; ValueListItems ( Get (FileName) ; "YourValueList" ) ) ) ; "Specific Value" ; Self )
--- Added in response to your clarification ---
Technically, you could run a script to find the records you want to verify and do Replace Field Contents (using the same calculation) on that field. You could run the script after changing the value list, as part of the weekly routine.
However, there are two major problems with this approach:
some records could be locked by another user;
you have no history of what happened, and no way to go back in case of making a mistake.
I also don't think it's good practice to have users modify a value list routinely. If you need to have a weekly list of values, you should store them in records, not in a value list. That way at least the part of the value list would have a history.
Another option you may consider is using an unstored calculation field with a similar formula. This would change dynamically with the value list, and leave the original field unmodified. This would be a good arrangement if, for example, you need to export the corrected values every week.

I want to Dynamically access SQLite result set?

I want to dynamically access SQLite result set. Since webworks/javascript doesnt support "PRAGMA table_info(table_name); I am saving all newly created tables information in a single two column table called schema. schema has two columns, table_name and column_name.
So I created a function to access table data dynamically. I use the item=results.rows.item(i) and than access row data with item.column.
column is a variable that is assigned the value from schema, representing the column_name. When I alert(column) I get the correct column_name, but when I used item.column my results are "undefined".
any advice on how to resolve this matter.
If I understand you correctly, column is a variable that holds the value of a column name, and you want to access that column from the results item. If that's the case, then this might help:
//Assuming "var column" has already been defined,
//and given the value of the column name to be accessed in the results item.//
var item = results.rows.item(i);
var columnValue = item[column];
I struggled with this too, and this is what I found/use. You put in brackets the variable containing the column name, and that's how you access it.
EDIT: This is obviously Javascript stuff, and what I used for accessing SQLite in PhoneGap. Hopefully it helps.

Create a new FileMaker layout showing unique records based on one field and a count for each

I have a table like this:
It can have data like this:
I'd like to create a layout to show:
Application,# of Programs
The point is to count the distinct programs.
For the life of me I can't make this work in FileMaker. I've created a summary field to count programs resetting after each group, but because it doesn't eliminate the duplicate programs I get:
Any help much appreciated.
Create a a summary field as:
cntApplicaiton = Count of Application
Do this by going into define fields, create a field called cntApplication, type summary. In the options dialogue make the summary field a count on application
Now create a new layout with a subsummary part and nobody. The subsummary should be sorted on Application. Put the Application and cntApplication fields in subsummary. If you enter browse mode and sort by Application you ought to get the data you want.
You can also create a calc field with the formula
GetSummary(cntApplication; Application)
This will allow you to use the total number of Applications with in a record
Since I also generate the data in this form, the solution I've adopted is to fill two tables in FileMaker. One provides the summary view, the other the detailed view.
I think that your problem is down to dupliate records and an inadequate key.
Create a text field called "App_Prog". In the options box set it to an auto-enter calc, unchecking the 'Do not replace...' option, and use the following calc:
Application & "_" & Program
Now create a self join to the table using App_Prog as the field on both sides, and call this 'MatchingApps'.
Now, create (if you don't alread have one) a unique serial number field, 'Counter' say, and make sure that you enter a value in each record. (Find all, click in the field, and use serial number option in'Replace Field Contents...')
Now add a new calc field - Is_Duplicate with the following calc...
If (Counter = MatchingApps::Counter; "Master Record" ; "Duplicate")
Finally, find all, click in the 'Application field, and use 'Replace Field Contents...' with a calculation to force the auto-enter calc for 'App_Prog' to come up with a value.
Where does this get you? You should now have a set of records that are marker either "Master Record" or "Duplicate". Do a find on "Master Record", and then you can perform your summary (by Application) to do a count of distinct application-program pairs.
If you have access to custom functions (you need FileMaker Pro Advanced), I'd do it like this:
Add the RemoveDuplicates function as found here (this is a recursive function that takes a list of strings and returns a list of unique values).
In the relationships graph, add another occurrence of your table and add an Application = Application relationship.
Create a calculated field in the table with the calculation looking something like this:
You'll find that each record will contain the number of distinct programs for the given application. Showing a summary for each application should be relatively trivial from here.
I think the best way to do this is to create a separate applications table. So as you've given the data, it would have two records, one for A and one for B.
So, with the addition of an Applications table and your existing table, which I'll call Objects, create a relationship from Applications to Objects (with a table occurrence called ObjectsParent) based on the ApplicationName as the match field. Create a self join relationship between Objects and itself with both Application and Program as the match fields. I'll call one of the "table occurrences" ObjectsParent and the other ObjectsChildren. Make sure that there's a primary key field in Objects that is set to auto-enter a serial number or some other method to ensure uniqueness. I'll call this ID.
So your relationship graph has three table occurrences:
Applications::Applicaiton = ObjectsParent::Application
ObjectsParent::Application = ObjectsChildren::Application, ObjectsParent::Program = ObjectsChildren::Program
Now create a calculation field in Objects, and calculating from the context of ObjectsParent, give it the following formula:
AppCount = Count( ObjectsChildren::ID )
Create a calculation field in Applications and calculating from the context of the table occurrence you used to relate it to ObjectsParent with the following formula:
AppCount = ObjectsParent::AppCount
The count field in Objects will have the same value for every object with the same application, so it doesn't matter which one you get this data from.
If you now view the data in Applications in list view, you can place the Applications::Application and Applications::AppCount fields on the layout and you should get what you've requested.