Does PostgreSQL's Statistics Collector track *all* usage of indexes? - postgresql

After taking over the DBA duties on a fairly complex database, I wanted to eliminate any indexes that are consuming substantial disk space, but not being used. I ran the following, to identify unused indexes, sorting to prioritize those that consume the most space on disk:
pg_stat_all_indexes.relname AS table,
pg_class.relname AS index,
pg_total_relation_size(oid) AS size,
FROM pg_class
JOIN pg_stat_all_indexes ON pg_stat_all_indexes.indexrelname = pg_class.relname
relkind =('i')
I was a little surprised at just how many large indexes appear not to be used, at all -- as evidenced by a 0 for the idx_scan column. Some of these apparently-unused indexes include a function call that does something pretty specific (as in the contrived example below), and appear to have been set up to assist with API functionality.
--not real index
CREATE INDEX foo_transform_foo_name_idx
ON foo USING btree
My question, here, is whether the Statistics Collector captures all uses of a particular index, even if those indexes were scanned from a SQL-language function, or in some other way?

These indexes have never been scanned. However, there are some other uses for indexes:
they enforce uniqueness and other constraints
they make ANALYZE gather statistics on indexed expressions
Use this query from my blog to find the indexes that you can drop without any negative consequences:
SELECT s.schemaname,
s.relname AS tablename,
s.indexrelname AS indexname,
pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid) AS index_size
FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_indexes s
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON s.indexrelid = i.indexrelid
WHERE s.idx_scan = 0 -- has never been scanned
AND 0 <>ALL (i.indkey) -- no index column is an expression
AND NOT i.indisunique -- is not a UNIQUE index
AND NOT EXISTS -- does not enforce a constraint
(SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c
WHERE c.conindid = s.indexrelid)
ORDER BY pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid) DESC;


Can't count() a PostgreSql table [duplicate]

I need to know the number of rows in a table to calculate a percentage. If the total count is greater than some predefined constant, I will use the constant value. Otherwise, I will use the actual number of rows.
I can use SELECT count(*) FROM table. But if my constant value is 500,000 and I have 5,000,000,000 rows in my table, counting all rows will waste a lot of time.
Is it possible to stop counting as soon as my constant value is surpassed?
I need the exact number of rows only as long as it's below the given limit. Otherwise, if the count is above the limit, I use the limit value instead and want the answer as fast as possible.
Something like this:
SELECT text,count(*), percentual_calculus()
FROM token
Counting rows in big tables is known to be slow in PostgreSQL. The MVCC model requires a full count of live rows for a precise number. There are workarounds to speed this up dramatically if the count does not have to be exact like it seems to be in your case.
(Remember that even an "exact" count is potentially dead on arrival under concurrent write load.)
Exact count
Slow for big tables.
With concurrent write operations, it may be outdated the moment you get it.
SELECT count(*) AS exact_count FROM myschema.mytable;
Extremely fast:
SELECT reltuples AS estimate FROM pg_class where relname = 'mytable';
Typically, the estimate is very close. How close, depends on whether ANALYZE or VACUUM are run enough - where "enough" is defined by the level of write activity to your table.
Safer estimate
The above ignores the possibility of multiple tables with the same name in one database - in different schemas. To account for that:
SELECT c.reltuples::bigint AS estimate
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname = 'mytable'
AND n.nspname = 'myschema';
The cast to bigint formats the real number nicely, especially for big counts.
Better estimate
SELECT reltuples::bigint AS estimate
FROM pg_class
WHERE oid = 'myschema.mytable'::regclass;
Faster, simpler, safer, more elegant. See the manual on Object Identifier Types.
Replace 'myschema.mytable'::regclass with to_regclass('myschema.mytable') in Postgres 9.4+ to get nothing instead of an exception for invalid table names. See:
How to check if a table exists in a given schema
Better estimate yet (for very little added cost)
This does not work for partitioned tables because relpages is always -1 for the parent table (while reltuples contains an actual estimate covering all partitions) - tested in Postgres 14.
You have to add up estimates for all partitions instead.
We can do what the Postgres planner does. Quoting the Row Estimation Examples in the manual:
These numbers are current as of the last VACUUM or ANALYZE on the
table. The planner then fetches the actual current number of pages in
the table (this is a cheap operation, not requiring a table scan). If
that is different from relpages then reltuples is scaled
accordingly to arrive at a current number-of-rows estimate.
Postgres uses estimate_rel_size defined in src/backend/utils/adt/plancat.c, which also covers the corner case of no data in pg_class because the relation was never vacuumed. We can do something similar in SQL:
Minimal form
SELECT (reltuples / relpages * (pg_relation_size(oid) / 8192))::bigint
FROM pg_class
WHERE oid = 'mytable'::regclass; -- your table here
Safe and explicit
SELECT (CASE WHEN c.reltuples < 0 THEN NULL -- never vacuumed
WHEN c.relpages = 0 THEN float8 '0' -- empty table
ELSE c.reltuples / c.relpages END
* (pg_catalog.pg_relation_size(c.oid)
/ pg_catalog.current_setting('block_size')::int)
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
WHERE c.oid = 'myschema.mytable'::regclass; -- schema-qualified table here
Doesn't break with empty tables and tables that have never seen VACUUM or ANALYZE. The manual on pg_class:
If the table has never yet been vacuumed or analyzed, reltuples contains -1 indicating that the row count is unknown.
If this query returns NULL, run ANALYZE or VACUUM for the table and repeat. (Alternatively, you could estimate row width based on column types like Postgres does, but that's tedious and error-prone.)
If this query returns 0, the table seems to be empty. But I would ANALYZE to make sure. (And maybe check your autovacuum settings.)
Typically, block_size is 8192. current_setting('block_size')::int covers rare exceptions.
Table and schema qualifications make it immune to any search_path and scope.
Either way, the query consistently takes < 0.1 ms for me.
More Web resources:
The Postgres Wiki FAQ
The Postgres wiki pages for count estimates and count(*) performance
TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (n) in Postgres 9.5+
SELECT 100 * count(*) AS estimate FROM mytable TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (1);
Like #a_horse commented, the added clause for the SELECT command can be useful if statistics in pg_class are not current enough for some reason. For example:
No autovacuum running.
Immediately after a large INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE.
TEMPORARY tables (which are not covered by autovacuum).
This only looks at a random n % (1 in the example) selection of blocks and counts rows in it. A bigger sample increases the cost and reduces the error, your pick. Accuracy depends on more factors:
Distribution of row size. If a given block happens to hold wider than usual rows, the count is lower than usual etc.
Dead tuples or a FILLFACTOR occupy space per block. If unevenly distributed across the table, the estimate may be off.
General rounding errors.
Typically, the estimate from pg_class will be faster and more accurate.
Answer to actual question
First, I need to know the number of rows in that table, if the total
count is greater than some predefined constant,
And whether it ...
... is possible at the moment the count pass my constant value, it will
stop the counting (and not wait to finish the counting to inform the
row count is greater).
Yes. You can use a subquery with LIMIT:
SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM token LIMIT 500000) t;
Postgres actually stops counting beyond the given limit, you get an exact and current count for up to n rows (500000 in the example), and n otherwise. Not nearly as fast as the estimate in pg_class, though.
I did this once in a postgres app by running:
Then examining the output with a regex, or similar logic. For a simple SELECT *, the first line of output should look something like this:
Seq Scan on uids (cost=0.00..1.21 rows=8 width=75)
You can use the rows=(\d+) value as a rough estimate of the number of rows that would be returned, then only do the actual SELECT COUNT(*) if the estimate is, say, less than 1.5x your threshold (or whatever number you deem makes sense for your application).
Depending on the complexity of your query, this number may become less and less accurate. In fact, in my application, as we added joins and complex conditions, it became so inaccurate it was completely worthless, even to know how within a power of 100 how many rows we'd have returned, so we had to abandon that strategy.
But if your query is simple enough that Pg can predict within some reasonable margin of error how many rows it will return, it may work for you.
Reference taken from this Blog.
You can use below to query to find row count.
Using pg_class:
SELECT reltuples::bigint AS EstimatedCount
FROM pg_class
WHERE oid = 'public.TableName'::regclass;
Using pg_stat_user_tables:
,n_live_tup AS EstimatedCount
FROM pg_stat_user_tables
ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC;
How wide is the text column?
With a GROUP BY there's not much you can do to avoid a data scan (at least an index scan).
I'd recommend:
If possible, changing the schema to remove duplication of text data. This way the count will happen on a narrow foreign key field in the 'many' table.
Alternatively, creating a generated column with a HASH of the text, then GROUP BY the hash column.
Again, this is to decrease the workload (scan through a narrow column index)
Your original question did not quite match your edit. I'm not sure if you're aware that the COUNT, when used with a GROUP BY, will return the count of items per group and not the count of items in the entire table.
You can also just SELECT MAX(id) FROM <table_name>; change id to whatever the PK of the table is
In Oracle, you could use rownum to limit the number of rows returned. I am guessing similar construct exists in other SQLs as well. So, for the example you gave, you could limit the number of rows returned to 500001 and apply a count(*) then:
SELECT (case when cnt > 500000 then 500000 else cnt end) myCnt
FROM (SELECT count(*) cnt FROM table WHERE rownum<=500001)
For SQL Server (2005 or above) a quick and reliable method is:
SELECT SUM (row_count)
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID('MyTableName')
AND (index_id=0 or index_id=1);
Details about sys.dm_db_partition_stats are explained in MSDN
The query adds rows from all parts of a (possibly) partitioned table.
index_id=0 is an unordered table (Heap) and index_id=1 is an ordered table (clustered index)
Even faster (but unreliable) methods are detailed here.

Refactoring query using DISTINCT and JOINing table with a lot of records

I am using PostgreSQL v 11.6. I've read a lot of questions asking about how to optimize queries which are using DISTINCT. Mine is not that different, but despite the other questions where the people usually want's to keep the other part of the query and just somehow make DISTINCT ON faster, I am willing to rewrite the query with the sole purpose to make it as performent as possible. The current query is this:
INNER JOIN app.index_value iv ON iv.source_id =
INNER JOIN app.index i ON = iv.index_id
INNER JOIN app.namespace AS ns ON
The app.source table contains about 800 records. The other tables are under 5000 recrods tops, but the app.index_value contains 35_420_354 (about 35 million records) which I guess causes the overall slow execution of the query.
The EXPLAIN ANALYZE returns this:
I think that all relevent indexes are in place (maybe there can be made some small optimization) but I think that in order to get significant improvements in the time execution I need a better logic for the query.
The current execution time on a decent machine is 35~38 seconds.
Your query is not using DISTINCT ON. It is merely using DISTINCT which is quite a different thing.
SELECT DISTINCT is indeed often an indicator for a oorly written query, because DISTINCT is used to remove duplicates and it is often the case tat the query creates those duplicates itself. The same is true for your query. You simply want all names where certain entries exist. So, use EXISTS (or IN for that matter).
FROM app.source AS s
FROM app.index_value iv
JOIN app.index i ON = iv.index_id
JOIN app.namespace AS ns ON i.namespace_id =
WHERE iv.source_id =
FROM app.source AS s
SELECT iv.source_id
FROM app.index_value iv
JOIN app.index i ON = iv.index_id
JOIN app.namespace AS ns ON i.namespace_id =
Thus we avoid creating an unnecessarily large intermediate result.
Update 1
From the database side we can support queries with appropriate indexes. The only criteria used in your query that limits selected rows is the array lookup, though. This is probably slow, because the DBMS cannot use database indexes here as far as I know. And depending on the array content we can end up with zero app.namespace rows, few rows, many rows or even all rows. The DBMS cannot even make proper assumptions on know how many. From there we'll retrieve the related index and index_value rows. Again, these can be all or none. The DBMS could use indexes here or not. If it used indexes this would be very fast on small sets of rows and extremely slow on large data sets. And if it used full table scans and joined these via hash joins for instance, this would be the fastest approach for many rows and rather slow on few rows.
You can create indexes and see whether they get used or not. I suggest:
create index idx1 on app.index (namespace_id, id);
create index idx2 on app.index_value (index_id, source_id);
create index idx3 on app.source (id, name);
Update 2
I am not versed with arrays. But t looks like you want to check if a matching condition exists. So again EXISTS might be a tad more appropriate:
FROM UNNEST(Array['Default']::CITEXT[]) AS nss
Update 3
One more idea (I feel stupid now to have missed that): For each source we just look up whether there is at least one match. So maybe the DBMS starts with the source table and goes from that table to the next. For this we'd use the following indexes:
create index idx4 on index_value (source_id, index_id);
create index idx5 on index (id, namespace_id);
create index idx6 on namespace (id, name);
Just add them to your database and see what happens. You can always drop indexes again when you see the DBMS doesn't use them.

How does Postgres choos which index to use in case if multiple indexes are present?

I am new to Postgres and a bit confused on how Postgres decides which index to use if I have more than one btree indexes defined as below.
CREATE INDEX index_1 ON sample_table USING btree (col1, col2, COALESCE(col3, 'col3'::text));
CREATE INDEX index_2 ON sample_table USING btree (col1, COALESCE(col3, 'col3'::text));
I am using col1, col2, COALESCE(col3, 'col3'::text) in my join condition when I write to sample_table (from source tables) but when I do a explain analyze to get the query plan I see sometimes that it uses index_2 to scan rather than index_1 and sometimes just goes with sequential scan .I want to understand what can make Postgres to use one index over another?
Without seeing EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) output, I can only give a generic answer.
PostgreSQL considers all execution plans that are feasible and estimates the row count and cost for each node. Then it takes the plan with the lowest cost estimate.
It could be that the condition on col2 is sometimes more selective and sometimes less, for example because you sometimes compare it to rare and sometimes to frequent values. If the condition involving col2 is not selective, it does not matzer much which of the two indexes is used. In that case PostgreSQL prefers the smaller two-column index.

Postgres using an index for one table but not another

I have three tables in my app, call them tableA, tableB, and tableC. tableA has fields for tableB_id and tableC_id, with indexes on both. tableB has a field foo with an index, and tableC has a field bar with an index.
When I do the following query:
select *
from tableA
left outer join tableB on = tableA.tableB_id
where lower( = lower(my_input)
it is really slow (~1 second).
When I do the following query:
select *
from tableA
left outer join tableC on = tabelA.tableC_id
where lower( = lower(my_input)
it is really fast (~20 ms).
From what I can tell, the tables are about the same size.
Any ideas as to the huge performance difference between the two queries?
Table sizes:
tableA: 2061392 rows
tableB: 175339 rows
tableC: 1888912 rows
postgresql-performance tag info
Postgres version - 9.3.5
Full text of the queries are above.
Explain plans - tableB tableC
Relevant info from tables:
tableB_id, integer, no modifiers, storage plain
"index_tableA_on_tableB_id" btree (tableB_id)
tableC_id, integer, no modifiers, storage plain,
"index_tableA_on_tableB_id" btree (tableC_id)
id, integer, not null default nextval('tableB_id_seq'::regclass), storage plain
"tableB_pkey" PRIMARY_KEY, btree (id)
foo, character varying(255), no modifiers, storage extended
"index_tableB_on_lower_foo_tableD" UNIQUE, btree (lower(foo::text), tableD_id)
tableD is a separate table that is otherwise irrelevant
id, integer, not null default nextval('tableC_id_seq'::regclass), storage plain
"tableC_pkey" PRIMARY_KEY, btree (id)
bar, character varying(255), no modifiers, storage extended
"index_tableC_on_tableB_id_and_bar" UNIQUE, btree (tableB_id, bar)
"index_tableC_on_lower_bar" btree (lower(bar::text))
OS X 10.10.2
CPU: 1.4 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB
Looks like running vacuum and then analyze on all three tables fixed the issue. After running the commands, the slow query started using "index_patients_on_foo_tableD".
The other thing is that you have your indexed columns queried as lower() , which can also be creating a partial index when the query is running.
If you will always query the column as lower() then your column should be indexed as lower(column_name) as in:
create index idx_1 on tableb(lower(foo));
Also, have you looked at the execution plan? This will answer all your questions if you can see how it is querying the tables.
Honestly, there are many factors to this. The best solution is to study up on INDEXES, specifically in Postgres so you can see how they work. It is a bit of holistic subject, you can't really answer all your problems with a minimal understanding of how they work.
For instance, Postgres has an initial "lets look at these tables and see how we should query them" before the query runs. It looks over all tables, how big each of the tables are, what indexes exist, etc. and then figures out how the query should run. THEN it executes it. Oftentimes, this is what is wrong. The engine incorrectly determines how to execute it.
A lot of the calculations of this are done off of the summarized table statistics. You can reset the summarized table statistics for any table by doing:
vacuum [table_name];
(this helps to prevent bloating from dead rows)
and then:
analyze [table_name];
I haven't always seen this work, but often times it helps.
ANyway, so best bet is to:
a) Study up on Postgres indexes (a SIMPLE write up, not something ridiculously complex)
b) Study up the execution plan of the query
c) Using your understanding of Postgres indexes and how the query plan is executing, you cannot help but solve the exact problem.
For starters, your LEFT JOIN is counteracted by the predicate on the left table and is forced to act like an [INNER] JOIN. Replace with:
FROM tableA a
JOIN tableB b ON = a.tableB_id
WHERE lower( = lower(my_input);
Or, if you actually want the LEFT JOIN to include all rows from tableA:
FROM tableA a
LEFT JOIN tableB b ON = a.tableB_id
AND lower( = lower(my_input);
I think you want the first one.
An index on (lower(foo::text)) like you posted is syntactically invalid. You better post the verbatim output from \d tbl in psql like I commented repeatedly. A shorthand syntax for a cast (foo::text) in an index definition needs more parentheses, or use the standard syntax: cast(foo AS text):
Create index on first 3 characters (area code) of phone field?
But that's also unnecessary. You can just use the data type (character varying(255)) of foo. Of course, the data type character varying(255) rarely makes sense in Postgres to begin with. The odd limitation to 255 characters is derived from limitations in other RDBMS which do not apply in Postgres. Details:
Refactor foreign key to fields
Be that as it may. The perfect index for this kind of query would be a multicolumn index on B - if (and only if) you get index-only scans out of this:
CREATE INDEX "tableB_lower_foo_id" ON tableB (lower(foo), id);
You can then drop the mostly superseded index "index_tableB_on_lower_foo". Same for tableC.
The rest is covered by the (more important!) indices in table A on tableB_id and tableC_id.
If there are multiple rows in tableA per tableB_id / tableC_id, then either one of these competing commands can swing the performance to favor the respective query by physically clustering related rows together:
CLUSTER tableA USING "index_tableA_on_tableB_id";
CLUSTER tableA USING "index_tableA_on_tableC_id";
You can't have both. It's either B or C. CLUSTER also does everything a VACUUM FULL would do. But be sure to read the details first:
Optimize Postgres timestamp query range
And don't use mixed case identifiers, sometimes quoted, sometimes not. This is very confusing and is bound to lead to errors. Use legal, lower-case identifiers exclusively - then it doesn't matter if you double-quote them or not.

Postgres slow bitmap heap scan

I have tables messages phones with around 6M rows. And this query perfomance is very poor
SELECT, t2.number,, t1.gender
FROM messages t1
INNER JOIN phones t2 ON = t1.parent_id
INNER JOIN regions t6 ON = t1.region_id
WHERE t2.number IS NOT NULL AND t1.entity AND NOT t2.type AND t1.region_id = 50
Btree indexes on all colums in where condition. Primary keys on all id colums, foreign keys in messages table on parent_id and region_id as well. Vacuum on all tables runned too.
But over 15sec on just 100 rows is too slow. What is wrong?
Postgres 9.3, ubuntu 13.10, cpu 2x 2.5Ghz, 4gb ram, pg config
This completely depends on your read vs. write load, but one solution may be to create composite indexes for the most common / general cases.
For example, BTREE(parent_id, region_id) to turn that heap scan into an index scan would be huge. Since you have dynamic queries, there might be a few other combinations of composite indexes you might need for other queries, but I would recommend using only two columns in your composite indexes for now (as each query is different). Note that BTREE(parent_id, region_id) can also be scanned when only parent_id is needed, so there is no need to carry a BTREE(parent_id) index as well.