TinyMce attribute invalid_elements does not prevent from indicated tags to be used or pasted, why is this happening? - tinymce

I've been trying to use the invalid_elements property inside the window.tinymce.init object but to no avail, invalid elements and valid_elements (i.e. , , etc) keeps apearing if i paste something or if i select the bold option for instance. I also tried the paste_word_valid_elements: 'b,strong,i,em,h1,h2', property, without any positive results.
Also, in this site https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/demo/valid-elements/ you can try the properties i mentioned above and they still not work... why is that??
is this ment to be this way, is it a bug or am i missing something while coding it.
this is the object i'm passing to the init method:
selector: `#${(target as HTMLDivElement).id}`,
plugins: "paste",
inline: true, // does not work in mobile
forced_root_block: true,
force_br_newlines: false,
force_p_newlines: false,
invalid_elements : 'strong,em',
paste_merge_formats: true,
paste_preprocess: (plugin: any, args: any) => {
console.log("que trae",args.content);
console.log(">>>>>>>>", args.content.split('</p>'));
paste_word_valid_elements: 'b,strong,i,em,h1,h2',


Conditional row dragging in Aggrid reactjs

Setup Summary: We have two aggrids where we drag from one grid to the second grid. This works perfectly.
Issue: We have some lines we don't want to enable drag on. So we want a conditional drag based on a cell value.
Currently our table settings (we use reactjs) are as follows:
Table 1 and 2 have these properties:
onRowDragEnd={(params: any) => addToFilesGrid(params)}
gridOptions are (for both grids)
rowSelection: "single",
rowMultiSelectWithClick: true,
Column defs are (for both grids)
field: "name",
headerName: "File Name",
sortable: true,
filter: true,
editable: true,
cellStyle: { textAlign: "center", marginLeft: "-10px" },
cellRenderer: EditCellRenderer,
rowDrag: (params: any) => {
params.data.type !== ""; //HERE IS THE CONDITION WE HAVE
field: "type",
headerName: "Type",
sortable: true,
filter: true,
editable: false,
When the params.data.type is "" we want it not to move.
I tried playing around with rowDragManaged=false, but then nothing moved. I thought about making handlers for onDragEnter/Leave/Move/End, but I would rather avoid that if I can.
Anyone know what the issue is?
Do I have to do unmanaged dragging if I want this to work?
Finally found a solution!
I had seen that rowDrag could be set to a conditional statement but had issues getting it working, and there is one example on ag-grid docs that wasn't helpful in my use case.
So, I have a table, and if a cell is BLANK I don't want the row to drag.
So in the ColDef I had:
rowDrag: params => params.data.type === "",
Because that is what it was in the rowData. Also when I printed out params in other row changing functions (onRowSelected, onRowDragMove, etc...) this field was an empty string -> "".
It seems like for this conditional however it may be treated as an undefined or have a space. Not exactly sure, but I was able to do this:
params => params.data.type.length > 1,
And it worked! This leads me to believe the tags in the aggrid cell or something in their code inserts a space somewhere.
This was shown when I tried
rowDrag: params => params.data.type.length > 0,
and I could still drag the rows where my type field was "".

vscode is not respecting editor.quickSuggestions setttings

In vscode, I have the following setttings:
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": true,
"comments": true,
"strings": true
"[markdown]": {
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": true,
"comments": true,
"strings": true
I am debugging this issue for plugin Markdown Notes.
I believe at some point the settings value for editor.quickSuggestions changed from a boolean to the new mapping. In any case, in a document I have the text:
And this used to autocomplete the tag text immediately, respecting the quickSuggestions preference.
Now, I don't get an automatic autocomplete, BUT I DO get the correct autocomplete values when I triggerSuggest (⌃Space by default).
So vscode DOES know the correct completion values, but it just will not respect the quickSuggestions settting.
Is there some other new setting I need to toggle to get quickSuggestions working correctly?
Maybe you have
"editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": true
set to false?

Perform action after TinyMCE rendered in DOM

I'm using TinyMCE 4 and setting it up as follows:
mode : "specific_textareas",
editor_selector : "basicTinyMCE",
theme : "modern",
readonly : false,
I want to call a function after it has been rendered in the DOM.
I came across this and tried:
mode : "specific_textareas",
editor_selector : "basicTinyMCE",
theme : "modern",
readonly : false,
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onPostRender.add(function(ed,cm) {
console.log('After render: ' + ed.id);
I get the following error:
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'add' of undefined or null reference
Any ideas if this is the correct way to achieve what I want?
And if so, why is the error appearing?
You've got two options:
Use configuration init_instance_callback http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:init_instance_callback
Use new way to add callbacks
ed.on('postRender', function(e) {
I found the "Dirty" event was what I wanted, only triggered after the user makes a change to the contents of the editor

ExtJS - Setting a message box over disabled forms

So to give you an idea of what I am working with, I have a popped up modal that contains a series of individual forms in the modal. Based off the current selection, the forms will be either disabled, or enabled. If they are disabled, I would like to display a message box over the disabled form in the modal explaining why it is disabled.
I've tried using Ext.msg.alert and other forms of Ext.msg, however I am unsuccessful in getting them to remain over the forms. I can align them over the form, but upon scrolling it doesn't stay over the form, it just stays fixed in the main window position, instead of follow the form inside the modal. Is this possible to do?
I then tried to do it in a hackish way and set a loading mask over the form, which displays the message, but that as well moves when you scroll down.
I attempted to use the 'fixed' property of the components, but it seemed to do nothing.
I am not sure if I am looking at this from the wrong angle or what, but things don't seem to be working out for me.
Any ideas?
afterlayout: function(form, eOpts){
var msg = Ext.Msg.alert({title:'Disabled', modal: false, fixed: true, msg:'Blah blah blah mmmkay.'});
msg.alignTo(form.el, 'c-c');
Try this and let me know the result. Basically, we can override the base components or write our components.
Ext.define('Artlantis.view.OverlayWindow', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
alias: 'widget.overlaywin',
defaults: {
autoScroll: true
layout: 'fit',
width: '50%',
height: '50%',
modal: true,
closeAction: 'destroy',
initComponent: function() {
// to call this component
title: 'Disabled',
items: [
xtype: 'panel',
items: [
// or call by xtype
xtype: 'overlaywin'

how to disable tinymce editor

I want to disable tinymce editor using Javascript. Actually, I have two radio buttons: 1) On & 2) Off.
When the user selects the Off radio button, my tinymce editor should be readonly/disabled & when the user selects the On radio button, my tinymce editor should be enabled.
How can I achieve that?
EDITED:- (As it is not working in IE8)
force_p_newlines : false,
force_br_newlines : false,
forced_root_block : false,
convert_newlines_to_brs: false,
// Not to add br elements.
remove_linebreaks : true,
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
plugins : "safari",
convert_urls : false,
width : "560",
height : "15",
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "fontselect,fontsizeselect, separator, bold,italic,underline,separator,forecolor,backcolor,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull",
theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left", extended_valid_elements : "a[name|href|target|title|onclick],img[class|src| border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name], hr[class|width|size|noshade],font[face|size|color|style],span[class|align|style]"
This code is used to disable:
function tinymce_state(id, disable){
var state = (disable==true)? 'Off' : 'On'
tinymce.get(id).getDoc().designMode = state;
You may use the following to block input in the editor:
// blockeditor input
tinymce.get('editor_id').getDoc().designMode = 'Off'; // switches editable off
// turn it on again
tinymce.get('editor_id').getDoc().designMode = 'On'; // switches editable on
You still need to find a way to block the tinymce UI. You could deactivate EACH control you have loaded (in the init function) using a line for EACH one of them
// example control bold
// turn it on again
You could change the contenteditable property of your rtes iframe body.
Downside will be that you will have to disable the tinymce UI (buttons) seperatly
// disable contenteditable
tinymce.get('editor_id').getBody().setAttribute('contenteditable', 'false');
// enable contenteditable
tinymce.get('editor_id').getBody().setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true');
For some reason the collection of editors has two type of ID, the numeric ID (0,1, ... n) and an alpha ID (Testing1, testing2, ... xyx)
the commands in the code snippet only work with the aplha-based ID e.g. "Testing1"
I have twelve tinyMCE version 4.1.5 editors in my project and can disable all of them with this code:
for (editor_id in tinyMCE.editors) {
if (editor_id.length > 2) { //there are twelve editors in my project so ignore two-digit IDs
tinyMCE.editors[editor_id].getBody().setAttribute('readonly', '1');
tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', true, editor_id);
tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceRemoveEditor', true, editor_id);
tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddControl', true, editor_id);
tinymce.EditorManager.execCommand('mceAddEditor', true, editor_id);
This site helped me figure it out: http://jeromejaglale.com/doc/javascript/tinymce_jquery_ajax_form
To disable the editor use:
To enable the editor use:
Tested on version 5.x
You can cover with a white div opacity .7 and higher z-index.
You can use in 3.x the option
editor_deselector : "no_mce",
to disabled (so give the textarea the css class no_mce). You can toggle the CSS Class with jQuery for example.
In 4.x you can use the option
Hope that helps.
(Oviously you can change the CSS Class to whatever you want)
For old 3 ver you can use: