Chrome devtools frontend source panel FileSystem not work - google-chrome-devtools

I compile and package the chrome-devtools-frontend sourcecode ,then i use frontend from path out/Default/gen/front_end。 On source panel, I click fileSystem but it not work。
Who can tell me is this a bug?
And how to fix this bug,i try but it‘s too difficult。
Looking forward to your reply.enter image description here


Where does `pub get` download pubspec dependencies to?

In javascript, we have NPM and the node_modules folder in every project. I was not able to find a similar concept for Dart/ Flutter, except the build folder in my app, which contains a folder of a few dependencies I have in pubspec.yaml. It doesn't have any of the source code though, and I think it's actually built from something else. I've also looked in /usr/local/flutter/packages which is where my flutter is installed, but it only shows flutter_driver, flutter_goldens, and more seemingly unrelated folders.
I guess if wanted to read the source code, I really need to find the repo and read from that, or is there a location for dependencies I haven't looked?
I even found projectDir/.dart_tool/pub, which didn't have any of my packages.
From the documentation:
Dependencies downloaded over the internet, such as those from Git and
the site, are stored in a system-wide cache. This means that
if multiple packages use the same version of the same dependency, it
only needs to be downloaded and stored locally once.
By default, the system package cache is located in the .pub-cache
subdirectory of your home directory (on Mac and Linux), or in
%APPDATA%\Pub\Cache (on Windows; the location might vary depending on
the Windows version). You can configure the location of the cache by
setting the PUB_CACHE environment variable before running pub.
So for Mac and Linux for example, this would be ~/.pub-cache/hosted/ by default.
In Android Studio
I could directly view the source code of the package under `
[External Libraries/Dart Packages/Your Packages]
You can get pubspec downloaded from your flutter sdk location .
You can also clone package git .
If you are running Windows as your OS, you can find the packages under the folder that you installed your Flutter SDK to when setting up Android Studio.
In my case - using Windows 10 - the path is as follows, where C:\ is my primary harddrive and flutter\ the folder containing the Flutter SDK...
The above path for instance points to the "english words package", containing the most ~5000 used English words and some utility functions, which are mentioned and used in the Flutter tutorial on their official page for writing and running your first Flutter app.
If you have installed flutter using snap then the location might be
I had forgotten that I've been command + clicking into these libraries all the time in VSCode.
However, it looks like packages are not stored in the app folder. Packages that we use in our projects are downloaded to $FLUTTER_PATH/.pub-cache, so if I'm looking for camera picker plugin, its in
If you are using VScode you can find these dependencies under the dependencies window:

Chrome devtools save changed file path

I use browsersync and run site on local machine on http://localhost:3000/ — when i change css file (example path: ./static/css/menu.css/from devtools - it saved to root project folder in ./localhost%253a3000/static/css/menu.css
how can i change this path?
You got override locals featured enabled. You need to disabled it, and enable workspaces feature instead. I'm not giving all details because this features are different from chrome version to another. You can use the links to get workspaces working.

VSCode and clickable paths within Docker containers

In VSCode (1.10.2) integrated terminal, I can click on file paths to "jump to file". Unfortunately, I can't do that when working with a container-based stack (hear Docker Compose) as the displayed file paths are proper to the container volumes. Does anybody know if there's a way to configure / bind / map a localPath to a remotePath somehow?
Disclaimer: I implemented the links in VS Code's terminal
There is no way to open remote paths like that within VS Code currently so the terminal cannot piggyback on such logic.
However, the link matcher functionality will eventually be exposed through the extension API which will allow extension authors to create their own link matchers and handle the clicks however they see fit. I can envision a docker container link matcher and handler that would download and open the files being implemented with such an API. Subscribe to Microsoft/vscode#18454 for updates.

Page is empty when deploy create-react-app build folder by nginx?

I just put the build folder to the root folder of nginx server, e.g. /var/www/html, but nothing is visible.
When inspect from browser, the root content is empty?
enter image description here
Check your developer console for possible errors. You can also use React Developer Tools to debug your app. You can provide your non-sensitive code to make us understand it better.

Using Eclipse/Aptana, points to wrong location when previewing in browser

I'm just starting out with Eclipse Luna with Aptana plugin installed.
I've just written a basic .html file, and when I run the page using the built-in web server, it opens Firefox with the following URL:
This is unsuccesful, with Firefox displaying the message: Unable to connect
Whereas I have the file stored elsewhere on my hard drive. how do I point it in the right direction?
I found you can find the html file in your file explorer and open it manually or just type in the location the file is stored at on your hard drive into the address box. This worked for me with a html file and a css that changed the color. I am not sure if there is a setting somewhere to change the path it enters into Firefox.