Keep kubernetes logs of quicky terminating pods - kubernetes

I have an app in my cluster that starts automatically based on a metric and shuts down as soon as its job is down. Apparently the shutdown is to fast because my logging agents (DataDog agent and FluentBit) are not able to pick up the logs before the log file is deleted.
Is there a kubernetes deployment config that ensures the log stays around for a longer time period like and extra minute or so?
I'm using the CRI logging driver
Thanks in advance!


How to start a POD in Kubernetes when another blocks an important resource?

I'm getting stuck in the configuration of a deployment. The problem is the following.
The application in the deployment is using a database which is stored in a file. While this database is open, it's locked (there's no way for read/write access for many).
If I delete the running POD the new one can't get in ready state, because the database is still locked. I read about preStop-Hook and tried to use it without success.
I could delete the lock file, which seems to be pretty harsh. What's the right way to solve this in Kubernetes?
This really isn't different than running this process outside of Kubernetes. When the pod is killed, it will be given a chance to shutdown cleanly. So the lock should be cleaned up. If the lock isn't cleaned up, there's not a lot of ways you can determined if the lock remains because an unclean shutdown was made, or a node is unhealthy, or if there is a network partition. So deleting the lock at pod startup does seem to be unwise.
I think the first step for you should be trying to determine why this lock file isn't getting cleaned up correctly. (Rather than trying to address the symptom.)

Kubernetes cluster running Cronjob triggering only one pod

I was trying to find a solution how to run a job handled by 2 pods in a cluster.
The job is ran by the cronjob scheduler, to run every (say) 15 mins. This job is to fetch records from the db table and process it. There is only READ permission provided to access the table records. I am trying to see, is there any way to configure in k8s, that only one pod run the job.
This way I want to prevent the duplicate processing.
The alternate is have a temporary lock file in the persistent storage and the application in the pod puts a lock to it and releases after processing.
If there is any out of box solution available with in k8s, please let me know.
This is implemented using a traditional resource lock mechanism. A lock file is created during the process and the pods do no run if there is any lock file exists.
This way only one pods will run the job any point of time.

GridGain server deployment/Statefulset Termination grace period

I deployed gridgain cluster in google kubernetes cluster following[1]. I enabled native persistency using statefulset. In statefulset.yaml in [2] terminationGracePeriodSeconds set to 60000. What is the purpose of this large timeout?
When deleting pod using kubectl delete pod command it take very large time. What is the suitable value for terminationGracePeriodSeconds without loss any data.
I believe the reason behind setting it to 60000 was - do not rely on it. Prior to Ignite 2.9 there was an issue with the startup script that didn't bypass SYS SIGNAL to the underlying Java app, making it impossible to perform a graceful shutdown.
If a node is being restarted gracefully and IGNITE_WAIT_FOR_BACKUPS_ON_SHUTDOWN is enabled, Ignite will ensure that the node leave won't lead to a data loss. Sometimes a rebalance might take a while.
Keeping the above in mind: the hang issue might happen for Apache Ignite 2.8 and below, keeping the recommended terminationGracePeriodSeconds should be fine and never be used in practice (in a normal flow).

What does shutdown look like for a kubernetes cron job pod when it's being terminated by "replace" concurrency policy?

I couldn't find anything in the official kubernetes docs about this. What's the actual low-level process for replacing a long-running cron job? I'd like to understand this so my application can handle it properly.
Is it a clean SIGHUP/SIGTERM signal that gets sent to the app that's running?
Is there a waiting period after that signal gets sent, so the app has time to cleanup/shutdown before it potentially gets killed? If so, what's that timeout in seconds? Or does it wait forever?
For reference, here's the Replace policy explanation in the docs:
Concurrency Policy
Replace: If it is time for a new job run and the previous job run hasn’t finished yet, the cron job replaces the currently running job run with a new job run
A CronJob has just another Pod underneath.
When a Cronjob with a concurrency policy of "Replace" is still active, the Job will be deleted, which also deletes the Pod.
When a Pod is deleted the Linux container/s will be sent a SIGTERM and then a SIGKILL after a grace period, defaulted to 30 seconds. The terminationGracePeriodSeconds property in a PodSpec can be set to override that default.
Due to the flag added to the DeleteJob call, it sounds like this delete is only deleting values from the kube key/value store. Which would mean the new Job/Pod could be created while the current Job/Pod is still terminating. You could confirm with a Job that doesn't respect a SIGTERM and has a terminationGracePeriodSeconds set to a few times your clusters scheduling speed.

Kubernetes: active job is erroneously marked as completed after cluster upgrade

I have a working kubernetes cluster (v1.4.6) with an active job that has a single failing pod (e.g. it is constantly restarted) - this is a test, the job should never reach completion.
If I restart the same cluster (e.g. reboot the node), the job is properly re-scheduled and continues to be restarted
If I upgrade the cluster to v1.5.3, then the job is marked as completed once the cluster is up. The upgrade is basically the same as restart - both use the same etcd cluster.
Is this the expected behavior when going to v1.5.x? If not, what can be done to have the job continue running?
I should provide a little background on my problem - the job is to ultimately become a driver in the update process and it is important to have it running (even in face of cluster restarts) until it achieves a certain goal. Is this possible using a job?
In v1.5.0 extensions/v1beta1.Jobs was deprecated in favor of batch/v1.Job, so simply upgrading the cluster without updating the job definition is expected to cause side effects.
See the Kubernetes CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes and deprecations in v1.5.0.