How to fix msedgewebview2 error in VS2022 when admin? - elevated-privileges

I have installed the relatively fresh Visual Studio 2022 on a Windows installation. The work I do often requires administrative privileges (local IIS). To do this I have two users, one 'normal' account that is logged in to Windows and one administrator account. When starting VS2022 with the administrator account, an error keeps coming. It happens especially during debugging and it reads as follows:
Microsoft Edge can't read and write to its data directory:
What appears to happen is that Microsoft Edge WebView2 (msedgewebview2.exe) is running as the user that is logged in to Windows, while trying to write temporary files for the administrator user where it does not (and should not) have write or read access.
Here we can see the process details that says the application user is the logged in user and not the administrator:
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
The error happen even when I run debugging on a .net 5 console application. In that particular situation I don't see why it needs to run anything in a WebView instance, but apparently some background process is running something anyway. Is this something that can be turned off?

My best solution so far is to create a shared folder.
I decided to make C:\Users\<administrator_user>\AppData\Local\Temp\VSWebView2Cache\ shared. The "VS" prefix indicates that this is a Visual Studio-specific folder, and I think it is acceptable that my normal user can have access to that folder as it seems to contain temporary Visual Studio files.
To do so I logged in to Windows with the administrator account.
I navigated to the folder and made it a shared folder. I added my no-admin user with "Read/Write" privileges.
I then tested by logging out of the admin account and into my no-admin account. There I first tried the full path in File Explorer and was granted access to the folder. I then tested with VS2022 and during debugging no error box appeared and files were generated in the folder.
If anyone finds a better approach, I'd really like to hear about it. Also if you have knowledge to why this approach is either good or bad, that would be highly appreciated as well.

I only had to create the folder "VSWebView2Cache" with my normal Windows account and after that it worked.


App installation(?) being blocked on user's Win10 machine, Get-WmiObject

We have a small custom data-conversion application developed in .Net+WinForms. We distribute it as a ZIPped .exe, no installer or anything. One of our customers is having the installation blocked. None of the other users at the same company are having any problems.
The error is a screen snap from an unidentified app and I'm typing this in, forgive any fat-fingers. It says the category is "script", and the details are:
Script Command: if (Get-WmiObject Win32_USBControlerDevice...
Googling that, it seems this is part of a PowerShell script? Can anyone offer a reason this might be happening? Perhaps part of unzipping or some other process? Does Window's own security check run scripts perhaps?

Is there a way to reset a UWP app using powershell?

I see that there are way to Get Get-AppxPackage or Remove Remove-AppxPackage UWP app from windows 10 using PowerShell.
I am wondering if there is a way to reset a UWP app? I require it for automated testing, I would rather reset the UWP app than uninstall and install again, as that would slow down the testing.
If you're looking to clear your package's ApplicationData then you want
appdata = Windows.Management.Core.ApplicationDataManager.CreateForPackageFamily(pkgfamilyname)
See MSDN for ApplicationDataManager.CreateForPackageFamily() and .ClearAsync()
Powershell has no 'await' affordance last time I looked (though it's been a while) so not so viable. If you're looking to muck with applicationdata you may find APPDATA.EXE handy. You can probably guess why I wrote it... :P For instance
APPDATA.EXE Clear foo.bar_1234567890abc
If you're looking to reset a package to its initially installed state, then no, there is no API other than uninstall + install
Remove-AppxPackage foo.bar_1.2.3.4_x86__1234567890abc
Add-AppxPackage foobar.msix
Settings' Reset option for an installed package essentially does that just slightly more efficiently. You're still going thru the full deregister and uninstall the package and then install and register it for the user so it may not be instantaneous. But that's the only way to truly reset a package to its initial state. Windows has various forms of user data associated with a package (ApplicationData, IndexDB, more) as well as system state cribbed and wired up when a package is installed for a user (what is the package, where's it live, that the user has it, that it's status is not tampered or otherwise unhealthy, more). The only way to truly 'reset' that to the initial state is a full remove then add.
If you just need to wipe appdata then .ClearAsync is the ticket.
I am not aware of any command that would do that for you (except for the UI available in Settings app). However, you may write a PowerShell script that would clear up the application data files in the app's folder (this is not an official solution, but seems to work based on my trials).
Go to
And find your app's folder there. There are several folders containing the application state.
The nuclear option is to just delete all the folders. Then the app will crash once on startup, then the system will automatically reset it and restore the folders.
The less invasive option I have now tried seems to be to keep the folders and just delete their content, except for the AC folder, which seems to be system protected. When I tried this with my app, it launched successfully without crashing and system recreated the state files anew on its own.
The rest of application files lives in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps, but those are just application DLLs and content files and are read-only, so they should not affect the app state at all.
You may want to perform additional deletion if you use a shared publisher folder.
For windows 10 build 2004+ there seems to be a powershell command Reset-AppxPackage now.
My mistake, it is available from version 20175 onward. So, should be available in 20H2.

Launch local PowerShell script from link in local browser session

My boss has asked me to look into launching a PowerShell script I've written (which is to be deployed to all users desktops) when the user clicks on a link in their web browser (and not by the clicking on a desktop icon as I've proposed). I did not think this was possible for security reasons and can't understand how this can be done. Does anyone know if this is possible ? i.e. a web link can somehow trigger the running of a PowerShell script held locally on the user's machine? Seems dangerous to me but he says it can be done !!!
No, it won't automatically run a linked script and will require the user to download and then run it.
The way to accomplish the goal of running a script when they click on something, though, would be to do it with server-side code that launches the script remotely or creates a scheduled task on the user's system. However, this may not work if the user needs to see the command window or interact with the script.

How to run scheduled Coded UI Tests on Virtual Machine without having a RDP connection

Situation in short:
Virtual Machine with Visual Studio 2013 installed. PowerShell script
runs on the VM to execute Get Latest, Build and Execute Coded UI
Tests. Windows Scheduled Task to execute PowerShell nightly.
auto-logon is enabled (or I'm doing something wrong?)
yes, I've read post Is it possible to run Coded UI tests without having to connect via remote desktop?
I've seen posts about TCM. Does this help and how can I use it in my
I made some tests in Microsoft Test Manager and I also executed and recorded them.
I've loaded these tests in a test project (and changed the script providing categories and custom checks).
I then categorized these (as Development or Acceptance).
I executed out using a PowerShell script on a VM (with Visual Studio 2013 installed) with following actions:
Get Latest
Run latest build with a selected set aka category using mstest.exe
So far everything is going perfectly. All the tests pass.
However, when I create a Scheduled Task on my VM run the PowerShell script everything fails because of a missing session.
Do I have the VM (I have no knowledge of Virtual Machines) then unlock or something?
I also tried to fix this with a Test Agent and Controller, but once I had installed these, all other users of TFS lost their rights, so I prefer not to do this again.
I would be very grateful if you know something that can solve this.
I spent hours on Google finding a solution for this issue, but no solution helped me.
Do I need to provide more information?
The problem you're seeming to have is that the testagent is not setup correctly. You need an active desktop session for Coded UI to be able to run (it needs it to perform all the actions such as clicks).
Microsoft has some nice info about setting up your test agent here.
But to tackle your exact problem of the test failing because of a missing session I'd suggest the following:
Run AutoLogOn.exe from the sysinternals suite (can be found at It will automatically log in with specified user when the machine starts, and keeps the desktop session active.
Alright...I'm making progress.
I've installed test agent and controller. It's all running fine.
Next I've opened Lab Center on my own MTM to create a new environment.
Test Controller is found, but I receive the message in this post "Microsoft Test Manager cannot install test agent on these machines" when creating new Lab Center environment
File and Printer sharing exception is enabled. I don't get the other message.
I don't understand what is wrong.
Maybe I'm completely on the wrong track and it's not necessary to use the Lab Center.
Then the only remaining issue is the non-active desktop issue.

Windows 7 - Eclipse now needs me to run as administrator

I installed Eclipse (Kepler) on this W7 64-bit machine and initially I could run it "normally" by just clicking the desktop icon or whatever.
Then I replaced the whole "workspace" directory with one from another machine (because I'm changing systems).
Now if I run Eclipse not "as administrator" it opens and will even run apps... but nothing can be saved, including changes to files and updates to the .metadata of any kind.
I changed all the "ownership" and "permissions" which could possibly be involved. I am the only user of this machine, and I am in the administrators group. I CAN still use it, if I run "as an administrator". But I'm stumped why the UAC should have been happy to run Eclipse before without the "as 'strator" but now refuses...
Because... what I've understood about this question is that the UAC looks at apps and decides whether or not they look dodgy and on that basis decides whether you have to run "as 'strator". So what's changed?
I have the option of uninstalling Eclipse and reinstalling it, and then incrementally adding the various project folders... fine, it may work. But I like to understand these things as far as is feasibly possible!
Because... what I've understood about this question is that the UAC looks at apps and decides whether or not they look dodgy and on that basis decides whether you have to run "as 'strator".
UAC doesn't do anything like that. UAC is an ability of Windows to run an application as an administrator. There are three four ways an application can be run as an administrator (causing the UAC consent dialog to appear):
you right-click the application and select "Run As Administrator"
the application has been manifested with a requestedExecutionLevel of requireAdministrator
the application has a filename that looks like a setup application (e.g. setup.exe, install.exe, update.exe), in which case the Shell opts to run it elevated just in case
you call ShellExecute with the runas verb.
i think there's one of two things happening:
you missed a spot, in which case you should use Process Monitor to look for Access denied errors
you tried copying files to a protected location (e.g. Program Files) and they were instead redirected to:
C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files(x86)\Eclipse
And then when you run Eclipse, the files are not there.
Again, use Process Monitor to find where Eclipse is looking for what.