Paypal Button issues - paypal

At the beginning of last week I was able to process two orders and was unaware of any other possible orders. These two orders were correctly received, processed and shipped.
I have received no further processed payments since these two. However multiple customers have told me that they had tried to purchase and were either UNABLE to log into their paypayl account through my payment buttons, OR thought their orders were received after using the "pay with debit" option on the button through my website.
Those who used the "pay with debit" were actually shown a "thank you for your purchase" message afterwards.
Are my buttons broken?
Can I see how many people attempted to use the buttons?
Is there any way to contact those who entered their payment information to inform them that their payments were not received?
website pages with buttons:

Those appear to be normal hosted PayPal "Add to Cart" buttons, although there is an extra step of having to click a "Buy Now" button on the website to make them appear.
When a payment is made with such a button, it's very clear. Notifications are sent by email with a transaction ID, and there is a transaction record in both PayPal accounts (or the receiving account alone, of the sender didn't use one).
There shouldn't be any confusion here, either payments were made or they weren't.
No you cannot see whether someone "attempted" to make a payment.


How to show subscription payments in PayPal confirmation page?

I am using a PayPal button that redirects to a checkout/payment confirmation page that has payment info, payment methods, etc.
However, it is not obvious if the payment is one time or recurring.
The user could click on the amount and see more details, but I was wondering if I could show the subscription info by default to avoid confusion.
The subscription info is also presented after the payment has been processed in the receipt which is informative, but not ideal.
Here is the amount:
here is the amount after click/expansion:
PayPal's checkout is designed to be equally usable from a mobile device or small/pop-up minibrowser, so the space on the right in your screenshot isn't available cross-platform.
The details of what is being paid for are meant to be shown by your own site before, on the page and in the receipt after, and are also available via the drop-down as shown in your screenshot.
You can't expand it by default.

Paypal Buy Now does it trigger webhooks of received payment?

Does Paypal "Buy Now" button triggers webhooks?
What's the disadvantage of using the Buy Now button versus a fully integrated payment system in a website selling digital goods?
PayPal buttons trigger webhooks called IPN (instant payment notification). You can define a controller to handle this request and update your database.
The button you put on your web site can include custom fields that will be sent back by the IPN (along with all information sent by default, such a price, etc) , making it easier to identify the payment (such as the identifier of the customer in your application).
I can elaborate and add some code later. Unfortunately I’m on my cellphone right now.
I cannot compare to other methods, as I have only worked with PayPal buttons and IPN, but it’s quite easy to make it work.

Where's the documentation for integration?

Sounds an odd question since there's a whole PayPal developer section...
About a decade ago I wrote the code to integrate our e-com solution with PayPal.
Customer on merchant site > basket > login or register > checkout > pay using PayPal button > user goes to PayPal site and pays > e-com solution receives background post ("IPN?") to notify it of payment received > customer sent back to merchant site which then shows result.
Was a long time ago. E-com codebase was completely reworked. We didn't include PayPal at that time.
Looking for the documentation for same to do same. PayPal is never used by any of our merchants as the primary payment provider so this is an additional option to be provided at the checkout. So, not interested in the customer leaving the merchant's site at the basket, nor any of the more advanced features, nor uploading the cart contents.
I've spent ages trying to hunt this down. It looks like it's called "PayPal Payments Standard". The documentation argues with itself about whether this is for single items or multiple (e.g. a basket). Not interested in passing across the items, just the amount to pay.
From what I can see, the methodology is the same as it ever was except that I need to create a "button" labelled "Pay Now" - amount is the entire cart, the item is "cart contents" by calling the API to get me back the button code and thus the link that takes the user to PayPal. Every button created this way will say "Pay Now" and a new button is needed for every single transaction. There is however something nagging at me that this is not quite right.
I thought I'd found the documentation - the PDF integration guide. That just comes up with a link saying it's moved. Click that and I get a link saying it's moved. Click that and I'm back at the PayPal site again - no PDF. Round and round we go.
I must just be getting old or going blind.
Can anyone point me at the right solution and where the documentation is. Am an experienced coder so ideally I just want a PDF and sample code.

Choosing the right paypal billing option

On my site, I have multiple billing plans, for example:
1$ = 5 points
2$ = 15 points
3$ = 30 points
When user chooses paypal option, I want him to be redirected to the paypal checkout page,
and on completion of transaction, I want to receive notification so I can grand the account
with points. I understand that can't be done with Pay Now button. Also, I can't understand what is the most right way to do so. Suggestion?
when i talk about paypal checkout page I mean this one
I would just create a drop down menu option to allow the buyer to select which one they are wanting to purchase. Then that will popluate the PayPal checkout page with the correct options selected, and amount. As for getting the information back to your site. I would use IPN.
Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a message service that notifies you of events related to PayPal transactions. You can use it to automate back-office and administrative functions, such as fulfilling orders, tracking customers, and providing status and other information related to a transaction.
Checkout this page here for more on IPN. There are also some samples of IPN scripts, and additional links relating to IPN on the left hand side of that page.

Missing IPN Notification

I've been running a 'Buy Now' button on my website for several months now, and a couple weeks back I observed a purchase that had went through where no IPN was sent to my website from PayPal. Later purchases that day succeeded.
PayPal had sent me an email notification that the purchase was successful, it also recorded this transaction in my account's payment log. This is normal.
The IPN History had no record of any IPN entries for that transaction; there is no record of PayPal attempting to contact my website to notify it of the IPN. This is not normal.
I have not modified the 'Buy Now' whatsoever in the past six months, and there is only one 'Buy Now' button connected to PayPal. Furthermore, this was the only payment that day that had failed to show up in the IPN History.
I've read (I forget the article) that this isn't all that uncommon (happens a few times a year for popular sellers). I don't know, however, what the solution is. I contacted PayPal support a week ago, and they have not gotten back to me.
I find that if the purchaser uses Credit Card option to pay, and they go through the payment page, the very last page has another button. Some purchasers don't click that very last button. The result is that the payment happens, but the IPN to your notify_url does not trigger.
This problem does not happen if the purchaser uses their paypal account to purchase.
I am looking for a solution to this.
Sometimes IPN can be delayed for various reasons, but it will usually post at some point.
I know just last week (or maybe the week before) the IPN servers were down so there were literally millions of IPN's that were qued up in the system and took a long time for them to get all caught up.
Usually, though, IPN works great and is pretty much real-time.