UI5 Control - How to use xml template instead of renderer - sapui5

I want to use a xml template instead of the JavaScript renderer inside a custom control.
Is that possible?
I read that XML Composite Control was the solution but it's now deprecated...


How to add custom javascript in Laravel-Backpack

Is there any way to add custom javascript?
I want to add custom javascript to some of the pages but it seems i am not able to.
Each default Backpack operation has its own CSS and JS file, in:
If you don't find one there, you can create one, and Backpack will pick it up in that operation's view (e.g. create.css or list.js).
Read more: https://backpackforlaravel.com/docs/3.5/crud-how-to#customize-css-and-js-for-default-crud-operations

Mapbox Studio: can you change the style after the fact?

Is it possible to change the base style of a custom style after the fact in Mapbox Studio? If yes, how? I looked around the UI and in the documentation but couldn't find how.
Say I created a private style from the Vintage designer style (for example's sake), then added and customized layers by importing tilesets, can I switch to the another base style (e.g. North Star), or do I need to start a new custom style from the start?
Yes. Mapbox Studio is just a GUI for generating Javascript; it outputs a giant JSON file.
(A Mapbox Style is just a JSON object.)
Each of your data layers is included in that JSON (and can be copied and pasted into another style JSON).
Use these instructions to learn the process:
Hope that helps!

symfony custom form type with assets

I've created a custom form type in symfony2. This formtype has it's own template and this is working fine.
The form type also needs some javascript on the clientside to work nicely.
I would like to add this javascript to the page using the same template I use to render the widget. It's a bit more of a hassle to do this manually.
I could add the javascript manually on each page, but it would be nice if that just happened automatically.
I can't add the javascript just before or after the element itself, as it has a dependency to jquery which is only loaded at the bottom of the body.
I tried using a block which is defined in the "main template" (it is named block_javascript) to add the custom javascripts to the footer of the page, but it seems the rendering of forms works a little different and the block is not available.
I'm using assetic to prepare and return assets.
Is there a way I can use blocks from the main template being rendered when rendering a form widget?
I don't think yet about all the consequences or if it's doable, but here an idea that can solve your problem: use the event dispatcher.
an event for assets addition
a service that hold a list of assets to use and subscribe to above event
a Twig extension that use above service to make assets accessible in the template
trigger the event in the buildView() function of your form type with right parameters
use the Twig extension in your layout template
It theorically should work.

gwtbootstrap always applies to all elements

I want to use GWT bootstrap for my application, so I added the jar to the classpath and inherited it in app.gwt.xml and it is working so far (I am new to Bootstrap).
So far I haven't used UIBinders for the layout and if in any way possible would like to leave it that way as I have a very dynamic UI which is generated programmatically and I have little experience with UIBinders. However for the elements that I want to use from gwtbootstrap I have created UIBinders (such as headings and buttons).
The problem is that not only the elements I create with UIBinders using the gwtbootstrap elements look like gwtbootstrap elements, but all elements on the page.
A simple example: it makes no difference whatsoever if I create a Heading like this using a bootstrap element
<b:Heading size="2">Hello GWT Bootstrap</b:Heading>
or like this using standard HTML
<h1>Hello GWT Bootstrap</h1>
both look like a GWT Bootstrap heading. The same applies for all other elements, so any element on the page is styled by gwtbootstrap, even if I don't want it to and I can't find a way to control this.
That's because gwt-bootstrap injects the bootstrap.css into your GWT app and bootstrap.css defines default styles for standard HTML elements like <h1>, etc.
If you don't want bootstrap to override the default styles there are several solutions:
Modify the bootstrap.css in the gwt-bootstrap library file and remove the styles that you don't want
Create a separate css file that sets the styles for the specific HTML elements back (using !important)
Extends gwt-bootstraps CssResources and pass a custom css file.
Solution 3 is probably the cleanest one.

ASP.NET MVC2 - Determine which type of template is being rendered

Instead of using DisplayFor and EditorFor, I would like to create a more generic ContentFor. In that Html extension it would take into account Metadata values to determine how to render the resulting control. The only piece of the puzzle I am not am to determine is this: Is there a way to determine if I am currently rendering a DisplayTemplate or an EditorTemplate. As a real-world example of this, when rendering a string, for the display version I would like to render it as a , but when rendering the editor version, I would want to render it as a text box.
To better explain, let's say I have two templates called Address.ascx, one in the DisplayTemplates directory and one in the EditorTemplates directory. I would like both of them to use ContentFor to render, but in the display version it renders as a label and in the editor version it renders as a textbox.
Using two ASCX files to call a single file control (which is doable, just do another RenderPartial or DisplayFor/LabelFor) doesn't make sense to me. It breaks the "seperation of concerns". Label displays labels, and Display displays values, it doesn't make sense for a control to try and figure out what way you want it to display.
If you want a use a custom display or label for a property, use the UIHint data Annotation.
Then in the DisplayTemplates and EditorTempaltes create a "MyCustomControlName.ascx" file to display that property however you want. Additionally, the ascx controls can read custom Model Metadata and do whatever it is you need done. Example at http://weblogs.asp.net/seanmcalinden/archive/2010/06/11/custom-asp-net-mvc-2-modelmetadataprovider-for-using-custom-view-model-attributes.aspx.