Voxel Water in unity engine - unity3d

I am trying to create a voxel style RPG like the one shown in Cube world. And I am trying to get an efficient low-GPU-intensive way to create Voxel water; like the water shown in these
However instead of Blender in unity. I feel it would be good to use a procedual shader (for foam, and waves, and adapting to players jumping in it) of somesort to be efficient for my uses (Ocean, rivers, lakes etc...). though I cannot think of a way to create this kind of shader. I have attempted to throw toghether a shader however I am not the most experienced in the non-programming field.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

A shader will not be a good idea for water simulation. I would recommend you use cellular automata to get these water voxel some realistic movement.
Cellular automata works when you divide your world into a grid of cells and every update you change the cell state or position depending on its cell neighbours. There are some good examples of this in games like Conway's game of life and Noita:
Conway's game of life Wiki
Noita trailer
But I will guess that you are going for more of a 3D
style. There is this voxel game which does water simulations very nice:
John Lin's voxel engine


How to mask 3D Objects with Real-World-Objects in front of them? (Tango, Unity)

All the Tango Apps and Demos I have seen so far have one major limitation: 3D-Objects are always "on top" of the real world camera image. They are placed correctly in 3D space but a real object in front of the virtual object will not overlap it!
Is it possible to mask 3D objects or parts of them in realtime by real world objects in front of them?
In theory the 3D data deliverd by Tango sensors should be sufficient to do this. But I wonder if anyone has done it before or if there might be performance limitations that make this impossible? Thanks for your advice!
One approach is to use the 3D Reconstruction library (search "Unity How-to Guide: Meshing with Color") to pre-scan the environment, and then use this model to provide depth data when rendering the AR scene. Here's a video of an AR game that appears to use this technique. It's not perfect for sure, but it does sorta work.
This questions has been asked before.

Feasibilty/efficieny of using 3D models for a 2D game

I've been using Unity3D for a while now and I've also had experience coding 2D games using LibGdx.
In the past, I used to get my sprites off the net or make my own however that wasn't really the best way to do things since I'm more of a programmer and would sometimes need very specific things and so I've started to learn blender and I'm actually enjoying it atm.
What I want to know is how much of an overhead is it if you're using 3D models for a 2D game? Especially if you want to port it to mobile?
The overhead is significant for rendering since with a basic sprite, you have 6 vertices (2 tris to make a quad) while a 3d model can have hundreds of thousands of vertices.
The advantage on the other hand is that animations are made of sprites, so your texture amount and size may increase. In 3D, an animation is a text file so fairly light.
The physics is simplified in 2D since you can do surface collision while 3D requires volume collision and obviously checking an extra dimension is more expensive.
There are probably other considerations but those are the first coming in mind.
Now, the choice of 3D over 2D should be simply based on what you are trying to achieve. Side scrolling games like Angry Birds do not need 3D. Games like Taichi Panda are better with 3D despite being a 2D game (only x and z camera movement I think).
A FPS game should only be done in 3D or it will look like Duke Nukem.

Creating an explode particle system in SceneKit

I want to create an explosion particle system, but I'm not sure how can I do it. I was thinking create a fire particle system with emitter shape being an Sphere and after that just increasing sphere radius, but I don't know how can I animate it's size. Does anyone tell me how can I do that? Or does anyone have a better idea?
Emitter systems for particles are setting initial particle directions, and the rate they'll move at. That's generally how a visual representation of an explosion is created.
So rather than increasing the size of the emitter source to present an explosion, the dissemination of the particles in an outward direction creates the appearance of an explosion.
You're not limited to one batch of particles, nor one type of particles, nor just one emitter. The best explosions are a highly complex layering of different particle types with different textures, coming from different emitters at differing rates, with differing rates of decay, spin rates, colour changes and falloff in both transparency and movement speed.
Making a truly great looking explosion is a real art form and will often take a good designer days to do with a GUI and constant real time playback, especially when trying to minimise the use of textures, quads, blends, fillrate and physics.
Here's a video from Unreal Engine, wherein similar concepts and qualities as what's available in Scene Kit are used to teach the terminology. It's not a 1:1 parallel with the Scene Kit particle engine, but it's probably the best combination of visuals and simplistic explanations to help you rapidly understand what is possible and how to do it with particles.
//caveat: Unreal Engine probably has the best real time particle engine in the world at the moment, so it's a little more advanced than what's in Scene Kit.
But...the principles are essentially the same:

How to calibrate the size and speed of 3d objects

I am just starting with a new project in VR and have some problems.
I want to simulate a simple 3D-Ball like the real one in real world.
I am using OptiTrack to register my camera( 3d glasses) and Middle VR(free edition) to realize the 3D effect in 3D room. And also Unity for 3D models and programming with C#.
My Problem:
I have a real plastic ball and use it to compare with that 3D-Ball. If i go to the real ball in (real world) it will be bigger and if i go away from it, it will be smaller visually.
The 3d ball has the same diameter as the real one and stand at the same position. But if i go to ihm with 3d glasses it will be (quicker) bigger than the one in real world and if i go away from it, it will quick smaller than the real one...
Can anyone explain to me, how to solve the problem, what should i do. I need your help.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Get the size right inside unity. 1 unit in unity is 1 meter in real life.
Also play with the field of view of your maincamera in unity to get the desired result

How to create wolf 3D kind of basic 3D walls in openGL

I was trying to figure out how I can create simple 3D walls like this in openGL. I dont want to create any fancy stuff just a basic 3D wall where i can move fwd and backwards imagine it as Wolf 3D game with only map no killing etc.
Is there any framework which I can use to do this?? I want to do it in openGL so that I can create/render this thing on my iphone.
If any body can point me to some sample source code it will be helpful.
As a non-OpenGL alternative, you can construct such a maze and move through it using only Core Animation. The textured wall segments would be CALayers containing images that had been transformed in 3-D to face the appropriate directions. The maze could be translated relative to the camera to cause the user to move through the area. The code for this would be significantly simpler than an equivalent OpenGL ES implementation written from scratch.
An example of this is presented by John Blackburn in his article here.
If you want to use OpenGL, then you have to create everything yourself. But there are several nice 3D engines.
Ogre iPhone
Payed (but very powerful):
Creating a walk-throug in a 3D space from scratch, isn't basic stuff. It's actually a lot of math.
You will start with the 3D model of the world and in order to put yourself in the perspective of the viewer you have to transform this 3D model with a series of transformations:
The World transformation - Moves the world map
The View transformation - Transforms vertices into camera space
Perspective transformation - Maps 3D space into 2D
Each of those transformations will be defined as a 4x4 matrix. Hope this helps you for a start.