Publisher which subscribes to its own topic - apache-kafka

I'm currently designing an application which is will have hundreds of log-compacted topics. Each topic is related to a failover group and should have a dynamic (e.g., to be changed on demand) set of producers and consumers.
For example, let's say I have 3 failover instances related to topic T1. Each of those failover instances should have the same data / state (eventually consistent). And each of the instances may consume and produce messages on that topic.
As I understand, I need to assign different group IDs for each consumer/producer in order to have every instance read the topic entirely.
Though given that the number of readers and writers for a topic are not fixed, how is it possible to avoid reading ones own messages for that topic?
Sure, I could add a source ID to the message and just dismiss the message when the consumer figures out that he is about to read a message he previously produced himself. But I'd rather avoid the data transfer entirely.

Producers and consumers are independent processes. If you subscribe to the same topic that's being produced to without some extra processing logic, you'll end up with an infinite loop.
You also cannot have more consumers than partitions, so the dynamic consumer amount will be limited by that.
need to assign different group IDs for each consumer/producer in order to have every instance read the topic entirely
Not necessarily. You've mentioned you have compacted topics, so I assume you are using Kafka Streams. In the Streams API, you can set num.standby.replicas for copying statestore data across instances of the same


One to One and Group Messaging using Kafka

As Kafka has a topic based pub-sub architecture how can I handle One-to-One and Group Messaging part of web application using Kafka?
I am using SpringBoot+Angular stack and Docker Kafka server.
I'll write another answer here.
Based on my experience with the chatting service. You only need one topic for all the messages. Using a well designed Message body.
public class Message {
private String from; // user id
private String to; // user id or group id
Then you can create like 100 partitions for this topic and create two consumers to consume them (50 partitions for one consumer in the beginning).
Then if your system reaches the bottleneck, you can easier scale X more consumers to handle the load.
How to do distribute the messages in the consumer. I used to send the messages to the Mobile app, so all the app has a long-existing connection to the server, and the server sends the messages to the app by that channel. For group chat, I create a Redis cache to store all the active users in the group, so I can easier get the users who belong to this group, send them the messages.
And another thing, Kafka stateless, means Kafka doesn't de-coupled from the business logic, only acts as a message system, transfers the messages. If you connect your business logic to Kafka, like create a topic "One-to-One" and delete some after they finished, Kafka will be very messy.
By One-to-One, I suppose you mean one producer and one consumer i.e. using at as a queue.
This is certainly possible with Kafka. You can have one consumer subscribe to a topic and and restrict others by not giving them authorization . See Authorization in Kafka
Note that once a message is consumed, it is not deleted, rather it is committed so that the same consumer will not consume it again.
By Group Messaging, I suppose you mean one producer > multiple consumers or
multiple-producer > multiple-consumers
This is also possible, a producer can produce messages to a topic and multiple consumers can consume them.
If all the consumers have the same group id, then each consumer in the group gets only a subset of messages.
If they have different group ids then each consumer will get all messages.
Multiple producers also can produce to the same topic.
A consumer can also subscribe to multiple topics.
Ok, It's a very complicated question, I try to type some simple basic information.
Kafka topics are divided into a number of partitions. Partitions allow you to parallelize a topic by splitting the data in a particular topic across multiple brokers — each partition can be placed on a separate machine to allow for multiple consumers to read from a topic in parallel.
So if you are using partitions, means you have multiple consumers to consume some in parallel.
consumer groups for a given topic — each consumer within the group reads from a unique partition and the group as a whole consumes all messages from the entire topic.
Basically, you can have only one group, then the message will not be processed twice in the same consumer group, and this is how Kafka delivers exactly once.
If you need two consumer groups, you need to think about why you need two? Are the consumers in two groups handling the different logic?
There is more, please check the official document, or you can answer a smaller question.

Maximum subscription limit of Kafka Topics Per Consumer

What is maximum limit of topics can a consumer subscribe to in Kafka. Am not able to find this value documented anywhere.
If consumer subscribes 500000 or more topics, will there be downgrade in performance.
500,000 or more topics in a single Kafka cluster would be a bad design from the broker point of view. You typically want to keep the number of topic partitions down to the low tens of thousands.
If you find yourself thinking you need that many topics in Kafka you might instead want to consider creating a smaller number of topics and having 500,000 or more keys instead. The number of keys in Kafka is unlimited.
To be technical the "maximum" number of topics you could be subscribed to would be constrained by the available memory space for your consumer process (if your topics are listed explicitly then a very large portion of the Java String pool will be your topics). This seems the less likely limiting factor (listing that many topics explicitly is prohibitive).
Another consideration is how the Topic assignment data structures are setup at Group Coordinator Brokers. They could run out of space to record the topic assignment depending on how they do it.
Lastly, which is the most plausible, is the available memory on your Apache Zookeeper node. ZK keeps ALL data in memory for fast retrieval. ZK is also not sharded, meaning all data MUST fit onto one node. This means there is a limit to the number of topics you can create, which is constrained by the available memory on a ZK node.
Consumption is initiated by the consumers. The act of subscribing to a topic does not mean the consumer will start receiving messages for that topic. So as long as the consumer can poll and process data for that many topics, Kafka should be fine as well.
Consumer is fairly independent entity than Kafka cluster, unless you are talking about build in command line consumer that is shipped with Kafka
That said logic of subscribing to a kafka topic, how many to subscribe to and how to handle that data is upto the consumer. So scalability issue here lies with consumer logic
Last but not the least, I am not sure it is a good idea to consumer too many topics within a single consumer. The vary purpose of pub sub mechanism that Kafka provides through the segregation of messages into various topics is to facilitate the handling of specific category of messages using separate consumers. So I think if you want to consume many topics like few 1000s of them using a single consumer, why divide the data into separate topics first using Kafka.

Join multiple Kafka topics by key

How can write a consumer that joins multiple Kafka topics in a scalable way?
I have a topic that published events with a key and a second topic that publishes other events related to a subset of the first with the same key. I would like to write a consumer that subscribes to both topics and performs some additional actions for the subset that appears in both topics.
I can do this easily with a single consumer: read everything from both topics, maintaining state locally and perform the actions when both events have been read for a given key. But I need the solution to scale.
Ideally I need to tie the topics together so that they are partitioned the same way and the partitions are assigned to consumers in sync. How can i do this?
I know Kafka Streams joins topics together such that keys are allocated to the same nodes. How do they do it? P.S. I can't used Kafka Streams because I'm using Python.
Too bad you are on Python -- Kafka Streams would be a perfect fit :)
If you want to do this manually, you will need to implement your own PartitionAssignor -- this, implementation must ensure, that partitions are co-located in the assignment: Assume you have 4 partitions per topic (let's call them A and B), than partitions A_0 and B_0 must be assigned to the same consumer (also A_1 and B_1, ...).
I hope Python consumer allows you to specify a custom partition assignor via config parameter partition.assignment.strategy.
This is the PartitionAssignor Kafka Streams uses:
Streams uses the concept of tasks -- a tasks gets partitions of different topics with the same partition number assigned. Streams also tries to do a "sticky assignment" -- ie., don't move task (and thus partitions) in case of rebalance if possible. Thus, each consumer encodes its "old assignment" in the rebalance metadata.
Basically, the method #subscription() is called on each consumer that is alive. It will send the subscription information of the consumer (ie, to what topics a consumer wants to subscribe) plus optional metadata to the brokers.
In a second step, the leader of the consumer group, will compute the actual assignment, within #assign(). The responsible broker collects all information given by #subscription() in the first phase of the rebalance and hands it to #assign(). Thus, the leader gets a global overview over the whole group, and thus can ensure that partitions are assigned in a co-located manner.
In the last step, the broker received the computed assignment from the leader, and broadcasts it to all consumers of the group. This will result in a call to #onAssignment() on each consumer.
This might also help:

kafka log deletion and load balancing across consumers

Say a consumer does a time intensive processing. In order to scale consumer side processing, i would like to spawn multiple consumers and consumer messages from kafka topic in a round robin fashion. Based on the documentation, it seems like if i create multiple consumers and add them in one consumer group, only one consumer will get the messages. If i add consumers to different consumer groups, each consumer will get the same message. So, in order to achieve the above objective, is the only solution to partition the topic ? This seems like an odd design choice, because the consumer scalability is now bleeding into topic and even producer design. Ideally, if a topic does not partitioning, there should be no need to partition it. This puts un-necessary logic on producer and also causes other consumer types to consume from these partitions that may only make sense to one type of consumer. Plus it limits the usecase, where a certain consumer type may want ordering over the messages, so splitting a topic into partitions may not be possible.
Second if i choose "cleanup.policy" to compact, does it mean that kafka log will keep increasing as it will maintain the latest value for each key? If not, how can i get log deletion and compaction?
It seems like i have two options to achieve scalability on consumer side, which are independent of topic scaling.
Create consumer groups and have them consume odd and even offsets. This logic would have to be built into the consumers to discard un-needed messages. Also doubles the network requirements
Create a hierarchy of topics, where the root topic gets all the messages. Then some job classifies the logs and publish them again to more fine grained topics. In this case, the strong ordering can be achieved at root and more fine grained topics for consumer scaling can be constructed.
In 0.8, kafka maintains the consumer offset, so publishing messages in a round robin across various consumers is not a too far fetched requirement from their design.
Partitions are the unit of parallelism in Kafka by design. Not just for consumtion but kafka distributes the partiotions accross cluster which has different other benifits like sharing load among different servers, replication management for ensuring no Data loss, managing log to scale beyond a size that will fit on a single server etc.
Ordering of messages is a key factor as if you do not need a storng ordering then diving topics with multiple partitions will allow you to evenly distribute the load while producing (this will be handled by the producer itself). And while using consumer group you just need to add more consumer instances in the same group in order to consume them parallely.
Plus it limits the usecase, where a certain consumer type may want ordering over the messages, so splitting a topic into partitions may not be possible.
True,from the doc
However, if you require a total order over messages this can be achieved with a topic that has only one partition, though this will mean only one consumer process.
Maintaining ordering whiile consuming in distributed manner requires the messaging system to maintain per-message state to keep track of message acknowledgement. But this will involve a lot of expensive random I/O in the system. So clearly there is a trade-off.
Ideally, if a topic does not partitioning, there should be no need to partition it. This puts un-necessary logic on producer and also causes other consumer types to consume from these partitions that may only make sense to one type of consumer
Distributing messages across partitions is typically handled by the producer it self without any intervention from the programmers end (assuming you don't want to categories messages using key). And for the consumers as you just mentioned here the better choice would be to use Simple/Low level consumers which will allow you to consume only a subset of the partitions in a topic.
This seems like an odd design choice, because the consumer scalability is now bleeding into topic and even producer design
I believe for a system like Kafka which focuses on high throughput ( handle hundreds of megabytes of reads and writes per second from thousands of clients ), ensuring scalability and strong durability and fault-tolerance guarantees might not be a good fit for someone having totally a different business requirements.
Topic partitioning is primarily a way to scale out consumers and brokers so if you need many consumers to keep up then you need to partition the topic and add multiple consumer instances in the same consumer group. The producer API will manage partitions transparently. If you need to have certain consumers subscribing only to some partitions, then you need to use the simple consumer API instead of the high level API and in this case you don't have the consumer group concept and have to coordinate consumption yourself.
Message ordering is guaranteed within partitions but not between partitions so if this is a requirement it needs to be dealt with on consumer side.
Setting cleanup.policy=compact means that the Kafka brokers will keep the latest version of a message key indefinitely and use cases like that should be more for recording of data updates for things you intend to keep around rather than the log stream buffering use case.
You need to factor out the reading of Kafka messages from the subsequent processing of those messages. You can use partitions and consumer groups to make reading messages as fast as possible, but if you process the messages as part of your consumer logic then you'll just slow down your consumers. By streaming the messages from consumers to other classes that will perform your processing you can adjust the parallelism of the consumers and of the processors independently. You'll see this approach in technologies like Spark and Storm.
This approach does add one complication and that is that the consumer has to commit the message offset before the message has been processed. You may have to track the messages in flight to insure execute-exactly-once.

Data Modeling with Kafka? Topics and Partitions

One of the first things I think about when using a new service (such as a non-RDBMS data store or a message queue) is: "How should I structure my data?".
I've read and watched some introductory materials. In particular, take, for example, Kafka: a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing, which writes:
"a Topic is the container with which messages are associated"
"the smallest unit of parallelism is the partition of a topic. This implies that all messages that ... belong to a particular partition of a topic will be consumed by a consumer in a consumer group."
Knowing this, what would be a good example that illustrates how to use topics and partitions? When should something be a topic? When should something be a partition?
As an example, let's say my (Clojure) data looks like:
{:user-id 101 :viewed "/page1.html" :at #inst "2013-04-12T23:20:50.22Z"}
{:user-id 102 :viewed "/page2.html" :at #inst "2013-04-12T23:20:55.50Z"}
Should the topic be based on user-id? viewed? at? What about the partition?
How do I decide?
When structuring your data for Kafka it really depends on how it´s meant to be consumed.
In my mind, a topic is a grouping of messages of a similar type that will be consumed by the same type of consumer so in the example above, I would just have a single topic and if you´ll decide to push some other kind of data through Kafka, you can add a new topic for that later.
Topics are registered in ZooKeeper which means that you might run into issues if trying to add too many of them, e.g. the case where you have a million users and have decided to create a topic per user.
Partitions on the other hand is a way to parallelize the consumption of the messages. The total number of partitions in a broker cluster need to be at least the same as the number of consumers in a consumer group to make sense of the partitioning feature. Consumers in a consumer group will split the burden of processing the topic between themselves according to the partitioning so that one consumer will only be concerned with messages in the partition itself is "assigned to".
Partitioning can either be explicitly set using a partition key on the producer side or if not provided, a random partition will be selected for every message.
Once you know how to partition your event stream, the topic name will be easy, so let's answer that question first.
#Ludd is correct - the partition structure you choose will depend largely on how you want to process the event stream. Ideally you want a partition key which means that your event processing is partition-local.
For example:
If you care about users' average time-on-site, then you should partition by :user-id. That way, all the events related to a single user's site activity will be available within the same partition. This means that a stream processing engine such as Apache Samza can calculate average time-on-site for a given user just by looking at the events in a single partition. This avoids having to perform any kind of costly partition-global processing
If you care about the most popular pages on your website, you should partition by the :viewed page. Again, Samza will be able to keep a count of a given page's views just by looking at the events in a single partition
Generally, we are trying to avoid having to rely on global state (such as keeping counts in a remote database like DynamoDB or Cassandra), and instead be able to work using partition-local state. This is because local state is a fundamental primitive in stream processing.
If you need both of the above use-cases, then a common pattern with Kafka is to first partition by say :user-id, and then to re-partition by :viewed ready for the next phase of processing.
On topic names - an obvious one here would be events or user-events. To be more specific you could go with with events-by-user-id and/or events-by-viewed.
This is not exactly related to the question, but in case you already have decided upon the logical segregation of records based on topics, and want to optimize the topic/partition count in Kafka, this blog post might come handy.
Key takeaways in a nutshell:
In general, the more partitions there are in a Kafka cluster, the higher the throughput one can achieve. Let the max throughout achievable on a single partition for production be p and consumption be c. Let’s say your target throughput is t. Then you need to have at least max(t/p, t/c) partitions.
Currently, in Kafka, each broker opens a file handle of both the index and the data file of every log segment. So, the more partitions, the higher that one needs to configure the open file handle limit in the underlying operating system. E.g. in our production system, we once saw an error saying too many files are open, while we had around 3600 topic partitions.
When a broker is shut down uncleanly (e.g., kill -9), the observed unavailability could be proportional to the number of partitions.
The end-to-end latency in Kafka is defined by the time from when a message is published by the producer to when the message is read by the consumer. As a rule of thumb, if you care about latency, it’s probably a good idea to limit the number of partitions per broker to 100 x b x r, where b is the number of brokers in a Kafka cluster and r is the replication factor.
I think topic name is a conclusion of a kind of messages, and producer publish message to the topic and consumer subscribe message through subscribe topic.
A topic could have many partitions. partition is good for parallelism. partition is also the unit of replication,so in Kafka, leader and follower is also said at the level of partition. Actually a partition is an ordered queue which the order is the message arrived order. And the topic is composed by one or more queue in a simple word. This is useful for us to model our structure.
Kafka is developed by LinkedIn for log aggregation and delivery. this scene is very good as a example.
The user's events on your web or app can be logged by your Web sever and then sent to Kafka broker through the producer. In producer, you could specific the partition method, for example : event type (different event is saved in different partition) or event time (partition a day into different period according your app logic) or user type or just no logic and balance all logs into many partitions.
About your case in question, you can create one topic called "page-view-event", and create N partitions through hash keys to distribute the logs into all partitions evenly. Or you could choose a partition logic to make log distributing by your spirit.