Solaris Package Update failing due to incorrect pkg path - solaris

I am trying to update a Solaris 11.4 box from SRU36 to SRU37 but I am receiving errors due to conflicting attributes.
The package path for SRU36 seems to be missing "/so" from the path but I am unsure as to where this information is pulled from in order to try to alter it, if possible.
The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
for link 'usr/lib/' with conflicting attributes:
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/lib/':
1 package delivers 'link path=usr/lib/':
I have tried to upgrade directly to SRU38 and SRU39 we same result plus a few other packages throwing the same error.
Any help or advice with this would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks in advance

What needs to be done:
o ensure that a UTF-8 is used throughout
o remove the cache in the zones (- remove the pkg cache in the zones (cd /var/pkg/cache; rm -rf *))


Pharo on RaspberryPi: Module not found at startup

I am on a raspbian stretch system with the spur32 VM for ARM and a Pharo 7 image. At Startup I always get an exception: Error - Module not found.
It seems to have to do with lgitlibrary. I really cannot figure out what this error is about.
Any ideas?
I see. If you check #unixModuleName
| pluginDir |
pluginDir := Smalltalk vm binary parent.
#('' '')
detect: [ :each | (pluginDir / each) exists ]
ifFound: [ :libName | ^ libName ].
self error: 'Module not found.'
Here you have your error message: self error: 'Module not found.'
You probably have or missing (or dependencies). You may suffer with similar problem as me: Getting error when adding OSSubprocess to my Pharo 6.1 on Centos 7.4x.
You should check the dependencies with ldd (check my question for details).
Edit Adding information due to comment:
I have yet to use IceBerg (the Pharo's git integration). My guess, would be to "(re-)initialize it": (Smalltalk at: #LGitLibrary) initialize.
For more information, I recommend reading these: pharo's iceberg and some Pharo project that uses git like pharo-contributor and checking blog pharoweekly (for some information about the pharo-contributor) -
You may want to use some guide "How to use git and github with Pharo". Which was done by Peter Uhnak (you can find him on SO).
I had the similar problem and I needed to build libgit2 library from source using this instructions. The basic build didn't work because Pharo wasn't able to initialize the library. I compiled it again with parameter -DSTDCALL=ON an it works.

Error installing purescript-list

I'm new to Purescript and am following the tutorial for installation. Purescript itself is working and I can start the CLI using pulp psci, but installing purescript-list runs into trouble.
Having entered the command bower install purescript-lists --save, I get a long list of package names, but when it gets to purescript-eff and purescript-prelude I run into some version conflicts:
bower purescript-eff#^2.0.0 cached
bower purescript-eff#^2.0.0 validate 2.0.0 against^2.0.0
Unable to find a suitable version for purescript-eff, please choose one by typing one of the numbers below:
1) purescript-eff#^1.0.0 which resolved to 1.0.0 and is required by purescript-console#1.0.0
2) purescript-eff#^2.0.0 which resolved to 2.0.0 and is required by purescript-st#2.0.0
Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json
? Answer
A similar message is shown for purescript-prelude. No matter which options I choose, both pulp build and pulp run fail with:
$ pulp build
* Building project in /Developer/purescript/training1
Error found:
in module PSCI.Support
at /Developer/purescript/training1/bower_components/purescript-psci-support/src/PSCI/Support.purs line 10, column 34 - line 10, column 53
Cannot import value unsafeInterleaveEff from module Control.Monad.Eff.Unsafe
It either does not exist or the module does not export it.
See for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.
Compiling PSCI.Support
* ERROR: Subcommand terminated with exit code 1
What have I missed here?
Chris W
If you are using psc version 0.10.* you should go with prelude, lists and eff v2*.
If you are using psc version 0.9.* you should go with prelude, lists and eff v1*.
If you are using psc 0.10.* you might want to update pulp to version 9.1.0
The problem occurs due to breaking changes between psc 0.9 and 0.10 and the relevant libraries. by writing bower install purescript-lists --save you are asking bower for the latest dependencies which conflict with the dependency versions specified in your bower.json.

Installing Cairo, Helm on Windows

How do I install Helm ( on Windows 7 (64-bit)?
(Update: I had posted a lot of error messages here, but I've moved them to my answer to not clutter up the question.)
Installation for Windows 64-bit:
I'm including error messages, for if you follow all the steps up to that point and then just try to install directly. This is a conglomeration of a bunch of ad-hoc steps from following many different posts. Any simplification would be appreciated!
Note: Do all work in directories without spaces. I'm doing all work in C:/PF; modify this to your directory.
Download MSYS2-x86_64 from and install it. Cabal install cairo (or helm) will give something like:
Configuring cairo-
setup.exe: Missing dependencies on foreign libraries:
Missing C libraries: z, cairo, z, gobject-2.0, ffi, pixman-1, fontconfig,
expat, freetype, iconv, expat, freetype, z, bz2, harfbuzz, glib-2.0, intl,
ws2_32, ole32, winmm, shlwapi, intl, png16, z
Download C libraries. In MINGW64 (NOT MSYS2 - I had trouble with MSYS2 at random stages in the process), use the package manager:
pacman -Ss cairo
to search for the Cairo package. You'll find "mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cairo", so install that:
pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cairo
*.pc files should have been added to C:\PF\msys64\mingw64\lib\pkgconfig and C:\PF\msys64\usr\lib\pkgconfig. (pkg-config needs to be able to find these files. It looks in PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which by default should have the lib/pkgconfig folder above. Moving the file here is easiest. See Can't install sdl2 via cabal) If you get
The pkg-config package ... version ... cannot be found
errors then check your *.pc files.
Repeat with other required libraries, like atk
pacman -S mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-atk
(I don't know the complete list, but error messages later on will let you know what to get.)
Get the development files for these libraries (as suggested by How to install cairo on Windows). Most of them are bundled up at Unzip.
Copy files (.a, .dll.a) in lib to C:\PF\msys64\mingw64\lib. Copy the pkgconfig folder, which contains the .pc files.
Copy files in include to C:\PF\msys64\mingw64\include.
Add C:\PF\gtk+-2.22.1\bin to the path.
(2) and (3) might be redundant. I don't know - I did them both.
At this point you can probably do "cabal install cairo". (Warning: if your end goal is something else, you may not want to "cabal install" intermediate packages, see
See (4) for the syntax in specifying extra-include-dirs and extra-lib-dirs (but if you copied the files above this shouldn't be necessary),
Any time you get
Missing (or bad) header file
check to see you copied the *.h files to mingw64\include and/or add the include folder to the PATH. Use cabal install -v3 to get verbose error messages if the problem persists.
If you get something like
cairo- include-dirs: /mingw64/include/freetype2 is a relative path
which makes no sense (as there is nothing for it to be relative to). You can
make paths relative to the package database itself by using ${pkgroot}. (use
--force to override)
try --ghc-pkg-options="--force" (as mentioned at
Get SDL. Otherwise you'll get
configure: error: *** SDL not found! Get SDL from
If you already installed it, check it's in the path. If problem remains,
please send a mail to the address that appears in ./configure --version
indicating your platform, the version of configure script and the problem.
Failed to install SDL-
Follow the instructions in (2) to get sdl/sdl2 libraries. (See instructions here Installing SDL on Windows for Haskell (GHC).)
The new version helm-0.7.1 requires sdl2, but there are other dependency issues with helm-0.7.1 as of writing. Download SDL from (direct download link to newest version as of writing, unzip. "cabal install sdl" gives
* Missing (or bad) header file: SDL/SDL.h
* Missing C library: SDL
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
so we specify where the dirs are (change the name depending on where you extracted sdl to)
cabal install sdl --extra-include-dirs=C:/PF/sdl\include --extra-lib-dirs=C:/sdl/lib
If you got SDL2 ( (for a newer version of Helm): there is a fatal bug that hasn't been fixed in the release version. (If you don't fix it, cabal install -v3 things which depends on it will give error
winapifamily.h: No such file or directory
("winapifamily.h: No such file or directory" when compiling SDL in Code::Blocks) Download, replace the file in the include folder and in C:/PF/msys64/mingw64/include/SDL2.
Download gtk2hs from and run
the following
cd gtk2hs/tools
cabal install
cd ../glib
cabal install
cd ../gio
cabal install
cd ../pango
cabal install --ghc-pkg-options="--force"
(Maybe you have already installed glib and gio from before? I did this step because normal install of Pango caused an error for me (
pango- include-dirs: /mingw64/include/freetype2 is a relative path
which makes no sense (as there is nothing for it to be relative to). You can
make paths relative to the package database itself by using ${pkgroot}. (use
--force to override)
Once the Helm developers get things updated you should be able to do "cabal install helm" but right now there seem to be dependency issues. For me, cabal automatically tries to install helm-0.4 (probably because 0.4 didn't give upper bounds on dependencies, while newer versions do. You could try "cabal unpack"ing and deleting the upper bounds...). Then
cabal unpack helm-0.4
Installing gives an error because "pure" got moved to Prelude. Open helm-0.4\src\FRP\Helm\Automaton.hs and change line 17:
import Prelude hiding (id, (.), pure)
cabal install
Try to compile and run a program using Helm
(This is 0.4 - look on the website for a newer sample if you tried a newer Helm)
import FRP.Helm
import qualified FRP.Helm.Window as Window
render :: (Int, Int) -> Element
render (w, h) = collage w h [filled red $ rect (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)]
main :: IO ()
main = run $ fmap (fmap render) Window.dimensions
If you get an error about a missing .dll (sdl.dll), find it in a bin/ folder and add the folder to your PATH (or copy it to somewhere on your path).

raco setup: directory does not exist for collection

When I try to install a package through raco, I get a strange error message:
raco setup: directory: #<path:/Users/ben/code/racket/benchmark/tr-pfds/pfds> does not exist for collection: "pfds"
Even stranger, running raco pkg show doesn't show anything about this "pfds" collection:
Package Checksum Source
main-distribution f07e2d4bf2708c1085be38eca18aa9eb6755e547 (catalog main-distribution)
racket-lib 41c7b3221006758c5a840a18dcc0d265632f14c2 (catalog racket-lib)
[178 auto-installed packages not shown]
User-specific for installation "6.1":
Package Checksum Source
benchmark 1237b50804bb42bd242ba7b3eb6e2b98794b40ee (catalog benchmark)
feature-profile 109e89701839a6d2fed9d1713aef8d21cc8b54d4 (catalog feature-profile)
quickcheck 1afac87825c5da8b35b327f5df3f1f9e1bf3cb9d (catalog quickcheck)
rackunit-chk 9c6e9c346c0e83bd3bb8dd16e321a2fa3e02b42e (catalog rackunit-chk)
Another thing I tried was just removing the "pfds" collection, but that didn't go well either:
raco6.1 pkg remove pfds
Removing pfds
raco6.1 pkg remove: package not currently installed
package: pfds
current scope: user
But in retrospect this error makes sense to me, because the directory /Users/ben/code/racket/benchmark/tr-pfds/pfds doesn't exist on my machine. I deleted it a few weeks ago.
Does anyone know what's going on?
Have you used raco link in the past? You can sometimes see this error message if you have raco linked a directory that you have since deleted.
There are three things you can try:
Run raco link --repair. This should ideally repair your installation by removing all dead links.
Run raco link -r pkfds, this should remove your pfds link.
Check your links.rktd file, which can be found in:
(Linux) ~/.racket/<version>/links.rktd
(OS X) ~/Library/Racket/<version>/links.rktd
(Windows) C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Racket\<version>\links.rktd
In the file, you may see a link to pfds, which is causing the issue.
Once the link is removed, raco setup should work normally again.
(As an addendum, it might be interesting to note that raco link has an API call from within Racket.)

Porting Newlib with current autotools

I'm trying to build a toolchain for my hobby kernel, but I'm running into problems when building Newlib. Whenever I try to run autoreconf in my kernels directory under newlib/libc/sys/ I get an error: error: support for Cygnus-style trees has been removed
Here is the content of (basically, taken from the below tutorial):
and the source for (again mostly from tutorial):
noinst_LIBRARIES = lib.a
extra_objs = $(lpfx)syscalls.o
extra_objs =
lib_a_SOURCES =
lib_a_LIBADD = $(extra_objs)
EXTRA_lib_a_SOURCES = syscalls.c crt0.S
lib_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(extra_objs)
all: crt0.o
Yes, I have tried removing the AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=cygnus.
I've Googled around and been trying to understand this, and as far as I can tell, it is because of the version of autotools I'm using. According to the tutorial I used originally (OSDev - OS Specific Toolchain), I need an older version. My problem is that I'm using Kubuntu, which uses the apt package manager, and that version is not available to fall back to even temporarily. There has to be some fix for this. Either Newlib is outdated (this release is from December of 2013...) or the developers are crazy for depending on an outdated autotools version.
The only other thing I can think is that this is a message from the newlib configuration scheme itself in which case I have no idea how to modify my and to align with the new newlib configure format. That tutorial is the only one I've found that didn't use libgloss (which I'd prefer not to do) so far and the documentation of adding a new target is rather lacking in the documentation for newlib (or I missed something).
Here is some version information:
System: Kubuntu 14.04
Automake: 1.14.1
Autoconf: 2.69
Newlib: 2.1.0
Unfortunately I'm afraid using automake 1.12 or earlier is your only choice. Ubuntu has an Automake1.11 separate package to help you there, if I'm not mistaken, since the compatibility between 1.12 and 1.14 is generally good, but before that it was spotty.
I am writing this answer for people struggling with the tutorial described here.
I am in the same situation you are (or were), I am building a kernel from scratch and I wanted to port newlib to my toolchain. Unfortunately I think the tutorial has become out of date because I followed the instructions EXACTLY, even installing the correct software with the proper versions (including the correct newlib version). The accepted solution above didn't work for me but I found another solution that might work for others:
Step 1 - get the correct software
Acquire Automake (v1.12) and Autoconf (v2.65) from here:
Step 2 - build process
Untar both of the archives:
tar xf automake-1.12.tar.gz
tar xf autoconf-2.65.tar.gz
Create a destination folder:
mkdir ~/bin
Create a build folder:
mkdir build
cd build
Configure automake first:
../automake-1.12/configure --prefix="~/bin"
Make and install
make && make install
Now lets configure autoconf
../autoconf-2.65/configure --prefix=~/bin
Then make and install:
make && make install
You should now have the proper binaries in ~/bin!
Step 3 - update PATH
To add these binaries to your path temporarily (recommended):
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
Once you update your path, rerun autoconf and autoreconf and it should complete.