How to fix on dspace 6.3 --> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer$RemoteSolrException - solaris


It's hard to say, with so little information, but my guess would be that you've configured DSpace to contact Solr (solr.server) on an address other than the loopback interface ( or ::1) but have not disabled the filter in Solr that only accepts requests from the loopback interface (LocalHostRestrictionFilter.localhost).


Quarkus - connect to muli hosts with reactive driver

I need to connect to multiple postgres hosts with hibernate-reactive
As an example, with the classic jdbc driver, we can define this property to connect to our HA postgres instance:
But here I saw that the vert.x PgClient does not support multi host connections directly in connection URI
I created an issue in vertx-sql-client here and a developer said me that it would be already possible by using the PgConnectOptions and a PgPool.
I did not see anything related in quarkus hibernate-reactive documentation.
Can anyone help me on this ? It seems we have to manage connections by URI.

Using Ignite TcpDiscoveryKubernetesIpFinder in a purely IPv6 environment

Are there any know issues with running the org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.kubernetes.TcpDiscoveryKubernetesIpFinder a purely IPv6 environment? I looked here and it mentions there may be issues with clusters becoming detached but does not offer any specifics. Any information would be appreciated, thanks.
I'm not aware of any IPv6 problems per se, so if your network is configured correctly I would expect it to work.
The problem we typically see when IPv6 is enabled is that it's possible to route to the IPv4 address but not the IPv6 address -- which is why setting preferIPv4Stack works.

Can I force Eureka registrations to use an ip address instead of a hostname?

I have a standalone, embedded Eureka server powered by Spring Boot 1.2.0.RELEASE and Spring Cloud 1.0.0.RC1. I see services properly registering themselves in the dashboard, which is great. The status links are using the host name of the box they are running on. Unfortunately, we are using virtual machines and they don't register themselves in DNS, which means that the links are unresolvable. I started looking through the code but was unable to find a way to force the links to use the host's ip address instead. Having a broken dashboard is not the end of the world but I am afraid that once we start using Ribbon or Feign to contact services, those URLs will also use the host name and be unresolvable. Maybe what I am really asking is there a way to force the clients to register with an ip address instead of a host name? Any help is appreciated.
set eureka.instance.preferIpAddress=true as documented here

Debian - default ip per user?

I got a server that has 64 public IPv4 adresses. Is there any way to set default IP per user on Debian? I don't mean virtual server setup. Or if not, is there any console application to bind other application (that doesn't support IP binding nativly) to selected IP?
Best regards,
you could use a crafty firewall that marks packages originating from processes owned by a given user and then rewrites packages accordingly, as described here.

How to capture loopback traffic in Windows Server 2008

I have client C connecting to server S
Both C and S are on the same machine
In C the server address is hardcoded to Likewise, in S the client address is hardcoded to
I want to be able to sniff the traffic between the client and the server.
Due to the configuration, I cannot move the client nor the server to different locations (the address are hardcoded)
Installing the loopback interface and using tools like Wireshark+WinPcap doesn't lead anywhere (was actually already known but was worth a try)
RawCap, suggested in another topic, doesn't work. IP is listed, but does not record any traffic.
Using rinetd to route the traffic elsewhere, as suggested here doesn't work (cannot bind on
Not interested in using a HTTP local proxy, such as Fiddler, because I'd like to capture also other protocols
Two commercial tools work, specifically CommView and Local Network Monitor, which means it must be possible to do that ;)
How can I do to capture the traffic?
Any pointer on functions I should use or documentation I should read?
Basically you need to write a TDI filter driver to achieve that... for some pointers see:
Another option is to write a WinSock LSP.
Since Windows 8 it is strongly encouraged to use WFP (Windows Filtering Platform) for this sort of thing...
Although it might be more cost-effective to just use/buy an existing solution - esp. if you are not a very experienced driver developer...
Use RawCap, which can solve your concerns, see this