Syntax-highlighting for SQL strings in Python code - visual-studio-code

I'm taking my first steps in SQLite3 in Python using VSCode. My problem is when I use a SQL command there isn't any syntax highlighting.
Is there any way to get the syntax highlighting?

Thank you for your answer, but I've found one way: using Sublime Text.

It Seems that the SQL Command is just a String and all Editors Work this way and doesn't recognise code inside a String.
Anyways found some VS-CODE Extensions that might be of help,
Python String SQL
Highlight String Code


SQL Management Studio - End of line selection for multiple lines

I have been Googling this for sometime and used the question search functionality here before posting.
In SSMS I want to edit the end of each line in the same way ALT + Shift can be used to edit the start of every line.
Notepad++ can achieve this using the replace functionality with a regex condition by specifying $ - end of line. However this seems unreliable and a little buggy.
Ideally I want to achieve this in SSMS I would like one editor that is great for MS SQL and helps my coding productivity.
I have looked into sublime but interfacing with the DB securely or reliably looks problematic.
Anything that avoids be going to the end of 700 lines of code and manually entering the same info would be great.
I am also looking into creating macros with AutoHotkey to improve coding performance.
In SQL Management Studio I found I can carry out a replace and use the reg expression using these params: ".$" . = Matches any single character except a line break. $ = Anchors the match string to the end of a line. This still is'nt ideal as there is no shortcut key but I suppose it works.

how to invoke easy templates in org-mode of Emacs

I have tried to type a 'c' in org-mode(actually in a org file) of Emacs, expecting the easy templates as instructed in org-mode manual. But there is nothing coming out. Would anyone please tell me the correct way to invoke easy templates in org-mode. Thank you very much.
I was also having problems getting this to work. What I discovered is that you have to be at the beginning of a blank line and then you can type <cTAB (using the TAB key, not typing the word) and it works as documented.
I suspect that people who use easy templates have forgotten the caveat that you must be at the beginning of a line and just do it because they have gotten into the habit of doing it that way
"To insert a structural element, type a ‘<’, followed by a template selector and ."
That means you don't type c, you type >c then press TAB. This works for me in Org 8.2. You may well have an older version of org (v7), and I don't know whether this works in org 7.

sublime text2 and autocomplete for latex

I like using Sumlime Text2 for programming, and these days I also want to write documents in Latex in Sublime Text2. I followed the tutorial online to install latextools and I can edit and generate files successful.
However, I found the auto-complete does not work: e.g.
if I type in \begin{enumerate} and ENTER, in other application like texmaker, the \end{enumerate} will auto-completed;
or I type in \sec, there should be some suggestion like \section{}.
Does sublime text2 latextools has related functions? or other solutions?
I have the same need. latextools may not be fully developed yet. At least the autocompletion part is not completely done compared to the one I used. (I had been using AUCTeX in Emacs.)
For now, you may reduce your typing by using ctrl+l, e command for creating environments.
type the name of an environment, such as 'enumerate', and then type ctrl+l, e. That should complete the block.

Change number of spaces for soft tabs in vim depending on extension

So I started learning Scala today and I got all my vim config files working for Scala syntax highlighting and such, but the files I downloaded ( did not seem to include the apparent Scala convention of indent by 2 spaces.
Since for my job I mostly work in C++ and Python, I currently have my set tabstop=4.
I've been trying to figure out how to use the if/endif statements for .vimrc files to do set tabstop=2 if the extension if *.scala, otherwise use tabstop=4 but not having much luck.. help?
set tabstop=4
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.scala set tabstop=2

How to ignore comments in the LaTeX file with ispell (within Emacs if possible)

I'm writing a text with Latex in English but written my comments in Finnish. When I'm running the spell checking with ispell, I got to run through all the comments. Is there a handy way to skip the comments with the ispell? If that could be done with emacs, that would be double handy =)
One way would be to run the ispell within console and process the input with sed, for example, but I'd like to have my changes straight on the file...
(setq ispell-check-comments nil)
You'd have to dig in the code a bit, but when you spell-check a file, it's running the detex tool to strip out the TeX code. You should be able to modify the pipeline to have a sed or perl script strip the comment lines.
I kind of vaguely think AuC-TeX makes this configurable, but 30 seconds looking didn't reveal it.
Adding a modern answer to this old question, because I also had the problem:
Just use aspell, which does this out of the box.