Align multiple dataframes in pyspark - pyspark

I have these 4 spark dataframes:
I want to create a resultant dataframe as:
Is this a case of UNION or JOIN or APPEND? How to get the final resultant df?

You can think of UNION as combining tables by rows, so the number of rows will likely increase. JOIN combines tables by columns. I'm not sure what you mean by APPEND, but in this case, you would want JOIN.

val df1 = Seq((101,201,2), (102,202,4)).toDF("order" ,"device", "count_1")
val df2 = Seq((101,201,10), (103,203,100)).toDF("order" ,"device", "count_2")
val df3 = Seq((104,204,111), (103,203,10)).toDF("order" ,"device", "count_3")
val df4 = Seq((101,201,4), (104,204,11)).toDF("order" ,"device", "count_4")
val df12 = df1.join(df2, Seq("order", "device"),"fullouter")
val df123 = df12.join(df3, Seq("order", "device"),"fullouter")
val df1234 = df123.join(df4, Seq("order", "device"),"fullouter")
|101 |201 |2 |10 |null |4 |
|102 |202 |4 |null |null |null |
|103 |203 |null |100 |10 |null |
|104 |204 |null |null |111 |11 |
As you can see the comments are flawed and the 1st answer incorrect.
Did in Scala, should be easy to do in pyspark.


Scala -- apply a custom if-then on a dataframe

I have this kind of dataset:
val cols = Seq("col_1","col_2")
val data = List(("a",1),
val df = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(cols:_*)
|a |1 |
|b |1 |
|a |2 |
|c |3 |
|a |3 |
I want to add an if-then column based on the existing columns.
when(col("col_2").isin(2, 5), "str_1")
.when(col("col_2").isin(4, 6), "str_2")
.when(col("col_2").isin(1) && col("col_1").contains("a"), "str_3")
.when(col("col_2").isin(3) && col("col_1").contains("b"), "str_1")
.when(col("col_2").isin(1,2,3), "str_4")
Instead of the list of when-then statements, I would prefer to apply a custom function. In Python I would run a lambda & map.
thank you!

How to efficiently map over DF and use combination of outputs?

Given a DF, let's say I have 3 classes each with a method addCol that will use the columns in the DF to create and append a new column to the DF (based on different calculations).
What is the best way to get a resulting df that will contain the original df A and the 3 added columns?
val df = Seq((1, 2), (2,5), (3, 7)).toDF("num1", "num2")
def addCol(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
df.withColumn("method1", col("num1")/col("num2"))
def addCol(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
df.withColumn("method2", col("num1")*col("num2"))
def addCol(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
df.withColumn("method3", col("num1")+col("num2"))
One option is actions.foldLeft(df) { (df, action) => action.addCol(df))}. The end result is the DF I want -- with columns num1, num2, method1, method2, and method3. But from my understanding this will not make use of distributed evaluation, and each addCol will happen sequentially. What is the more efficient way to do this?
Efficient way to do this is using select.
select is faster than the foldLeft if you have very huge data - Check this post
You can build required expressions & use that inside select, check below code.
|1 |2 |
|2 |5 |
|3 |7 |
scala> val colExpr = Seq(
($"num1" * $"num2").as("method2"),
($"num1" + $"num2").as("method3")
Final Output
|num1|num2|method1 |method2|method3|
|1 |2 |0.5 |2 |3 |
|2 |5 |0.4 |10 |7 |
|3 |7 |0.42857142857142855|21 |10 |
Return Column instead of DataFrame. Try using higher order functions, Your all three function can be replaced with below one function.
scala> def add(
num1:Column, // May be you can try to use variable args here if you want.
f: (Column,Column) => Column
): Column = f(num1,num2)
For Example, varargs & while invoking this method you need to pass required columns at the end.
def add(f: (Column,Column) => Column,cols:Column*): Column = cols.reduce(f)
Invoking add function.
scala> val colExpr = Seq(
add($"num1",$"num2",(_ / _)).as("method1"),
add($"num1", $"num2",(_ * _)).as("method2"),
add($"num1", $"num2",(_ + _)).as("method3")
Final Output
|num1|num2|method1 |method2|method3|
|1 |2 |0.5 |2 |3 |
|2 |5 |0.4 |10 |7 |
|3 |7 |0.42857142857142855|21 |10 |

Join with uneven columns

I have two dataframes structured the following way:
Type|Total # Users|Hour
I'd like to join these columns based on hour however the first dataframe is at a deeper granularity in the second and therefore has more rows. Basically I want a dataframe where I have
|Source|#Users|#Clicks|Hour|Type|Total # Users
where the total # users is from the second dataframe. Any suggestions? I think I maybe want to use map?
Here's an example
|Prod1 |50 |3 |01 |Internet
|Prod2 |10 |2 |07 |iOS
|Prod3 |1 |50 |07 |Internet
|Prod2 |3 |2 |07 |Internet
|Prod3 |8 |2 |05 |Internet
|Type |Total #Users|Hour
|Internet|100 |01
|iOS |500 |01
|Internet|300 |07
|Internet|15 |05
|iOS |20 |07
|Source|#Users|#Clicks|Hour|Type |Total #Users
|Prod1 |50 |3 |01 |Internet|100
|Prod2 |10 |2 |07 |iOS |20
|Prod3 |1 |50 |07 |Internet|300
|Prod2 |3 |2 |07 |Internet|300
|Prod3 |8 |2 |05 |Internet|15
That's a left join you're trying to do :
df1.join(df2, (df1.Hour === df2.Hour) & (df1.Type === df2.Type), "left_outer")
Short version : a left join keep all the rows from df1 and join on condition with matching rows of df2 if there is a match (null if not, duplicate if multiple matches).
More info on Pyspark join
More info on SQL Joins types

Spark scala join RDD between 2 datasets

Supposed i have two dataset as following:
Dataset 1:
id, name, score
1, Bill, 200
2, Bew, 23
3, Amy, 44
4, Ramond, 68
Dataset 2:
1, i love Bill
2, i hate Bill
3, Bew go go !
4, Amy is the best
5, Ramond is the wrost
6, Bill go go
7, Bill i love ya
8, Ramond is Bad
9, Amy is great
I wanted to join above two datasets and counting the top number of person's name that appears in dataset2 according to the name in dataset1 the result should be:
Bill, 4
Ramond, 2
I managed to join both of them together but not sure how to count how many time it appear for each person.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
my join code:
val rdd = sc.textFile("dataset1")
val rdd2 = sc.textFile("dataset2")
val rddPair1 = { x =>
var data = x.split(",")
new Tuple2(data(0), data(1))
val rddPair2 = { x =>
var data = x.split(",")
new Tuple2(data(0), data(1))
rddPair1.join(rddPair2).collect().foreach(f =>{
println(f._1+" "+f._2._1+" "+f._2._2)
Using RDDs, achieving the solution you desire, would be complex. Not so much using dataframes.
First step would be to read the two files you have into dataframes as below
val df1 ="com.databricks.spark.csv")
.option("header", true)
val df2 ="com.databricks.spark.csv")
.option("header", true)
so that you should be having
|id |name |score|
|1 |Bill |200 |
|2 |Bew |23 |
|3 |Amy |44 |
|4 |Ramond|68 |
|id |message |
|1 |i love Bill |
|2 |i hate Bill |
|3 |Bew go go ! |
|4 |Amy is the best |
|5 |Ramond is the wrost|
|6 |Bill go go |
|7 |Bill i love ya |
|8 |Ramond is Bad |
|9 |Amy is great |
join, groupBy and count should give your desired output as
df1.join(df2, df2("message").contains(df1("name")), "left").groupBy("name").count().as("count").show(false)
Final output would be
|name |count|
|Ramond|2 |
|Bill |4 |
|Amy |2 |
|Bew |1 |

append two dataframes and update data

Hello guys I want to update an old dataframe based on pos_id and article_id field.
If the tuple (pos_id,article_id) exist , I will add each column to the old one, if it doesn't exist I will add the new one. It worked fine. But I don't know how to deal with the case , when the dataframe is intially empty , in this case , I will add the new rows in the second dataframe to the old one. Here it is what I did
val histocaisse =
.option("header", "true") //reading the headers
val hist = histocaisse
.withColumn("pos_id", 'pos_id.cast(LongType))
.withColumn("article_id", 'pos_id.cast(LongType))
.withColumn("date", 'date.cast(DateType))
.withColumn("qte", 'qte.cast(DoubleType))
.withColumn("ca", 'ca.cast(DoubleType))
val histocaisse2 =
.option("header", "true") //reading the headers
val hist2 = histocaisse2.withColumn("pos_id", 'pos_id.cast(LongType))
.withColumn("article_id", 'pos_id.cast(LongType))
.withColumn("date", 'date.cast(DateType))
.withColumn("qte", 'qte.cast(DoubleType))
.withColumn("ca", 'ca.cast(DoubleType))
|pos_id|article_id|date |qte |ca |
|1 |1 |2000-01-07|2.5 |3.5 |
|2 |2 |2000-01-07|14.7|12.0|
|3 |3 |2000-01-07|3.5 |1.2 |
|pos_id|article_id|date |qte |ca |
|1 |1 |2000-01-08|2.5 |3.5 |
|2 |2 |2000-01-08|14.7|12.0|
|3 |3 |2000-01-08|3.5 |1.2 |
|4 |4 |2000-01-08|3.5 |1.2 |
|5 |5 |2000-01-08|14.5|1.2 |
|6 |6 |2000-01-08|2.0 |1.25|
|pos_id|article_id|date |qte |ca |
|1 |1 |2000-01-08|5.0 |7.0 |
|2 |2 |2000-01-08|39.4|24.0|
|3 |3 |2000-01-08|7.0 |2.4 |
|4 |4 |2000-01-08|3.5 |1.2 |
|5 |5 |2000-01-08|14.5|1.2 |
|6 |6 |2000-01-08|2.0 |1.25|
Here is the solution , i found
val df = hist2.join(hist1, Seq("article_id", "pos_id"), "left")
.select($"pos_id", $"article_id",
coalesce(hist2("date"), hist1("date")).alias("date"),
(coalesce(hist2("qte"), lit(0)) + coalesce(hist1("qte"), lit(0))).alias("qte"),
(coalesce(hist2("ca"), lit(0)) + coalesce(hist1("ca"), lit(0))).alias("ca"))
.orderBy("pos_id", "article_id")
This case doesn't work when hist1 is empty .Any help please ?
Thanks a lot
Not sure if I understood correctly, but if the problem is sometimes the second dataframe is empty, and that makes the join crash, something you can try is this:
val checkHist1Empty = Try(hist1.first)
val df = checkHist1Empty match {
case Success(df) => {
hist2.join(hist1, Seq("article_id", "pos_id"), "left")
.select($"pos_id", $"article_id",
coalesce(hist2("date"), hist1("date")).alias("date"),
(coalesce(hist2("qte"), lit(0)) + coalesce(hist1("qte"), lit(0))).alias("qte"),
(coalesce(hist2("ca"), lit(0)) + coalesce(hist1("ca"), lit(0))).alias("ca"))
.orderBy("pos_id", "article_id")
case Failure(e) => {$"pos_id", $"article_id",
coalesce(hist2("qte"), lit(0)).alias("qte"),
coalesce(hist2("ca"), lit(0)).alias("ca"))
.orderBy("pos_id", "article_id")
This basically checks if the hist1 is empty before performing the join. In case it is empty it generates the df based on the same logic but applied only to the hist2 dataframe. In case it contains information it applies the logic you had, which you said that works.
instead of doing a join, why don't you do a union of the two dataframes and then groupBy (pos_id,article_id) and apply udf to each column sum for qte and ca.
val df3 = df1.unionAll(df2)
val df4 = df3.groupBy("pos_id", "article_id").agg($"pos_id", $"article_id", max("date"), sum("qte"), sum("ca"))