How to import data as qualified? - purescript

I have the following declaration:
data Route
= Home
| SignUp
| LogIn
| NotFound
I know I can import it like import App.Routes (Route(..)) and use it like route.navigate Home for example.
But how is the appropiate way to use it with qualified access?
import App.Routes (Route)
-- ...
route.navigate Route.Home
throws: Unknown module Route

To import a module qualified, use the as keyword:
import App.Routes as Route
If you want to further limit the set of stuff accessible via dot, you can add the parens too:
import App.Routes (Route(..)) as Route
Further, you can import multiple modules this way, and they all will be accessible with the same qualifier:
import App.Routes (Route(..)) as Route
import App.Navigation (navigate) as Route
Route.navigate Route.Home
But in this case you better keep the parens on both imports, otherwise the compiler will give you a warning about potential name conflicts.
Separately, even if you're not importing qualified, I strongly recommend still explicitly listing all the imports:
import App.Routes (Route(..))
This will make it much easier to make sense of your program in a few months, when you have forgotten all about it.


Elixir: Difference between require and import

What is the difference between require and import?
iex> require Integer
iex> Integer.is_odd(3)
iex> import List, only: [duplicate: 2]
iex> duplicate :ok, 3
[:ok, :ok, :ok]
It seems that they both do the same thing... get macros or functions from other modules.
From the documentation:
We use import whenever we want to easily access functions or macros from other modules without using the fully-qualified name.
Note that importing a module automatically requires it.
So if you import Integer, you can directly call is_odd, you don't need Integer.is_odd
According to this article:
Macro function is being evaluated during compilation. If you want to use it, you need to compile it first. This is exactly what require does.
In the background, it also gives an alias to required module, which means that you can pass as option just like with alias:
require TestModule, as: Test
The import directive allows you to skip the module part by importing all or some of the functions/macros:
import IO, only: [puts: 1]
puts "Hello"
As already mentioned, it also calls require in the background to compile it first.

Why am I importing so many classes?

I'm looking at example Spark code and I'm a bit confused as to why the sample code I'm looking at requires two import statements:
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
This is Scala. As I understand it, _ is the wildcard character. So this looks like I'm importing SparkContext twice. Can anybody shed light on this?
This first line says to import all of the classes in the package org.apache.spark. This means you can use all of those classes without prefixing them with the package name.
The second line says to import all of the static members of the class SparkContext. This means you can use those members without prefixing their names with the class name.
Remember import doesn't really do anything at run time; it just lets you write less code. You aren't actually "importing" anything twice. The use of the term import comes from Java, and admittedly it is confusing.
This might help:
Without the first line, you would have to say
but the first import line lets you say
If you had only the first line and not the second, you would have to write
but with both import lines you can just write

Cats: how to find the specific type from implicits

I have this code which compiles and works fine
import cats.implicits._
However I don't like the import of cats.implicits._ because there is just too many classes there. I tried importing specific things related to Cartesians like
import cats.implicits.catsSyntaxCartesian
import cats.implicits.catsSyntaxUCartesian
import cats.implicits.catsSyntaxTuple2Cartesian
But these did not work. As a newbie I find the implicit imports very confusing because there are simply 1000s of them and the names are not very obvious. My only alternative is to import the entire universe by import cats.implicits._ and stop thinking about it.
In fact I have a broader confusion about cats.implicits, cats.instances._ and cats.syntax._. So far I am just importing these via trial and error. I am not really sure of when to import what.
Do not try to pick out specific things from cats.implicits. You either import the entire thing, or you don't use it at all. Further, there's no reason to be afraid of importing it all. It can't interfere with anything.
Ok, I lied. It will interfere if you import cats.instances.<x>._ and/or cats.syntax.<x>._ alongside cats.implicits._. These groups are meant to be mutually exclusive: you either import everything and forget about it with cats.implicits._, or you specifically select what you want to import with cats.instances and cats.syntax.
These two packages are not meant to be imported completely like cats.implicits. Instead, they include a bunch of objects. Each object contains some implicit instances/syntax, and you are meant to import from those.
import cats.implicits._ // Good, nothing to fear
import cats.implicits.catsSyntaxCartesian // Bad, don't pick and choose
import cats.instances._ // Bad, is useless
import cats.syntax._ // Ditto
import cats.instances.list._ // ok
import cats.syntax.cartesian._ // ok
import cats.implicits._
import cats.syntax.monad._ // Bad, don't mix these two
Additionally each of cats.{ instances, syntax } contains an all object, with the obvious function. The import cats.implicits._ is really a shortcut for import cats.syntax.all._, cats.instances.all._.
I'll start by saying that import cats.implicits._ is safe, reasonable and the recommended approach when starting. So if the only reason for this question is that you don't like importing too many classes, then I think you should just bite the bulled at leave that as is.
Additionally, I recommend you take a look at the official cats import guide. It tries to explain the package/logical structure of cats code and might make it easier to understand.
The "cats" library is organized in several "areas" that can be easily distinguished by their package name:
cats._ - This is where most of the typeclasses live (e.g. Monad, Foldable etc.) - This is the home of data structures like Validated and State.
cats.instances._ - This is where the instances for the typeclasses defined in 1 are. For example if you import cats.instances.list._ you'll bring into scope the Show, Monad etc. instances for the standard List. This is what you're most likely interested in.
cats.syntax._ - has some syntax enrichment that makes code easier to write and read.
An example of ussing cats.syntax._ would be:
import cats.Applicative
import cats.syntax.applicative._
val listOfInt = 5.pure[List]
//instead of
val otherList = Applicative[List[Int]].pure(5)

TypeScript import * without creating aliases

In TypeScript, how do you "import *" from a file without creating any aliases?
E.g. I have a file "utils" with top-level exported functions and want to import all them without recreating the aliases for each function.
Something like this:
import * from "utils";
Is that possible?
You can't generate an automatic name, you have to give it a name that is local to your file. This is by design to give each file its own naming context.
// import the default export (something exported with "export default")
import Stuff from "./Stuff";
// import specific things only; aliases in this style are optional
import { ItemA as AliasA, ItemB as AliasB } from "./Stuff";
import { ItemA, ItemB } from "./Stuff";
// import everything at once, grouped under a common name
import * as Stuff from "./Stuff";
I ... want to import all them without recreating the aliases for each function.
It sounds like you'd want the third option from above.
but with this syntax creates an alias
I think the idea is that if you could just import everything while taking the names as they are defined, then you'd have naming collisions. The way this works, you're forced to choose a name for every import, leaving it up to the names you choose to avoid collisions rather than having the imports clobber each other.
I think you can do something similar, but only with .d.ts files. jquery.d.ts does it, but I'm not 100% solid on how it works. You can simply say:
// where the file is really Stuff.d.ts
import "./Stuff";
I think the idea is to create a "Utils" module, attach all the functions and/or classes to it, put export in front of them, then export that instead, such as
module Utils {
export function add(first:number, second:number):number {
return first+second
export = Utils
Though i haven't played around with the es6 module syntax in typescript yet, as it seems you're implying to use.
You're close it's:
import * as utils from 'utils';
No curly braces.

How to replace PostgresDriver.simple._ with explicit imports (to narrow down what's imported)?

I want to take this import
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
out of my code and replace it with the various things I am actually using in my class
Examples of operators that I am using are +=,=== and the method firstOption.
What explicit imports do I need to make to be able to get my class to compile?