Is load balancer unnecessary for k3s embeded etcd HA solution - kubernetes

I have a same discussion in k3s github repository, but no one reply. Hope someone can give an answer here.
There are articles talking about the embedded etcd HA solution of k3s like this. One of the key behavior is adding a load balancer solution (EIP like this article or LB from the clound provider) between the agents and masters:
k3s agent --> load balancer --> master
And the architecture of k3s also show that a Fixed Registration Address is necessary.
While, after some research I found that k3s (at least v1.21.5+k3s2) have a internal agent load balancer (config at /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/k3s-agent-load-balancer.yaml) which will auto update the master k8s api server list in it. So the out side load balancer is unnecessary?

I got a response from the k3s discussion:
Our documentation lists a requirement for a "fixed registration endpoint" so that nodes do not rely on a single server being online in order to join the cluster. This endpoint could be a load-balancer or a DNS alias, it's up to you. This is only needed when nodes are registering to the cluster; once they have successfully joined, they use the client load-balancer to communicate directly with the servers without going through the registration endpoint.
I think this is good enough to answer this question.

Yes, an external load balancer is still required to achieve a highly available setup with more than one master node.
Whenever you start a worker node or use the API, you should connect to the external load balancer to ensure you can connect to a running master node if one master is currently down.
The internal load balancer you mentioned above distributes any load within your cluster.


K3s high available cluster on cloud

I am trying to create a cluster using k3s with n number of nodes, where all the nodes are servers only, and there are no agent/worker nodes. By default, a k3s server works as an agent. And I am trying to add a load balancer that can work for both API-Server and client side. I mean it can serve the 443 port (webserver) as well. I need a hybrid solution for the load balancer as I want to support on-prem and cloud both.
I was going through metalLB as it doesn't support cloud. Here it is mentioned that metalLb is not compatible with cloud providers. I am confused a bit about the load balancer where to add it?
Below I am adding an image of an architecture I want to build, not sure where the load balancer should I keep?
Please someone guide me in a right direction so I can complete the flow.

Load balancer for kubeapi server while creating the Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm

I am trying to create Kubernetes cluster having 1 master and 2 worker nodes by using the tool kubeadm in my on-premise machines. I am following the Kubernetes official documentation for forming the cluster from the following url:
After installing all the runtime and completing before begin pre-requistics steps, I found in the document as the first step of forming the cluster is Create load balancer for kube-apiserver.
My Doubt
When I created the single master 3 worker nodes cluster using kubespray tool, I did not created any separate load balancer for that. So here when I am following the kubeadm tool, Do I need to create the load balancer actually for forming ?
Why are both tools showing different way, Since I did not created load balancer by using kubespray tool. Now I am trying to create cluster with kubeadm tool.
Speaking of load balancers creation during Kubernetes deployment using Kubeadm it depends on your setup. It is not mandatory to setup load balancer. Your cluster will still work, but without load balancing, it's going to be hard to qualify this cluster as HA.
In a single master setup as it is in your case, the master node manages the etcd database, API server, controller manager and scheduler, along with the worker nodes. However, if that single master node fails, all the worker node fail as well and entire cluster will be lost.
Learn more here: kubernetes-ha-kubeadm.
Kubeadm covers the needs of a life-cycle management for Kubernetes clusters, including self-hosted layouts, dynamic discovery services, etc. Kubespray is more about generic configuration, initial clustering, and bootstrapping.
Kubespray is a good choice when you either are familiar with Ansible or seek a possibility to switch between multiple platforms. If your priority is tight integration with unique features offered by the supported clouds, and you plan to stick with your provider, kops may be a better option.
Deploying a loadbalancer is up to a user and is not covered by ansible roles in Kubespray. By default, it only configures a non-HA endpoint, which points to the access_ip or IP address of the first server node in the kube-master group. It can also configure clients to use endpoints for a given loadbalancer type. More information you can find here: kubespray-lb.
Here you have comparision of Kubernetes deployment tools: Kubernetes Deployment Tools.

How can I achieve an active/passive setup across multiple kubernetes clusters?

We have 2 kubernetes clusters hosted on different data centers and we're deploying the applications to both these clusters. We have an external load balancer which is outside the clusters but the the load balancer only accepts static IPs. We don't have control over the clusters and we can't provision a static IP. How can we go about this?
We've also tried kong as an api gateway. We were able to create an upstream with targets as load balanced application endpoints and providing different weights but this doesn't give us active/passive or active/failover. Is there a way we can configure kong/nginx upstream to achieve this?
Consider using HA proxy, where you can configure your passive cluster as backup upstream, and you will get active/passive cluster working. As mentioned in this nice guide about HA proxy
backup meaning it won’t participate in the load balance unless both
the nodes above have failed their health check (more on that later).
This configuration is referred to as active-passive since the backup
node is just sitting there passively doing nothing. This enables you
to economize by having the same backup system for different
application servers.
Hope it helps!

adding master1 and master2 to load balancer in implementing HA kubernetes cluster

I am exploring the implementation of CI/CD pipeline using kubernetes and jenkins. I am planned to use multi master kubernetes cluster - HA cluster. And using the etcd cluster on the master nodes. I am following the below tutorial for learning,
Here when I am reading I found that - After Run kubeadm init on master1 and master2, there is a step "Add master1 and master2 to load balancer".
Actually I am confused in this step that , Do I need to use another VM as a load balancer ? Or master0 master1 and master2 setup defaultly giving one load balancer ?
I am not clear about this step about load balancer in HA kubernetes cluster. Can anyone clarify my confusions please?
The short answer is yes, you have to create Load Balancer for masters and add other masters to LB pool manually.
Here is a part from the "Building High-Availability Clusters" document, "Replicating API Servers" section:
Load balancing
At this point, you should have 3 apiservers all working correctly. If you set up a network load balancer, you should
be able to access your cluster via that load balancer, and see traffic
balancing between the apiserver instances. Setting up a load balancer
will depend on the specifics of your platform, for example
instructions for the Google Cloud Platform can be found here.
Note, if you are using authentication, you may need to regenerate your
certificate to include the IP address of the balancer, in addition to
the IP addresses of the individual nodes.
For pods that you deploy into the cluster, the kubernetes service/dns
name should provide a load balanced endpoint for the master
For external users of the API (e.g. the kubectl command line
interface, continuous build pipelines, or other clients) you will want
to configure them to talk to the external load balancer’s IP address.
Please also find two parts, related to Cloud load balancer and On Site load balancer in the Creating HA clusters with kubeadm document.
(It's hidden above "Acquire etcd cert") in "Choose one.../Cloud/On-Site" section.

Deterministic connection to cloud-internal IP of K8S service or its underlying endpoint?

I have a Kubernetes cluster (1.3.2) in the the GKE and I'd like to connect VMs and services from my google project which shares the same network as the cluster.
Is there a way for a VM that's internal to the subnet but not internal to the cluster itself to connect to the service without hitting the external IP?
I know there's a ton of things you can do to unambiguously determine the IP and port of services, such as the ENVs and DNS...but the clusterIP is not reachable outside of the cluster (obviously).
Is there something I'm missing? An important component to this is that this is meant to be a service "public" to the project, such that I don't know which VMs on the project will want to connect to the service (this could rule out loadBalancerSourceRanges). I understand the endpoint which the services actually wraps is the internal IP I can hit, but the only good way to get to that IP is though the Kube API or kubectl, both of which are not prod-ideal ways of hitting my service.
Check out my more thorough answer here, but the most common solution to this is to create bastion routes in your GCP project.
In the simplest form, you can create a single GCE Route to direct all traffic w/ dest_ip in your cluster's service IP range to land on one of your GKE nodes. If that SPOF scares you, you can create several routes pointing to different nodes, and traffic will round-robin between them.
If that management overhead isn't something you want to do going forward, you could write a simple controller in your GKE cluster to watch the Nodes API endpoint, and make sure that you have a live bastion route to at least N nodes at any given time.
GCP internal load balancing was just released as alpha, so in the future, kube-proxy on GCP could be implemented using that, which would eliminate the need for bastion routes to handle internal services.