Anylogic/ How can I turn animation off? - anylogic

I'm doing some experiments using Anylogic7, and have two questions.
Can running times of simulation runs be shortened (i.e., running faster) by turning off animation?
If it is true, how can I turn off animation? I haven't found 'non-interactive mode'.

There are multiple different types of experiments within AnyLogic, many of which can be run with minimal animation, and are usually faster.
You can create a new experiment by:
Project > Right Click > New > Experiment
The one you choose will depend on what your objective is.


What is the possible mistake that leads to this AStar node-base pathfinding result?

I'm using a AStar pathfinding plugin in Unity, and it works prety well previously until I got this result.
Please see the screen shot of Unity Editor view, the blue nodes are walkable area, the yellow point is the starting position, and the target node is where the Star icon is. So the desired way should be the green line, but the actual result is the red line.
I know it's very possible that it's not the problem of the plugin, but I checked my code many times and can't find any problem and it works well in other cases.
what is even more strange is that if I remove the walkable nodes in the purple area, the plugin finds the right way.
I'd like to know what is the possible mistake that could lead to this result, any clue would be appreicated. Thanks.
I sadly can't debug your graph remotely, but I would check many paths from your current start position gradually towards the goal, where it switches to a correct path and diagnose which nodes are disconnected.
Maybe some nodes are elevated or obstructed.
In a nutshell, try to debug your game grid to a minimal reproducible buggy behaviour and a working one and try to understand where they differ from each other.
Some basic hints on the inner workings of A*:
As mentioned in the comment, A* is not guaranteed to produce the optimal path (e.g. when nodes have negative weight)
It considers many paths and might amidst the calculation walk on strange routes (depending on the heuristic)

How can I create a layout in which agents do not overlap, so that each agent is clearly visible?

for visual purposes, I would like my agents 'not to touch each other' during the simulation. I use standard networks and the spring-mass layout, but some agents overlap with each other.
Seems easy to me, but I could not find a solution...
Any ideas? Thank you!
It is not easy as AnyLogic agents typically do not care about size and space (unless you use transporters and collision avoidance or pedestrians).
So you will have to code this yourself. But this is not trivial, depending on the problem.
Simplest solution: Write a check that periodically tries to see if any other agent's presentation is within your own presentation and if so, make yourself invisible (or smaller). But even that is not trivial.

How to separate the three phases in the attached image(SE or BSE)?

Visually I can see the difference between all phases, one is black (that is pore), and other two are two kind of particle with different texture and brightness.
How to separate these three phases ? If anyone could suggest something that will be great help. Thank you.
I tried to separate using image histogram, but it's not working.

Scrollwheel as UISlider replacement

How can I integrate a Scrollwheel into my application?
I'm currently using Sliders but have found them to be sometimes difficult to control exactly (for example with a linear scale from 0% to 100%). I guess they weren't designed for that purpose and are meant to be used for cases where not pitch perfect control is ok (Volume Control and the likes). However, I really need an exact way of inputting data (other than TextFields, they won't work in my case).
I figured that a Scrollwheel kind of UI Element would be perfect for me. Are there any opensourced Scrollwheels available that would fit my needs?
Horizontal, just like Sliders
Variable Start and End Values
Variable Scale
Small in height
Pretty :)
I tried using the Picker but that didn't work for me since it shows it's values inside of it, which makes it both big and not pretty to look at when used multiple times inside of one View.
If there's nothing available that fulfills my needs (described above) could someone please give me a hint on how to start effectively with creating such a UI element? Thanks!
I've finally found something which fits my needs :)
OBSlider, a subclass of UISlider which allows variable scrubbing speeds – it imitates the behavior seen while scrubbing in
Fulfills all my needs:
Variable Start and End Values
Variable Scale
Small in height
Pretty :)

What Icon is Appropriate For Sorted by Time?

I have a duplicate bridge scoring application with two different sorting modes.
Let me fill you in on how duplicate bridge works so you have an idea what I'm looking for. You sit and play a few hands of bridge against one set of opponents. Then you and the boards move and you play a few more hands of bridge against a new set of opponents. Repeat until the end of the night (usually around 24 boards). You don't necessarily play the boards in order. For instance you may play 1-3, 7-9, 13-15, ..., and eventually 4-6. Other people play them in a different order.
So now for the two sorting modes. There's sort by board order (fairly easy to come up with an icon like the "1-24" I settled on) and there's sort by order played.
Which of these choices is appropriate?
A. A clock
B. A calendar
C. Something else
P.S. I remember reading an article a while back about how using a clock for this would be cause for rejection, but haven't been able to find it.
Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions!
I think a down arrow with a clock.
An hourglass(saves you from the clock metaphor) with a horizontal arrow, as time is more likely perceived as a horizontal flow.