Write Conflict on azure backend - linked-tables

I am getting a Write Conflict Error I can't seem to get around. My database has all of the tables on Azure. The tables are all linked
I have a form that shows details about a specific course. I select the course by using a split form. On that form, I have a subform that shows the languages that course is being translated into.
Double-clicking on a specific field on the form displays another form with the details of that language's translation work.
The really puzzling issue is that I don't get the Write Conflict on all records. It occurs only on recently added translation records. I'm suspicious that there is something in those records that is causing the problem, but it isn't missing or invalid data.
I tried converting the table to a local table, and then I don't get any errors. I posted the problem to the MS Access community, and they sent me here.
Any ideas of how to fix it?


Crystal Reports cannot map to new database server

I have performed this process numerous times with other Reports but this one Report is not working as it should.
Essentially, I am trying to point a report at a new server where the stored procedure is EXACTLY the same as on the previous server. I am using the Verify Database functionality to do this. But when I point at the new server and enter parameters, CR prompts me to re-map the fields. This would be only slightly annoying if the Map Fields window actually displayed the returned columns from the new server.
But, as you can see from the image, even with the 'Match type' unchecked, no columns from the stored procedure display to be mapped. I have clicked on every field in the report but none of them show any columns to map to.
I have also tried changing the Database Location first before trying to verify, but that doesn't make any difference.
Has anybody else seen this? Is there any sort of workaround?
​I found my solution. Kinda dumb, really.
My stored procedure calls another stored procedure. I commented that call out and tried to Verify the Database and it worked.
Apparently Crystal Reports doesn't handle procedures that call other procedures very well when trying to map fields.

ms access all the data in my table does not show up in my form

I hope my question makes sense, I'll try to give as much info as possible.I should probably start off by saying this is the first access database (any database) I have ever done and my knowledge comes from trial and error as well as youtube and the occasional google search...NOOB
So I'm attempting to build a database using microsoft access (2007) for the first time (Student Records in my department). I have pulled in all the data I had available (names, major, graduate, advisor etc.) and made several appended tables for additional data using an append query (usually just pulling over name and ID# and major, and then adding the information that is related to the particular table).
Now I am going through the paper files (which we would like to get rid of) to update any missing data or add new students that we didn't have stored anywhere electronically.
I have created a form in which I can add new records or edit/add already available data that I need.
The problem that I have is that it pretty much pulls up everything I need except the occasional record (which I do a search in the search field on the bottom using the ID#) so I figure hey I must not have this student and add it, when I hit save it basically tells me this record can't be added as there already is a conflicted value. And when I check my table sure enough the record is there. In the form query where I check what tables the field's information is pulled from I have no criteria in there to filter any information out, the relationships overall are just based on the ID# (which is my primary key in all tables). When I check the data everything seems to be correct (not a wrong major, etc.) so I can't quite figure out why some records are not being pulled up.
My question is why and what can I do to fix it...
I hope my explanation is not to confusing. Thank you in advance.

Access: Forms, Subforms and Queries

According to the searching I've done over the past couple of days, what I'm trying to achieve should be fairly straightforward but nothing that I've found has solved my problems. This is my first time at using Access, or SQL at all. Apologies in advance for the length of the question.
Essentially I need to pick up a value from one table and multiply it by another in the another table, and then store the result in the second table, via forms and subforms.
The Problem:
I'm attempting to create a database of projects, part of which is a quotation tool. The database has several tables covering all the required inputs for our project managers, most of which are linked to the PKs of their parent tables.
My current attempt has a form (frmJobDetails) giving the details of the each project (linked to tblJobs). This form has two subforms:
frmJobRolesSubform details who's working on the project in what role ( and, notably, their sale rate.
frmJobProcessesSubform details the tasks, who's allocated to which task and the estimated number of hours to complete.
Both subforms link to their own tables (tblJobs_Roles and tblJobs_Processes respectively).
frmJobProcessesSubform obtains the people working on the project and their roles from frmJobRolesSubform so the manager can allocate a person to a task on frmJobProcessesSubform. This is done via a combobox: cboRole.
So far, so good.
I'm needing to obtain the sale rate of the person working on the given task so that I can calculate the cost of the task. Specifically, I'd like a field on the subform to calculate the cost of the task and then store it in tblJobs_Processes.
My Attempts
I've attempted to build a query (qryProcessCost) that calls cboRole, either as an expression in the Field cell or in the Criteria cell ([Forms]![frmJobsProcessesSubform]![cboRole]).
I'm aware this can't successfully when the form isn't active, but I'm getting Access' request for input for [Forms]![frmJobsProcessesSubform]![cboRole] when selecting from the subform. The query runs successfully when example values are hardcoded into the query. The query should, obviously, only return a single value.
I've tried setting the ControlSource of a textbox to [qryProcessCost]![dblProcessCost] (where dblProcessCost is the calculated field), but this can't then write to the table (as far as I can deduce). Also, I get a #Name? error in the cell and I can't seem to get to the bottom of that.
I've tried setting the RecordSource property of a combobox to SELECT [qryProcessCost]![dblProcessCost] FROM [qryProcessCost], and the ControlSource to the relevant field of the table. While this would be a clunky solution, it actually doesn't work anyway as it fails to pick up the value of [Forms]![frmJobsProcessesSubform]![cboRole].
I've tried using an intermediate textbox to determine what value cboRole is passing, and I'm happy with that - the primary key of the role assigned in frmJobsRolesSubform.
The Question:
I'm guessing that I'm probably going to have to resort to VBA at this point to get what I want but I'm unfamiliar with the Access VBA structures (though I've used Excel VBA a fair bit).
Anyone got any ideas, hints, suggestions or pointers?
Cheers in advance,
In case anyone else has a similar problem, I've posted my complete solution below:
I implemented Gene's correction to my references, which provided something, but the query wouldn't update when the fields on the form were changed. As I noted in the question, I also really wanted it to be a text box rather than a combo box for usability reasons but wasn't sure how to have a Record Source and Control Source for a text box.
I ended up going round in circles, via VBA and macros and several types of error and happened upon a suggestion to use a DLookUp here. I hadn't been able to get them to work for this particular problem before, but I managed to make it work this time. Specifically, I put the DLookUp in the following macro:
Control Name txtBudgetCost
Property Value
Value =DLookUp("[dblCostRate]","[tblJobs_Roles]","[pkJobs_RoleID]="[cboRole])*[txtBudg‌​etHours]
This macro was used for the After Update event of the relevant fields on the subform.
Setting the value property of a field to a DLookUp meant that I could set the Control Source property of a the text box txtBudgetCost to the relevant field in the table, to obtain the desired behaviour.
Both cboRole and txtBudgetHours are fields on the same subform as the field txtBudgetCost.
The only problem with this solution is that, when the subform is viewed in the Datasheet view, a #Name? error is given for the new record row. I probably just need to enter some error handling somewhere, though I haven't given much thought for what it should be just yet.

Eclipse Birt Reports, Creating report from SQL database, (user key?)

I'm fairly new to using the Birt Report Designer and need to figure out how to generate a report from a SQLite database. I have suceeded in getting it to connect to the DB but am now unsure how to generate a report and the tutorials that I have found aren't of much help so far.
I have a template that was given to me by my employer that has a few fields, I'm wondering if these fieldnames (in the template) are supposed to match field names in the DB.
Also, when I go to Run->View Report-> As PDF I am unsure what I am supposed to enter for the field "User Key", does this correspond to a table name in the DB or something along these lines?
As of now, I have tried entering a table name but just a blank report is generated.
If anyone can point me to a good resource or help with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
There are two books i could really advice:
BIRT - A Field Guide to Reporting
Integrating and Extending BIRT
and the Eclipse Help containing BIRT documentation.
I suppose the User Key could be report parameter (listed in Data Explorer window), which is passed to Data Set to select appropriate data. If I'm guessing right, check within a Data Set editor ("Parameters" tab and "Query" tab) where the User Key parameter goes in - probably to one of the table field in a WHERE clause. Parameters in a query are represented by question marks: SELECT * FROM fooTable WHERE barColumn = ?. Hope tracking this would lead to find out, what to enter to the parameter.
Additionally, ensure if your Data Set(s) is(are) connected correctly to your SQLite Data Source ("Data Source" tab in a Data Set editor).
Being as new as you are to BIRT, I would suggest building a couple of reports with the sample DB (Classic Models). There are many, many samples out there for you to use as a guide. Additionally, most tutorials will use the Classic Models data so you can follow right along. After you create a couple of practice reports (this should not take more than 30-45 minutes) the template you have been given will likely make A LOT more sense and allow you to make progress almost immediately.
If you are looking for a nice collection of tutorials and samples, be sure to check out Birt Exchange for Dev Share (samples) & tutorials.
As for the "User Key" this is almost certainly a report-level parameter used to filter the data set (as the previous answer points out).
Good Luck!

Crystal Reports - Failed to open a rowset

What can be done to resolve the exception:
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.InternalException: Failed to open a rowset.
This is a generic error in Crystal Reports whenever the report query fails. There can be a number of causes. If your report was targeted to a specific database and then the database was changed without updated the report, this can cause it. It can also be caused by something in the query itself failing, such as if the report is based on a stored procedure that doesn't exist on the database against which the report is running. Try verifying the database for the report.
As said this is a generic error, and like all such errors it's a very frustrating one. The problem is that VS 2003 has no preview option for crystal reports so it's hard to track down the source of the problem. So best way to solve this is to create a blank project in vs 2005 or later, import the crystal report, and run preview. You will get a more specific error then.
I had the same issue, and received this error message:
One ore more fields could not be found in the result set. Use Verify Database to update the report.
Error in File filename {9FEE6406-1613-409A-B9BD-C5FDA24E3DEE}.rpt:
The rowset column could not be found.
I was using a stored procedure to collect data for the report, and sure enough I was passing an invalid parameter for the SP. Double check the type and value of the parameters if you are using a SP to populate the report data.
Good luck!
I have also gone through same error with report having sub reports. Issue resolved as i switch to each sub report and make it verify again with database/tables/views.
This is caused by some discrepancy in your relations, like opposite left joins or something similar. CR has also the bad habit to create 'default' links each time you modify the list of tables and views needed for the report. It can even sometimes automatically create recursive links that might not be viewable 'at once' in the relations screen.
If you cannot find which relation(s) is causing the trouble (sometimes it is not so obvious), you'll have to make some trial & errors test by adding/removing tables from your report.
Every time you add a new table in crystal it adds its own links on already linked tables, some times it even links the 2 fields from the same table.
Make sure you know your links in order to go through after you add a table and scroll all tables to see for any links create from to the same table
I received :
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.InternalException was unhandled
Message=The Report Application Server failed
Google brought me here. For those that have similar problems.
For the record: I had a byte[] array with an image and removed the log from the report and the error stopped. I now have to figure out what I have done wrong with the logo.
I had this problem - we use SQL logins for our security (not integrated / DSN connections)
By granting execute permissions to the user for my stored procedure I fixed the problem.
Really, really couldn't hate Crystal more for their exception masking - let this be a lesson to all programmers;
'your code here
Throw new exception("Hey, here's a really friendly but completely useless error message")
End Try
will result in pain for future developers - DON'T DO IT!
When you verify your database it might tell you that it is up to date, in that case you have two more options to check for:
a) Refreshing the report (a lightning-shaped icon), if you have a problem with a field, such as a SQL Field, it will give you the error and then show you the edit window for the field.
b) Running the query directly on SQL, if there is a problem with the query itself you will also get this message in Crystal but SQL will tell you exactly what went wrong.
Check Changing Crystal Report Database logon information at runtime in VS2005 for help.
Important line in it is:
table.Location = Database & ".dbo." & table.Name
For me, the problem was fixed when I logged of and logged back to the SQL server that the report was connecting to
In your store procedure If you are using
Then just remove this
Now verify your report database, build & run your solution.