Calling protected variable from another class - unity3d

I need to call a protected variable from a public class into an if statement in a private method of another public class
I am programing a video game in unity and I need to use a bool variable (that shows if the character is out of stamina) in an if statement to determine whether or not the character can run
This is what my code looks like excluding everything unrelated to the problem
Public class CharacterStats : MonoBehaviour
[SerialzeField] protected bool Tired;
Public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
Private void HandleRunning()
If (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift) && X != True)
Speed = RunSpeed;
X is where I want the Tired variable to be.

Use a public readonly property like e.g.
public class CharacterStats : MonoBehaviour
// Keep you serialized field protected
[SerialzeField] protected bool tired;
// Have a public read-only accessor property
public bool Tired => tired;
and then e.g.
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
// Somehow you will need to get a reference to the CharacterStats instance
// e.g. via the Inspector
[SerializeField] private CharacterStats stats;
[SerializeField] private float RunSpeed;
private float Speed;
private void HandleRunning()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift) && !stats.IsTired)
Speed = RunSpeed;
Alternatively (and my apologies to #aybe who had answered this) you can actually directly serialize a property using explicitely
[field: SerializeField] public bool Tired { get; protected set; }
this is a property which can be accessed by everyone but only this and inherited classes (and due to the serialization now the Inspector) have the permission to set the value.
In general: Fix your casing! In c# all keywords are lower key!


How do I change values in a scriptable object?

I'm trying to make a class selecting system and I have 2 scriptable objects one for the player and the other for classes and I'm trying to figure out how to change the values in PlayerSettings to the ones in BaseClass when a class is selected.
public class BaseClass : ScriptableObject
public float health;
public float walkSpeed;
public float fallSpeed;
public float jumpForce;
public string displayName;
public List<BaseAbility> abilities;
public class PlayerSettings : ScriptableObject
public float health;
public float walkSpeed;
public float fallSpeed;
public float jumpForce;
public BaseClass playerClass;
Heres the code I have for setting a class I use an event that gets called when a button is pressed and then I just change the values in the PlaerSettings SO to the ones from the newClass argument
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
public PlayerSettings playerSettings;
public Controls keybinds;
void Start()
ClassSelectButton.OnClassSelected += SetPlayerClass;
void SetPlayerClass(BaseClass newClass)
Debug.Log("Setting player class to: " + newClass.displayName);
playerClass = newClass;
playerSettings.walkSpeed = playerClass.walkSpeed;
I'm not sure if what I have is fine although I have a feeling it's probably not though. Also, a quick second question as you can see PlayerSettings and BaseClass are basically the same would I want to use inheritance here or is it fine to keep it separate?
So what you could do is to make the playerClass a property and set the values in the set function, but maybe it's easier to just make the fields be properties that forward the playerClass values. I'll use the null coalescing and null conditional operators here, but hopefully this gives you an idea.
Also a good IDE should complain about the properties not beginning with a capital letter here but I'm trying to give you an example that won't break your current code:
public class PlayerSettings : ScriptableObject
public float health => playerClass?. health ?? 100f;
public float walkspeed => playerClass?.walkspeed ?? 1f;
public float fallSpeed => playerClass?.fallSpeed ?? 1f;
public float jumpForce => playerClass?.jumpForce ?? 1f;
public BaseClass playerClass;
The numbers after ?? are the default values you'd use if playerClass is null. These are all getters, though, so they're read-only. Again you could have the playerClass assign those values when it's set as part of the setter function, if you make it a property, but I don't know enough about your project to really make suggestions here. If you're leaving playerClass public here though it might just be easier to reach into that and get those values directly. I don't know what the point of your ScriptableObject is if it's just a public class to hold one public class.
At the top of your scriptable object code, you should add the line:
[UnityEngine.CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Data", menuName = "ScriptableObjects/BaseClassScriptableObject", order = 1)]
Then, you should see this added to your right click menu.
Upon creating an object, it should look like this in your inspector:
An example with your code:
[UnityEngine.CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Data", menuName = "ScriptableObjects/BaseClassScriptableObject", order = 1)]
public class BaseClass : UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
public float health;
public float walkSpeed;
public float fallSpeed;
public float jumpForce;
public string displayName;

Serialisation not working when inheriting from monobehaviour

Im trying to do a property drawer for a class that i need to be updated as well as editable from the editor.
If i make the class a monobehaviour the serialisation stops working, but if i remove the monobehaviour inheritance it wont update with the game loop.
Is there any way to have both? I would need the object to be able to instantiate with default (empty) values if a monobehaviour script has non instantiated reference.
public class MySmallTestProp : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
private string name;
private string _name;
private float _someFloat;
public float someFloat;
public MySmallTestProp()
{ }
public void OnBeforeSerialize()
_name = name;
public void OnAfterDeserialize()
name = _name;
public class MySmallTestPropPropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer
float rowHeight;
int rowSpacing = 5;
int index;
Rect currentPosition;
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label)
rowHeight = base.GetPropertyHeight(prop, label);
var rows = 2;
if (Application.isPlaying)
return rowHeight * rows;
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
index = 1;
currentPosition = position;
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);
var nameProp = property.FindPropertyRelative("_name");
EditorGUI.PropertyField(NextPosition(), nameProp, new GUIContent("Name"));
Rect NextPosition()
currentPosition.height = rowHeight;
currentPosition.y = rowSpacing + (rowHeight + rowSpacing) * index++;
return currentPosition;
So if I understand you correctly what you want to achieve is having a class which is
has some default field values
Receives an Update call every frame
Actually I don't think you need any custom property drawer for this.
First two points are as simple as having e.g.
public class Example
// By default this has the value "Default String"
public string someString = "Default String";
// This can be edited only via the Inspector
// by default it is 42
[SerializeField] private float someFloat = 42.0f;
// This is a read-only public access
public float SomeFloat => someFloat;
Now to the last and tricky part - the update calls.
The easiest way is to have a dedicated MonoBehaviour like e.g.
public class UpdateDispatcher : MonoBehaviour
// Storing the instance for Singleton Pattern
private static UpdateDispatcher _instance;
// Register to this event to receive one call each Update
public static event Action OnUpdate;
// This method is automatically called by Unity when the application is started
// or you enter play mode in the editor
private static void Init()
// _instsnce is already assigned and alive?
if(_instance) return;
// Otherwise search for one in the scene
_instance = FindObjectOfType<UpdateDispatcher>();
// Found one?
if(_instance) return;
// Otherwise create it now
_instance = new GameObject(nameof(UpdateDispatcher)).AddComponent<UpdateDispatcher>();
private void Awake ()
// Does another instance already exist?
if(_instance && _instance != this)
// Destroy this one
Destroy (gameObject);
// Otherwise assign this as the instance and make sure it isn't destroyed when the scene chsnges
_instance = this;
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
private void Update ()
// Call the event every frame if something is registered
OnUpdate?.Invoke ();
And then you can use ISerislizationCallbackReceiver but not for actually doing the serialization (it is already done automatically for the fields) but rather for registration to the update callback like e.g.
public class Example, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
// By default this has the value "Default String"
public string someString = "Default String";
// This can be edited only vis the Inspector
// by default it is 42
[SerializeField] private float someFloat = 42.0f;
// This is a read-only public access
public float SomeFloat => someFloat;
// Nothing to do here, only needed for the interface
public void OnBeforeSerialize() { }
public void OnAfterDeserialize()
// Register to the Update event
// It is save to unregister before registering even if we haven't been registered before
// this makes sure we are registered only exactly once
UpdateDispatcher.OnUpdate -= Update;
UpdateDispatcher.OnUpdate += Update;
private void Update ()
someFloat += Time.deltaTime;
This answer should be more like a comment, but due to the extension I've decided to post it here.
The objective of a PropertyDrawer is to display properties differently on the editor.
To achieve that you need 2 things:
1.One class that inherits from PropertyAttribute, this will be the reference used in your future scripts.
2.Another class that inherits from PropertyDrawer, here you can type HOW to display the attribute.
One implementation example of a property drawer that shows an attribute without leting the user to edit it from editor:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class DisplayWithoutEdit : PropertyAttribute
public class DisplayWithoutEditDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
return EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(property, label, true);
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property, label, true);
GUI.enabled = true;
Then you can use it on another script doing something like:
[DisplayWithoutEdit] public float randomNumber = 0f;

Unity - issue with AudioClip array

I'm trying to make an audio player in Unity.
I first created a ResourceManager, that has a
AudioClip[] array.
public class ResourceManager : MonoBehaviour
public AudioSource audioSrc;
public AudioClip[] clips;
private int trackNum = 0;
public void Awake()
audioSrc = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
public void LoadClip()
audioSrc.clip = clips[trackNum];
So that they appear in the Clips drag-and-drop box.
However, I want to make the AudioClip array static in ResourceManager static, so other scripts (e.g. PlayPause.cs can access clips statically (via function calls).
But the problem is once I make clips static, the drag-and-drop for disappears.
Is there a way to fix that? Or are there some better design patterns? Thanks.
You can e.g. simply do
public class ResourceManager : MonoBehaviour
// This is the one in the Inspector
// Usually I keep the Inspector private and only provide public access
// where needed via properties
[SerializeField] private AudioClip[] clips;
// This will be set in Awake to the ones from the Inspector
// readonly for others, only this class can assign it
public static AudioClip[] Clips { get; private set; }
public void Awake()
Clips = clips;
The alternative suggested is make the ResourceManager a so called singleton like e.g.
public class ResourceManager : MonoBehaviour
// Here you store your own instance reference
// and provide public readonly access
public static ResourceManager Instance { get; private set; }
[SerializeField] private AudioClip[] clips;
public AudioClip[] Clips => clips;
public void Awake()
// Make sure only one instance exists at a time
if(Instance && Instance != this)
_instance = this;
// optional: Don't destroy this instance when the scene is switched
// Careful: Make sure this applies also to the AudioSource instance!
// For now I assume it is either attached to this object or a child
// if not simply do the same DontDestroyOnLoad on it as well
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);
public void LoadClip()
audioSrc.clip = clips[trackNum];
And then access everywhere ReaourcesManager.Instance.Clips
Or a built-in alternative to the singleton is using FindObjectOfType so any other script in the Scene can actually simply access
without you having to change anything at all ;)
Except as said I would make it
[SerializeField] private AudioClip[] clips;
public IReadonlyList<AudioClip> Clips => clips;
depending a bit of course what exactly you want to do with the clips but this way the array can not be altered by any other script

Custom onClick list

Can i create custom region with grouped methods for list onClick like dynamic and statics?
like this
Yes and no! ^^
Yes, you can create your own event type taking a parameter and assign dynamic callbacks to it. What you are looking for is UnityEvent.
For the dynamic parameterized ones see UnityEvent<T0> to UnityEvent<T0, T1, T2, T3> depending on how many parameters you need.
For the example with a single int it would be (exactly as in the API example)
// Since Unity doesn't support direct serialization of generics you have to implement this [Serializable] wrapper
public class MyIntEvent : UnityEvent<int>
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
public MyIntEvent m_MyEvent;
No, you can not simply change the existing implementation of UI.Button.onClick which is parameterless.
What you could do, however, is build a new component and attach it on a button like
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Button _button;
public MyIntEvent onClickWithIntParameter;
private void Awake()
if(!_button) _button = GetComponent<Button>();
private void HandleOnClick()
// Wherever you get your int from
var value = 123;
In the case that [Serializable] isn't working for you try [System.Serializable] or using System; at the top.
For Those who want to create a custom event Script:
I made a collision detection script. The events set in the inspector are called when a collision is detected. Just like a button.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class CollisionCallFunc : MonoBehaviour {
public class CollisionEvent : UnityEvent<object> {
public object value;
private CollisionEvent collisionEvents = new();
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {
try {
} catch(System.Exception exception) {
Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't invoke action. Error:");
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) {
try {
} catch(System.Exception exception) {
Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't invoke action. Error:");

Instantiating random or chosen prefabs with sub-container thru Factory or Pool

I have an array of prefabs and I want to be able to Instantiate randomly picked prefabs thru Zenject Factory and perform their bindings in their sub-containers.
What I want to do is the same as in this code sample from Zenject documentation, but for randomly selected prefabs.
using UnityEngine;
using Zenject;
public class GameInstaller : MonoInstaller
GameObject ShipPrefab;
public override void InstallBindings()
Container.BindFactory<float, ShipFacade, ShipFacade.Factory>()
I was able to partially make it work with
[SerializeField] private GameObject[] ships;
Container.BindFactory<float, ShipFacade, ShipFacade.Factory>()
private void SpawnShip(DiContainer container, float speed)
var shipPrefab = ships[Random.Range(0, ships.Length)];
var ship = container.InstantiatePrefab(shipPrefab);
But it's awkward and in this case I guess I'm not using an advantage of sub-container. And also prefabs spawns in an empty GameObject.
What I want to achieve is to be able to use ShipInstaller for sub-container binding.
You're right, there wasn't really a very elegant way to choose the sub-container prefab dynamically.
I took some time to make this better today with this commit. If you use the latest version of Extenject then you can now do things like this:
public class QuxInstaller : Installer {
float _speed;
public QuxInstaller(float speed) {
_speed = speed;
public override void InstallBindings() {
public class CubeInstaller : MonoInstaller
public List<GameObject> QuxPrefabs;
public override void InstallBindings()
Container.BindFactory<float, QuxFacade, QuxFacade.Factory>()
UnityEngine.Object ChooseQuxPrefab(InjectContext _) {
return QuxPrefabs[Random.Range(0, QuxPrefabs.Count)];