How to send a touch event to iOS simulator via command line? - iphone

On Android we have adb commands to send touch events adb shell input tap x y send touch events to a device via adb .
How do we do the same for iOS?


How to send numberKey of numberPad(NOT the numberKey above Q/W/E/R/T/T..) via KDE Connect with Hacker's Keyboard

I am controlling my Windows 10 host via KDE Connect APP on Android with Hacker's Keyboard as the input method.
What I Need
I need to send the numberKey of numberPad(NOT the numberKey above Q/W/E/R/T/Y..) to Windows 10, how to do that in KDE Connect APP or Hacker's Keyboard?
Any help will be appreciate!

How to detect the mouse and keyboard on a USB KVM extender with a Powershell script?

I'm checking that the mouse and keyboard are properly connected to a remote PC, with a PS script. The catch is that the mouse and keyboard are connected through a USB KVM extender to the remote PC.
What I thought would work is simply looking for the connected mice and keyboards by using the following commands:
Get-CimInstance win32_POINTINGDEVICE
Get-CimInstance win32_KEYBOARD
However, I noticed that these commands return me a positive result EVEN when the mouse and keyboard are disconnected, just because the KVM extender is connected. So essentially what it does is simply check that the KVM is connected, which is not what I'm looking for. It detects the KVM as a "Pointing Device" and "Keyboard" on its own (both commands return me the KVM device ID).
How can I circumvent this problem?
I thought of checking that the mouse is connected by checking if it's active with a script (checking if it moves), but this is not what I want because the idea is to automate the checking remotely (there is no operator in front of said PC to move the mouse).

How can I emulate GPIO button presses over SSH connection?

I am working with the raspberry pi, and I have an application on the other end that is supposed to respond to button presses. The problem that I have is that I am not in the room of the Pi that is running and therefore I have no way to push the button. Is there a way that I can somehow emulate a button press via a ssh terminal that way my python program will pick up on it.
Why don't you run a Web server on your PI . Call (http) a script (php) from remote machine. And the script will do the work locally.

Is it possible for one device to subscribe to MQTT events or commands from another device on IBM IoTF?

I am building an iOS app to control my Raspberry Pi over MQTT. I want to be able to send control commands from my iPhone to the Pi and have the Pi respond with a status update.
The Pi is running Node-RED and can both send and receive both events and commands to IBM IoT Foundation (verified from a Bluemix Node-RED application).
The iPhone Swift app is using (Note - does not specifically list IBM IoT as a tested platform).
From the Swift app, I have successfully connected to IBM IoTF and sent events which the Pi receives. I have also successfully subscribed to command topics in the form "iot-2/cmd/streamStarted/fmt/json", but never receive a message. If I try to publish a command in the form "iot-2/cmd/startStream/fmt/json" or subscribe to events in the form "iot-2/evt/streamStarted/fmt/json" or "iot-2/type/myPi/id/<myPiID>/evt/streamStarted/fmt/json", the connection immediately closes.
The bottom line is that I need to get a status message from the Pi to the iPhone in some way. I don't really care if it is an event, a command or something else. I have been successful doing this with, events but not IoT Foundation.
Only applications can send commands to a device. You can't send a command from one device to another. Is the iphone swift app connecting to IoT Foundation as an application or trying to connect as a device?

Win 10 IoT: WindowsIoTCoreWatcher.exe does not show my Raspberry PI device

I have a Raspberry PI with Win 10 IoT installed.
The device is connected through Ethernet, I can ping it
I've connected through Powershell, changed admin password. Followed instructions here:
I can connect to the device's web based interface http://ip:8080
However, WindowsIoTCoreWatcher.exe does not show or list my device. I tried Refresh button, run as admin. Still no result.
How can I fix the issue?
Thank you,
WindowsIoTCoreWatcher listens for UDP broadcasts that are sent every five seconds by a process running on the device: C:\Windows\System32\ebootpinger.exe. It appears that this process occasionally dies or stops broadcasting, particularly if the device has not been rebooted in several days. It can be restarted with the PowerShell command (e.g. in a remote interactive session):
Start-Process ebootpinger.exe