Why am I not showing up as contributor in github? - github

Why my github commits are like this. Is this the reason that I am not showing up as a contributor.

If you don't appear in a repository's contributors graph, it may be because:
You aren't one of the top 100 contributors.
Your commits haven't been merged into the default branch.
The email address you used to author the commits isn't connected to your account on GitHub.


Why am I able to push and send/receive pull requests but not on the contributor list in github?

I'm been working in a team of four. I'm in the collaborator list. I'm able to commit, push, send pull requests and merge in our repo. My teammates can see my changes, but everyone is on the contributor list except me.
I double checked my email address, make sure the email I used in my local setting is the same with my default email in the github account.
We have changed the owner of the project once, and I'm still using the old url. Is this the reason for that?
I found the github has a complex rule for you be considered as a contributor. Here's the doc of it.
You have to commit to the main/default branch or make pull requests. To commit into other branches won't count.
Also, to use the old project url is definately one problem. In the project insight, everyone's profile is linked with their username. While mine is only a username with no user icon.
I think I just accidentally hit into one of the corner cases, but I'm still very confused of this design pattern.

Merging GitHub accounts - contributions and stats

I want to merge my two GitHub accounts (meaning transferring repositories ownership to one account, and deleting the other, according to https://help.github.com/articles/transferring-a-repository/). Do my other account will inherit the contributions number (and therefore contribution graph and activity overview) from my old account? In other words, what determines the number of contributions in a GitHub account: is it when the email address of the commit correspond to one of the email adresses associated with my GitHub account?
I have read Merging two github accounts but it doesn't answer the number of contributions question.
Transferred repos will inherit issues, pull request, contribution history, stars, watches.
The contribution history is a different story, and how it's calculated is explained here: https://help.github.com/articles/viewing-contributions-on-your-profile/ To quote from there:
What counts as a contribution
On your profile page, certain actions
count as contributions:
Committing to a repository's default branch or gh-pages branch
Opening an issue
Proposing a pull request
Submitting a pull request review
Co-authoring commits in a repository's default branch or gh-pages
Assume you have 2 users: A <a#gmail.com>, B <b#gmail.com> and you're merging B into A:
Events like "opening a PR", "opening an issue", "commenting on issue/PR", "making code review on a PR" which count as contribution on B's profile will be lost
Events like "commits" on the master branch will be added to A –if you add b#gmail.com as one of your emails in A’s account settings
when you transfer B's repos to A, and then delete account B.

Github Anonymous Commit history

I have a github repo from a few years ago that had 247 commits and 5 contributors. However the majority of commits from one of those contributors wasn't from github, rather via a Git Bash CLI that I would push from more or less anonymously.
The graph view in github is only showing the commits from registered Github users (only 4 shown) - so a total of 15 commits are being shown and the other 232 commits are missing.
I want to be able to view the commits in the Graph View as they include all of the commits (all 247) - including the ones I pushed anonymously.
# of Commits shown:
Only Commits by Registered Users:
I believe that Github calculates users based on email address.
So if you add that wildcats.unh.edu address to your user account on Github, those commits should be attributed to you.

Github - What happens with the commits if the user is removed?

If an user is removed, of course its repositories are removed and all the information contained too, what happens with the contributions to external repositories? Like commits in a organisation or into other users repositories.
Is any other activity history removed?
Commits in other repositories are not changed at all.
Commits are identified by author email address, as part of git itself.
If the author user is deleted, those commits will no longer link to an email address, but will not otherwise change.

Pycharm commits to github not shown in my github history

When using username/password combo to commit to my Github account via Pycharm, I don't get green squares (badges) in my Github commit history. Commits are made to my own public repository
This is not that big technological issue but there are people who judge others based on number of those green squares.
Make sure that the email address that you use in your commits matches the email address of your github account. To change the email address, use git config user.email (see here for more information).