PowerBI Splitting a delimited column into duplicate rows - forms

I am working with a customer survey in MS Forms, there are 2 questions that have multiple selections. What I want to know is, how do I split these columns into new rows while duplicating the data in the other columns?
I know how to split the column by delimiter, I'm just struggling to figure out the correct approach to split the columns and duplicate the rows.
Here are the two columns, crossed out for sensitive info, there are about 10+ additional columns with data that I would like to be duplicated with each split.

Follow these bellow steps-
Step one:
Step two:


Isolating same data in Alteryx workflow

I have a large set of data, however below shows only 4 entries. I want to isolate the rows that have the same entries. For instance, on table one you can see that the first two rows have the same value in the columns number, ID, Brand, and Partner. I want to only get the rows with these same entries, so my final result will be Data Table 2.
Data Table
Data Table 2
This is the quickest way I can think of
Actually, I've just realised the 'RecordID' is redundant so you can leave that tool out, I think?

How clean data in two columns of a csv file, with many rows as documents

I need to clean textual data from two columns (say c(8,9)) of a cvs file with around 800 rows, where each row represent a different document, containing comments from interviewees on a company. I need to apply the stopwords, but I don't know how to use tm functions on those rows of these two columns.
netf <- read.csv2("netflix.csv")
corp <-tm_map(netf, c(8,9), removeWords, stopwords("english"))
Error in UseMethod("tm_map",x):
no applicable method for "tm_map" applied to an object of class "data.frame"
I would like to get the two columns with their 800 rows cleaned by stopwords

Tallying unknown words across columns in Tableau (or from comma separated column)

I have an issue that I have been trying to solve for the better part of a week now. I have a large database (in Google sheets) representing casestudies. I have some columns with multiple categories listed (in this example 'species', 'genera', and 'morphologies'), and I want to be able to tally how many times each category occurs in the data set.
I use Tableau to visalise the data, and the final output will be a large publc tableau. I know I can do a "find" based on the specific string, but I'd like the dataset to be dynamic and be able to handle new data being added without having to update calculated fields? Is there a way of finding uniqe terms (either from a single column of comma separated values, or from multiple columns), and tallying them?
Things I have tried so far:
1 - A pivot table in Tableau. Works well, but messes with all the other data, since it repeats lines.
2 - A pivot table on its own data source in Tableau. Also works well, and avoids the problem of messing with the other data. However, now each figure is disconnected from the others so I can't do a large dashboard where everything is filtered by each other (ie filtering species and genera by country at the same time).
3 - An SQL query() in google sheets, which finds all unique terms and queries them, which can then be plotted in Tableau. Also works well, but similar problem of the data being disconnected from all the other terms in the dataset.
Any ideas of a field calculation that will find, list and tally unique terms in a single comma separated column (or across multiple columns), without changing the data structure?
I have placed a sample data set here (google sheets), which is a smaller version of what I'm actually working on. In it I have marked comma separated columns in grey, and they're followed by a bunch of columns with the values split into columns. I only need to analyse either of those (ie either a calculation to separate comma separate values or from multiple columns).
I've also added a sample Tableau workbook here.

Breakout concatenated field into rows not columns within Tableau

I have two fields that contain concatenated strings. The first field contains medical codes and the second field contains the descriptions of those codes. I don't want to break these into multiple fields because some of them would contain hundreds of splits. Is there any way to break them into a row each like below? The code and description values are separated by a semicolon (;)
code description
----- ------------
80400 description1
80402 description2
A sample of the data:
One way is you can custom split two columns at ; which will create separate columns for every entry then you can pivot code columns and description columns separately.
One issue will be you can't guarantee if every code is mapped to correct description.
One more way is export data to excel sheet and then split and pivot the columns and then match the code and description, Then take the excel as datasource to the tableau.

Crosstab SPLITTING columns

I would like to make a crosstab that can split when multiple details and not split when same detail is repeated
This example show that column 3 must be one case not 3 lines:
is it possible to split a crosstab then bring lines together again ?
