Toggle Select All not working for grid.js - gridjs

I have a grid js defined as follows. I have select all check box on which I want to select/deselect all the rows. I am able to perform select all but deselect all does not work. Can anyone please help. Thanks.
const grid = new gridjs.Grid({
columns: [
id: "selectId", name: "Select",
plugin: {
component: gridjs.plugins.selection.RowSelection,
props: {id: (row) => row.cell(1).data}
{ id: "columnName", name: "Column Name" },
{ id: "dataType", name: "Data Type"}
data: [],
function init(){
function loadGrid(){
$.get("/someURL",function(response) {
function toggle(){
//This block works
fileSchemaGrid.config.columns[0].data = true;
//*** This block does not work***
fileSchemaGrid.config.columns[0].data = false

I had the same issue and found that this works - but its a bit hacky.
function toggle(){
//This block works
fileSchemaGrid.config.columns[0].data = true;
//*** This block should now work***
fileSchemaGrid.config.columns[0].data = null;
fileSchemaGrid.config.plugin.get('selectId') = [];


Rendering a menu in vue 3 after ajax method

I've gotten this menu to work without filtering it, but now I'm doing an ajax request to filter out menu items the user isn't supposed to see, and I'm having some trouble to figure out how to set the resulting menu data, the line that is not working is commented below:
import { ref } from 'vue';
import axios from 'axios';
var currentSelected = 'device_access';
var menuData = [
text: 'Device Access',
id: 'device_access',
children: [
text: 'Interactive',
link: '/connection_center'
text: 'Reservation',
link: '/reserve_probe'
}, {
text: 'Reservation Vue',
link: '/reservation.html'
}, {
text: 'Automation',
id: 'automation',
show: ['is_mxadmin', 'can_schedule_scripts'],
children: [
text: 'Builder',
link: '/builder',
text: 'Execution Results',
link: '/test_suite_execution_results'
function hasMatch(props, list) {
var match = false;
for (var i=0; i < list.length && !match; i++) {
match = props[list[i]];
return match;
export default {
name: 'Header',
setup() {
const cursorPosition = ref('0px');
const cursorWidth = ref('0px');
const cursorVisible = ref('visible');
//the menu is zero length until I get the data:
const menu = ref([]);
return {
created() {
let that = this;
.then(function(res) {
var data =;
var result = [];
menuData.forEach(function(item) {
if (! || hasMatch(data, {
var children = [];
item.children.forEach(function (child) {
if (! || hasMatch(data, {
children.push({ text: child.text, link: });
if (children.length > 0) {
result.push({ text: item.text,
children: children, lengthClass: "length_" + children.length });
//continues after comment
this is probably the only thing wrong, I've run this in the debugger and I'm getting the
correct data:
that.$ = result;
since the menu is not being rebuilt, then this fails:
.catch(error => {
// Manage errors if found any
this.$refs is for template refs, which are not the same as the refs from setup().
And the data fetching in created() should probably be moved to onMounted() in setup(), where the axios.get() callback sets menu.value with the results:
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
const menu = ref([])
onMounted(() => {
axios.get(/*...*/).then(res => {
const results = /* massage */
menu.value = results
return {
I finally figured out the problem.
This code above will probably work with: = result;
You don't need: that.$
You can't do it in setup because for some reason "that" is not yet defined.
In my working code I added a new method:
methods: {
setMenuData: function() { = filterMenu();
And "this" is properly defined inside them.

How to avoid unexpected side effect in computed properties - VueJS

I am trying to prefill a form with data from a vuex store.In the code provided is the expected result, I need but I know that this is not the way to do it. I am fairly new to Vue/Vuex. The inputs use a v-model thats why i cant use :value="formInformation.parentGroup" to prefill.
data() {
return {
groupName: { text: '', state: null },
parentName: { text: '', state: null },
computed: {
formInformation() {
const groups = this.$store.getters.groups;
const activeForm = this.$store.getters.activeForm;
if (activeForm.groupIndex) {
const formInfo = groups[0][activeForm.groupIndex][activeForm.formIndex]
this.groupName.text = // Is there a way to not use this unexpected side effect ?
return formInfo;
} else {
return 'No Form Selected';
I searched for an answere for so long now that i just needed to ask it. Maybe i am just googling for something wrong, but maybe someone here can help me.
You are doing all right, just a little refactoring and separation is needed - separate all the logic to computed properties (you can also use mapGetters):
mounted() {
if (this.formInformation) {
computed: {
groups() {
return this.$store.getters.groups;
activeForm() {
return this.$store.getters.activeForm;
formInformation() {
if (this.activeForm.groupIndex) {
return this.groups[0][this.activeForm.groupIndex][
You could either make groupName a computed property:
computed: {
groupName() {
let groupName = { text: '', state: null };
if ( {
return groupName.text =;
return groupName;
Or you could set a watcher on formInformation:
watch: {
formInformation: function (newFormInformation, oldFormInformation) {
this.groupName.text =;
Avoid mutating data property in computed.
Computed are meant to do some operation (eg. reduce, filter etc) on data properties & simply return the result.
Instead, you can try this:
computed: {
formInformation() {
const groups = this.$store.getters.groups;
const activeForm = this.$store.getters.activeForm;
if (activeForm.groupIndex) {
const formInfo = groups[0][activeForm.groupIndex][activeForm.formIndex]
// this.groupName.text = // <-- [1] simply, remove this
return formInfo;
} else {
return 'No Form Selected';
// [2] add this, so on change `formInformation` the handler will get called
watch: {
formInformation: {
handler (old_value, new_value) {
if (new_value !== 'No Form Selected') { // [3] to check if some form is selected
this.groupName.text = // [4] update the data property with the form info
deep: true, // [5] in case your object is deeply nested

hash format error! using routing

I have developed an OpenUI5 app ant it works fine!
But every time that I invoke the routing I have this message:
2015-07-15 16:15:45 hash format error! The current Hash: /line/01 -
It is not a blocking problem but it is annoying because it dirty and fills thi debug console..!
To call the router I write:
this.router = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
this.router.navTo("activities", {
"id_line": '01'
and this is the routing file:
routes: [
pattern: "line/{id_line}",
name: "activities",
target: ["master_search", "detail_activities"]
targets: {
master_search: {
viewName: "UniversalMenu",
viewLevel: 1,
controlAggregation: "masterPages"
detail_activities: {
viewName: "DetailActivity",
viewLevel: 4
Edit: this is a snippet where I use"");"sap.m.InstanceManager");
sap.ui.controller("ui5bp.view.App", {
getDefaultPage : function () {
return "Menu";
onInit : function () {
var historyDefaultHandler = function (navType) {
if (navType === {
} else {
this.navTo(this.getDefaultPage(), null, false);
var historyPageHandler = function (params, navType) {
if (!params || ! {"invalid parameter: " + params);
} else {
if (navType === {
} else {
this.navTo(,, false);
routes: [{
// This handler is executed when you navigate back to the history state on the path "page"
path : "page",
handler : jQuery.proxy(historyPageHandler, this)
// The default handler is executed when you navigate back to the history state with an empty hash
defaultHandler: jQuery.proxy(historyDefaultHandler, this)
// subscribe to event bus
var bus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
bus.subscribe("nav", "to", this.navHandler, this);
bus.subscribe("nav", "back", this.navHandler, this);
bus.subscribe("nav", "virtual", this.navHandler, this);
navHandler: function (channelId, eventId, data) {
if (eventId === "to") {
this.navTo(,, true);
} else if (eventId === "back") {
// if(data &&{
// this.navBack(;
// } else {
// }
var app = this.getView().app;
}else if(data.type==="detail"){
}else{alert("back to master o detail?");};
} else if (eventId === "virtual") {;
} else {"'nav' event cannot be processed. There's no handler registered for event with id: " + eventId);
navTo : function (id, data, writeHistory) {
if (id === undefined) {
// invalid parameter"navTo failed due to missing id");
} else {
var app = this.getView().app;
// navigate in the app control, "slide", data);
navBack : function (id) {
if (!id) {
// invalid parameter"navBack - parameters id must be given");
} else {
// close open popovers
if (sap.m.InstanceManager.hasOpenPopover()) {
// close open dialogs
if (sap.m.InstanceManager.hasOpenDialog()) {
sap.m.InstanceManager.closeAllDialogs();"navBack - closed dialog(s)");
// ... and navigate back
var app = this.getView().app;
var currentId = (app.getCurrentPage()) ? app.getCurrentPage().getId() : null;
if (currentId !== id) {
app.backToPage(id);"navBack - back to page: " + id);
In Component.js I had 2 rows where I set up custom myNavBack and myNavToWithoutHash functions:
// 3a. monkey patch the router
var oRouter = this.getRouter();
oRouter.myNavBack = ui5bp.MyRouter.myNavBack; //to comment
oRouter.myNavToWithoutHash = ui5bp.MyRouter.myNavToWithoutHash; //to comment
I have started from an example of app skeleton for my app and then I have implemented the routing with the logic suggested from the framework.
This coexistence of two different methods to navigate produced the error in console. Tahnkyou #TimGerlach
After the comment of the two rows errors have vanished.

SAPUI5 Color text from a table / list cell

I want to change the color of the table cell, but I find it hard to transform the code to XMLView from JSView. Can you guys give me a hand ?
What I've managed so far, is to add the text of the color, but what I want is to color the text itself (or the background)
Here is the code:
text = "{parts : [ 'Invoices>InvoiceRest' ],
formatter: 'Invoices.Formatter.BillColor'
And in the "formatter" (I don't know why it doesn't want to format the text bellow :( ):"Invoices.Formatter");
Invoices.Formatter = {
BillColor : function (fValue1) {
try {
if (Number(fValue1) > 0) {
return "red";
} else {
return "green";
} catch (err) {
return "None";
} } };
var iDtemplate = new sap.m.ColumnListItem("idTemplate",{
type: "Navigation",
visible: true,
selected: true,
new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
}).bindProperty("state", "number", function(value) {
return getStatusColor(value);
new sap.m.ObjectStatus({
}).bindProperty("state", "number", function(value) {
return getStatusColor(value);
pressListMethod: function(event){
var bindingContext = event.getSource().getBindingContext();
function getStatusColor(status) {
if (status === '') {
return "Error";
else {
return "Success";
Based on the number field we are giving colors to columns Slno and Name.

how to save an entire object in a variable on a kendo autocomplete selection

i need help about a kendo autocomplete widget...
Maybe this is a stupid question, but i just can't reach the solution!!!
My kendoAutoComplete widget, gets data from a c# webservice:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet = false)]
public string getComuniList()
using (PrintInvoicesDataContext context = new PrintInvoicesDataContext())
List<comuni_italia> comuni = new List<comuni_italia>();
comuni = context.comuni_italia.ToList();
var jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(comuni, Formatting.Indented);
return jsonStr;
this method returns a long object array like this:
[ {id_comune: 1, des_comune: "Milano", cod_comune: "A130", cap_comune: "64022"},
{id_comune: 2, des_comune: "Torino", cod_comune: "A131", cap_comune: "64100"},
so, when i choose an item into the kendo autocomplete widget, on the select event, i need to save the whole selected object in a variable.
var comuneAutoComplete = $("#comune_w").kendoAutoComplete({
minLength: 3,
dataSource: dataSource,
placeholder: "Inserisci comune...",
dataTextField: "des_comune",
dataValueField: "id_comune"
}).data("kendoAutoComplete").bind("select", function (data) {
//here i want to save the object
var comune = ????????
so that i could get fields values like this:
var id_com = comune.id_comune;
var des_com = comune.des_comune;
this is the model of the datasource:
model: {
fields: {
id: "id_comune",
id_comune: { type: "string" },
des_com: { type: "string" },
des_prv: { type: "string" },
des_reg: { type: "string" },
cod_com: { type: "string" },
cod_prv: { type: "string" },
cod_res: { type: "string" }
Is it possible??
hope someone can help me!
thanks in advance.
Getting the data from the dataSource for the selected item is:
var comuneAutoComplete = $("#comune_w").kendoAutoComplete({
minLength: 3,
dataSource: dataSource,
placeholder: "Inserisci comune...",
dataTextField: "des_comune",
dataValueField: "id_comune"
}).data("kendoAutoComplete").bind("select", function (data) {
//here i want to save the object
var comune = this.dataItem(e.item.index());