Octave Gui setting restore to factory install - octave-gui

I have been playing around with preferences in Octave and I did something to have completely messed up the tab text size and I am unable to restore the setting to factory install.
E.g the tab text size is very small as shown in the image
tab text size is very small
I tried Window -> Reset Default Layout but it didn't work

Qt settings are in the
C:\Users\(current username)\.config\octave folder.
You can delete config files to reset layout settings.


How do I tell VSCode the tab size for just the current file when it guesses wrong?

VSCode has a setting to "detect indentation" which is the tab size and tabs/space in the current file
When it guesses wrong, how do I tell VSCode the correct size for that individual file?
Note: Changing the global tab settings is NOT an answer. I don't want to change my default tab settings for the entire editor. I only want to tell VSCode the tab settings (size, tab/space) for the current file.

How to customize font size of tab title in visual studio code [duplicate]

My computer is 4k display and the tab font is too tiny now. How to change the size of window tab font in as shown in this picture?
The window.zoomLevel setting can be accessed using:
File > Preferences > Settings and search for "zoomlevel"
VS Code Screenshot of window.zoomLevel Setting
This setting appears to zoom everything in the window, except for the top menubar.
I use a zoomLevel of 0.5.
After changing it to 0.5, I reduced my setting for editor.fontSize, to avoid the fontsize in the code editor becoming too large.
An alternative to modifying window.zoomLevel in settings is to use Ctrl + and Ctrl - to modify window.zoomLevel in increments of 1.
(I don't think VS Code currently has any option to configure only the size of the font used for the tab names.)
Please create a feature request for this on the repository.

vs code: is it possible to fix the size of the editor windows

I have a dual screen setup and would like to have a fixed number of editor windows with a fixed size open to avoid that an editor window bridges between two screens. VS code adapts editor windows automatically as they open and close.
I found a hint to .tab.sizing-fixed but I cannot find it in the settings (in 1.32). The "workbench.editor.tabSizing": "shrink" seems to handle only the sizing of the tabs, not the editor window.
centered layout auto resize off, if that would work

How to change size of window tab font in Visual Studio Code?

My computer is 4k display and the tab font is too tiny now. How to change the size of window tab font in as shown in this picture?
The window.zoomLevel setting can be accessed using:
File > Preferences > Settings and search for "zoomlevel"
VS Code Screenshot of window.zoomLevel Setting
This setting appears to zoom everything in the window, except for the top menubar.
I use a zoomLevel of 0.5.
After changing it to 0.5, I reduced my setting for editor.fontSize, to avoid the fontsize in the code editor becoming too large.
An alternative to modifying window.zoomLevel in settings is to use Ctrl + and Ctrl - to modify window.zoomLevel in increments of 1.
(I don't think VS Code currently has any option to configure only the size of the font used for the tab names.)
Please create a feature request for this on the repository.

How to make visual studio code sidebar smaller without compromising the font size of the code inside the editor

I want to make the icons(explorer, search, source control etc.) on the left side of the code editors smaller in size. But when I do command - it reduces the size of the code's font within the editor too. How do I go about this?
Currently, the only way I am aware of is what I do:
Click on Preferences, Settings, scroll down to Editor: Font Size, and change it from the default of 12 to 14 or 16.
Then click Command + - and it will shrink all the fonts (and the file font too). This is where making the file fonts bigger comes in—the file fonts will be back to "normal" when you shrink everything.