Type Classe implementation best syntax - scala

When implementing Typeclasses for our types, we can use different syntaxes (an implicit val or an implicit object, for example). As an example:
A Typeclass definition:
trait Increment[A] {
def increment(value: A): A
And, as far as I know, we could implement it for Int in the two following ways:
implicit val fooInstance: Increment[Int] = new Increment[Int] {
override def increment(value: Int): Int = value + 1
// or
implicit object fooInstance extends Increment[Int] {
override def increment(value: Int): Int = value + 1
I always use the first one as for Scala 2.13 it has an abbreviation syntax that looks like this:
implicit val fooInstance: Increment[Int] = (value: Int) => value + 1
But, is there any real difference between them? or is there any recommendation or standard to do this?
There is a related question about implicit defs and implicit classes for conversions, but I'm going more to the point of how to create (best practices) instances of Typeclasses, not about implicit conversions

As far as I know the differences would be:
objects have different initialization rules - quite often they will be lazily initialized (it doesn't matter if you don't perform side effects in constructor)
it would also be seen differently from Java (but again, you probably won't notice that difference in Scala)
object X will have a type X.type which is a subtype of whatever X extends or implements (but implicit resolution would find that it extends your typeclass, though perhaps with a bit more effort)
So, I wouldn't seen any difference in the actual usage, BUT the implicit val version could generate less JVM garbage (I say garbage as you wouldn't use any of that extra compiler's effort in this particular case).


scala even type number

The only way I can think of doing this, without creating a wrapper class, is to use scala 3's type unions like this
type Even = 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8
val even : Even = 4
but that obviously has a limit. Is there a way to create the "entire" range?
As a follow up, what about for other ranges? Is there some way to create a function that restricts the type in some arbitrary way (as dangerous as that sounds)?
You can create a newtype with a smart constructor. Several ways to do it.
First, manually, to show how it work:
trait Newtype[T] {
type Type
protected def wrap(t: T): Type = t.asInstanceOf[Type]
protected def unwrap(t: Type): T = t.asInstanceOf[T]
type Even = Even.Type
object Even extends Newtype[Int] {
def parse(i: Int): Either[String, Even] =
if (i % 2 == 0) Right(wrap(i))
else Left(s"$i is odd")
implicit class EvenOps(private val even: Even) extends AnyVal {
def value: Int = unwrap(even)
def +(other: Even): Even = wrap(even.value + other.value)
def -(other: Even): Even = wrap(even.value - other.value)
You are creating type Even which compiler knows nothing about, so it cannot prove that an arbitrary value is its instance. But you can force-cast to it an back again - if JVM in runtime won't be able to catch some issue with it, there is not problem (and since it assumes nothing about Even it cannot disprove anything by contradiction).
Since Even resolves to Even.Type - that is type Type within Even object - Scala's implicit scope will automatically fetch all implicits that are defined in object Even, so you can place your extension methods and typeclasses there.
This will help you pretend that this type has some methods defined.
In Scala 3 you can achieve the same with opaque type. However this representation, has the nice side that it is easy to make it cross compilable with Scala 2 and Scala 3. As a matter of the fast, that's what Monix Newtype did, so you can use it instead of implementing this functionality yourself.
import monix.newtypes._
type Even = Even.Type
object Even extends Newtype[Int] {
// ...
Another option is older macro-annotation based library Scala Newtype. It will take your type defined as case class and rewrite the code to implement something similar to what we have above:
import io.estatico.newtype.macros.newtype
#newtype case class Even(value: Int)
however it is harder to add your own smart constructor there, which is why it usually is paired with Refined Types. Then your code would look like:
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric
import io.estatico.newtype.macros.newtype
#newtype case class Even(value: Int Refined numeric.Even)
object Even {
def parse(i: Int): Either[String, Even] =
However, you might want to just use the plain refined type at this point, since Even newtype wouldn't introduce any domain knowledge beyond what refinement does.

Does Scala's Vector add any new methods on top of those provided by Seq and other superclasses?

Are there any methods in Scala's Vector that are not declared by its superclasses like AbstractSeq?
I am working on providing language localization (translation) for a learning environment/IDE built on top of Scala called Kojo (see kojo.in). I have translated most commonly used methods of Seq. Vector inherits them automatically, so I don't need to duplicated the translation code (keeping DRY). E.g.,
implicit class TurkishTranslationsForSeqMethods[T](s: Seq[T]) {
def başı: T = s.head
def kuyruğu: Seq[T] = s.tail
def boyu: Int = s.length
def boşMu: Boolean = s.isEmpty
// ...
implicit class TranslationsForVectorMethods[T](v: Vector[T]) {
??? // what to translate here?
Hence the question. Maybe, more importantly, is there a way to find out such novel additions for any class without having to do a manual diff?
The scaladoc provides a way to filter methods to not see the ones inherited from Seq for instance: https://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/immutable/Vector.html a'd click on "Filter all members".
Or, probably easier, IDEs usually provide a "Hierarchy" view of a class and its methods that would give you the information quickly.

When does it make sense to use implicit parameters in Scala, and what may be alternative scala idioms to consider?

Having used a Scala library that liberally exposes the reliance on implicits to the caller, I had experienced friction around this mechanism, as Scala makes it quite hard at times to debug implicit arguments, and because there's quite a bunch of places Scala would fill in values for implicit arguments from. (I could almost relate to it as "implicits hell" at one time).
At one time in my coding, Scala "complained" an implicit value could not be matched whereas in fact there was a "collision" of implicit values each coming from a different import.
Regardless of that perceived brittleness, it may at times feel borderline to an abuse of the context design pattern.
Why does it make sense to have implicit parameters in Scala?
In what scenarios would you use them and how would you avoid trouble?
As I'm not sure the experimentation-curve and potential for other team members getting totally confused are worth it, could you possibly suggest other scala idioms for sharing context between a multitude of Scala functions?
This questions is not for a specific implementation at hand, hopefully it's still a good fit for this site.
Generally, using a common type as an implicit parameter is a bad idea.
def badIdea(n: Int)(implicit s: String) = s * n
It doesn't take much to imagine why: you'll get conflicting implicits for the same thing if anyone else adopts this policy. Better to avoid it.
But who really wants to manually stuff in a scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext manually every time it's needed (which is practically everywhere)?
So the key is: when you have something with a specialized type, especially if it's bookkeeping that might need to be overridden manually but mostly should just do the right thing, then use implicit parameters. (This usually covers type classes as well.)
Then what do you do if you really need a string? Well, wrap it (at least formally--here it's a value class so in some contexts it will just pass the string around):
class MyWrappedString(val underlying: String) extends AnyVal {}
implicit val myString = new MyWrappedString("bird")
def decentIdea(n: Int)(implicit mws: MyWrappedString) = mws.underlying * n
scala> decentIdea(2) // In the bush?
res14: String = birdbird
Or if you think some additional logic is helpful, write a wrapper that takes an extra type parameter:
class ImplicitWithValue[K,V](val value: V) {
// Any extra generic logic goes here
object ImplicitWithValue {
class ValuePart[K] {
def apply[V](v: V) = new ImplicitWithValue[K,V](v)
private val genericValuePart = new ValuePart[Any]
private def typedValuePart[K] = genericValuePart.asInstanceOf[ValuePart[K]]
def apply[K] = typedValuePart[K]
Then you can
trait Marker1
implicit val implicit1 = ImplicitWithValue[Marker1]("fish")
def goodIdea(n: Int)(implicit ms: ImplicitWithValue[Marker1, String]) = ms.value * n
scala> goodIdea(3)
res17: String = fishfishfish

Can an implicit conversion of an implicit value satisfy an implicit parameter?

I'm defining some Scala implicits to make working with a particular unchangeable set of Java classes easier. The following Scala code is a simplified example that obviously looks crazy, in the real world I'm trying to grab particular resources (rather than numeric age) implicitly from the Monkey, Tree & Duck for use in various methods like purchaseCandles():
// actually 3 Java classes I can not change:
case class Monkey(bananas: Int)
case class Tree(rings: Int)
case class Duck(quacks: Seq[String])
// implicits I created to make my life easier...
implicit def monkey2Age(monkey: Monkey): Int = monkey.bananas / 1000
implicit def tree2Age(tree: Tree): Int = tree.rings
implicit def duck2Age(duck: Duck): Int = duck.quacks.size / 100000
// one of several helper methods that I would like to define only once,
// only useful if they can use an implicit parameter.
def purchaseCandles()(implicit age: Int) = {
println(s"I'm going to buy $age candles!")
// examples of usage
implicit val guest = Monkey(10000)
implicit val guest = Tree(50)
implicit val guest = Duck(Seq("quack", "quack", "quack"))
The compiler error, which occurs 3 times:
could not find implicit value for parameter age: Int
Leaving aside the many different ways in which this sample code is crazy, my real question is: can implicit conversions of implicit values satisfy implicit parameters in Scala?
Short answer: no. Scala's compiler will only ever look to apply a single implicit, so if it fails to spot an implicit int lying around, it will stop and give up.
However, you could write your purchaseCandles method to operate on types that can be converted to an Int, and require a parameter of that type:
def purchaseCandles[A <% Int]()(implicit age : A) = {
val asAge : Int = age
println(s"I'm going to buy $asAge candles!")
The asAge part is necessary to force the application of the implicit conversion.
As of yet, I seem to need to specify the type of A in this scenario, though I can't work out why: since there shouldn't be other values around of types that can be implicitly converted to Int (this happens with brand new types as well, so it's not the ubiquity of Int.) But you can do:
implicit val guest = Monkey(10000)
This use of implicits, however, is probably a bad idea!
You actually can do that: You just have to mark the parameters of your implicit conversion as implicit as well:
implicit def monkey2Age(implicit monkey: Monkey): Int = monkey.bananas / 1000
implicit def tree2Age(implicit tree: Tree): Int = tree.rings
implicit def duck2Age(implicit duck: Duck): Int = duck.quacks.size / 100000
This will chain the implicits they way you want.
As always: Beware, it will also do so in places you don't want it to. By the way, I strongly advise against an implicit parameter of type Int (or an implicit value thereof). It is just too generic. (I'm somewhat assuming this is just like that in your example).

Getting implicit scala Numeric from Azavea Numeric

I am using the Azavea Numeric Scala library for generic maths operations. However, I cannot use these with the Scala Collections API, as they require a scala Numeric and it appears as though the two Numerics are mutually exclusive. Is there any way I can avoid re-implementing all mathematical operations on Scala Collections for Azavea Numeric, apart from requiring all types to have context bounds for both Numerics?
import Predef.{any2stringadd => _, _}
class Numeric {
def addOne[T: com.azavea.math.Numeric](x: T) {
import com.azavea.math.EasyImplicits._
val y = x + 1 // Compiles
val seq = Seq(x)
val z = seq.sum // Could not find implicit value for parameter num: Numeric[T]
Where Azavea Numeric is defined as
trait Numeric[#scala.specialized A] extends java.lang.Object with
com.azavea.math.ConvertableFrom[A] with com.azavea.math.ConvertableTo[A] with scala.ScalaObject {
def abs(a:A):A
...remaining methods redacted...
object Numeric {
implicit object IntIsNumeric extends IntIsNumeric
implicit object LongIsNumeric extends LongIsNumeric
implicit object FloatIsNumeric extends FloatIsNumeric
implicit object DoubleIsNumeric extends DoubleIsNumeric
implicit object BigIntIsNumeric extends BigIntIsNumeric
implicit object BigDecimalIsNumeric extends BigDecimalIsNumeric
def numeric[#specialized(Int, Long, Float, Double) A:Numeric]:Numeric[A] = implicitly[Numeric[A]]
You can use Régis Jean-Gilles solution, which is a good one, and wrap Azavea's Numeric. You can also try recreating the methods yourself, but using Azavea's Numeric. Aside from NumericRange, most should be pretty straightforward to implement.
You may be interested in Spire though, which succeeds Azavea's Numeric library. It has all the same features, but some new ones as well (more operations, new number types, sorting & selection, etc.). If you are using 2.10 (most of our work is being directed at 2.10), then using Spire's Numeric eliminates virtually all overhead of a generic approach and often runs as fast as a direct (non-generic) implementation.
That said, I think your question is a good suggestion; we should really add a toScalaNumeric method on Numeric. Which Scala collection methods were you planning on using? Spire adds several new methods to Arrays, such as qsum, qproduct, qnorm(p), qsort, qselect(k), etc.
The most general solution would be to write a class that wraps com.azavea.math.Numeric and implements scala.math.Numeric in terms of it:
class AzaveaNumericWrapper[T]( implicit val n: com.azavea.math.Numeric[T] ) extends scala.math.Numeric {
def compare (x: T, y: T): Int = n.compare(x, y)
def minus (x: T, y: T): T = n.minus(x, y)
// and so on
Then implement an implicit conversion:
// NOTE: in scala 2.10, we could directly declare AzaveaNumericWrapper as an implicit class
implicit def toAzaveaNumericWrapper[T]( implicit n: com.azavea.math.Numeric[T] ) = new AzaveaNumericWrapper( n )
The fact that n is itself an implicit is key here: it allows for implicit values of type com.azavea.math.Numeric to be automatically used where na implicit value of
type scala.math.Numeric is expected.
Note that to be complete, you'll probably want to do the reverse too (write a class ScalaNumericWrapper that implements com.azavea.math.Numeric in terms of scala.math.Numeric).
Now, there is a disadvantage to the above solution: you get a conversion (and thus an instanciation) on each call (to a method that has a context bound of type scala.math.Numeric, and where you only an instance of com.azavea.math.Numeric is in scope).
So you will actually want to define an implicit singleton instance of AzaveaNumericWrapper for each of your numeric type. Assuming that you have types MyType and MyOtherType for which you defined instances of com.azavea.math.Numeric:
implicit object MyTypeIsNumeric extends AzaveaNumericWrapper[MyType]
implicit object MyOtherTypeIsNumeric extends AzaveaNumericWrapper[MyOtherType]
Also, keep in mind that the apparent main purpose of azavea's Numeric class is to greatly enhance execution speed (mostly due to type parameter specialization).
Using the wrapper as above, you lose the specialization and hence the speed that comes out of it. Specialization has to be used all the way down,
and as soon as you call a generic method that is not specialized, you enter in the world of unspecialized generics (even if that method then calls back a specialized method).
So in cases where speed matters, try to use azavea's Numeric directly instead of scala's Numeric (just because AzaveaNumericWrapper uses it internally
does not mean that you will get any speed increase, as specialization won't happen here).
You may have noticed that I avoided in my examples to define instances of AzaveaNumericWrapper for types Int, Long and so on.
This is because there are already (in the standard library) implicit values of scala.math.Numeric for these types.
You might be tempted to just hide them (via something like import scala.math.Numeric.{ShortIsIntegral => _}), so as to be sure that your own (azavea backed) version is used,
but there is no point. The only reason I can think of would be to make it run faster, but as explained above, it wont.