Using OAuth2.0 in Web Activity in Azure Data Factory - rest

Is there a way to connect the web activity in Azure Data Factory via OAuth 2.0 authentication? I can do it fine in Postman
but I can't seem to find the same settings in Azure

Select Web Activity
Now Click on Web Activity and then click on Settings.
Here you can select Method and also provide Headers.
For more information please refer this blog by Balamurugan Balakreshnan


How to access/manage Actions on Google project via api

I have some actions on google projects. I can modify them via the web console and the gactions CLI tool. But I found no resource on how to manage (list/modify/update) action projects via an API? Is this not possible?
I've found a service named Voiceflow, which is a tool for creating Alexa skills and Google Actions using a graphical UI. It requires users to authorize their Google account in order to access their Google Actions. Which API are they using? I've looked into Google's API Playground but found no similar API. But as they are using some API, I suppose it's possible to manage one's Google Actions via API. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
EDIT: I have done some digging and found that I can request permission to access Actions using this url as OAuth scope ( But I found no docs on how to actually view/edit the Actions.
Moreover, I've found another resource named Actions API. It's description says Google Actions API allows developer to register and manage their actions on Google Cloud Platform. But I see no guide on how to use it.

Create Outlook add-in using Angular

I'm trying to create an Outlook add-in using Angular 7 that can access all the users in my organization with Microsoft Graph API. In order to do that, I need to authenticate the current user and get an access token for calling graph API. I am planning to do the authentication using Single Sign On (SSO).
I read the documentation and didn't find any solution to my problem. My current add-in doesn't have a back-end, just a front-end.
This will only work with Office add-ins in Preview right now and requires you to have a server side component and an Azure AD registered application. There are detailed steps on accomplishing that here for and nodejs. There is no examples with Angular though unfortunately:

How to integrate Facebook with Watson conversation

I can already connect my conversation to my Facebook page and the bot is working.
My Problem is that i couldn't find a single tutorial on how to make calls to a server that is owned by a company and has information about accounts and payments, for example when i type to the Chat-bot that i want to see a list of accounts, the chat-bot would reply with a list from that API; Or i can login to that server with my account by typing the account's name and password in the chat-bot. I just wanted to know if anyone knows how to do that or if its even possible or knows a tutorial that explains it. I also would prefer if the tutorial was detailed because i'm new to this field.
As #Felipe Paixao said, you need to develop an orchestrating application.
I've found one example that explains step-by-step how to use Watson Conversation with Facebook Messenger.
Facebook page
IBM Bluemix
A Facebook Developer Account
Source code.
Step - IBM Bluemix:
Create a SDK for Node.js application
Create a Watson Conversation service
Create your Workspace for Watson Conversation and build your Dialog
Configure the JS app and integrate it with the Watson Service Connections -> Connect Existent:
In your App created in IBM Bluemix, access the Tools and go to IDE Eclipse, and create a new file: app.js with this code.
Replace with your credentials the username and password
You can see your credentials inside Service Credentials, or going to your workspace and access:
Step - Facebook Developers:
Enter to facebook developers with your Facebook account
In the Dashboard select Create a New App and Select Messenger
Put the URL from your Bluemix (Now IBM Cloud) app and select the options marked: messages, message_deliveries, messaging_options e messaging_postbacks.
Now, return to our app to configure the app.js file with our new FB token autogenerated and deploy it.
Step Final
Test your chatbot: If you made everything OK, we will have your chatbot available on your Facebook page.
Obs.: For built your example, you can add the lines of code for call your API in the app.js using the http module, using the Advanced JSON in Watson Conversation and create one "action": "callApi", and recognize with your code for do something, like this example.
See the Official Reference that I used to build Facebook Messenger with Node.js SDK (Back-end) source code based on Priscila Parodi codes.
You need to develop an orchestrating application, that would be responsible to connect the IBM Watson Conversation with your desired Fronted, Facebook in this case, and the Backend systems. I imagine that you are using the automatic deploy to Facebook from the Conversation Tooling, this option would not resolve your need to access a Backend.
The image passed by #data_henrik shows exactly that.
In conversation, you can create context variables that will be used as triggers in the Orchestrator to let him know when you need to call a Backend service to provide an information and then write the response into the Conversation context.
About using the Chatbot to login into a system, passing a password, this isn't a safe option since all information typed would go to Watson Conversation log and any person with access to the tooling/api could see the passwords.

IBM Urabancode using Restful API

Is it possible to pull components, Snapshots and Environment from Dashboard of UrbanCode into my Web application dropdown list using Rest APi. Thanks in Advance..
If you want the contents of the Dashboard view, which shows currently running processes, you can use the (internal, unsupported) REST API. By opening up the developer tools in your browser or a plugin such as Firebug and then loading the dashboard page, you can see the REST requests that create the page. The request that gets the current activity is something like this:
So you can use that GET call to rest/workflow/currentActivity to get the same sort of info that's on the dashboard. Is that what you're asking for?

SAML option not available under API Connect Manager Portal section

The documentation for API Connect under section Publishing a product to Bluemix
in step 6 mentions "In the User Registry and Invitation section, click the User Registry arrow and select SAML."
However, as shown in the attached figure there is no option for SAML. Using IBM ID as default does not show the API under Explore APIs at the URL.
[Bluemix Login -> API Connect -> Explore API] even after the API is published.
Developer Portal User Registry and Invitation Section
I can see the published API in the developer portal. Could you please let me know what could be the reason or what to check to get the API seen in the Bluemix Catalog.
The SAML option was changed to IBM ID.
When publishing an API, make sure you use a custom visibility instead of Public, then enter the Bluemix org name which should have the visibility.