I am trying to setup flutter on my device, so far I have been able to download the flutter SDK and android studio and satisfy the conditions of flutter doctor to start learning android application development:-
flutter doctor
I ignored the absence of visual studio as I don't want my app to be compatible with windows(as I am trying to develop for Android) but I am not able to fix the missing java bundle, any help on how would I do that?
I just ignored it for a second and moved on to set up my emulator but on running, it shows a pop up which says "Attach a debugger or ESC to cancel"(the pop-up is something like this.) how would I fix it.
This doesn't run the app on the emulator so how would I fix that?
Also on trying to debug, it throws this error, I am totally confused on how to proceed further to at least run my app so that I could start developing and learning flutter?
I am following along this to run my application.
I have the java bundle in place but don't know how would I configure Android Studio to get it.
java's prescence
Also that the emulator is now showing that the System UI is not responding and on closing it, it further shows this.
It's been a week since I am trying to work out the setup of flutter but some way or the other some issue happens, please help.
Thanks in advance.
you have to install java runtime environment and It'll work. get from here
it'll show like this if you have JDK installed properly.
I am using flutter with VS code because it is very lightweight and simple as compared to other IDE But for many days. flutter is analyzing again and again. Sometimes never-ending analyzing until I restart the IDE. The analyzing also make the vs code much slower which makes a disturbance in coding... Am very upset because my PC is just 8 GB of ram, Can not handle Android studio, as well as I like the vs code very much. If you guys have any idea about this then share.
Follow that 3 instruction:
Delete flutter SDK and install again
2.Delete Flutter plugin
3.Update Vscode(Recommended)
My job gave me a new MacBook Pro with Parallels 15 installed. I installed Visual Studio 2019 and turned on Hyper-V.
When I debug a Xamarin project, my Android emulator take a long time to come up but never fully loads. It also eats up CPU time as well.
I am wondering if anyone else has this issue or had this issue and now have it working correctly. Any help would be appreciated as its my first week on the job. :-o
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA to code Flutter and usually have 2 simulators running (ios and android). It is kinda annoying when I have to switch the target device manually when I update the code.
Any plugin that can do the trick for IntelliJ IDEA
~As I know, this feature only supported in Visual Studio Code~
Please check https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Multi-device-debugging-in-VS-Code
Updated Genchi Genbutsu
It possible to do with console commands
Flutter Hot Reload to multiple devices
I thank you all for reading this lengthy question. It's really important and I will appreciate it if you can assist me :)
The problem -------
I am have been using the Windows 7.1 SDK for about two months now. The emulator has worked without any problem so far. However, today, it began displaying this error (The saved state (Name of File).dess is corrupt. Please delete the corrupted saved state file and then retry). I had not made any significant changes to my project code, or moved any files. I had just added some Visual State animations for a button.
As it suggested, I went ahead to delete the file. I then started debugging again. However, the emulator now opened and displayed the message (Windows Phone Emulator is doing a complete OS reboot). This message was displayed for a very long time. I closed the emulator and project. Since then, I have been unable to use the emulator. I am able to code normally in Visual Studio, but I cannot test my application.
What I have tried ------
I read up on this issue and found many others who faced the same emulator issue. Following their suggestions, I have run one repair of the Windows Phone SDK 7.1. I have also tried uninstalling and then re-installing the SDK 7.1 once.
System Specifications -----
I am using Visual Studio Express 2010 for Windows Phone (Windows 7 64 bit)
I have downloaded the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 from this link: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=258412
I have read that this issue might be because of some hardware incompatibility. However, I think my machine is compatible with the emulator. Here is some information.
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
Driver Model: WDM 1.1
Additional Information:
I have read that installing the 'January Update' might fix this issue. I tried downloading the update from this link: http://www.microsoft.com/enus/download/details.aspx?id=23854
However, the installer said that the update is not compatible with the product/version of the product I am using.
Usually the Repair function of the WP7.1 SDK is enough to fix all the issues. It runs the generation of the saved state of the emulator again.
Please try to delete files in %ProgramData%\Microsoft\XDE folder first (make sure you backup them somewhere else.), then run the emulator. If the emulator runs with a message "Windows Phone Emulator is doing a complete OS boot," let it boot. It takes some time though. This way you will know that the emulator actually can run on your computer. This won't generate a new saved state image, but the emulator should at least load.
Next, try installing WP7.1.1 SDK update from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29233. This update also installs additional 256MB emulator image besides the original 512MB image. It also generates emulator's saved states in the process, potentially fixing the issue.
If everything fails, then try these instructions to fix the saved state of the emulator:
Uninstall WP7.1 SDK
Manually delete these folders:
Install WP7.1 SDK again.
Install WP7.1.1 SDK update: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29233.
Btw, have you tried to reboot your computer? Once this fixed the issue for me.
Alright, I managed to solve this problem.
I reinstalled Windows and downloaded the SDK 7.1 again. The emulator works fine now!
#Paulos, thanks for helping!
I had the same problem for a long time. Try this:
Start up Visual Studio 2010, but before you start debugging, click on the tabs of all the open pages so that all the xaml pages and code behind pages can load.
I noticed it when I opened Visual Studio, but the first open page was a code behind page and not an xaml page, so when I first clicked on the tab of a xaml page, of course, it took some time to load the xaml page into the editor. However, when that and one or more open xaml pages were also loaded, the emulator started without the error message.