One of my colleague is trying to install rundeck on a windows 10 OS. We have both followed the documentation guide on Rundeck's website. I was able to run and install Rundeck as a service but my colleague is stuck on the part where we need to run start_rundeck.bat because his Rundeck is not generating service.log. He can access the Rundeck UI but the logs are still not generating. Anyone knows how to fix this issue? Thanks!
Your colleague just needs to follow the instructions carefully.
Let me clarify the first steps focused on redirecting the standard output to the service.log file, I recreated the Rundeck installation on my Windows virtual machine:
First, check the minimal requirements. Rundeck needs OpenJDK 11 as the main dependency to work. You can obtain it from here, this implementation also works.
Create a new directory where the Rundeck .war file must be saved, e.g: C:\rundeck.
Go to this page and download .war file on the directory created in the previous step.
Open a new PowerShell terminal and set the Rundeck base directory: set RDECK_BASE=C:\rundeck.
Launch Rundeck for the first time to generate all files: java -jar rundeck-3.4.6-20211110.war (inside the directory created in the second step), wait until the Grails application running at http://localhost:4440 message appear, then stop the instance with ctrl + c key combination.
With any text editor, create a new file at C:\rundeck\ path called start_rundeck.bat with the following content:
set CURDIR=%~dp0
call %CURDIR%etc\profile.bat
java %RDECK_CLI_OPTS% %RDECK_SSL_OPTS% -jar rundeck-3.4.6-20211110.war --skipinstall -d >> %CURDIR%\var\logs\service.log 2>&1
And save it.
Go to the PowerShell terminal and just run the start_rundeck.bat file with .\start_rundeck.bat.
Now check the C:\rundeck\var\logs\service.log file.
At this point, it's possible to continue with the next steps: Configure Rundeck as a service using the nssm.exe program.
I have created a project using Robot Framework in Eclipse via RED. I want to know how can I run this project via Windows Command Line, so that I can create a Jenkins job to run it at a particular time ? I have tried using the steps for running Eclipse Project from command line via Debug mode, but it is not helping.
Please find the project structure below
I also tried to reach this location and run this test suit using the command
Robot Test_Suite.robot, but then I'm getting below 2 errors
1.) Importing test library 'Excel_Library' failed: ImportError: No module named Excel_Library. This file is a python file which I have written to support Excel operations and it is present at below location in the project -
2.) No Such File Or Directory - Path_To_External_Input\\External_Inputs.xls
This file contains the input which is being read before performing operations related to test suite and it is present at below location -
Do I need to add those in the command line if so how to take care of that ? This project run smoothly from eclipse but only problem is coming from command line.
It seems that you are able to run robot correctly, although I would prefer lowercase R with robot command.
1) I think you have misspelled the library name. If it's a pip package, try ExcelLibrary instead, and check that you have installed it by pip list command or equivalent.
2) Please check the path. Without additional info on how and where the file is called and where the file is located are needed.
I want to import silently server configuration (such as Applications servers -> Process Definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Generic JVM arguments etc.).
I've tried wsadmin tool, but it requires WSA to be running - and this is bad for me, because I need to write script that copies these settings without any interaction.
wsadmin -lang jython -c "AdminTask.importWasprofile('[-archive d:\]')"
Another way was the "Import server configuration from server..." option in Eclipse context menu (Servers tab), but it still needs interaction from user.
Is there any way to copy those settings? Should I copy some files or something?
I'm installing Rational Application Developer I have also generated .car file with exported settings.
Ok, I've managed to import all those settings silently.
First, you have to export profile using f.e. wsadmin script.
wsadmin -lang jython -c "AdminTask.exportWasprofile(['-archive', 'd:\'])
Will export default profile to .car file (which is, in fact, .zip file with other extension). It is nice to add here, that my version of WAS wouldn't export SIB settings.
Importing those settings is as easy, as exporting, you just have to run command
wsadmin -lang jython -conntype none -c "AdminTask.importWasprofile('[-archive d:\]')"
Note using -conntype option, as #bkail mentioned
Sadly, WAS 6.x and earlier does not support exporting/importing SIB settings (as mentioned HERE). In order to copy them, you have to add manually to .car file buses directory (as mentioned HERE). The problem is - adding them by admin console didn't create this directory for me.
I had to use another wsadmin script that creates SIB - I've found it HERE. It simply uses AdminTask object to create bus manually - and thanks to it, it created the buses directory.
Hope this helps somebody who has the same problem as I had - and it will save him MANY hours.
I created a small Zend Framework application from command prompt using Zend_Tool.
I deployed it in apache server htdocs folder and it is running fine.
Now I need to deploy it to Zend Server. For that i used a command zdpack pack appname.
While trying that i am getting lot of errors like
deployment.xml is missing
I created it in the app root folder.
Then i got
appnaama/data folder is missing error
I created a data folder.
zend-scripts missing
Please help me in deploying an applicaiton created from zf create project projname in Zend server and run it in the browser.
You need to come out of the directory when calling zdpack pack command. If you pack the file inside the project directory you get the "deployment.xml is missing" error.
Pass the following commands at the location where you are creating the
zpk file. For illustration, I will be doing it in the myapp folder of my desktop.
C:\Users\lura\Desktop\myapp> zdpack.exe create demoapp
Move into the directory using cd demoapp and list the directory. Copy your php codes into the data folder. The scripts folder and deployment.xml file can be left as it is. Next run the validate command when inside the directory.
C:\Users\lura\Desktop\myapp\demoapp> zdpack.exe validate --schema="C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\ZendServer\share\deployment.xsd" deployment.xml
now you can move a folder back with the command cd .. and execute the following.
C:\Users\lura\Desktop\myapp>zdpack pack demoapp
That's it! The zpk file is created! A screenshot of my cmd.
This YouTube tutorial will help, if your still confused. To execute on Linux and for more info read this documentation from zend.
You are using zdpack command wrong!
Step 1: Open shell and ls or cd into the zend workspace.
Step 2: use "zdpack create <ProjectName>" command. It will create deployment.xml, data and script directories. Refresh project explorer you will see changes.
Step 3: Configure deployment.xml if needed.
Step 4: Use "zdpack pack <ProjectName>" command to create zpk file.
That's all.
I think you just pass incorrect path to the app.
Try following this scheme:
zdpack pack <path>/ProjectName
to generate required files.
Step 1: Create skeleton from the zend server zdpack command
#/usr/local/zend/bin/zdpack create <project-name>
It will create project skeleton.
Step 2: Configure deployment.xml if needed.After that check your Deployment.xml is valid.
# /usr/local/zend/bin/zdpack validate --schema="/usr/local/zend/share/deployment.xsd" deployment.xml
Step 3: Now create the zpk file for the aplication
# /usr/local/zend/bin/zdpack pack <project-name>
I am investigating how to use both Glassfish and Ant buildfiles. I've written a build script (for the first time) which will create a WAR file of my basic Hello World app.
I am then trying to deploy this WAR to Glassfish as part of the build script. I found details of the glassfish-deploy task and have managed to get this included in the build script after including the ant-task jar file in the class path.
However, when I run the script I get the message:
[glassfish-deploy] Install Directory of application server not known. Specify either the installDir attribute or the asinstall.dir property
I've tried to find out what is meant by this, but can find no reference to either the installDir attribute or the asinstall.dir property. I have managed to deploy the created WAR file through Glassfish's admin webpage but I cannot seem to get this Ant script to do it successfully.
Any pointers or guidance would be most helpful.
OKay after a lightbulb moment I managed to resolve this by editing the task in my build script so it is now <glassfish-deploy file="${name}.war" installDir="C:\\glassfish3\\glassfish" force="true"/>
As it appears that the ant script does not know where Glassfish is installed. This resolves the issue and the script runs (and workds) However the next stage is to figure out how to do this without having to hardcode the location into into the build script. Especially if I want to write a script that can deploy the WAR file to a remote server.
I want to include the Application Loader process in a software installation, to ensure that users get our software installed on their Blackberry by the time our installer software finishes.
I know this is possible, because Aerize Card Loader ( does this. When you install their software, if your Blackberry is connected the Application Loader will come up and force the .COD file to install to the device.
I can't make it work. Looking at RIM's own documentation, I need to:
Place the ALX and COD files into a subfolder here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Applications\
Add a path to the ALX file in HKCU\Software\Research In Motion\Blackberry\Loader\Packages
Index the application, by executing this at the command line: loader.exe /index
Start the force load, by doing this: loader.exe /defaultUSB /forceload
When I execute that last command, the Application Loader comes up and says that all applications are up to date and nothing needs to be done.
If I execute loader.exe by double-clicking on it (or typing in the command with no parameters), I get the regular Application Loader wizard. It shows my program as listed, but un-checked. If I check it and click next, it will install to the Blackberry. (This is the part that I want to avoid, and that Aerize Card Loader's install process avoids.)
What am I missing? It appears that the Aerize installer is doing something different but I haven't been able to ascertain what.
You can do it easily with the following command:
C:\RIM\JDE_4.7.0\bin\JavaLoader.exe -u load <.cod file>
With this command you don't need an alx at all, just the cod file. Look at JavaLoader usage help to see full options.
JavaLoader.exe can upload one code file. What about two or more cod files?