SwiftUI: Preventing binding value from passing back up? - swift

in the Secondary struct, the #Binding property is secondTime and I want it to initially have the value from the "parent".
But when I change the value in this struct, the time property in the parent also changes. Is there a way to get the value from the parent but prevent any changes to the value from going back up to the parent?
struct ContentView: View {
#State var time: String = "";
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("it is: \(time)")
Secondary(secondTime: $time)
Button("Change time") {
time = "2 poclock"
struct Secondary: View {
#Binding var secondTime: String;
var body: some View {
Text("secondary time is \(secondTime)")
Button("Change time again from Secondary View") {
secondTime = "3 oclock"

In Secondary use:
#State var secondTime: String
and in ContentView use:
Secondary(secondTime: time)
not $time
If you want to click the button in ContentView to change both views,
but Secondary only changes itself, then try this approach:
struct Secondary: View {
#Binding var secondTime: String
#State var localTime: String = ""
var body: some View {
Text("Secondary time is \(localTime)") // <--- here
.onChange(of: secondTime) { newval in // <--- here
localTime = newval // <--- here
Button("Change time again from Secondary View") {
localTime = "3 oclock " + String(Int.random(in: 1..<100)) // <-- to show changes
struct ContentView: View {
#State var time: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack (spacing: 55) {
Text("ContentView it is: \(time)")
Secondary(secondTime: $time)
Button("Change time") {
time = "2 oclock " + String(Int.random(in: 1..<100)) // <-- to show changes


How to create a function for the button to print the data typed in texfields in the console

struct ContentView: View {
#State private var name : String = ""
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}) {
I need to print the result typed at Textfield.
You are confusing the view, TextField, which allows you to input text with the variable which stores the result of the input. You can't print the view into which you type, but you can print the value of the variable. Therefore:
struct ContentView: View {
// name holds the value
#State private var name : String = ""
var body: some View {
// TextField lets you change the value
TextField("Name", text: $name)
Button(action: {
// prints the value to the console
}) {

Passing a state variable to parent view

I have the following code:
struct BookView: View {
#State var title = ""
#State var author = ""
var body: some View {
TextField("Title", text: $title)
TextField("Author", text: $author)
struct MainView: View {
#State private var presentNewBook: Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
// ... some button that toggles presentNewBook
}.sheet(isPresented: $presentNewBook) {
let view = BookView()
view.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: principal) {
TextField("Title", text: view.$title)
This compiles but is giving me the following error on runtime:
Accessing State's value outside of being installed on a View. This will result in a constant Binding of the initial value and will not update.
How do I pass a state variable to some other outside view? I can't use ObservableObject on BookView since that would require me to change it from struct to class
In general, your state should always be owned higher up the view hierarchy. Trying to access the child state from a parent is an anti-pattern.
One option is to use #Bindings to pass the values down to child views:
struct BookView: View {
#Binding var title : String
#Binding var author : String
var body: some View {
TextField("Title", text: $title)
TextField("Author", text: $author)
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var presentNewBook: Bool = false
#State private var title = ""
#State private var author = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Text("Title: \(title)")
Text("Author: \(author)")
Button("Open") {
presentNewBook = true
}.sheet(isPresented: $presentNewBook) {
BookView(title: $title, author: $author)
Another possibility is using an ObservableObject:
class BookState : ObservableObject {
#Published var title = ""
#Published var author = ""
struct BookView: View {
#ObservedObject var bookState : BookState
var body: some View {
TextField("Title", text: $bookState.title)
TextField("Author", text: $bookState.author)
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var presentNewBook: Bool = false
#StateObject private var bookState = BookState()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
Text("Title: \(bookState.title)")
Text("Author: \(bookState.author)")
Button("Open") {
presentNewBook = true
}.sheet(isPresented: $presentNewBook) {
BookView(bookState: bookState)
I've altered your example views a bit because to me the structure was unclear, but the concept of owning the state at the parent level is the important element.
You can also pass a state variable among views as such:
let view = BookView(title: "foobar")
view.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: principal) {
TextField("Title", text: view.$title)
Then, inside of BookView:
#State var title: String
init(title: String) {
_title = State(initialValue: title)
Source: How could I initialize the #State variable in the init function in SwiftUI?

How to update an element of an array in an Observable Object

Sorry if my question is silly, I am a beginner to programming. I have a Navigation Link to a detail view from a List produced from my view model's array. In the detail view, I want to be able to mutate one of the tapped-on element's properties, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this. I don't think I explained that very well, so here is the code.
// model
struct Activity: Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var completeDescription: String
var completions: Int = 0
// view model
class ActivityViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var activities: [Activity] = []
// view
struct ActivityView: View {
#StateObject var viewModel = ActivityViewModel()
#State private var showingAddEditActivityView = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
List {
ForEach(viewModel.activities, id: \.id) {
activity in
NavigationLink(destination: ActivityDetailView(activity: activity, viewModel: self.viewModel)) {
HStack {
VStack {
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Add new"){
.navigationTitle(Text("Activity List"))
.sheet(isPresented: $showingAddEditActivityView) {
AddEditActivityView(copyViewModel: self.viewModel)
// detail view
struct ActivityDetailView: View {
#State var activity: Activity
#ObservedObject var viewModel: ActivityViewModel
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Number of times completed: \(activity.completions)")
Button("Increment completion count"){
activity.completions += 1
func updateCompletionCount() {
var tempActivity = viewModel.activities.first{ activity in activity.id == self.activity.id
tempActivity.completions += 1
// Add new activity view (doesn't have anything to do with question)
struct AddEditActivityView: View {
#ObservedObject var copyViewModel : ActivityViewModel
#State private var activityName: String = ""
#State private var description: String = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Enter an activity", text: $activityName)
TextField("Enter an activity description", text: $description)
// I want this to be outside of my view
func saveActivity() {
copyViewModel.activities.append(Activity(name: self.activityName, completeDescription: self.description))
In the detail view, I am trying to update the completion count of that specific activity, and have it update my view model. The method I tried above probably doesn't make sense and obviously doesn't work. I've just left it to show what I tried.
Thanks for any assistance or insight.
The problem is here:
struct ActivityDetailView: View {
#State var activity: Activity
This needs to be a #Binding in order for changes to be reflected back in the parent view. There's also no need to pass in the entire viewModel in - once you have the #Binding, you can get rid of it.
// detail view
struct ActivityDetailView: View {
#Binding var activity: Activity /// here!
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Number of times completed: \(activity.completions)")
Button("Increment completion count"){
activity.completions += 1
But how do you get the Binding? If you're using iOS 15, you can directly loop over $viewModel.activities:
/// here!
ForEach($viewModel.activities, id: \.id) { $activity in
NavigationLink(destination: ActivityDetailView(activity: $activity)) {
HStack {
VStack {
And for iOS 14 or below, you'll need to loop over indices instead. But it works.
/// from https://stackoverflow.com/a/66944424/14351818
ForEach(Array(zip(viewModel.activities.indices, viewModel.activities)), id: \.1.id) { (index, activity) in
NavigationLink(destination: ActivityDetailView(activity: $viewModel.activities[index])) {
HStack {
VStack {
You are changing and increment the value of tempActivity so it will not affect the main array or data source.
You can add one update function inside the view model and call from view.
The view model is responsible for this updation.
class ActivityViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var activities: [Activity] = []
func updateCompletionCount(for id: UUID) {
if let index = activities.firstIndex(where: {$0.id == id}) {
self.activities[index].completions += 1
struct ActivityDetailView: View {
var activity: Activity
var viewModel: ActivityViewModel
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Number of times completed: \(activity.completions)")
Button("Increment completion count"){
func updateCompletionCount() {
self.viewModel.updateCompletionCount(for: activity.id)
Not needed #State or #ObservedObject for details view if don't have further action.

How to pass #State var between views?

I wan't to have a view, where I can't select a date, then I want to click on a button, which opens GraphView, and sends the #State var date to the other view, so I can use the date var in the GraphView.
This is what I have tried until now, but it shows the error:
Argument passed to call that takes no arguments
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showGraph = false
var dateFormatterMonth: DateFormatter {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
return formatter
#State var date = Date()
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Show Graph")
}.sheet(isPresented: $showGraph){
GraphView(date: date) {
if showGraph {
else {
DatePicker("Date", selection: $date, displayedComponents: .date)
.frame(width: 100, height: 20, alignment: .center)
Text("Date is \(date, formatter: dateFormatterMonth)")
You need to use Binding in GraphView, like
struct GraphView: View {
#Binding var date: Date // << here !!
and pass it like,
Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Show Graph")
}.sheet(isPresented: $showGraph){
GraphView(date: $date) { // << here !!
if showGraph {
GraphView(date: $date) // << here !!
Your error seems to be that you are trying to pass an argument to a initialiser without one. You can change your GraphView to something like
struct GraphView: View {
#Binding var date: Date
var body: some View { ... }
you can then call it like this GraphView(date: $date).
That should do it.
If you want a "global" variable that can be used in multiple views you could consider using #EnvironmentObject.
Therefore you would have to define a new class in which you include date as #Published var. Then you would have to inject the environment object in your view(s) and can add it as #EnvironmentObject.
Here you can find more information: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftui/how-to-use-environmentobject-to-share-data-between-views
In order to make preview in Xcode work with environment objects, remember to also add it to the View in the preview code using .environmentObject()

Why doesn't code in a body property of a View run each time an #State variable of its parent View changes?

I wish to run the function calculateBedtime() when the app first loads, and each time any of the #State variables of ContentView change, so that an updated bedtime is displayed constantly at the bottom of the app in the lowermost Section. However, the app acts as if variable bedtime just keeps its initial value all the time and never changes.
What I am expecting to happen is that when I change any #State variable, say using the DatePicker to change wakeUp, the body property is reinvoked, the first line of which is a call to calculateBedtime(), and so this function runs and updates bedtime as frequently as I want it to.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var wakeUp = defaultWakeTime
#State private var bedtime = ""
#State private var sleepAmount = 8.0
#State private var coffeeAmount = 1
#State private var alertTitle = ""
#State private var alertMessage = ""
#State private var showingAlert = false
var body: some View {
bedtime = calculateBedtime()
return NavigationView
Section(header: Text("When do you want to wake up?").font(.headline))
Text("When do you want to wake up?")
DatePicker("Please enter a time", selection: $wakeUp, displayedComponents: .hourAndMinute)
Section(header: Text("Desired amount of sleep")
Stepper(value: $sleepAmount, in: 4...12, step: 0.25)
Text("\(sleepAmount, specifier: "%g") hours")
Section(header: Text("Daily coffee intake")
Picker("\(coffeeAmount+1) cup(s)", selection: $coffeeAmount)
{ num in
if num==1
Text("\(num) cup")
Text("\(num) cups")
Section(header: Text("Your Ideal Bedtime")
/*.onAppear(perform: {
.onChange(of: wakeUp, perform: { value in
.onChange(of: sleepAmount, perform: { value in
.onChange(of: coffeeAmount, perform: { value in
static var defaultWakeTime: Date
var components = DateComponents()
components.hour = 7
components.minute = 0
return Calendar.current.date(from: components) ?? Date()
func calculateBedtime() -> String
let model = SleepCalculator()
let components = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: wakeUp)
let hour = (components.hour ?? 0) * 60 * 60
let minute = (components.minute ?? 0) * 60
var sleepTime = ContentView.defaultWakeTime
let prediction = try
model.prediction(wake: Double(hour + minute), estimatedSleep: sleepAmount, coffee: Double(coffeeAmount))
sleepTime = wakeUp - prediction.actualSleep
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.timeStyle = .short
alertMessage = formatter.string(from: sleepTime)
alertTitle = "Your ideal bedtime is..."
} catch {
alertTitle = "Error"
alertMessage = "Sorry, there was a problem calculating your bedtime."
showingAlert = true
return alertMessage
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
What is the problem here? I am new to SwiftUI and feel that I must have a crucial misunderstanding of how the #State wrapper works. And what would be a good way to get the behavior I desire?
#State variables can only be mutated from within the body of your view and methods invoked by it; for anything else, you need to use ObservableObject which I think will solve your problem here.
You should only access a state property from inside the view’s body, or from methods called by it. For this reason, declare your state properties as private, to prevent clients of your view from accessing them. It is safe to mutate state properties from any thread.
More or less the scaffolding of the code below should achieve the results you want:
class SleepTimerViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published public var bedTimeMessage: String?
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject public var sleepTimerViewModel: SleepTimerViewModel
var body: some View {
public func updateBedTimeMessage() {
sleepTimerViewModel.bedTimeMessage = "Hello World"
I do think it's kind of annoying that Swift just don't care to let you know that you're updating a #State variable incorrectly. It just silently ignores the value you're trying to set, which is super annoying!