Equivalent of `ls -t | head` - powershell

On Linux, I'll often use something like this to see the recently changed files in a directory with many files:
ls -t | head
I can do the following in PowerShell which is similar:
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 15
That's a bit long so I then have the following in $PROFILE:
function Recent ()
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 15
And maybe also:
Set-Alias lst Recent
Set-Alias ls-t Recent
as a shorter variant.
Is there a built-in way to list the recently changed files that's more concise than the approach I've shown above?
Is there some other best practice that y'all would recommend?

As already presented in the comments,
You can go from :
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 15
gci | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select -l 15
What is at play ?
gci is an alias for Get-ChildItem. To view all aliases available, you can type Get-Alias in your current session.
Sort-Object LastWriteTime make use of positional arguments. When an unnamed argument is given to a Powershell cmdlet, it is mapped to the first positional parameter.
Select -l 15 -l stand for -last. This work because when getting a parameter that does not exist, Powershell will attempt to map it to the closest matching parameter. In all the parameter available with the Select-Object cmdlet, only -last can be matched (no other parameter for that cmdlet start with the letter L. Note that in this case, l
is not defined as an alias for last. It is Powershell parameter disambiguation.
Best practices
What you do in your session stay in your session.
You can use aliases, parameter disambiguation as much as you please.
That being said, when developing a script or a module, you should avoid using aliases, disambiguated parameters and positional parameter altogether.
Some kind of problems that might occurs.
Parameter disambiguation might fail if the cmdlet introduce another parameter that could also be a match. For instance Get-Service -inputObject something work well. Get-Service -in "test" will fail as it is ambiguous. -in can match -inputObject but also -include. And while Get-Service -inp "test" would work, it is not very readable compared to simply using the full parameter name.
Aliases might not be available cross-platform. For instance, while sort work as an alias for sort-object in Windows, it does not in Linux (as it is a native command there). This kind of differentiation might produce unexpected results and break your script depending on context. Also, some aliases might be dropped in the future and they do make the script less readable)
Finally, positional parameters should also be avoided in scripts & modules.
Using named parameter will make your scripts more clear and readable for everyone.
To summarize, while working in a session, you can use aliases, parameter disambiguation and positional parameter as you please but when working on scripts or modules, they should be avoided.
[-InputObject ]
[[-Property] <Object[]>]
[-ExcludeProperty <String[]>]
[-ExpandProperty ]
[-Last ]
[-First ]
[-Skip ]
Types of Cmdlet Parameters
A positional parameter requires only that you type the arguments in
relative order. The system then maps the first unnamed argument to the
first positional parameter. The system maps the second unnamed
argument to the second unnamed parameter, and so on. By default, all
cmdlet parameters are named parameters.
Powershell Parameter Disambiguation and a surprise
For instance, instead of saying Get-ChildItem -Recurse, you can say
Get-ChildItem -R. Get-ChildItem only has one (non-dynamic) parameter
that started with the letter ‘R’.. Since only one parameter matches,
PowerShell figures you must mean that one. As a side note, dynamic
parameters like -ReadOnly are created at run-time and are treated a
bit differently.

I would do:
ls | sort lastw*
ls | sort lastw <#press tab#>
The most recent ones appear at the bottom anyway.


PowerShell, can't get LastWriteTime

I have this working, but need LastWriteTime and can't get it.
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern "CYCLE" | Select-Object Path, Line, LastWriteTime
I get an empty column and zero Date-Time data
Select-String's output objects, which are of type Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo, only contain the input file path (string), no other metadata such as LastWriteTime.
To obtain it, use a calculated property, combined with the common -PipelineVariable parameter,
which allows you to reference the input file at hand in the calculated property's expression script block as a System.IO.FileInfo instance as output by Get-ChildItem, whose .LastWriteTime property value you can return:
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -PipelineVariable file |
Select-String -Pattern "CYCLE" |
Select-Object Path,
Expression={ $file.LastWriteTime }
Note how the pipeline variable, $file, must be passed without the leading $ (i.e. as file) as the -PipelineVariable argument . -PipelineVariable can be abbreviated to -pv.
LastWriteTime is a property of System.IO.FileSystemInfo, which is the base type of the items Get-ChildItem returns for the Filesystem provider (which is System.IO.FileInfo for files). Path and Line are properties of Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo, which contains information about the match, not the file you passed in. Select-Object operates on the information piped into it, which comes from the previous expression in the pipeline, your Select-String in this case.
You can't do this as a (well-written) one-liner if you want the file name, line match, and the last write time of the actual file to be returned. I recommend using an intermediary PSCustomObject for this and we can loop over the found files and matches individually:
# Use -File to only get file objects
$foundMatchesInFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
# Assign $PSItem/$_ to $file since we will need it in the second loop
$file = $_
# Run Select-String on each found file
$file | Select-String -Pattern CYCLE | ForEach-Object {
Path = $_.Path
Line = $_.Line
FileLastWriteTime = $file.LastWriteTime
Note: I used a slightly altered name of FileLastWriteTime to exemplify that this comes from the returned file and not the match provided by Select-String, but you could use LastWriteTime if you wish to retain the original property name.
Now $foundMatchesInFiles will be a collection of files which have CYCLE occurring within them, the path of the file itself (as returned by Select-String), and the last write time of the file itself as was returned by the initial Get-ChildItem.
Additional considerations
You could also use Select-Object and computed properties but IMO the above is a more concise approach when merging properties from unrelated objects together. While not a poor approach, Select-Object outputs data with a type containing the original object type name (e.g. Selected.Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo). The code may work fine but can cause some confusion when others who may consume this object in the future inspect the output members. LastWriteTime, for example, belongs to FileSystemInfo, not MatchInfo. Another developer may not understand where the property came from at first if it has the MatchInfo type referenced. It is generally a better design to create a new object with the merged properties.
That said this is a minor issue which largely comes down to stylistic preference and whether this object might be consumed by others aside from you. I write modules and scripts that many other teams in my organization consume so this is a concern for me. It may not be for you. #mklement0's answer is an excellent example of how to use computed properties with Select-Object to achieve the same functional result as this answer.

Undefined property name appears valid

The following two commands produce different output.
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property Length
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property Len
Len is not a member of System.IO.FileInfo. Is PowerShell matching Len to the Length member? If not, then why is there no error message saying that Len is not a property?
No, its not member of System.IO.FileInfo as you can see by adding the -Debugswitch:
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property Len -Debug
Output looks like:
DEBUG: "Sort-Object" - "Len" cannot be found in "InputObject".
I guess the reason for that is the defensive implementation of the cmdlet:
If an object does not have one of the specified properties, the
property value for that object is interpreted by the cmdlet as Null
and is placed at the end of the sort order.
To complement Martin Brandl's helpful answer with more general information:
While PowerShell's elastic syntax only applies to parameter names (e.g., specifying just -p for -Property) , not values (arguments), you do have options for completing values:
At edit time: use tab completion:
This works on the command line as well as in Visual Studio Code with the PowerShell extension installed (where you'll get IntelliSense as well), as long as PowerShell can statically infer the output type(s)[1]
of the command in the previous pipeline segment.
At runtime:
Sort-Object and several other cmdlets allow you to use a wildcard expression to match property names:
Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object -Property Len* # "Len*" matches "Length"
Note that multiple properties may match, and that a given parameter must be explicitly designed to support wildcards (unlike in POSIX-like shells, it is not PowerShell itself that resolves the wildcards).
When accessing a nonexistent property on an object directly, no error is reported by default, and $null is returned:
(Get-Item /).Foo # Outputs $null as the value of nonexistent property "Foo"
By contrast, if Set-StrictMode -Version 2 or higher is in effect, a (statement-terminating) error is reported in that case, but note that Set-StrictMode does not apply when passing property names as arguments, such as to Sort-Object above.
As for a possible motivation for why Sort-Object doesn't enforce the existence of specified properties:
PowerShell allows you to pass objects that are any mix of types as input through the pipeline, with the objects getting passed one at a time.
(Similarly, PowerShell's default array type is [object[]], which allows you to create mixed-type arrays such as 1, 'hi', $True)
Even with (potentially) homogeneous input (such as the [System.IO.FileInfo] instances emitted by Get-ChildItem -File, for instance), a receiving command cannot detect that case up front, because it only ever sees one object at a time.
In general, cmdlets should be able to handle a mix of types among the input gracefully, and treating nonexistent properties as $null is overall the better choice, especially given that:
a cmdlet may still be able to act meaningfully on the input if at least a subset of the input objects have the property of interest (see below).
a cmdlet cannot know in advance whether that subset is empty.
Example with heterogeneous input:
Send an array of custom objects through the pipeline and sort it by property val, which one of the objects lacks:
[pscustomobject] #{ n = 'o1'; val = 2 },
[pscustomobject] #{ n = 'o2' },
[pscustomobject] #{ n = 'o3'; val = 1 } | Sort-Object val
n val
- ---
o3 1
o1 2
Sorting was performed among all the input objects that do have a .val property, whereas those that don't were placed at the end, as stated in the quote from Sort-Object's documentation in Martin's answer.
[1] This should be true of all built-in cmdlets; to ensure that it works with custom functions, define them with [OutputType(<type>)] attributes - see this answer of mine for more.

How to pipe objects to a specific parameter

I want to list all my PowerShell functions from one directory. The following command works:
Get-ChildItem -Path ($env:USERPROFILE + "\somewhere\*.psm1") -Recurse | ForEach-Object {Get-Command -Module $_.BaseName}
Now I tried to pipe the output from Get-ChildItem directly to the cmdlet Get-Command. Something like this, which does not work:
Get-ChildItem -Path ($env:USERPROFILE + "\somewhere\*.psm1") -Recurse | Get-Command -Module {$_.BaseName}
Obviously, I do not really understand how to pipe the object from Get-ChildItem in the correct way to the parameter -Module in Get-Command.
I have two questions:
Do you have a hint how to pipe correctly?
Is it possible to pipe to a specific parameter like -Module or is the object always handed over to one default parameter?
Parameters can be bound in four different ways:
By location in the argument list, e.g., Get-ChildItem C:\ (only certain parameters)
By name in the argument list, e.g. Get-ChildItem -Path C:\
By value from the pipeline, e.g. 1..5 | Get-Random (only certain parameters)
By name from the pipeline, e.g. 'C:\Windows' | Get-ChildItem (only certain parameters)
You can inspect the various ways of parameter binding via Get-Help <command> -Parameter *. You can then see that Get-Command allows the Module parameter to be bound only by property name:
-Module [<String[]>]
Specifies an array of modules. ...
Required? false
Position? named
Default value none
Accept pipeline input? True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters? false
So the input has to be an object that has a Module property, to allow binding. In your case you thus need an additional step in between:
Get-ChildItem -Path ($env:USERPROFILE + "\somewhere\*.psm1") -Recurse |
Select-Object #{l='Module';e={$_.Basename}} |
Now, this instance here is something that's a bit annoying, since the Module parameter is bound by property name, but most things don't give you an object with a Module property. Heck, even Get-Module doesn't have that, since the returned object uses Name as the property name, so you can't even do
Get-Module | Get-Command
However, in many other places (notably concerning paths) work very well automatically. And if you can control your input objects, e.g. when reading from CSV or other data sources, you can end up with rather nice and concise code.
EDIT: Ansgar Wiechers notes that, while this should work, it doesn't, actually. This may be a shortfall of PowerShell's parameter binding algorithm (which is quite complex, as seen above, and we never got it to work correctly in Pash either), or maybe the Get-Command cmdlet has parameters described in a way that simply cannot allow binding because of reasons.

Calling Sort-Object without pipe in PowerShell

I'm new to PowerShell and am just trying to figure out how it works exactly.
So, how can I write this code:
Get-ChildItem C:\ | Sort-Object Length
as multi lined code? I tried this:
$child_items = Get-ChildItem C:\
Sort-Object $child_items Length
but it didn't work. I'm getting:
Sort-Object : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'Length'.
Although the other answers are the right way to pass value using named parameter remember what get-help Sort-Object say:
When you use the InputObject parameter to submit a collection of items,
Sort-Object receives one object that represents the collection.
Because one object cannot be sorted, Sort-Object returns the entire collection unchanged.
You'll find that no sort operation will be done passing $child_items to -inputobject.
You always need to pass value with a pipe to -inputobject
You need to specify the -InputObject parameter. Without it, $child_items will bind to the first positional parameter, which is 'Property'
Sort-Object -InputObject $child_items Length
I'm not removing my answer cause there are comments attached to it. I was wrong, the results from Get-ChildItem are sorted by default and I concluded that passing the array to InputObject does the job. Clearly I was wrong, check #C.B answer.
This would work:
Get-ChildItem C:\ |
Sort-Object Length
Or for you example this would work too;
$child_items = Get-ChildItem C:\
$child_items | Sort-Object Length
You can also use the back tick as a line continuation character .

How Does Member Enumeration Work in PowerShell 3?

In PoweShell 2 we did:
Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {$_.LastWriteTime} | Sort-Object
In Powershell 3 we do:
(Get-ChildItem).LastWriteTime | Sort-Object
But how does it work, i read this blog post on MSDN and they say that its faster because the foreach loop isnt running? So how does it enumerate the properties then ?
PowerShell is doing the hard work for us and it loops over the collection internally. I like to call this "implicit foreach". Assuming the member you specified is present on each object, if the member you specified is a property, you get back its value. If it's a method, it invokes the method on the each object.
In v2, to get all process names you had to take care of looping yourself:
Get-Process | Foreach-Object {$_.Name}
In v3, the equivalent would be:
Same applies to methods. To kill all processes with name starting with note*:
(Get-Process note*).Kill()
The blog says foreach-object cmdlet is not running. Now it is taken care of by the language engine and not a cmdlet, making it faster. How it EXACTLY works is internal implementation detail and I think that is not what you really want to know.