"Program too large" threshold greater than actual instruction count - bpf

I've written a couple production BPF agents, but my approach is very iterative until I please the verifier and can move on. I've reached my limit again.
Here's a program that works if I have one fewer && condition -- and breaks otherwise. The confusing part is that the warning implies that 103 insns is greater-than at most 4096 insns. There's obviously something I'm misunderstanding about how this is all strung together.
My ultimate goal is to do logging based on a process' environment -- so alternative approaches are welcome. :)
$ sudo python foo.py
bpf: Argument list too long. Program too large (103 insns), at most 4096 insns
Failed to load BPF program b'tracepoint__sched__sched_process_exec': Argument list too long
BPF Source:
#include <linux/mm_types.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
int tracepoint__sched__sched_process_exec(
struct tracepoint__sched__sched_process_exec* args
) {
struct task_struct* task = (typeof(task))bpf_get_current_task();
const struct mm_struct* mm = task->mm;
unsigned long env_start = mm->env_start;
unsigned long env_end = mm->env_end;
// Read up to 512 environment variables -- only way I could find to "limit"
// the loop to satisfy the verifier.
char var[12];
for (int n = 0; n < 512; n++) {
int result = bpf_probe_read_str(&var, sizeof var, (void*)env_start);
if (result <= 0) {
env_start += result;
if (
var[0] == 'H' &&
var[1] == 'I' &&
var[2] == 'S' &&
var[3] == 'T' &&
var[4] == 'S' &&
var[5] == 'I' &&
var[6] == 'Z' &&
var[7] == 'E'
) {
bpf_trace_printk("Got it: %s\n", var);
return 0;
Basic loader program for reproducing:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from bcc import BPF
if __name__ == '__main__':
source = open("./foo.c").read()
except Exception as e:
error = str(e)

bpf: Argument list too long. Program too large (103 insns), at most 4096 insns
Looking at the error message, my guess would be that your program has 103 instructions and it's rejected because it's too complex. That is, the verifier gave up before analyzing all instructions on all paths.
On Linux 5.15 with a privileged user, the verifier gives up after reading 1 million instructions (the complexity limit). Since it has to analyze all paths through the program, a program with a small number of instructions can have a very high complexity. That's particularly the case when you have loops and many conditions, as is your case.
Why is the error message confusing? This error message is coming from libbpf.c:
if (ret < 0 && errno == E2BIG) {
"bpf: %s. Program %s too large (%u insns), at most %d insns\n\n",
strerror(errno), attr->name, insns_cnt, BPF_MAXINSNS);
return -1;
Since the bpf(2) syscall returns E2BIG both when the program is too large and when its complexity is too high, libbpf prints the same error message for both cases, always with at most 4096 instructions. I'm confident upstream would accept a patch to improve that error message.


getting illegal instructions when vectorized code writes to PCI

I am writing a program that writes to a device's range of HW registers. I am using mmap to map the HW addresses to virtual address (user space). I tested the result from the mmap and it is OK. I implemented a copy of a buffer into the device:
void bufferCopy(void *dest, void *src, const size_t size) {
uint8_t *pdest = static_cast<uint8_t *>(dest);
uint8_t *psrc = static_cast<uint8_t *>(src);
size_t iters = 0, tailBytes = 0;
/* iterate 64bit */
iters = (size / sizeof(uint64_t));
for (size_t index = 0; index < iters; ++index) {
*(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(pdest)) =
*(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(psrc));
pdest += sizeof(uint64_t);
psrc += sizeof(uint64_t);
but when running it on QEMU I get illegal instruction exception. When I debugged got it crashes on the next instruction (below is the asm of the main loop):
movdqu (%rsi,%rax,1),%xmm0
movups %xmm0,(%rdi,%rax,1) <----- this instruction crashes ...
add $0x10,%rax
cmp %rax,%r9
jne 0x7ffff7eca1e0 <_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_110bufferCopyEPvS0_m+64>
any ideas why ? my guess that you can write to PCI only 32/64 bit.
The compile doesn’t know my limitations, so it optimize my code and create vectorized loop (each iteration loads 128 bit and saves 128 bit). Is is making sense ?? can I write to PCI with vectorized instructions ?
Also, whether it is a missing feature in QEMU or a bug or just a recommendation, how can I prevent from the compiler to generate those vector instructions ?

Storage values using os.stat(filename)

I'm trying to create an EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY virus. I do not plan on spreading it. It's purpose is to grow a file to the point your storage is full and slow your computer down. It prints the size of the file every 0.001 seconds. With that, I also want to know how fast it is growing the file. The following code doesn't seem to let it run:
class Vstatus():
def _init_(Status):
Status.countspeed == True
Status.active == True
Status.growingspeed == 0
import time
import os
#Your storage is at risk of over-expansion. Please do not let this file run forever, as your storage will fill continuously.
#This is for educational purposes only.
while Vstatus.Status.countspeed == True:
f = open('file.txt', 'a')
fsize = os.stat('file.txt')
Key1 = fsize
Key2 = fsize
Vstatus.Status.growingspeed = (Key2 - Key1)
Vstatus.Status.countspeed = False
while Vstatus.Status.active == True:
f = open('file.txt', 'a')
fsize = os.stat('file.txt')
print('size:' + fsize.st_size.__str__() + ' at a speed of ' + Vstatus.Status.growingspeed + 'bytes per second.')
This is for Educational Purposes ONLY
The main error I keep getting when running the file is here:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'os.stat_result' and 'os.stat_result'
What does this mean? I thought os.stat returned an integer Can I get a fix on this?
Vstatus.Status.growingspeed = (Key2 - Key1)
You can't subtract os.stat objects. Your code also has some other problems. Your loops will run sequentially, meaning that your first loop will try to estimate how quickly the file is being written to without writing anything to the file.
import time # Imports at the top
import os
class VStatus:
def __init__(self): # double underscores around __init__
self.countspeed = True # Assignment, not equality test
self.active = True
self.growingspeed = 0
status = VStatus() # Make a VStatus instance
# You need to do the speed estimation and file appending in the same loop
with open('file.txt', 'a+') as f: # Only open the file once
start = time.time() # Get the current time
starting_size = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size
while status.active: # Access the attribute of the VStatus instance
size = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size # Send file desciptor to stat
f.write('W') # Writing more than one character at a time will be your biggest speed up
f.flush() # make sure the byte is written
if status.countspeed:
diff = time.time() - start
if diff >= 1: # More than a second has gone by
status.countspeed = False
status.growingspeed = (os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size - starting_size)/diff # get rate of growth
print(f"size: {size} at a speed of {status.growingspeed}")

man: MANPATH environment variable list too long (manpath list too long)

When having excessively long MANPATH env-vars I end up in a problem with this error:
$> man <any command>
man: manpath list too long
To figure out when the manpath list is too long I created this small script:
export MANPATH=
for i in $(seq 50 10000)
export MANPATH=/usr:$MANPATH
man -k gcc > /dev/null
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "$i ${#MANPATH}" && exit 0
and it seems like it breaks at ${#MANPATH} close to 500.
Also man -d does not give me any information I can use... :(
I have never heard (nor found) a limitation to the number of entries in env-vars (besides the maximum length of the environment variables, from which I am far from).
Are there any fixes for this? Preferably a non-root fix ;)
I am running Debian 9.6.
EDIT: This was reported upstream and fixed!
Based on manp.c starting at line 786:
else if (sscanf (bp, "MANDATORY_MANPATH %511s", key) == 1)
add_mandatory (key);
else if (sscanf (bp, "MANPATH_MAP %511s %511s",
key, cont) == 2)
add_manpath_map (key, cont);
else if ((c = sscanf (bp, "MANDB_MAP %511s %511s",
key, cont)) > 0)
add_mandb_map (key, cont, c, user);
else if ((c = sscanf (bp, "DEFINE %511s %511[^\n]",
key, cont)) > 0)
add_def (key, cont, c, user);
else if (sscanf (bp, "SECTION %511[^\n]", cont) == 1)
add_sections (cont, user);
else if (sscanf (bp, "SECTIONS %511[^\n]", cont) == 1)
/* Since I keep getting it wrong ... */
I'd say the threshold is 511 characters. Interestingly there's a comment in the stating this should be fixed.
/* TODO: would like a (limited) replacement for sscanf()
* here that allocates its own memory. At that point check
* everything that sprintf()s manpath et al!
man-db, the on-line manual database
man-db git repo

Running Program from Call Doesn't Seg Fault

My program writenotes keeps seg faulting when I try to write a note that is too long.
./writenotes lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololo
[ * ] Writing notes
Segmentation fault
Anyways, I was trying to write a python script that calls the program and curiously enough, calling it from a python script doesn't bring a seg fault, which I thought was rather peculiar.
Heres this code:
from subprocess import call
call(["./writenotes", "lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololo"])
Which returns
[ * ] Writing notes
Is this because of parent processing or something like such? How would calling a program through subprocess save a program from a segfault though? Are there other ways to call programs from a script that suffer seg faults?
As a note, the writenotes program was written in C. The other script is python.
You'll almost certainly find your C program is crashing but that Python is hiding that from you. Try instead with:
print call(["./writenotes", "lolololol..."])
and see what you get as a return value.
For example, this program tries to modify a string literal and, when run normally dumps core:
int main (void) {
*"xyzzy" = 'X';
return 0;
However, when run from the following script:
from subprocess import call
print call(["./testprog"])
I get the output -11, indicating that signal 11 (usually SIGSEGV) was raised, as per the documentation discussing Popen.returncode which subprocess.call() uses under the covers:
A negative value -N indicates that the child was terminated by signal N (Unix only).
An alternative to checking the return code is to import check_call and CalledProcessError instead of call and then use that function. It will raise an exception if the return code is non-zero.
That's probably not so important if you're only calling one executable (just get the return value in that case) but, if you're doing a lot in sequence, catching an exception from the entire group may be more readable.
Changing the C program to only crash when the first argument is 3:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc > 1) {
printf ("hello there %s\n", argv[1]);
if (strcmp (argv[1], "3") == 0)
*"xyzzy" = 'X';
return 0;
and the script to call it with several different arguments:
from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError
check_call(["./testprog", "0"])
check_call(["./testprog", "1"])
check_call(["./testprog", "2"])
check_call(["./testprog", "3"])
check_call(["./testprog", "4"])
check_call(["./testprog", "5"])
check_call(["./testprog", "6"])
check_call(["./testprog", "7"])
check_call(["./testprog", "8"])
check_call(["./testprog", "9"])
except CalledProcessError as e:
print e.cmd, "failed with", e.returncode
print "Everything went well"
shows that in action:
hello there 0
hello there 1
hello there 2
hello there 3
['./testprog', '3'] failed with -11

How to save SystemC variables during vcs simulation and restore back based on stimulus change

My tests are in SystemC env and for all my tests i run a common routine(basically its my init sequence which doesn't vary much based on seed). This common routine is followed by my actual test.
It looks something like this:
Here init_seq() is that common routine and my_test() is my actual test that have actual test sequence which initiate multiple SC threads, for initiating various kind of traffic.
Now, my problem is that i want a way to avoid init_seq() for every run. The entire test should run for one time and the next time i should have a mechanism to directly run from my_test()(which is basically skipping/preloading init_seq() part to the simulator).
VCS save and restore can't be used directly as in this case we also will have to restore the SystemC variables.
Could you please direct me on this..!!
I tried with a SystemC test with init() and run() routine, and use VCS save/restart to restore the test. It seems OK to me that a member variable 'cnt' in test is restored successfully.
This is my test:
// test.h
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
#include <systemc.h>
class test: public sc_module{
sc_in<bool> init_start;
sc_in<bool> run_start;
void init();
void run();
int cnt;
sensitive_pos << init_start;
sensitive_pos << run_start;
// test.cpp
#include "test.h"
void test::init(){
printf("test init:\n");
cnt = 10;
printf("init cnt to %d\n", cnt);
void test::run(){
printf("test run:\n");
printf("cnt = %d\n", cnt);
and the top:
// tb.v
module tb;
reg init_start;
reg run_start;
initial begin
init_start = 0;
run_start = 0;
init_start = 1;
run_start = 1;
test u_test(
After 'save.chk' is generated, I run it directly and the output is:
$ save.chk
Chronologic VCS simulator copyright 1991-2012
Contains Synopsys proprietary information.
Compiler version G-2012.09; Runtime version G-2012.09; Mar 5 18:01 2014
test run:
cnt = 11
$finish called from file "tb.v", line 17.
$finish at simulation time 1300
V C S S i m u l a t i o n R e p o r t
Time: 1300 ps
CPU Time: 0.260 seconds; Data structure size: 0.0Mb
Wed Mar 5 18:01:08 2014
It seems variable 'cnt' is restored from '10', as is done in init() routine.
Don't know if this is the case you met?